
Bree 6 – The Awakening

NOTE: If you have not read the previous Bree stories 1-5, I would highly suggest that you do, so you can have a historical perspective of the past history of the people involved, that events that lead up to each individual chapter and how this lifestyle has evolved among these friends. If you have not read Bree 5, it is a prerequisite as Bree 6 is the continuation of where Bree 5 laid the groundwork and left off, then Bree 7 – Shannon’s Encounter with Jake the Donkey, Bree – 8 (a standalone story that references Bree 1 –6).

I have tried to accurately represent the events as they were related to me and have submitted the manuscripts back to those who provided the information for review for accuracy.

As a reminder, you are encouraged to read these stories in succession so you will gain an understanding of how these events began and unfolded over time.

41 Pages

Bree 6
The Awakening

About a month before the planned get together at the ranch, they all met in San Antonio at The Shops of LaCanterra to do some pre-holiday shopping. During lunch at Paesanos, Kate told them she wanted to talk to them seriously as a counselor and best friend. This got their immediate attention with concern showing on all their faces obviously thinking something may be wrong.

Kate stated

“I have a proposition and would like to offer each of you an opportunity to expand your horizons that I think would not only benefit each of you, but all of us as a whole and probably your spouses as well. Bree’s and Suzanne’s husbands and Rick, have now to some extent, already experienced and were very acceptable to these new improvements in their relationships and our overall friendships”.

At this point Bree said, Mindy couldn’t help but crack out a comment:

“What are you talking about, all of us have a group orgy?!

The others started laughing at this and then Kate said

“To seriously answer your question, No.
It has been thoroughly proven that friends having group orgies involving the opposite sex or spouse swapping is seriously damaging to friendships and relationships, especially long term friendships, and the majority of friendships are soon dissolved or at least damaged during to jealousy, feelings of inadequacy or lack of confidence”.

Again, it was Mindy that quipped

“So it is okay if we have just a girl’s only orgy!”

Bree said it took Kate and her awhile to get them to settle back down and quit making jokes so Kate could get the discussion back on track. Bree told me that Kate had very briefly previously told Suzanne that she had some ideas to make the get-togethers more fun and exciting but gave her no details. Likewise, Kate would not give Bree any specifics but told her she may need some assistance from her and possibly Suzanne at times at the upcoming girl’s weekend, that Bree would already know what to do and left it and that, with Bree wondering what Kate was up to knowing her as well as she did.

Kate could still confound Bree (and me!) as well as her other friends and family. Kate was very extremely smart and had finished high school and then college in a much shorter time than was typical and then entered medical school and obtained a M.D./Ph.D in four years – half the time it usually takes, then going on to establish a very successful psychiatry, marriage counseling and couples sexual therapy practice.

Once Kate was sure the conversation was back on track Kate stated

“I firmly believe we all firmly trust each other and will even state we love each other as sisters and would protect each other if the circumstance arises. I prefer not to go into details at this time. If y’all trust and love the others and me, as I believe we all do, I believe we will have a very enjoyable learning experience that will be a very great lifelong benefit to all of us.

I will tell you that it will include creating personal pleasure, bonding interpersonal relationships, promoting spiritual growth, and enhancing emotional and physical health. By participating in a group therapy session at the ranch, which I believe y’all love as much as Rick and I do, you will be in a physically and emotionally safe environment that y’all are already comfortable with.

With each of your individual permissions, my techniques will be a combination of subtle and not so subtle settings, procedures and situations. Specifically, my profession and medical ethics require me to be up front with you and I need specific permission from each of you if you will be willing to take a new experimental prescription drug, Flibanserin, as part of a clinical trial I’m participating in for the next month. The FDA may be approving this drug by the end of the year or early next year to treat Female Hypo Sexual Desire Disorder. When y’all come out to the ranch, a prescription liquid oral drug and another tablet will be taken in combination, just for the weekend. All the drugs are legal. Alone and in combination, the drugs will assist in assimilating and enhancing the experiences and sensations to the fullest extent. If at any time you may become uncomfortable, I will tell you what the liquid oral drug and tablet are and what functions they each have, then you may decide if you still want to continue. If not, it will be immediately stopped

(When they arrived at the ranch, Kate intended to tell them about the two drugs before they took anything. She had devised this statement to immediately bring out any uncertainties or insecurities they may harbor).

Y’all know my basic philosophy:

“If It Feels Good, Then Do It”
“If you are mentally and physically comfortable with an idea and it does not harm you or a willing partner, then why not?
Go For It!”

The girls all eagerly agreed and tried pestering Kate into revealing more details and what she had planned for the upcoming event but soon realized she would say nothing further. Before they departed, Kate handed each of them a bottle with a month’s supply of Flibanserin and dosage instructions.


All the girlfriends came in by mid Thursday afternoon. It was a late gorgeous Texas Autumn, leaves changing colors that had almost reached the peak color change, cool to cold nights to enjoy the hot tub and to have the big fireplace going, still just warm enough by day to lay out by the pool to get some sun though the occasional breeze could bring up goose bumps and harden nipples.

They were all delighted to see that Bree had brought her Great Dane Duke and enjoyed watching Duke and Kate’s Great Dane Trojan romping around with each other acting like puppies, the Danes glad to see other as well.

They unpacked, changed into very casual tops and old comfortable jeans and mixed drinks, relaxed around the pool catching up and enjoying the warm afternoon sunshine in the autumn air. Then they jumped into the big passenger ATV and headed down to the stables to look at the new horses that had arrived since the last time they were there.

As they stood there stroking the coats of the new Arabians, Kate asked, already knowing from previous conversations with them over the last several years, that they all enjoyed an incredibly rich sex life being in their peak hormonal years, all were in loving relationships and have very successful careers/businesses, how they have been feeling the last month, particularly their love life. They all said in unison in one variation or another that it had been unbelievably fantastic and they thought they were wearing their men out! Suzanne stated that sensations seem to be heightened along with some new ideas they have been experimenting with. She quickly glanced at Kate and Bree with a shy grin when she said this.

Mindy stated
“I imagine this it what it feels like to be a nymphomaniac, but a nympho on hypersexual overdrive! This new drug would probably help any woman that has a non-existent or diminished sex drive”. Then Mindy, with a leering look at the Arabian she was stroking, said

“I think we could wear out this big boy as well, the way we have all been feeling, in fact, I’m pretty damn horny now!”

as she playfully rubbed herself against the Arabian which got them laughing so hard tears sprang to their eyes. Kate managed to highly arch an eyebrow toward Bree at Mindy’s comment…

Kate commented not all could be attributed to the Flibanserin.
A woman’s mental makeup contributed a lot to it and was affected by being in a stable, committed loving relationship but confirmed their experiences fit the profile very nicely of the experimental trails.

This got them started in on Kate and what she had planned for the festivities. Even since Kate made the proposal to them a month ago, they had been excitingly looking forward to what Kate was planning for the next few days, especially since, as Bree told me, Kate was so general about it and would only just mention expanding their horizons, sensations and experiences and would not give any details, that even Bree did not know what Kate had planned.

The girlfriends’ were all intrigued with what Kate had planned. Especially with the knowledge that within a few short years, Kate had established a nationwide reputation for her practice with clients and even celebrities flying in from across the nation. They were fortunate to be able to benefit from what Kate had been and continued to freely offer to her closest friends. Their intrigued was spiked with their knowledge that Kate also had a special reputation for couple’s sex therapy.

When they emerged from the stable, Kate told them to walk over to the rail fence so they could see her last two newest additions, Stormy and Ki-Lin. Once at the rail, Kate let out a piercing whistle. Bree said after several seconds they saw two horses come galloping into view at a distance toward them, one all black and one all white, long manes and tails blowing in a flowing sweep as they ran toward the women. As they came on, they quickly realized these were very large ponies and not horses, but with the same confirmation as their bigger cousins.

The women started fawning over the beautiful animals realizing as they came closer they were seeing something special as they have never seen such beautiful animals before and they looked like something out of a fantasy story (didn’t every girl want a pony when they where little!)

Stormy was all black with a rich deep satin glossy coat while Ki-Lin was all white with a glossy silk coat. Kate told them they were Yorkshire Dale Ponies and Ki-Lin was especially rare and special since he was all white. Both strongly exhibited their breed characteristics for alertness, being courageous, intelligence and kindness. They were just slightly smaller than the smallest Arabian.

Kate told them that Rick had surprised her the day before Halloween with the two new pony stallion studs that she previously knew nothing about. They had talked about starting a new line and cutting back on the others so they could focus more on the genetic qualities of just one line for each of the breeds, switching out and reducing some of their stallion miniature horses and ponies and bringing in some others he had been looking at, like they had done with the Arabians. Rick had called while she was on her way back to the ranch from Austin to come to the stable before she went up to the house where he had surprised her with them.

Somehow he had affixed a pretty good imitation unicorn horn to the forehead of Ki-Lin!

Bree quickly glanced at Kate and gave her a big grin as she had immediately realized the allegorical reference.

(Later, Kate told Bree there were two allegorical references; Ki-Lin’s name being the other!)

Kate usually kept sugar cubes in her shirt breast pockets when she was going to the stables as a horse treat, and Stormy and Ki-Lin both were nuzzling Kate with soft velvet lips and soft velvet noses looking for their treats as the others looked on, pulling and tugging on her shirt with their searching lips feeling the outlines of the cubes. Kate was wearing a western style shirt with snap buttons that she had tied the tails together below her breasts and only had two snaps buttoned revealing an amazing amount of décolletage. Upon Stormy detecting the location of the cubes in her breast pocket, Stormy tugged with his lips on the outline of the cubes – and both of Kate’s snap buttons popped loose, now Kate’s firm ample cleavage was well-exposed with breasts threatening to pop loose completely!

As Kate withdrew a cube for each, Mindy quipped

“That’s a neat trick you taught them, better than some boys I have known!”

Kate saucily grinned at them and then watched as Stormy and Ki-Lin started in on the other women looking for treats even though they did not have breast pockets, causing first one then the other to giggle or laugh as the two ponies searched. Kate did not bother to refasten her shirt…

Mindy was wearing a soft persimmon colored thin micro fiber and stretch lace deep scalloped camisole with no bra and she started giggling as Ki-Lin’s nibbling lips and inquisitive nose repeatedly brushed against the vast expanse of bare cleavage that the deep scalloped camisole revealed, searching for sugar cubes, Kate noticed her nipples hardening as did Bree….

Suzanne commented, as she giggled with Stormy doing the same to her,

“the soft lips feel pretty interesting and he is quite talented!”

as Stormy’s searching tugging lips moved across her tightly stretched and deeply unbuttoned thin semi-sheer shirt and her own braless nipples, which were now clearly hard and visible against the thin shirt. Like Kate, Suzanne had the tails of her shirt tied up under her breasts.

Stormy, thinking he had detected a sugar cube, intently worked his sensitive lips in one small area but was in reality Suzanne’s hard nipple! Suzanne allowed this continue for several moments allowing Stormy to nuzzle and repeatedly lightly tug on her hard nipple thru her shirt with his sensitive lips before Suzanne backed away laughing looking directly at Kate and Bree.

Suzanne then pointedly looked at Mindy and stated

“it must feel real interesting to you…!”

With the girls giggling at Suzanne’s comments, Mindy, always being the cutup and not one to ever be outdone, pulled her camisole down and off to one side baring a hard nippled and full firm enhanced breast while making a pretended show of offering her bare nipple to Stormy to muzzle while saying

“I May Not Have Any Sugar Cubes But These Are Just As Sweet!”

Causing uproar among them as they dared her.

Again, this caused Kate and Bree and Suzanne to quickly exchange glances with each other as they all laughed.

The distraction was enough.
Stormy saw what was still exposed and being waved right in front of his muzzle.
His sensitive inquisitive lips managed to latch on and firmly tug on Mindy’s playfully offered bare nipple causing Mindy to loudly squeal breaking the others out in hysterical laughter!

With feigned indigence, Mindy loudly stated

“Well! At least it felt a lot nicer than some guys I had known.
This one has some talent!”

With this pronouncement all four women dissolved in peals of hysterical laughing


Back at the house, Kate prepared to tell them about the liquid oral drug Xyrem beforehand due to medical and legal reasons so they could decide then if they wanted to continue. Kate handed out medical pamphlets and selected research bibliographies on Xyrem and informed them it was a very effective legal, though tightly controlled drug, which greatly enhances sensations and experiences, arousal, desire and sheds inhibitions. Finally, it is commonly known as Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid or as they probably have heard it – GHB, the date rape drug. Kate stated it only becomes an issue when it is over administered; excessive alcohol is consumed, and of course, administered to an unknowing person.

Bree said there was silence, as the girls assimilated this last part. Kate reemphasized the portions of the main affects of sensations, experiences and inhibitions. More silence…then Mindy inadvertently came to the rescue by stating:

“Don’t believe we need any more chemical assistance to help our sex lives, I and the others have never been so horny before in our lives thanks to that other med you gave us, and after looking at the new movies and toys this weekend, I’m going to set a speed record back to Dripping Springs and rape a certain someone, IF I don’t jump one of you first or make a little trip to the stables…”

Bree said they just about fell out of their chairs they laughed so hard, and Anne and Suzanne had both snorted their drinks up through their nasal passages which rolled them even further.

Then Suzanne asked how they were going to control how much they drink, y’all know what happens when we all get together!

Kate responded she will have her bullwhip out and a lash or two will get you wild fillies back in line. Suzanne then theatrically moaned:

a little S & M, how kinky!
You being the sex expert after all
I bet you can wield that whip real well and have all kinds of stories!”

Bree said the others chimed in with simulated S & M antics and comments. Once they calmed back down, Bree said she then spoke and told them that back in college at the sorority house, a bunch of the sisters, including her, took some GHB and Ecstasy on two different occasions because they have all heard about date rape drugs. There were a lot of incidents involving GHB and Ecstasy so we wanted to actually know what it felt like in a controlled and safe setting in case someone tried to slip it to us and we could recognize what was happening before we got in trouble. San Marcos, Austin and Dallas seemed to be the hot areas for the use of these drugs; Dallas especially was notorious for Ecstasy. We also heard about the benefits of GHB and Ecstasy that Kate just described, and it was very definitely true about those benefits!

Bree said that Suzanne then chimed in that she had tried it in college with her boyfriend at the time and found the effects very interesting and satisfying, and then Anne said she had used GHB and Ecstasy more than quite a few times as well. Obviously, since I did it more than once, that speaks for itself!

Kate asked Mindy if she had any recreational experiences in the past. Mindy admitted she smoked grass several times over the years and even dropped some acid with her boyfriend a few times because they heard it could enhance the sex and it was truly

“Mind Blowing Sex!”

Kate said it is very well medically and socially documented that LSD does drastically increase sexual experiences as well as Peyote, which contains Mescaline as the active ingredient. An interesting fact is Peyote is only legal to use in certain Native American religious ceremonies in the Southwestern U.S, however it is completely legal in Canada. Magic mushrooms have also been used during sex but there is a greater mind altering effect with a lesser sexual effect. Anne joking said they all should make a trip out to Big Bend (Big Bend National Park, Texas) to go Peyote hunting or go to Canada!

So girls, what do y’all think, do you want to continue?
Kate asked

Bree said both Mindy and Anne were the first to loudly say YES and YOU BET! With Suzanne saying it will be fun, it sure was back then! The only time we get to really let our hair down and be carefree is when we are with each other at your ranch or Bree’s ranch, and of course, only if they boys aren’t around!

Suzanne also added to stoke the inner fires: “but like Mindy said earlier, I may have to take one of those new toys back to bed with me to get some RELIEF!”
Again it was Mindy who quipped

“And I will help you!”

As she playfully leered at Suzanne as they all laughed.


Kate had set out appetizers late in the afternoon before a light dinner. On the kitchen counter with the appetizers, Kate had set out a small bowl partially filled with tablets and instructed all of them to take one (the next day, Kate would tell them the tablets were Ladialis – the female Cialis, which greatly promotes blood flow to the genitalia). Like all medical doctors, pharmaceutical sales staff came by the office pitching their wares and offered plenty of free samples for the patients to use.

After dinner, she mixed in a low concentration of the liquid Xyrem into the first of their drinks, each drink thereafter had another very small dosage added until Kate judged by their actions that the Xyrem was reacting very well in concert alone and with the other two drugs and that the girls had no side adverse effects. Once this point was achieved, no more of the Xyrem was ingested and she let the regular social lubricants they were drinking do the rest. Kate said she also took the three drugs but kept the Xyrem one at a very low dosage so she could effectively guide the others if needed and to clearly remember the events.

The girl’s own excitement about experiencing something new and mysterious had very obviously created a vast more ebullience than was usually present than even in their past get-togethers. This even affected Trojan and Duke who picked up on the girl’s emotions and enthusiasm and were even more rambunctious around them than normal. Bree commented that with their highly sensitive noses, they were probably picking up on something else! This elicited gales of laughter.

(It was the next day that Kate told the girls that she thought their ebullience combined with the Xyrem and the Flibanserin created a synergistic effect, while the Ladialis had the physical effects of drastically increasing blood flow to the genitalia). As the mid evening approached, they prepared for their usual new adult films and toy screenings and changed into the new gift robes that Kate had presented to them.

As welcoming gifts, Kate had purchased expensive La Perla crushed silk kimono robes with colorful floral prints that were short sleeved. They just barely came to the bottom of their butt cheeks when standing and had side slits that went ¾ of the way up the hips. They were so sheer as to be transparent. Kate knew sheer silk lingerie had the capability to make women feel and look stunningly beautiful (like they needed help as they all were gorgeous!) Due to the extreme fine silkiness, the robes were very difficult to keep tied and the slightest motion caused them to immediately become loose (part of Kate’s plan…).

Kate had stated that the previous time out at the ranch, Mindy and Anne had come out wearing short lingerie robes and no panties while Kate and Suzanne had thongs on.

This time, due to the transparency and shortness of the new robes, Kate and Bree said it was immediately obvious that this time all five of them were all naked under the robes! This was a little game they have been playing with each other for several years, wearing thongs or no panties under their robes when they are relaxing with each other and started several years ago when one goosed the other and it became a non-stop game trying to catch one or the other unawares. All five of them have had their entire genital areas denuded by laser hair removal, leaving just a very small decorative triangle or short narrow stripe above their pussies, except for Kate who had a small heart as appropriate for her professional career.

From the girl’s previous get together, Kate knew they enjoyed the fantasy/anthropomorphic toys and she had a dozen new ones placed on the two tables that were in front of each sofa. Mostly all the ones present this time were from Bad-Dragon and Zetacreations and also included one double-headed fantasy dildo – a 22 inch long dildo with two heads on either end for simultaneous vaginal and anal stimulation for two female partners! Her clients of both sexes also had very favorably commented on the fantasy aspect of these toys and that it had made their sex lives much more interesting and also added other creative dimensions they have previously not thought about.

There was also an assortment of new flavored lubes including several bottles of Bad-Dragon Cum Lube that the other four have not yet experienced and would later take home.

(Kate knew that Trojan and Duke would probably be instantly attracted to the flavored lubes thereby implementing part of her plan that the others would not be aware of, as if female arousal sex pheromones being emanated by five turned on hyper horny women in a warm room wouldn’t be enough!)

All of them squirted flavored lubes on their fingers to feel the texture and to taste the flavors and as expected, it wasn’t long before they started play grab ass and goosing each other with the slick fingers, prefacing the goosing with “See How This One Feels!” When Bree looked around for a hand towel to wipe their hands, Kate said let Trojan and Duke lick your hands. As Anne’s widely splayed fingers were being licked she commented, “if only their husbands had long powerful hot tongues like this” with which Mindy quickly agreed, causing Kate, Bree and Suzanne to quickly look at each other. Suzanne couldn’t help but start giggling causing both Mindy and Anne to look at them and say in unison “What?”

They all agreed that while the flavored lubes were best for oral sex, they absolutely loved the Bad-Dragon cum lube. They couldn’t get over the super slick silky texture and most of all, the white clinging string-like thick liquid properties when it came out of the bottle. Thick white strands of lube that would stretch for several inches before breaking and still completely water soluble for easy cleanup. Kate told them y’all ought to hear how it sounds when you are using it, squishing & sucking noises, plus it lasts a long, long time, which got them giggling.

Once Duke and Trojan finished the hand licking with their long, hot powerful tongues, they started following the scents where the lubes had been playful placed by the previous goofing around, forcefully trying drive their noses into pussies or between ass cheeks or swiping out a long tongue in at these two areas while the girls walked around and then started running which only encouraged Duke and Trojan more.

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