Bree 10 – My Wife and My Ex Fiance
Bree 10 – My Wife and My Ex Fiance
Sex Story Author: | rodeotexas |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I met with two detectives and the district attorney. It was then I learned that Amber's old high school boyfriend |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Bestiality, Bi-sexual, Erotica, First Time, Lesbian, Non-consensual sex, True Story, Wife |
My Wife and my Ex-Fiance
May 2012
This is the story of two ladies that have come to share my life, permanently, one my wife Kate, the other my ex fiance, Amber.
In some areas of the story, time lines have been accelerated.
My wife Kate is five feet nine inches, stunning dark cinnamon redhead, bright sparkling emerald green eyes, dark skin complexion, very firm high set full large breasts that has a very pronounced European up-tilt to them as befitting her Irish-Nordic ancestry, small nipples and small aureoles. When I was first introduced to Kate, I thought (and so did many people) that her breasts were surgically enhanced due to the size, shape and extreme firmness, but they were not, just blessed with great Irish-Nordic genes! Shortly after we had become engaged, Kate was solicited and pictured one year in the Playboy Hottest Girls On Campus (non-nude pictorial) magazine feature and as her swimsuit photo shows, she has a flat muscular abdomen with a pronounced ripped definition and darkly suntans very well. Kate has a very lovely, very firm small tight shapely muscular ass.
Part of the photo-shoot was at the Playboy Mansion and Kate was “chaperoned” by my parents because her parents were overseas on a business trip while I tended to the ranch. In reality my parents had the fullest trust in Kate and they just wanted to see the famous mansion they heard so much about and seen on television having been part of that generation growing up when Playboy was a big world-wide enterprise with Playboy Clubs in the major cities around the world. While there Kate had a private audience with Hugh Hefner who inquired if she would consider posing for a layout, extremely impressed with her rock hard very ripped body and her impossibly impressive voluptuous very firm natural assets. Despite the money and fleeting fame Kate turned it down. While comfortable posing in a very skimpy Rio style bikini, she was not going to do full or partial nudity publicly (except at the ranch when no one was there!). My parents even got to meet Hugh Hefner personally. After politely inquiring where they were from he seemed fascinated hearing about the ranch and its operations and he wound up inviting them to lunch. Later that afternoon Mr. Hefner again talked to my parents after he had looked at the ranch’s website and much to my parents surprise Mr. Hefner wanted to send some staff out to look the ranch over for a photo shoot he was planning for “Hottest Cowgirls!” My parents cordially told Mr. Hefner he as well as his “girlfriends”were welcome out at the ranch anytime!
Amber is also the same height as Kate 5’9. Amber has long beautiful light blonde hair that shimmered like yellow-white gold and sparkling bright blue eyes. Her breasts likewise are large yet very firm with small nipples and small aureoles. Amber also has lovely slim curvy hips and a small tight shapely muscular ass that keeps guys dreaming about her (and that ass!) during the day and especially at night!
Amber also possesses the ability to achieve and retain a beautiful dark tan that even surpassed those of the fabled Southern California girl. While extremely beautiful, she was never unapproachable and quite personable. For one year Amber was a Hawaiian Tropic model until the job pressures interfered with her academic work and university was more important.
Kate and Amber apparently are blessed with great genetics jut like their mothers, who are in the mid-40’s and late-40’s respectively. Both women unabashedly can still rock bikinis – and I am not talking about the modest ones! Both mothers in their bikinis put the majority of high school and college girls to shame and envy with their well-toned hard firm bodies and firm large breasts and still can cause whiplash in any male, teenage years or older, and will continue to do so for years to come!
Oddly both Kate and Amber have much in common, both loved strenuous weight training, mountain biking, extreme winter sports, horseback riding and jogging which keeps them in peak shape with toned bodies and well defined and ripped abdomens.
I myself am six feet, three inches tall, lean and rangy with stocky shoulders from spending a lot of time outdoors, having grownup on the very large family ranch in the Rocky Mountains and competed in rodeos. I have bright blue eyes and sandy-brown hair. I had learned to play a guitar at an early age and by the time I had entered junior high school I had mastered the twelve string guitar. I am also lucky to be blessed with quite a good voice. I played in a few bands off and on throughout high school and university always being the lead guitar and lead singer. I am personable but very shy as well, and easily embarrassed, especially around and with women – especially with women whom I have been intimate with and who loved to share things with their girlfriends…like I am very fortunate to have a very thick and very long penis, little more than twelve inches and almost three inches thick.
Amber and I met during our freshman year and became engaged during our sophomore year, however, we both mutually ended our engagement during the beginning of our junior year. Amber had some unresolved issues with a old boyfriend who kept popping up. While Amber never cheated on me or showed the slightest interest in another guy, this character seemed to hold some type of sway over her and he would show-up or make his presence known that he was in town. Amber never would tell me what it was but I could tell there was some fear associated with it. I mean the guy was smarmy and a smart ass, flaunting his family’s wealth. He was small in statute, actually four inches shorter than Amber and in reality, reminded me of a skinny weasel. He was a salesman for his daddy’s company and never went to university, considering himself too smart and too rich for higher education. He naturally assumed he was better than everyone else. And from what I had seen or heard, he treated all women poorly and all women he encountered instinctively shied away from him.
After countless arguments trying to get Amber to divulge what influence this bastard had on her I grew frustrated and told her we better separate until she could tell me what it was with that guy. But she never did and I could not marry a woman who withheld secrets from me. Amber returned the three caret marquis engagement ring despite my insistence she keep it. As the slight argument grew over my insistence she retain the ring, the more I saw hurt develop in her eyes so I relented and sadly pocketed the ring.
Still I did not part with the ring, hoping one day I can convince Amber to take it as a priceless memento of our everlasting loving friendship. However, we still remained best friends and still deeply cared and still loved each other very much, and we still very frequently did things and activities with each other. Our mutual friends did not know of the broken engagement, certainly not by the way Amber and I still acted with each other and we were still together almost as frequently. Often, whimsical looks and more than chaste kisses goodbye and hello would pass between us but Amber would never budge.
Now, I was introduced to Kate by some mutual friends of Amber’s and I, Amber and Kate casually knew each other. I was very upfront with Kate when we first met that I still had very strong feelings for Amber, that I would always love her and she will always be my dearest best friend. Soon, Kate and I began seriously dating and it was Kate that brought up the subject she still wanted Amber and I as well as her to still be friends, because it was quite obvious to her that Amber and I would always be very, very dear to each other, a fact I could not ever deny, and Kate was extremely curious how two people who loved each other as much as we did can remain such close loving best friends after a broken engagement. I on the other hand wondered how I wound up with such a understanding fiance and wondered even more at Amber’s readily acceptance of Kate and I’s relationship without a hint of jealousy.
Oddly and very strangely, Kate and Amber quickly became very close and very dear friends once they discussed what they had in common (besides me!) and the remarkably similar things both enjoyed doing. They even on occasion went back to each others parent’ s homes for weekend visits. It was a little disconcerting for my fiance and ex-fiance to always be hanging out and doing things with each other, as well as both hanging out at my house with Amber frequently spending the night in the spare bedroom. Especially, with both of them sitting watching movies at nights wearing all too short sexy robes and plenty of exposed bare thighs and scantily clad intimate areas as both Kate and Amber almost exclusively wore thong/G-string panties. Both Kate and Amber seem to find great amusement in watching my discomfort when they dressed like this, cracking some crude sexual innuendo regarding me and my current relationship with both of them. Most times one would sit on either side of me and during the course of a movie I would find Kate and Amber both holding my hands or one holding while the other caressed me.
Additionally, Amber still went with Kate and I out to the family ranch for long weekends and holidays each time we went, both Amber and then Kate had instantly fallen in love with my parents and the ranch when they were first brought out, and my parents equally showed them the same love, even still with Amber after our broken engagement. My parents reassured Amber she will always be considered the daughter they never had, in addition to Kate now as well. They kept in just as close contact with Amber as they did Kate. My parents openly expressed to both Kate and Amber they were the daughters they never had and both will always be considered as such not matter what happened in the past and what may happen in the future. I being an only child seemed to reinforced the deep feeling my parents had for the both of them.
Amber and Kate dearly love the ranch and the large 7200 square foot modern rambling rough hewn timber log and native stone mountain lodge with wide glass expanses that drink in the surrounding mountain views that my parents and I call home. Connecting corridors made of stone, timber and floor to ceiling glass walls provide scenic links to different sections of the rambling house. These interior breezeways give added autonomy to the house’s distinct components. Each expansive bedroom with its own fireplace is in its own separate wing and also has an extremely large custom master bath, each constructed entirely of native stone including fully the walls. Each master bath has an exterior wall made entirely of glass from floor to ceiling to take advantage of the stunning year round views. Each bathroom has a very large clear glass nine foot by nine foot walk-in shower that you could look out thru and see the scenery, yet each master bath is positioned to afford privacy. The walk-in showers have multiple powerful body sprays that will about peel skin off at full spray.
Both Amber’s and then Kate’s favorite past time is riding horses up in the mountains. Both Amber and Kate marveled at the family heritage and dynasty having the ranch over one hundred years, that I was the last of the family line being the only child, and clearly understood the responsibility and privilege that had passed from Amber to Kate to ensure that I was not the last of the family…
In addition to ranching, my parents had fully remade and given the ranch an extremely profitable second income by turning it into a year-round resort/spa, had fully embraced ecotoursim and the ranch has became a popular theme wedding destination in addition to the year round corporate and couples retreat. The ranch itself consists of 35,000 mountainous acres and is surrounded by National Forest lands. In essence we have millions of never to be developed acres surrounding the ranch and gives us the opportunity to run cattle and horses over this vast area. We are kept extremely busy with the ecotourism that goes year round with winter sports and activities – cross country and back country skiing, snowmobiling, watching wildlife to summer activities, leading horse pack trips, camping trips, fly fishing as well as the spa/resort.
My parents built twenty large rustic but very exclusive guest cabins with all the modern amenities, each cabin is unique in design, more like mini lodges, with a great room and large fireplace, a master bedroom with a fireplace and are around 1200 square feet each. Each guest cabin has its own hot tub and for privacy they are all scattered over one thousand acres with none of the cabins or the main lodge in view of each other. No power lines are in evidence anywhere on they ranch as they had all been buried. Wildlife abound around the ranch with deer and elk and since they are not hunted get quite close to the cabins and the main lodge always looking for handouts.
In keeping with the main design criteria so all the structures on the ranch are not visible to each other, my parents also had constructed in a secluded area a very large free form heated horizon pool. After their visit to the Playboy Mansion, my parents totally remodeled one end of the pool with not one but two swim-in grottoes which to their amusement they modeled after the grotto at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy mansion.
In fact Mr. Hefner had sent them the design plan of the Playboy Mansion grotto, except my parents added some extra features like waterfalls concealing the entrances, a multitude of powerful water jets and aerators installed to mimic hot tub jets except on a very much larger scale, tiny colored LED lights in the water and also embedded in the walls and ceiling of the grottoes, twinkling on and off mimicking stars, hidden speakers, underwater speakers so you can actually feel the music thru the water, and a electronic privacy sign on the outside entrances for couples wishing some privacy. I will state that Kate and Amber cause quite a stir each time they go to the pool when guests are present wearing their tiny Rio string bikinis, their very firm voluptuous breasts and their ripped rock hard fit bodies that could easily grace any fitness magazine.
After getting my graduate degree it was understood and indeed welcomed that I was to return to the ranch and head up the operation so my parents can gradually slip off into retirement. Fortunately, first with Amber, then with Kate, once it appeared we became serious, I early on let them know what my future will be. Most girlfriend’s soon-to-be fiance’s would probably dread having a boyfriend whose future was already planned out not only for him but also for the girl he is to marry!
Within a short year, Kate and I became engaged, having fallen deeply for each other within a few dates. Oddly, it was Kate that insisted on telling Amber, alone, about our engagement, which had led to our first ever argument as I felt it was my place to tell Amber. I came home later, to find both Amber and Kate curled up on the couch together, faces tear streaked and eyes shot thru with redness but holding each others hands.
Entering our senior year, Kate and I decided to have a winter wedding during our graduate year. Both Kate and I as well as Amber would earn our under-graduate and graduate degrees in five years. During this year and a half, I noted that Kate and Amber grew even more exceptionally close with each other. When I was with them while we were out they would frequently hold hands with each other as I held Kate’s as they chatted non-stop at each other. More often, I found myself in the middle with each one holding one my hands. I certainly was the envy of many a covetous look of both sexes alike as we walked around campus, two drop-dead, firmly and bountifully stacked, extremely fit women each holding one of my hands. Occasionally Kate and Amber even spent the night at each others apartments during “girl’s night out” events. Kate usually stayed at my house all weekend long and most times Amber was there as well. With as much time as Amber spent with Kate or the both of us, I certainly was curious as Amber never mentioned about going out with another guy nor did I see how she had the time to do so she was with us so much.
Now when Amber and I were a couple, we both greatly enjoyed watching adult movies, especially the fantasy, parody’s or sci-fi ones which are easily available from an upscale adult movie and toy store that is near campus. The owners were both a young middle age married couple that had graduated from the university. They also recognized by having an establishment that is very upscale in décor, lighting, lively music, discount incentives and employing attractive coeds at much better wages than restaurants could pay, they would attract a lot of university students, and it is extremely popular with the students much to the ire of the university administration, especially when the owners stage special events and bands at outdoor venues. The store also carries a very impressive selection of pleasure devices, massage oils, incense and lingerie. Amber also had accumulated quite a variety of “pleasure devices”…
When I Kate and I first started having sex, she surprised me one day stating it was time she and I went to go rent some adult movies and she had heard the store had received some new interesting “toys”. While I knew Kate had a few “toys” in her bedside table, I was unaware she had more until she showed me! Furthermore she knew all the coeds that worked at the store!
Further, Kate told me she and Amber had very intimately discussed what types of adult movies they each liked, what kind I liked and what kind of toys each had, even borrowing or swapping with each other!
That evening, Kate had changed into a new sheer robe with open weave fishnet G-string panties prior to settling in and watching a new sci-fi adult film. The open weave G-string clearly showed her denuded pussy and as with Amber, both women had previously utilized the laser hair removal clinic in town. Both women have had their entire genital areas denuded, leaving either just a very small decorative triangle or short narrow stripe above their pussies Kate and I already had split one bottle of champagne and always kept several more in the refrigerator. I asked her if she was ready to start the movies but she said to wait because Amber was coming over for the night to watch them as well.
Seeing my startled reaction in which I blew champagne out of my nose, Kate innocently inquired
“do you really have a problem watching porn flicks with two very beautiful, scantily clad, horny women…?!!!
Kate had me speechless! Surely she was not thinking what instantly flashed in my mind as would any guy would think! I could feel my face turn beet red and I knew she knew what I was thinking.
Kate gave me a sexy husky laugh and then stated
“don’t worry soon-to-be-husband, we both are not going to jump your bones even though we both have told each other explicit stories about your prowess and are always thinking of new things you and I have yet to experience! Amber is bringing over a new toy to care care of her needs later after we go into the bedroom to take care of ours!
Then in a sly voice and a sexy smile she added
“but that does not mean there may not be wandering hands , with us and with each other and you! And maybe Amber and I may give a demo on each other for you of that new toy she is bringing over!
I resolved to get myself drunk as fast as possible but so did Kate and Amber and when those two got drunk they get very silly with each other, but this time sexy silly, and it helped that both adult sci-fi movies were comic parody’s. It was made even funnier when Amber showed up, it was clear she had already been drinking and then Amber pulled out of her overnight bag not one but two, fourteen inch long and thick anthropomorphic fantasy dildos! While the oddly shaped dildo heads were small to facilitate entry, the rest of the shafts swelled rapidly in size. Amber disappeared into the spare bedroom with her overnight bag and emerge wearing an extremely short semi-sheer charmeuse robe which just barely covered her ass cheeks. Before she sat down, Amber stood in front of us and with her legs widely spread slowly raised her short robe, revealing her two-tone deep V-front lace-up G-string which beautifully and fantastically enhanced her very flat muscularly ripped lower abdomen.
I worried during the first part of the movie that Kate and Amber would want for all of us to have sex together and very scared of seriously damaging not one but two loving and dear relationships, perhaps irreparably. However I saw how silly drunk the two of them were quickly getting and gradually began to relax as they started cutting up more and more with each other.
Belt sashes became looser and more and more beautiful bare breasts became more exposed along with midriffs. The girls started cutting up more with each other, getting more physical, each occasionally leaning over me and jabbing a huge dildo at each others scantily clad pussy, each of their hands intentionally but causally grazing my continuous erection in my jeans. Finally, both were physically wrestling each other on top of me and trying to jab each other with dildos, robes completely loose and hard nipple breasts totally free and bare. They were so caught up in wrestling each other shrieking with laughter they did not notice I angled myself so they would roll onto the thick carpeted floor where they continued to try to pin each other and playfully wield the dildos. Eventually most of their robes had come off in some fashion, just barely clinging on, then even these fell off completely as I gazed upon two incredibly beautiful mostly nude wrestling women, large and firm hard nipple sweaty breasts grazing against each others bodies, dildos being wielding manically. Then, somehow, both at the same time managed to maneuver each other into a 69 position, each scantily clad pussy very vulnerable to attack and with renewed shrieking maniacal laughing efforts, both fully waged all out attack on each others pussies trying to shove dildos past thin wisps of material. Kate was on top of Amber, yet it was Kate that suddenly emitted a high pitch hysterical shriek as Amber struck home and started widely corkscrewing the dildo around and around. With disbelief I watched as Amber managed to thrust three inches in then Amber started hysterically shrieking as Kate found entrance with her dildo but before Kate could get much of it in, Amber bucked Kate off. I got clear eye shots of two dislodged very wet panties…
Both girls sat there disheveled heavily breathing then both burst into hysterical giggles then laughter. Both drew on their robes but did not belt them then resumed sitting on either side of me as they drained an almost full bottle of champagne. Both were sloppy drunk and I was soon startled to find both leaning against me. There I sat with two mostly naked women leaning against me asleep, robes openly parted completely baring breasts, porn movie blaring. What was I to do? I slowly eased my way up and then I picked up Amber and carried her to bed, then I put Kate to bed…
Kate and I married in the late summer just prior to starting our one year term of graduate school. We were going to wait until Christmas break but we wanted an outside wedding at the ranch in the mountains we both so loved, Amber was Kate’s maid of honor. Many more nights passed of shenanigans with Kate and Amber acting up with each other in front of me but not as intimate as that one night, though I did see plenty of completely bare breasts from those two that slowly slipped into view as we watched movies or as they cutup and roughhoused with each other, and the thongs/G-strings both wore left very little to the imagination – on the contrary, it just enhanced it! I remained continuously baffled with Kate and Amber’s extremely close relations not only with each other but with me as well. Never had I heard of a fiance and a ex-fiance becoming not only friends with each other but very best and dear friends. It was as if the two women had reached some agreement that while Kate is marrying me, my ex-fiance Amber will continue to be allowed to be extremely close to me as well, but carrying this relationship to the extreme with Amber’s frequent stay overs and both women’s non-nonchalant attitude about how much skin Amber exposes to me especially when watching the type of movies we did in company with each other. I mean really – how many guys can sit with their wife and his ex-fiance watching porn movies together, both women scantily sexily provocatively clad and the wife not caring if your ex-fiance’s breasts are totally exposed! And each women caressing each other while watching the movie! Oftentimes intimately! I have very vivid “impure” thoughts about Amber now just as I did when we were dating and then engaged and it is seemingly enhanced by now being married to Kate – a woman just as beautiful, well-endowed, fit and just as engaging as Amber!Especially seeing how intimately they acted with each other!
To put my turmoil at ease I finally screwed up the courage to ask Kate how she could not be bothered with Amber’s continuing close relationship to the point of holding hands with me, giving me somewhat not chaste quick kisses hello and goodbye and both with their near nudity at times with me and watching the types of movies we do together.
To my utter bewilderment Kate blew off my inquiry stating that I had seen Amber totally nude countless times before so it should not bother me especially with her being around when Amber was doing it. Kate further proceeded to state she knew I still loved Amber and always will but now Kate and Amber both deeply cared for each other as well, closer than any two of them had ever experienced with any of their other best girlfriends, further, she wouldn’t ever dream of thinking or doing something that may ever cause Amber grief or heartache. And with that pronouncement Kate firmly dropped the subject without addressing any of my other concerns…
Shortly after we returned from our honeymoon, one night Kate and I got a call from the hospital Emergency Room, that Amber had been severely beaten during an assault. My name was in Amber’s wallet as the contact in case of emergency, even after two years after our broken engagement. After we arrived, we found she had been badly beaten and traumatized, but mercifully not raped and that it had happened at her apartment. Amber’s ex high school boyfriend had been stalking her for years as well as confronting her trying to intimidate her back into a relationship, even physically threatening Amber if she doesn’t. I caught up with him one time and let it be known in no uncertain terms as I slammed him hard up against a stone wall to leave Amber alone, but the little slime ball persisted despite my efforts, a restraining order and the police. It was hard to keep track of him as he did not live in the area but still back in Amber’s hometown, but his family business often brought him thru the area. The bastard had managed to force his way in and then beat her when she pointedly refused to resume what she had broken off in high school and after Amber tried to call the police to have him arrested for violating the restraining order. Neighbors heard Amber’s screams and the police quickly showed up in time to arrest him before he left as he was still beating and kicking Amber…
The morning after the assault while Kate stayed with Amber in the hospital, I went down to the police station. I had left word the night before I would be in and they were expecting me and it helped I knew several staff on the small police force.
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