Breastfeeding Mom
Breastfeeding Mom
Sex Story Author: | crazytownfucker |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She used one hand to stroke his cock and her other was fondling his large egg shaped balls; she could |
Sex Story Category: | Incest |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Incest |
Breastfeeding Mom
School was finally over and I was stunned when I got my final grades, all my goofing off and having fun I failed English. The principal brought my mother down to the school and they made a deal to where I could still graduate with my class, but I had to take summer school.
This sucked I had just turned eighteen before the end of the school year and our families annual two week camping trip was coming up as well.
Wait a second maybe they would leave me home and I would have the whole house to myself. I followed my mother out of the office and out to the parking lot, I waited as she took my new baby sister out of the stroller and in to the car seat.
As we drove home she was very quiet, I could tell she was pissed off for me screwing around all school year and now having to do summer school. I went to turn on the local hard rock station and she reached down slapping my hand away from the dial.
“Mitch, I’m very disappointed that you did not show responsibility in your school work and you did not keep your promise to your father and me on bringing your grades up.” She said.
“Sorry mom.” I sighed. “So what are we going to do about summer school and the annual camping trip?”
“I will talk to your father and we will let you know later.” She replied not looking at me.
We got home and I went straight up to my room, I lay on my bed just staring at the ceiling for almost an hour. I heard footsteps in the hallway and then a knock on my door; it was my mother wanting to come in. She waited for me to tell her to enter and she came in, she pulled the chair away from desk so she could sit down.
“Mitch, your father and I agree that you should not be able to go on the trip. So we decided that he will take your brother and sister with him so they don’t have to miss out on it.” She explained. “Furthermore the baby and I will stay home with you, I will make sure you pass summer school so you can go to college in the fall.”
“Aw mom, I’m old enough to stay home by myself.” I groaned.
“Well if you could have if you had shown us responsibility with your school work and kept your promise to do better” she said getting up from the chair. “Don’t worry we will find time to have some fun too.”
Great two weeks alone with my mother and my baby sister not only that I had to do summer school. Missing the camping trip with my dad and siblings, we always had a great time on the lake and sleeping in the cabin my dad had bought several years back.
Well the rest of the week passed and graduation day came, I was allowed graduate with my class. As part of my punishment I could not go to any of the cool parties the others kids were having. I was relegated to staying home, having cake and ice cream with some relatives that came to see me graduate.
The next week passed by quickly, it was next Saturday and it was time to leave on the trip. My dad and brother had all the gear stowed on top of the SUV; my sister had all the rest of various bags of groceries in the back. As my brother got into the front seat on the passenger side and my sister in the back seat, my dad stayed out to say good bye.
“Well Mitch, I hope you learn your lesson son.” Dad said.
“Yeah this really sucks.” I replied sullenly kicking the ground.
“Hey get done with summer school and maybe we will find time for a weekend fishing trip before you go off to college.” He said trying to offer some kind of consolation.
“Yeah I guess that would be cool.” I replied.
“Great.” He said patting me on the shoulder.
My mother stood holding my baby sister waiting to say her goodbyes to my father; she had just gotten done with my brother and sister in the SUV. Even though I was the oldest at eighteen, my brother at sixteen and my sister at thirteen my parents were surprised by a little bundle of joy.
My father is forty five and is a very successful investment banker, he had just started at the firm twenty years ago when he met my mother who worked there as a receptionist.
She was five years younger than my dad being only twenty at the time; a few weeks ago she had just turned forty. Now he owned his own firm and this allowed my mother to stay home and be a full time mom.
“Bye Karen.” He said kissing her on the lips. He then kissed the baby on the top of her head. “Bye Jenny.”
“Bye Bill, drive careful and call me when you get there.” She said.
“Yes babe. I love you.” He said kissing her again.
“Love you too.” She said kissing him back. “See you in a couple of weeks.”
We stood in the driveway waving good bye as the SUV backed out of the driveway and for the first time in twenty years my parents did not spend a vacation together. For the first time in eighteen years I did not go on vacation either, what a bummer. We walked down to the street and watched until they drove out of sight, we went back into the house.
“Well I’m going to get supper going.” She said once inside. “Would you put Jenny in her play pen for me?”
“Sure Mom, then I is going upstairs to listen to music until dinner is ready.” I said.
About an hour had passed and my mother called me downstairs for supper. The three of us ate out at the kitchen breakfast nook, it was pretty quiet which was unusual for our house.
“What do you have planned for tonight?” she asked.
“Not much, seeing how I’m grounded until I finish summer school.” I grumbled.
“Oh well I will down here watching a movie off the cable if you are interested you can join me.” She said.
“I might come down later.” I said. “May I be excused?”
I left the kitchen and retired back up to my room, I think I had spent a couple hours up there and I was getting pretty bored. I came back down stairs and went into the living to find my mother sitting on the couch breast feeding the baby.
I had seen my mother do this on several other occasions yet never sat in the same room while she did it. She was very discreet about it, the baby blanket was positioned just right so you never really got a good look at one of her tits. I never really looked at my mom in a sexual way, yet one of my buddies told me that my mom looked incredible after having the baby.
As I plopped down on one of the chairs in the living room I actually took a look at my mother in the light of the living room. She has short brown hair, green eyes; her breasts had gone from their normal 36c to a larger 38d. The shorts she had on showed her long legs which were smooth and milky white. My buddy was right she was a beautiful woman and she did have a nice body after having the baby.
“What are you watching?” I asked. “Some lifetime flick”
“Yes.” She laughed. She knew how my father, I and my brother dreaded those movies. “I tell you what let me get Jenny off to bed and then finish this movie, then you can find one and we will watch it together.”
“Sounds like a deal to me.” I said.
She carefully got her breast back into her nursing bra and then she burped the baby. She waited for a commercial, changed the baby and put her down in her crib for the night. When she returned she was carrying the monitor, she pressed the info button on the remote to reveal her movie only had fifteen minutes left.
“Mitch why don’t you go out to the kitchen and pop us a big bowl of popcorn and bring us in a couple of cokes.” She said.
“Sure mom.” I said.
I went out and fixed our great big bowl of popcorn, poured a couple of cups of ice cold coke. I carried them in on a serving tray and sat down next to my mother on the couch. Her movie was over and she handed me the remote, I quickly skimmed through all the movie channels and then the pay per view. Finally I found a movie and we settled in to watch it, to my surprise my mother said it looks like I picked a good one.
The movie was full of action and adventure until about half way through it when the two leads had a passionate love scene. My face turned bright red as I was embarrassed to watch a man make love to a woman with my mother in the same room.
We watched the rest of the movie, to my surprise it was real quiet too, and my mother had lay her head on my chest and fell asleep. I could hear her soft and gentle snores; she was out like a light. I looked down at her sleeping form and saw that her shorts had ridden up her legs to almost the bottom of her ass cheeks. The tank top she was wearing was loose fitting enough to where she gave me a great view of her cleavage.
My cock got instantly hard as I sat there ogling her body, it looked incredible and being a virgin I never had a woman this close. Gently I lowered my free hand down to her bare arm; I ran my fingers lightly over the bare skin. Her skin felt so soft and smooth, I could feel my cock twitch from the electricity of the touch.
Did I dare go any further; I slowly reached around to the front of her shirt and gently cupped one of her large breasts. Gently I gave it several soft squeezes; it was firm and full of milk. I could feel her nipple starting to get hard even through the thick nursing bra she was wearing. I could not help myself I reached further around and inside her shirt; I slid my shaking hand inside of it down the soft flesh of her tit and into the cup of her bra.
I felt a hard nipple, it was fat and puffy, it dripped a little milk, and my cock felt as if it was going to explode in my pants.
She sighed softly and her body shifted slightly, her head roll slid off of my chest and was now lying on my hard cock. My hand slid back out of her top, I really wanted to get out of there after coping my cheap feel. Then I looked down at her nice round ass, her legs were now slightly parted and had ridden up a little more. Did I dare try to feel inside of her shorts, I could not resist as my hand with a mind of its own went for a bare smooth thigh.
My hand trembled and shakes as I ran it up the back of her leg, her shorts were loose enough that my hand easily slid under the fabric. I leaned my head around enough so I could get a good view of what I was doing. I pulled the crotch of the shorts over as much as I could, then I was shocked to find my mother was wearing a thong. My sweet dear conservative mother wears thongs; my cock lurched again in my pants. I was surprised she did not feel it when it did with her head laying on it.
I slid the thong fabric away from her pussy, I could see a few strands of brown pubic hair and a little of her pussy. Gently I ran my finger over her slit all the way up between the folds of her lips to her clit. I had seen enough dirty magazines and internet porn to know I had touched her clit. I used what I have read on the stories from sites like xnxx and gently rubbed her clit. Her pussy responded by letting juice escape, she was starting to lubricate.
I took my finger away from her clit and slid it into her pussy; I got it in all the way to the knuckle. I could feel her tight pussy muscles clamp around my finger as it invaded her pussy. Suddenly she moaned and she reached around pushing my arm and hand out of her shorts.
“Not tonight baby.” She mumbled in her sleep.
I did not try again, I knew my cock had exploded and I was now very uncomfortable sitting there. I waited a few minutes longer and then I woke my mother from her slumber, she sat up groggily rubbing her eyes.
“Sorry Mitch, I must have dozed off.” She sighed.
“It’s okay Mom. I’m ready for bed myself.” I replied.
“Goodnight sweetie.” She said kissing my cheek and grabbing her monitor.
“Goodnight.” I answered.
I changed the channel to one of the sports channels to get the ball scores, after watching the highlight for around a half hour I quietly went up to bed. I stopped by my mother’s room and listened for a moment. I could hear her thrashing on her sheets, she was masturbating, and did I really have an effect on her. I could hear her making soft moaning sounds until she finally had an orgasm.
My cock was hard again so I scurried down to my room, once inside I jumped on my bed and yanked my jeans off. I got my cock out and jerked off, I came so hard that the cum that had shot out of it landed on my chest and stomach. With that I fell asleep with just my shirt covered in cum, and my underwear on. My cock was softening lying outside of my underwear; my dreams were full of erotic images of my mother.
Mitch figured he still had a whole week left to seduce his mother; she now became an obsession to him. He got up as usual in the morning to start his plan to seduce his mother; he threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. He went downstairs and could not find his mother or the baby anywhere. Then he heard the sound of the treadmill coming from the basement, the mother of four worked out on it almost every day.
He had to admit the exercise she did kept her body incredible looking, her large breasts filled the sport’s top she was wearing to capacity. The spandex shorts she had on showed off her toned muscular legs and her round ass. Mitch stood and admired her for a short while, and then he yelled to her that he was going to step out for a bit and would be home later. Before she could holler back that she wanted to talk to him about the other night he was gone.
Mitch had plenty of ideas for a night alone with his mother; he pulled out the list he made in his room earlier. It included flowers, a gift, a romantic movie and a trip to grocery store so he could cook her dinner. He also planned on getting a haircut so he would look his best for a night of seduction of his mother. Little did Mitch know that his best friend was also on his way over to his house, his friend Kevin had remembered Mitch telling him that his dad and the rest of the family were gone for another week.
Karen Collins had finished her workout; put Jenny in her playpen so she could take a shower. She finished her shower, put on a tank top and a pair of shorts, she pulled her hair back into a pony tail, and then she got the baby. She took Jenny downstairs and sat in the recliner in the living room, she did not wear a bra so she just lifted her shirt and gave the baby lunch.
While feeding the baby she kept rocking back en forth, unknown to her Kevin was standing on the front porch looking in. He saw the perfect large breast of his best friend’s mother, its nipple being tugged on by the baby. His cock began to harden in his tight jeans as he watched for most of the feeding. Then to his disappointment the baby was done and she put the large tit back in the shirt, she got up and put the baby in her basinet. Kevin then knocked on the door, Karen ran to answer it before it would wake the napping baby.
“Hey Mrs. Collins” he said loudly. “Is…..”
“SSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She shushed loudly. “I just put the baby down for a nap.”
“Oops sorry.” he said softly. “I just came by to see you.”
“To see me?” she asked.
“Yes I should apologize for my behavior the other night.” he said looking down at the floor.
“Oh! That don’t worry about it. You were a little tipsy, would you like to come in and keep me company while Mitch is out?” she asked.
“Sure that would be great.” he said.
He followed her inside and down the hallway to the kitchen, she got a couple of glasses out of the cupboard and then a big pitcher of iced tea from the fridge. Kevin could not believe his luck to be alone with this hot looking mother of four, he was even more excited by the fact her large nipples were poking through her shirt.
She handed him a glass and leaned back against the counter taking a long drink, he did the same the whole time looking at her beautiful tits. The two of them went over to the table and sat down to make conversation. Karen asked the usual questions and then she asked him where on earth he got the MILF thing from.
“Oh that, it was in one of those teen sex romp comedies.” he said.
“Really I think Mitch has that DVD in his room, run up and get it for me, we can watch it to kill time.” she said.
“Well that will be my pleasure.” he said running after the DVD.
Karen poured some chips in a big bowl and brought the iced tea into the living room on a large tray. Kevin brought the DVD down and popped it into the player, he was right this was definitely one of the teen sex comedies. Some parts were funny, while others were just disgusting to her, she watched Kevin shift several times as if he was uncomfortable.
“See this is where I got MILF from.” he said.
“So you think I’m a MILF?” she asked.
“You’re not going to tell my parents or Mitch, are you?” he asked nervously.
“No.” she said.
“Yes Mrs. Collins you are one mother I would love to fuck.” he said bluntly.
“Oh my I guess I would have to say that I’m flattered.” she said blushing.
“Really, you are very beautiful and I think your body is absolutely incredible looking.” he said.
Karen leaned towards the young man with the intention of just giving him an innocent friendly kiss of thanks for flattering the older mother. When she did Kevin reached up behind her pulled her face to his and planted a very wet romantic kiss on her lips.
Karen was shocked that she was paralyzed to move; the young man eagerly pushed her lips apart and sent his tongue into her mouth. She gasped at the bold move yet could not bring herself to stop him; it had been many years since her husband actually kissed her with that much unbridled passion.
She could feel his trembling hands work their way under her shirt and he gently began to massage her big tits. She leaned back onto the couch pulling the young man down with her; he continued to fondle her breasts, playing with her big thick nipples. Then she felt his hand slide back down her stomach and he unbuttoned her shorts. He slid his hand into the shorts, through the thick pubic hair; he then moved his fingers over her moistening pussy.
His hand was now rubbing her pussy vigorously and soon he found her clit, he rubbed it causing her to emit soft moans. Soon he brought her to a small gentle orgasm and she finally broke the kiss, Kevin tried to pull her shorts off yet now she stopped him.
“That was nice Kevin, but I can’t let you do anymore.” she whispered.
“Oh god, I’m so hard it hurts.” he moaned.
“Sit up and pull down your jeans.” she said.
He did so quickly, his hard six inch cock was now into view, and she took hold of it gently and began to jerk it up and down.
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