
Bracelet Of Love

A bracelet with the power to grant you your deepest desires, just be mindfull of what you really want.

Note———— I am not the Author of this story. Actually, this story is from the same person that wrote DNA and DNA II. I’m not sure why she never posted this story on here, but I thought it should be shared, so that’s what I’m doing. ENJOY!!! ————

Bracelet Of Love by Stephanie

Diane had spent much of her time hunting down antique shops since we had arrived in England. In the four years I’ve known my wife, she has always collected strange bits and pieces from all over the place. She wasn’t about to stop simply because we were on vacation. “So what did you get this time?” I asked her. “Have a look,” she said with a smile. I opened her bag and took out several small metal animal figures and an odd-looking bracelet. I picked up the bracelet and tried to make sense of the carvings on the side of it. “What is it?” She shrugged. “I don’t have a clue. It got me so intrigued, I had to buy it.” The bracelet was two half-circles of what looked like brass, hinged at one end. There was no catch to hold the bracelet in place, and there was no indication that there had ever been one. “How’s it supposed to stay on?” Diane leaned over and took the bracelet. “Don’t know. When we get back home I’m really going to have a fun time finding out all about its history.” She placed the bracelet around her wrist and held it closed. I’ll always remember what happened next. The bracelet began to glow a bright blue. Diane jerked her hand back in surprise, but the bracelet stayed on her wrist. She turned to me. “David! What’s happening?” I looked at her frightened face, and it was then that the change came over her. Her bust started to increase. She had never been that well-endowed, and while I love my wife, I had always wondered what she would be like with large breasts. Her blouse and bra were straining, and she was in pain from the constriction of her bra, which was now far too small for her. I pulled her blouse up and managed to get the bra undone. She pulled off her blouse, and we both gasped at her large mammaries. “Diane, how…” I stopped, lost for words. Had the bracelet somehow done this? It was impossible that someone could change so much in an instant, but I was confronted with incontrovertible proof. “Who cares?” she replied in a sultry voice. “I want you. Now.” How could she think of sex after her body had been transformed by some unknown power? She stood up from the double bed and quickly pushed down the short skirt and panties that she was wearing. It was then that I noticed that it wasn’t just her breasts that had changed. Diane’s body had subtly altered. She was like an idealized version of the Diane I knew. She had been beautiful before, but now she was the embodiment of sensuality. I could feel myself growing erect, and I knew I had to have her right then and there. I stood, ripping off my clothes, and then we were locked together. We made passionate love, more intense than ever before. It was fantastic, and we went at it for ages. We came together several times before I collapsed. She was insatiable, and when I was too exhausted she played with herself until I was ready to go again.

Finally, even she started to slow down. It was dark outside. We had been making love for hours. She got up from the rumpled bed and stretched. Even now, she was still visibly aroused. At that moment, I was too exhausted to care. What happened next brought me fully awake again. Diane walked over to the far side of the hotel room, then she flickered and changed. Now, she was totally unrecognizable as my Diane. She was about a foot taller, with short black hair and brown skin. She was still turned on, and I could see the surprise in her eyes at her new change. I called out her name and ran over to her. When I was about two feet from her, she became the buxom version of her normal body again. “What’s happening to me?” she whispered in shock. I lifted her arm which was wearing the bracelet. The hinge was on one side. On the other side where the clasp would have been, the two halves were joined into one by a silver-like material, as if the bracelet had been welded shut. Somehow, I had to get this off and break whatever spell had transformed my wife. I pulled at the two halves of the bracelet, and it snapped open. The silvery joining metal had vanished. Instantly, Diane returned to her normal self. I flung the bracelet on the bed and we stared at it in shock. Eventually, I broke the silence by saying. “I think you got a bargain there.” Diane started giggling and we embraced. We sat back on the bed well away from the bracelet. I asked her what it was like. She smiled. “It was fantastic. Every single sensation turned me on. I’ve always wondered what it was like to have breasts that big. Did you notice we came together every time? When you’ve recovered, we’ll try the bracelet again.” “You’re mad!” I exclaimed. “You have no idea what it will do to you!” “I know exactly what it will do. You’ll have to get used to the big-breasted amazon who’ll be sharing your bed from now on.” “But, you changed when you walked over there.” I protested. Diane nodded. “I got closer to the man in the next room than I was to you. The bracelet seems to turn me into the ideal sexual mate for whomever I’m closest to.” She frowned. “There was only one problem.” “What was that?” “I couldn’t take off the bracelet. Somehow, I just couldn’t make myself do it, and I couldn’t form the words to ask you to do it.” “It took control of you?” “No, not exactly. Everything else was me being driven by the desires of my body. I just couldn’t do anything about taking the bracelet off.” She picked up the bracelet and put it in a bag under the bed. “Well, we can experiment when we get back home.”

I could tell that Diane was itching to use the bracelet again. I wasn’t so sure that we should be using it at all. We had no idea where it had gotten its amazing power from, or what effects it might have on us. We took a shower and ordered a meal. We were so tired by our long lovemaking session that we went to bed early. It was still dark when I awoke. I could feel myself growing erect, despite the long session I had had the day before. I was filled with an intense need to make love to Diane. I reached over to her. She was already awake. She guided my hand down to her pussy. Over several long minutes, I massaged her to the point of orgasm. Then I could contain myself no longer and I moved on top, sinking my hard length into her. Again, it was heaven. The lovemaking session felt even better than it had when Diane was wearing the bracelet. I seemed to have regained my energy; I was unstoppable. It was as I was pounding into Diane a fourth time that I finally realized that something was different. There was something around my wrist. We came together in another explosive climax and then collapsed in each other’s arms. I tried to reach the bracelet and remove it, but somehow I couldn’t make my hand move towards it. I tried to ask her to remove the bracelet, but I couldn’t seem to be able to form the words. Like Diane, I couldn’t take the bracelet off or ask someone to do it for me. “Diane? I thought you were going to wait until we got back home.” This was as close as I could get to even mentioning the bracelet. “I’m sorry, my love. I couldn’t wait. It feels so good, doesn’t it?” she said softly. “You’re probably ready to go again.” She was right, I could feel my erection starting to return. I held out my arm with the bracelet on, it was the most I could do to tell her I wanted it off me. Diane smiled, “In a minute. I just have to go to the bathroom.”

I lay in bed feeling my sex urge returning. If she didn’t hurry, I was going to jump her when she got back. I climbed out of bed and turned on the bedside lamp. My reflection stared back at me from the mirror built into the side of the wardrobe. It was recognizable as me, but I had changed greatly. My body was now an idealized version of my normal form. My body was more heavily muscled, and my prick had grown substantially in size. I walked towards the mirror so that I could examine my new self more closely. As I approached the mirror, the world shimmered, and I was dizzy for a second. Then it passed, and I looked again at myself in the mirror.

It took several seconds for me to register the fact that the buxom, dark-skinned woman in the mirror was me. What was going on? I looked down at myself in horror, already knowing what my eyes would see. Large perfect breasts topped with dark aroused nipples. I shivered and my breasts jostled. I raised my dainty brown hands to them and gently caressed my tits. I could feel my hands stroking my nipples, which were quickly becoming aroused. Desire sparked through my curvy feminine body, but the image that flashed through my mind was not of me pleasuring Diane. I wanted to be on my back with a strong man between my legs. I felt a yearning desire for something in the next room. It was the man whose fantasies had shaped my body. I had moved closer to the man than I was to Diane when I had walked over to the mirror. All I could think about was going next door and making mad, passionate love with him. I was getting really turned on by now, and it was all I could do to stop myself from running out into the hall and hammering on his door. I felt a strange tingling between my legs, and I ran my hand over the lips of my new pussy. It felt so strange to feel that between my own legs. As I stroked my fingers over the outside of my vagina, I was building up the nerve to explore further. Whereas just a few minutes before, sex had meant getting hard and penetrating a woman, now it meant opening my legs and being penetrated. I pushed a finger further into my vagina, and my resistance broke. I wanted that cock buried deep in my pussy more than anything in the world. I staggered over to the door and fumbled with the lock. “David!” I heard my wife call. “Wait up!” She rushed over to me, and suddenly I was back in the idealized version of my own body. It was almost as turned on as my female body had been. Diane reached over and snapped open the bracelet.

In an instant I was back in my normal body. The sexual compulsion diminished as I stood there looking at Diane. “Didn’t I tell you it feels great?” she said. “It was very good.” I admitted, but my mind was worrying about the feelings I had had just moments before for the man in the next room. “I must have gotten too far away from you and too close to whoever is next door.” Diane smiled. “Yeah, I saw you slipping under the influence. It must have been a shock to suddenly find yourself all tits and ass. Where were you going?” I felt my face getting red from embarrassment. “I was going to the guy next door. I couldn’t help myself.” “It’s okay. When I became that woman earlier I had the same compulsion. You got to me more quickly, before I succumbed to it. I didn’t want to say anything at the time. I didn’t understand why I was suddenly attracted to someone else.” She picked up the bracelet and buried it at the bottom of one of the suitcases. “With something like this, perhaps it isn’t a good idea to experiment in a hotel.” She turned and walked back to me. “…but when we get back, we are going to have the time of our lives.” We returned to bed. I don’t know about Diane, but I had great trouble getting back to sleep. It was a relief to learn that I wasn’t responsible for the yearning I had felt for another man when I was female. However, I couldn’t stop thinking about the desires that had run through me. I caught myself wondering what it would be like to have sex as a woman. To feel a cock filling my most intimate place.

The next day, we went out sightseeing around the English town of Oxford where we were staying. It’s a marvelous place, steeped in centuries of history. To be honest, though, our minds were elsewhere. I’m sure Diane was thinking about the bracelet just as much as I was. We had another week and a half in England, and I was sure we’d be experimenting with that bracelet long before we got home. All my concerns about the bracelet had vanished after the experience I had had the night before. We returned to the hotel shortly after lunch, and headed back to our room. The first thing that Diane did when we got in was to check that the bracelet was still where she had hidden it. She breathed a sigh of relief and waved it at me with a smile. She slipped it on, and I was confronted by an insatiable goddess. We made passionate love again. When she had virtually worn me out, she started playing with herself. As Diane ran her hands over her perfect form, I couldn’t help but wonder what it must be like to have a body like that. The bracelet caused the wearer to experience the extremes of pleasure, and we were getting thoroughly addicted to it. After several hours, I reached over and opened the bracelet. Diane returned to her normal self, and slowly she came down from her heights of ecstasy. “We’re not going to be able to take too much more of this.” I said, only half-jokingly. “I think we’ll manage.” Diane said with a smile. “Your turn.” She handed me the bracelet, and with absolutely no hesitation I put it on.

Again, I felt my body shifting into the well-hung idealized version of myself. The sex urge returned, as strong as ever, and I reached over to Diane. She smiled and pushed my hand away. “Hold on a minute. I want to try something.” she said. “Well, hurry.” I replied. “I don’t think I can hold back too long.” My hand dropped to my penis and started slowly to manipulate it. “Alright.” she said. “Back when I was in University I once went with a woman.” This was no news to me. She had told me years before. She had been to a party, gotten drunk, and had had sex with a friend of hers. Afterwards, both had been fairly embarrassed by what had happened and that was the end of it. “Let me describe her for you,” she continued. I smiled, this was a favorite sex game of ours. My wife telling me, in intimate detail, how she had made passionate love to a woman. It had never yet failed to turn me on. “She had the most delicate cutest features. Her nose was small and pert. Her lips were full, and very kissable. Her eyes were blue and very sensuous. She had masses of curly, black hair, long and full.” I felt a rustling on my head. I reached up to see what it was. My hand met a mass of hair rapidly pushing out from my scalp. Diane smiled as she saw realization dawning in my eyes. “Diane, I’m not sure…” “Shhh. Let me finish.” I wanted her so badly. I must admit part of me wanted to experience femininity again. “Her voice was rich and high. I remember when we were making love, she made these quiet yelps as I licked her pussy.” I felt my throat flex and change. “Diane, please…” I said and stopped in surprise. My voice was now totally feminine and I couldn’t believe it was now mine. Diane was right, that voice was utterly sexy. “Of course,” Diane continued with a wide grin on her face. “Her body was far less muscled than yours. She had no hair on her lovely body except for a delicate patch around her crotch.” My body rippled and again my body altered to her commands. My body was now no larger than hers and my skin was indeed hairless and silky smooth. Diane ran her hand over my creamy, soft skin. I was wondering how far she would take this. “Tell me more.” I said, in the voice of an extremely excited woman. “She had these long, shapely legs, running up to wide hips.” My legs subtly altered shape and then I felt a pulling sensation in my hips. My wife drank in the new alterations and then continued. “She had curves in all the right places, especially her breasts,” she paused. By now, my erection was almost painful in its intensity. Why wouldn’t she continue her description? Then I realized she wanted me to ask her to carry on. “Please tell me about her breasts.” I asked her. My voice was like that of a woman in heat. I could see the desire in her eyes as she spoke. “They were large, firm and very beautiful. Each one was topped by an erect, red nipple aching to be touched.” I felt a tightening in my chest, and then it started to expand. We watched in lust as I grew two creamy, soft breasts. I reached up with one hand and caressed my new equipment. I moaned in ecstasy at the erotic sensations they gave. I was now turned on beyond control. I rolled over onto Diane. My breasts swayed and jostled as I did so, and this just turned me on even more. She was almost as excited as I was as she guided my aching prick into her hot pussy. In one slow movement, I slid inside her as far as possible. She arched against me and gave a breathless cry of joy.

Then, wrapping her arms around my neck, she drew my ear next to her mouth. She held me deep inside her as she whispered in my ear. “What I enjoyed most about our session was her lovely pussy. I spent hours lapping at it.” I heard her giggle as she felt my penis start to retract. I pulled away from her and tried to grab it, but it had already changed into a vagina. “Why did you do that?” I cried. I desperately wanted to fuck my wife, and at the same time I wanted to be fucked. “I wanted to show you what it is like to be a woman. Once you’ve experienced this, you’ll know how to please me even more.” She reached over the side of the bed and produced her toiletries bag. From that she produced her favorite vibrator. It had a multi-speed setting and was shaped like an erect penis, even to the veins running along its length. “Diane, give me back my cock please.” I begged. “Tell me truthfully, David,” she asked, “You want this inside you, don’t you?” My eyes were riveted to the vibrator. “Yes,” I heard myself say. She shifted over and dropped her mouth to my nipples. They were standing stiffly like little erections and they were at least as sensitive. She nipped and sucked my nipples for ages. Her hair caressed my soft skin as she suckled. I found myself getting even more aroused. My new pussy was aching to be filled by something. It’s hard to describe, but it was a little like an inside-out erection.

Finally, she let my breasts go and moved her attention down to my wet pussy. Then I felt the vibrator nudging my outer lips. She had warmed it with her hands as she had suckled on my breasts. Now she was running it slowly around the outside of my vagina. The need to be filled grew greater and greater. My legs were spread wide and I started begging my wife to fuck me. After what seemed an eternity of waiting, she granted my wish. The vibrator glided into me, separating the slick walls of my vagina. That first penetration was fantastic. It felt so strange, so different and yet so right. Then Diane switched it on. The vibrations intensified the feelings I was getting. Part of it was designed to stimulate my clitoris, and it was doing a very good job of it. Diane began to rub it in and out of my hot pussy as I slowly lost all control. As the erotic intensity increased still further, I began to fantasize that the vibrator was a real cock…that I was making love with a strong and powerful man. Diane continued to stoke the vibrator in and out of my pussy as she began sucking my nipples. This was too much for me, and I felt something explode in my crotch and shoot through my whole body. I thought I had had powerful orgasms in the past, but they were nothing compared to the one I was having at that moment. Diane didn’t stop, though, and the waves of pleasure increased again. In the distance I could hear my new sexy voice moaning in ecstasy.

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