Blackmailed into Submission Ch. 01
It’s strange how some things get started. I remember from history the old navy phrase, “loose lips sink ships”. It was meant to warn sailors that bad things could happen from a minor slip of the mouth, in effect telling your enemy how you are vulnerable. It is a phrase that I myself would have done well to remember. Of course, I had never planned on anyone other than the person I was talking with to hear my conversation. And I would never have suspected that my “enemy” would be someone I thought I knew very well. I guess I should explain.
I grew up in a fair sized town in the Midwest, having fairly normal parents and a fairly normal life. At least up to a point. By the time I was 18 and heading to college, I was the proverbial wild child. It seemed like the more of the things I tried that my parents had warned me about, the more things I liked. You name it, and I did it or at least tried it. I drank, smoked, got high and had sex with anyone that I felt inclined to be with. It seemed like there was no stopping me. I was having fun and planned to live life to it’s fullest.
It was also while in college that I became much closer to my older sister, Vicky. I had been back home visiting the folks during my sophomore year and had gone over to her house for the evening. We very frankly discussed my wild ways. Now mind you, she didn’t disapprove and even claimed to have done much of what I had. But she also figured out that it was not in her best interest to make it a long term way of life. She decided to look at what was going to be important for her future. She realized she needed a well educated, stable man to provide for her. And that’s what she got. Now boring he was not, but he had that arrogant, self-righteous way a man that knows he will be successful has. And he had never been demanding of my sister. She was his trophy wife. There to laugh at his jokes and to look good holding onto his arm at the parties of his associates.
Later that night I went out with some old friends of mine. We got drunk and high and had fun into the night. I even screwed a couple of my old boyfriends, Tom and Chuck, while their girlfriends watched. Still the wild child, I let one fuck me in the ass while I sucked the other ones cock, enjoying the attention of being a slut for them. Then the realization hit me with a force that was instantly sobering, not only physically but mentally as well. I remembered how Vicky’s husband came in and bent down to kiss her on the cheek. A gentle loving gesture. I also remembered hearing my sister tell me they had a very large five figure checking account as I watched Tom and Chuck try to come up with enough money to buy another six pack and yelling at their girlfriends like a couple of assholes. No, like my sister, this is not what I wanted for the rest of my life. I did enjoy the wild life. But as my sister pointed out, there was no real future in it, unless I was going to be the queen tramp in some trailer park. I decided that it was time for me to calm down as well. Not an easy feet for me, but I did take it gradually until I was a perfectly normal and acceptable young lady. At least on the outside. I even changed schools and made sure my reputation did not follow me. The hard part was changing the way I thought and acted around potential suitors.
The “old” Beth would have just fucked or sucked the guy that she wanted to have stay around, giving it to him as much as he wanted because he would always come back for more. The “new” Elizabeth, had to do things differently. I had to learn to be polite and charming. I had to know when it was the right time to give in and when to put them off. I joined a sorority that helped me become a proper lady. They taught me how to act, dress, and stay in shape using the house gym. For the first time I was studying and making excellent grades as well. And it wasn’t long before I met Jackson or Jack as he preferred to be called.
Jack was on his way to the top. He was in the top of his class, the head of his fraternity, and a fairly nice looking man. Jack also had the backing of his father, a banker in a large city. Jack wasn’t a jock, but he wasn’t a nerd either. I will admit here that I did trick Jack into marrying me. No, not with the “I’m pregnant” routine. I learned to be more conniving. After a month of dating, Jack wanted to know if I would be willing to let him “do” me. I told him I would have to think about it and put him off for another month still. I consulted my sisters and asked for advice. A plan was developed and all Jack got from me was a hand job and the occasional glance and momentary touch of my tits. About two months later, when Jack asked if we could do more, I undressed for him, got him good and hard, kissed the end of his cock and told him he could have me anyway he wanted on our honeymoon. I immediately got dressed and left.
Naturally, two nights later he proposed and I accepted. So a month after our graduation we were married. True to my word, I gave Jack what he wanted on our wedding night. What I had not counted on was Jack’s limited imagination. While I had plans to be his hot little slut in bed, he planned on turning the lights off, getting off in five minutes and then falling asleep. Nine months later our daughter Veronica was borne. Three years from then and Jack’s prodigy, Steven was borne, named after his Grandfather.
For me, I accepted the life that I chose. I had no regrets and made the most of my life as it was. Jack got started at the bank with his Father and when not taking care of the kids, I dabbled in real estate. It was during a consultation for some business property that things really took off for us. As a result of the consultation, Jack invested in some property and eventually left the bank to become a very successful business owner.
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