
Billy’s Mum teaches Sex Ed

You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and a woman and man. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story.

This is a story about a young 12 year old boy in the UK and his sexual awaking.

Not to be read by persons under 18 years of age.

You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and a woman and man. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story.

A fictional story.

Bb bb Mb Mb Wb WM young first virgin

Written by EnglishBoy
Contact me by email anenglishboy@hotmail.co.uk

Billy’s Mum teaches Sex Ed

Chapter one

Billy Jones was 12 years old last week. He lived with his Mother, Trisha (29 years old) and Father, Freddie (32 years old) in a 2 bed semi on a modern estate in Shropshire. At 5 foot tall Billy was about average in his class. He had a slim athletic build, light brown hair, perfect white teeth and a pale complexion. He was a poplar lad at school having both girl and boy friends.

His Father travels frequently, he works for a small consultancy advising on safety issues. He has a similar build to his son and keeps fit by jogging.

His Mother works at a local company 3 mornings a week doing their book keeping.

Trisha gets quite lonely when her husband is away, she enjoys his company and more importantly she enjoys sex with him. They have fantasies that they talk through when they are having sex and one of her favourites is introducing boys to sex. They both discuss and play on their own young sexual adventures and remember the absolute pleasure they got from learning about sex.

They had never engaged in regular sex sessions with their son, although on one occasion there was an incredible event that meant that Freddy and Trisha had the best sex they had ever had in their lives together.

It all started very quickly. Their house although small had a wet room with 2 shower head instead of a bath which meant that occasionally Billy and his Dad would shower together. This particular occasion happened three months earlier when Billy was still 11 years old. Freddy and Trisha had been discussing the night before that Billy was really sweating a lot these days and that he really ought to know about cleaning his penis correctly, especially under the foreskin. So they agreed that Freddy should show him the next time they showered together and this just happened to be the following night.

Freddy is 6 foot 3 inches and so just over a foot taller than Billy. His penis is 4 inches long when soft with a generous foreskin being over half an inch over the end of the glans. When erect Trisha loved his penis, it didn’t actually grow that much longer going to 5 and a half inches and the foreskin just peeled back a little from the glans showing about a ¼ inch of his fat knob. Whilst it didn’t get much longer it did get considerably fatter having a circumference of 5 ¾ inches. Trisha often wondered what her son’s cock would look like erect and if it had the same attributes as her husbands. Tonight she would be able to see for herself.

Billy’s cock at 11 years old was just starting to pad out, growing from being a little boy cock to the size that indicated that he was just pre-pubescent. He was totally hairless of course and when slack his little prick was 2 inches long 2 ¼ inches in circumference, about the size of her husbands little finger. He was uncircumcised and his foreskin hung off the end of his cock about ½ an inch which seemed like a lot more than Freddy’s because it was on a smaller prick.

She could hear the showers start in the wet room and gave them about 5 minutes to shower their hair and then she opened the door.

“Freddy don’t forget what we discussed the other day about teaching Billy how to wash his penis.”

“OK Trish”

“I already know Mum and please give us some privacy.”

“Don’t be daft Billy, it’s not like I have not seen you before is it? Now what your Dad is going to show you is very important. Freddy just wash him the same way as you wash yourself and if I spot something wrong I will tell you.”

“OK babe.” Freddy soaped his hands “Turn and face me Billy.” Billy did as he was told. Freddy admired his son’s body, his flat tummy and the defined muscles. His little belly button indented. He put a hand underneath his little scrotum which was about the same size as a small tangerine with 2 perfectly formed testicles inside. He massaged it carefully and felt the little balls inside. He then picked up the penis and washed it with 2 fingers and his thumb applying a little pressure and turning it from one side and then the other. He felt it getting a little thicker. Trisha watched carefully really wanting to see how big her son had become. She started to get wet just looking at Billy’s cute well formed penis. She started to feel a bit jealous that Freddy was doing this instead of her.

She remembered her first time seeing a boy’s penis when she was 11 years old when she went into the bushes with a class mate. His little prick was much smaller than her son’s but still fascinating to look at and she enjoyed the feel of the skin sliding over the rock hard shaft. They played with each others privates exploring what needed to be explored. They both enjoyed looking at each other that way and did it a couple more times before they were discovered and their respective parents were told and that put a stop to that … well in those bushes anyway. Later bushes meant that she learned about orgasms.

Trisha really enjoyed her growing experiences and especially her babysitting job which she had done from age 14 to 17 when she had met Freddy and got pregnant with Billy. Whenever she thought about the lessons she had taught for the little boys she sat for she got wet. She loved to fantasise about being with little boys whilst she was making love to Freddy or just playing with herself. Trisha will have her experiences put into another story one day.

Back to the matter in hand, as they say, Freddy had started to pull back Billy’s foreskin. It did slide back easily and he gently soaped the glans. Billy pulled back because his knob was extremely sensitive. “It’s OK Billy” Freddy said “It is sensitive I will not hurt you.” Billy moved his lower body forward again, his prick was starting to get hard, it was standing out straight in front of him and with each throb it got a little higher and higher. As Billy had moved back the foreskin had slid forwards again and now it was covering the glans once more. Freddy got hold of the foreskin again and started to pull it back, it clipped nice behind the rim of the glans and again Freddy started to soap the knob. By this time Billy’s 12 year old boy cock was rock hard and now pointing straight up, not flat against his stomach about 10 degrees off. It had now grown to a respectable 4 inches with a circumference of 3 ¼ inches.

Trisha was getting wetter by the second and she looked at Freddy’s cock and saw that he was started to swell.

Freddy was remembering his learning experiences with some of the other boys at his school and was enjoying the feel of a now rock hard solid boy cock. It was not until now had he realised just how much softer his penis was when it was hard – if that makes sense. He gave it a few squeezes. He could feel his own cock starting to grow. He rinsed off Billy’s cock.

Trisha suddenly had the irresistible urge to touch Billy’s 12 year old cock, she needed to feel it and rekindle her memories of years gone by.

“Freddy, you have missed something pass me the soap, come over here Billy.”

She soaped her hands and moved them towards the rock hard prepubescent boy cock, her hands were trembling. She knew what she was going to do was wrong but her lust had overtaken her mind, she had to feel this beautiful cock. She felt his balls and waggled them around in her hand, his little sack filled the palm of her hand quite well, and she then put her fingers around his rock hard cock and pulled it down a little away from his stomach. Slowly she pulled the foreskin back and it clipped over the rim of the glans, then she pulled it further down and ran her finger round the back of the head and the exposed red skin of the inside of the foreskin. She then pinched the frenulum with the thumb and finger rubbing around the back of the knob.

She loved the feel of her son’s boy cock; it was so hard she felt it throbbing to her touch. She would dearly love to suck his knob but she was unsure what Freddy might do in this circumstance. Sure they fantasised a little about their early experiences but that was it. Freddy never knew the extent of the practise Trisha had in teaching little boys and taking their virginities. She had collected quite a few boys’ cherries in her life. Her she was now at 29 remembering and getting incredibly wet with the wonderful memories.

“Now that’s what you didn’t do Freddy” she pulled the foreskin back over Billy’s knob and started to wank him a little under the pretext of making sure that his penis was really clean. She looked at Freddy and saw that his dick was fully erect and throbbing.

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