

Betty, a girl with bite..

As with most of my stories, if you don’t have a thing for teeth and biting then you should probably skip on to another story because this one is heavy on it. If you do, then make yourself comfortable and read on. This story incorporates and is inspired by the character Betty from the Betty Johnson stories. It is neither written by nor comes with the approval of the professional authoress.

This story comes from a way back and is about the first girl with whom I was really intimate. She was a hell of a one to pick..

I wasn’t that cool as a kid. On Friday nights when the bad kids from school were just starting to try their luck creeping into bars with fake IDs, I was at home watching TV or playing video games. It wasn’t entirely my own fault, we were kind of poor, dad had gone and so my weekend job actually made a difference to house finances. I had to be at work early with bright eyes.

Nah, ok, I was pretty shy too, it was just easier to stay at home so I did. This of course meant that while the bad lads at the end of the night were trying their luck with equally bad girls, I was just stuck with late night TV and my own imagination.

That all changed late one horrid cold windy Friday night. Mum came in to ask me if I wanted to go with her to pick up Fiona from whatever dive of a club she had found herself in this weekend. My half sister Fiona (Fi) was the final part of the home trilogy. At about ten years older then me still represented the closest thing I had to a sibling. As such we didn’t get on much. She was sort of mean to me and didn’t have much time for anyone who was not helping her get drunk, high or facilitate the expansion of her wardrobe. The upside of Fi was her friends. They were, well, a decade older than me and mostly drunk, high and dressed up to the nines which is pretty much all a teenage boy demands.

Mum drove while I fiddled with the radio. The car was freezing but was warming rapidly as we pulled out onto the dual carriageway. By the time we got to the next town along where we were picking up Fi, the car was toasty warm. Drunken decimation of the street entrance marked the corner of the street where Fi’s club was. People sat about on the pavement, busied themselves with either drunken retching or trying to fight or mate with others.

This was time for me to do my bit. Mum hated getting out of the car and dealing with finding Fi amongst the drunken carnage. I, on the other hand, relished it. I loved the excitement in the air, the unpredictability and the drunken beautiful women streaming out of this place that was still to be out of bounds to me for at least another couple of years.

Fi was easy to spot, she was leant against a white wall, trying not to slide down it.

‘Just need to wait for Betty’, she shouted as she saw me, ‘go sit in the car’.

I pointed to where the car was and determined not to instantly give in to my big sister. I bought a bag of chips from a busy street vendor and then jumped back in the car before any of the rolling thugs could mug me for them.

Mum gave Fi a honk and she staggered across the pavement towards us. Mum’s window slid down and a drunk Fi stuck her head through the window.

‘I need the front seat, I am gonna be sick’, slurred Fi.

I moaned a protest as the injustice hit me but mum’s eyes told me to get in the back so I did.

‘And can Betty stay over too? She has missed her last bus.’ Mumbled Fi as she fell into my nicely warmed front seat.

‘Just get in’, spat out mum.

The door opposite to me opened and in fell an absolute vision of beauty. My frustration with my rotten drunk sister was forgotten in an instant as Betty got into the back of the car next to me.

The first thing I saw was a long black leather boot stopping mid-thigh just below a tight red skirt. Following the boot and skirt hem was the rest of a fantastic body, a beautiful rounded bum, slim waist and full boobs only just held in by a matching red tight V-cut top.

I could hardly bring myself to look up at her face. She had full red lips punctuating a flawless alabaster complexion and framing brilliant white pearly teeth, split only by a tiny gap in the front. Dark painted eyes looked back at me and beautiful blond hair cascaded over bare shoulders. She was not tall but she was 100% voluptuous.

‘Thank you for having me Miz Martin’, Betty purred into the front of the car, her accent giving her away as American. I guessed she was mid-thirties but really could have been twenties or forties, she was one of these sort of timeless people.

Panicked I just about managed to spit out a ‘hi’ as her beautiful scent enveloped me.

I don’t think she heard it, probably wondering why the small British guy next to her was squeaking. The interior lights in the car went off as we pulled away from the club and towards the fast road. I was in heaven, it sounds trivial now but at that age, just sitting next to a woman like Betty was enough to keep me on a fixed adrenaline high.

Fi and mum chatted in the front as I cosied myself into the back seat, daring only to sneak glances at Betty’s thigh next to me. I looked out of my window and shoveled in the chips.

Betty broke the silence in the back, ‘can I have one of those?’ she asked leaning towards me, close enough that I could feel her warm breath on my ear.

‘Of course’ I grinned back at her, glad for the darkness concealing my instant hardness. I lent back towards her, my shoulder touching her soft upper arm. I thrust the bag towards her in offering.

‘Would you put it in my mouth? My hand are all dirty’, she whispered back to me.

With trembling fingers I picked up a warm chip, dabbed it in some sauce and brought it up towards Betty’s beautiful lips. She smiled and parted those beautiful lips allowing me to pass it in to the darkness of her large soft mouth. When my finger came to rest on the softness of her lower lip I paused, allowing her to bite off the end of the chip.

I was transfixed in silence to her angelic face, unable to see Betty’s incisors coming together behind her soft lips. A quick pink tongue darted out and pulled the rest of the chip in to her mouth in a single movement.

She giggled a silvery laugh, I guess enjoying her effect on me. ‘Mmmm, one more?’. She leant her chin on my shoulder and brushed my cheek with her nose as she whispered into my ear.

‘Of course’.

I looked down at the bag and pulled out a second chip, trying not to quake with anticipation.

My fingers trembling, I passed the chip up towards the parted lips of Betty. It went in between her soft lips but they did not come together. I brushed my finger slowly in towards her warm waiting mouth. Finger and thumb holding the chip moved into her mouth and rested down softly on her lower lip. I could feel the hard dent of her lower teeth just touching my finger pad. As my finger rested, she smiled slowly, widely, deliberately, peeling back her lips as she did so I could see her upper teeth. As if caught it the headlights I was motionless as a line of obviously sharp incisors flanked by small but very pointed canines revealed themselves.


In an instant a perfectly interlacing wall of enamel snapped shut in front of my eyes, cleanly severing the chip and leaving my finger resting just in front of Betty’s beautiful front teeth.

I nearly passed out with the high as she again giggled out a silvery laugh. ‘Thanks’. ‘You should be careful of that.’

The car pulled up the driveway and we all got out. All three of the ladies pushed in front through the warmth of the open front door. Betty was pulled in by Fi without so much as a glance over her shoulder towards me. My heart sank as the three ladies strode into the warmth of the kitchen, slamming the door behind them. The tinkling of whisky glasses marking the start of the nightcap.

I resigned myself to bolting up the front door, shouting goodnight to mum and then going straight to bed. As I lay in the dark, every now and then I could hear the long lilting accent of Betty over the raucous noise of my family as they went down through the bottle of whisky. Mum had joined them and I think the three of them must have polished off a single malt in just over an hour.

The increase in volume and stamping of feet up the stairs signified three drunken women retiring for the night. One by one I heard giggles and laughs get replaced by heavy breathing and snores through the house in a multitude of intoxicated coma.

Very soon, I was the only one awake.

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