
BETRAYED! Chapter 2


Chapter 2


Randy MacAnus

Copyright 2018. All rights reserved by the author.

When my gang rape was over, a voice whispered in my ear, “Have a good time, pussy boy?” It was the same voice from when this began. I didn’t know who it was, but I sure recognized that whisper.

I shook my head ‘no’. He whispered, “Well, you better get used to it, bitch.” Then he gave my butt a hard slap and the last two sets of boots walked out the door. I started struggling with my bonds in a panic. “You can’t leave me like this,” I tried to shout through the mouth opener thing. No response. I hung my head in shame and despair and I began to sob.

After what seemed like forever, the tears finally stopped. Then I heard a noise. At that point I would gladly have been fucked again just so I was released afterward! Boots crossed the cabin floor. Then I heard another whisper in my ear.

“Would you like to be left like this?” I shook my head ‘no’ as hard as I could. The voice whispered, “I’ve already had you, a couple of times, and I don’t need to use you again tonight. But if you promise to submit to me whenever I say, I’ll turn you loose now. There are more guys on the way. So, it’s them tonight, or me until graduation. If you break your promise, I’ll break your legs.”

I nodded my head vigorously. Hell, yes! Even though being tied up and helpless had been one of the big turn-ons of Sharon’s domination of me, I was so scared of being left here I’d do damn near anything to be released! Yeah, I know. I’ve got issues. So what? Who doesn’t? At least I knew what I needed, and was actually okay with it.

I said, “I ‘omise” through that terrible mouth opener thing. He slapped my ass, untied my legs, and disconnected the leash from the collar. He did not untie my hands, but he did pull off the blindfold.

I slowly got off the table and stood. I turned around and saw the guy who was going to be using me until graduation. Aw crap! It was the football team’s middle linebacker. Mean to the core! He was 6 foot 5 inches tall, and built stronger than a brick outhouse! He really would break my legs. I’d be lucky if that’s all he did!

“I’m going to leave your arms tied. I wouldn’t want to make things too easy for you,” he said with an evil grin. Sadistic prick!

I felt the mouth opener thing being removed. My jaw was killing me by that point, but I figured it would have hurt a lot worse if I’d had to keep it open all by myself. Just a guess, but I figured a pretty good one. Who knew there were so many over-sized dicks in farm country?

I leaned against the table for several minutes, slowly regaining a small amount of strength. But I knew I couldn’t wait long. More guys were coming! Finally, I moved away from the table, used my shoulder to push the door open, and stepped outside.

I saw a note taped to the door, with my name on it. I knew I wasn’t going to like this, but I couldn’t judge my options until I read it. It was from Sharon.

The note said: “Hope you had fun. I sure did! You can either come to my place to get your clothes back, or you can walk home naked. If you come to my place you will have a price to pay for your clothes, but after that I’ll give you a ride home.”

“If you walk home naked, I would advise staying off the road. By now the word is out, and guys are going to be looking for you. Also your place is a lot further away than mine. I’ve left trail markers to get you to my place, but not to yours. Let’s see if you make a wise decision.”

Well, this was going to be an easy decision! I didn’t know if it was a WISE one, but there was no way I was going to put myself back under her control! For one thing, she had three brothers and a father, all very big and very mean. I suspected they would be a part of the ‘price’ I would pay.

I couldn’t defend myself, with my wrists bound to the back of the dog collar. But I could walk and I could see. I left the cabin, and picked the path to the right, as that seemed to be the direction my Amazon bitch and I had come from.

I wanted to head back to where the truck had been parked, and try to find her first trail marker. I figured my father’s farm would be in the opposite direction, as I was pretty sure we’d passed her father’s farm on the way to the dirt road.

I had been ducking down to avoid being seen by an on-coming vehicle at the time, so I wasn’t absolutely sure. The moon was up and it was full, which helped. I had selected the right path, and soon came to the dirt road. The walk was going faster, despite my pain, as I was no longer blindfolded.

I stayed to one side of the road, so if anyone came along, I could duck into the undergrowth quickly. My pale body literally shone in the moonlight, and I wanted to give myself every chance to avoid predators—especially the human kind!

As I neared the main road, I spotted a marker off to my left, by a path entering the woods on that side of the road. It was a piece of red cloth. I was just about to cross the road to be sure, when I saw headlights turning from the main road onto the dirt road. I quickly ducked into the bushes on my side.

It was a pickup with three guys in the cab and five more in the bed. I kept my head down, so didn’t get a good look at anyone, but I heard a voice say, “Yeah, we left pretty boy tied up spreadeagled, so his tight little ass isn’t going anywhere.”

I had gotten out of there just in time! I made some quick decisions. I wasn’t going to bother checking the marker and I wasn’t going to walk the main road. These guys would be back in a hurry, and they’d be looking for my ‘tight little ass’!

I found a path that ran parallel to the main road, but about fifty yards away from it, and started down that as fast as I could safely go. It was a game trail, which meant it was narrow, and I was getting whipped by the underbrush as I jogged the trail.

I had to be careful with my hands tied behind my neck. I wouldn’t be able to break my fall if I went down. I was finding I could stand a great deal of pain with sufficient motivation. Hopefully, this would be the last time I had to!

I was perhaps 300 yards down the path, when I heard the truck coming back up the dirt road. It stopped at the intersection to the main road for about a minute. I figured they were looking both ways to see if they could spot me. They turned right and I saw the truck pass me as it went down the main road.

The truck was only moving at about ten miles per hour, while flashlights shone into the brush along the shoulder. I figured as they hadn’t seen me, they chose to head toward my father’s farm. That made me feel better about the direction I had chosen.

To be safe I ducked down until they were further along the road. As I started to jog again, another pickup turned onto the dirt road. Cripes, didn’t anyone get laid after the prom?! Well, hopefully they’d take the main road too. I had jogged perhaps another half mile when I heard rustling in the underbrush.

I stopped dead, my heart pounding in my chest. How could they have found me?! They hadn’t, but I wasn’t sure this was any better. Out of the brush stepped a large wolf, not ten feet in front of me. Now usually if you just keep still and quiet they wander off, as they see you as no threat. Also the wolves in our area had plenty of rabbits and other critters to feed on, so they didn’t need food.

But this wolf just stood there and growled, bearing his teeth.

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