
Beth the Cum Slut Ch 7 – 9

Beth loves cum. She wants to suck her dad’s cock and she’s trying to get a group of boys at school to give her cum.

Chapter 7

I’ve been working on my dad so much that I’ve neglected something else, getting on birth control. I need to talk to my mom about it and I just don’t know how to without her assuming I’m getting ready to jump someone’s bones. Of course, she’d be right as I can’t wait for Jim to make love to me. I think I’m a long way, if ever, from getting my dad to make love to me. I might be able to suck his cock at some point, but actually fucking would probably be pushing him too far. Anyway, somehow, I have to convince my mom that I just want to be prepared for the future, which will probably seem pretty lame to her since she knows I’ve never even had a boyfriend. Julie’s right that I can’t suddenly claim my period cramps are debilitating such that I should get the pill, so I’m kind of stuck for a good reason. Somehow, I need her to end up being the one to suggest it’s time I got the pill.

At school today, I said hi again to the semi-cute geek. He actually smiled and said hi back. I guess by saying it to him twice, he now knows the first time wasn’t an accident. I’m still not sure how to get his dick in my mouth, though. I think the next step is to actually introduce myself and try to strike up a conversation. About what, is the issue. Maybe I shouldn’t beat around the bush so much. Perhaps I should just ask him if he’s ever had a blow job and when he says he hasn’t I’ll offer my services. If he doesn’t run away, he’s mine. Something else to think about. Geez, I have a lot of things that need thinking through. My head is about to explode not knowing which dilemma to be thinking about.

Well, as luck would have it, for the first time in like forever, my mom came home from work early. That almost never happens. It means I actually have some time to talk to her privately since dad won’t be home for a couple of hours. It’s rare I have alone time with her. “Hey, Mom,” I yelled while walking in the door, “I’m home. How come you’re home so early? Are you feeling okay?” “Yes, Beth,” my mom replied, “I’m fine. I’ve just been putting in so many hours lately, I’m kind of exhausted. And then a client I had set aside most of the afternoon for called and canceled. I decided to take the opportunity to come home, put my feet up, drink a glass of wine, and relax. Come sit with me for a bit. We haven’t had time together in a while.”

“I was just thinking the same thing, Mom. It’s about time you took some time to relax. You’re always working even when you’re at home. You need some time to chill once in a while.”

“Okay, so tell me,” Mom said, “what’s been going on in your life lately? Any boyfriends yet that I don’t know about?” “Are you kidding, Mom? The boys all just look through me to the other girls in the class that have some tits. It’s so embarrassing to even get undressed in gym class. There’s only a couple of us that hardly have any tits. I wish I’d start to grow like Mel did. The two of you look like sexy women, and I look like a little girl. It sucks.”

“Oh, baby, I’m sorry that you’re going through that. I know how boys are. Let me tell you, I’m not so sure you should be wishing for big tits. I had guys all over me constantly and I never knew if a guy actually liked me or just liked my tits. At least when you get a boyfriend, it will probably be someone who likes you for being you. And there is a lot to like. You’re still young. Hang in there. It’ll get better, you’ll see. You’re also not really missing much being with boys your age. Boys don’t catch up to us in maturity until at least, let’s see, uh maybe never!” We cracked up at that. I can’t say she’s wrong about that. That’s why I want Jim to take my virginity and I’m anxious to suck dad’s big cock. I want to be with a man. I’ll suck a boy’s dick, like Bobby’s, because I crave cum, but it doesn’t compare to a man’s cock.

“Mom, I have a question.” “What is it, Beth, you can ask me anything, you know?” “Well,” I hesitated not sure how to proceed, “I know that taking birth control pills helps lessen period cramps, do you think they would do anything to jump start my hormones so that maybe my tits will start to grow?” I knew that was a lame question, but it was all I could come up with.

“Gee, I don’t think they do that, at least I’ve never heard that. Maybe we can look on line or talk to your doctor the next time you go see him. You’re fifteen so it certainly won’t hurt you at all to take the pill. But, unless they would jumpstart your hormones in some way, it doesn’t seem like you need the hassle of taking a pill every day. As you just said, it’s not like you have boyfriends that you’re worried might get a bit too frisky with you.” I responded, “You’re right Mom, although it would be good to know that I’m protected in the off chance I suddenly get someone interested in me. I’m not saying I’d jump in bed with the first guy who shows interest in me, but you never know. Plus, maybe it would just make me feel like more of a woman to take the pill. You know I’m interested in sex as much as any fifteen-year-old girl. Maybe just knowing that I’m taking the pill will make me feel older even if I don’t look older. Does that make any sense?”

“Beth, if you want to go on the pill, you certainly can if you want. Like I said, it won’t hurt you even if you don’t really need to be taking it right now. If you think it will help your self-esteem to be on the pill then I say we should get you started. I just want you to be happy, sweetheart.” I tried not to smile as big as I was smiling on the inside. I’d done it! Mom said I can go on the pill. Pretty soon I’ll be able to give myself to Jim and I will truly feel like a woman. “Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate it. I need something to get me over this little girl syndrome, maybe the pill will be it. Can we just call the doctor, or does he need to see me to get a pre***********ion?” “I think he’ll want to see you and give you a brief examination,” replied mom. “Do you think you can do that or would you feel more comfortable if we found you a female doctor?”

I pretended to think about that for a bit. Actually, I know I want to display myself to another man, even without having any tits. “I don’t think we need to change doctors. It might be interesting to see what it’s like to have a man actually look at my body, even if it is a doctor. I’m so used to boys pretty much looking through me, it would be a nice change to have someone actually see me as a young woman.” “Okay,” mom said, “I’ll call and get an appointment. When do you expect to have your next period? You can’t start taking them during your cycle so we need to have the doctor see you as soon after your period ends as possible.” “Let me think,” I said. “My periods aren’t super regular but I think I’m due towards the end of next week.” Mom said, “All right, I’ll see if we can get you in that next week like on Thursday or Friday. I’ll call the doctor tomorrow.” “Thanks, Mom, you’re the best,” I said as I hugged her.

I know that you are supposed to be on the pill through one whole cycle before having unprotected sex, so that means I’m still about a month and a half away from losing my virginity. But at least the goal is now in sight. I can’t wait to finally be able to make love with Jim and feel that thick cock slide into my pussy. I’ve been so tempted to use one of the bananas or a hair brush handle to fuck myself and bust my hymen, but I think I’ll save it for Jim. I think he’d appreciate being able to bust my cherry. God, my pussy is dripping wet right now in anticipation and I have at least six weeks to wait.

So, that’s one less of my dilemmas to worry about. Now I just need to go back to working on getting to suck dad’s cock and getting into the geek squad circle. Being a cum slut is becoming so much fun.

Chapter 8

I saw geek boy at school today and this time I stopped to talk to him. “Hi, my name’s Beth,” I said to him. “Uh, hi. Yeah, I’m Larry.” “Nice to meet you, Larry,” I said.

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