
Best Sister in the World!!! Part 3

As always, helpful criticism is welcome! I will not be posting anything more till after the holiday’s so I hope this hold’s you over till then 😉 🙂

Best Sister in the World!!! Part 3

Friday came and went without anything further happening between my sister and I.

Friday night arrived and I was saddened to hear from my mom that Sydney had been invited to a birthday party for her best friend. It was an all weekend slumber party and she wouldn’t be getting back till Sunday afternoon!

I groaned as I walked dejectedly upstairs to my room to finish what little homework I had. I was done in half an hour and for the first time since I can remember, I actually wished I had more homework to keep my mind off of my new found love of my sister!

I plopped down on a bean bag chair in front of the TV in my room and popped Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood into my xbox. I had gotten really good at the game and decided to play live with other people. About an hour went by and I was totally dominating everyone but I eventually got bored of this and soon turned off my console to try and figure out what I was gonna do with myself while my sister was away.

I went downstairs and ate a dull dinner of just a ham and cheese sandwich. My mother noticed my negative behavior and asked if I was alright. I told her I was fine, just tired and that I was gonna go to bed early tonight.

After I had finished my meager dinner, I went upstairs and crawled in bed, starting to drift off when my phone rang on my bedside table. I looked over and noticed it was my sister calling. I leaped for it and quickly answered it.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hey baby!” Sydney said in a quiet voice.

“Oh my gosh Sydney I miss you so much!”

“I know what you mean!” My sister sounded like she was also struggling with being away from me. “I wish I could be with you right now… I’d love nothing more than to cuddle up in your big arms! We’ll have to do that when I get back ok? I was calling because I couldn’t stand not talking to you. But I have to go now, I’ll call you again tomorrow ok? I love you so much!”

“I love you too babe!” I said as she hung up.

I looked down at the phone, then tossed it back onto the table, sighing.

It was gonna be a long night….


Saturday morning I slept in till about ten o’ clock. When I finally roused myself from slumber, I smelled bacon and eggs cooking downstairs.

My parents get Saturday and Sunday off so they tend to take care of most of the food throughout the weekends. Today was no exception as I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. Just as I suspected, there was mom pulling the last of the bacon out of the frying pan and putting it on the plate. I looked over at the table and there was already a platter of eggs and biscuits with butter, jelly and honey right beside it.

“Wow mom you really went all out!” I exclaimed as I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Well it’s the least I could do I guess.” She replied, smiling.

I sat down and helped myself to a large portion of everything. My dad walked in shortly after and got his morning cup of coffee.

“Morning son. How’d you sleep?” He said.

“I slept ok. What about you?”

“I slept pretty well. I’m gonna need your help putting up lights on the house later today if you’re not doing anything.”

“I’m not doing anything today so that should be fine! When do you plan on getting started?”

“Probably right after lunch.”

“Ok sounds good.”

With that I went back to devouring my meal. Soon I was finished and I went upstairs to my room again and just hung out till lunch time. I wasn’t very hungry so I decided to watch some TV. I watched Mythbusters till my dad called me out to the garage.

I quickly threw on a coat and headed out to help my dad. First we got a ladder and started at one side of the house, stringing lights across the roof. We then wrapped multi-colored lights around the pillars that led up to the front door.

While we worked, we pretty much stayed silent except for my dad giving me instruction. This suited me just fine as I really just wanted to think of Sydney and how much I loved her. As I worked, I kept remembering back to when we were making love… The way her gorgeous face was lit up in euphoria and the way she looked at me when I gave her her first orgasm as my lover…

God I wanted this weekend to be over and have her back in my arms!

We worked for about an hour more and when we put the last light up, I took a step back and admired our work. We had done a pretty good job! We headed back inside where my mom had made all three of us cups of hot chocolate.

I took a sip and sighed appreciatively as the warmth from the drink spread through my body.

By now it was about three in the afternoon and I still had five more hours to kill before I could go on to bed. I thought about looking through my favorite porn sites to pass the time and maybe busting one off, but I just wasn’t in the mood. Besides, I thought, I might as well save all I can for when my baby comes home!

I mostly just hung out in my room for the rest of the day, surfing the web and playing video games. I heard my phone ring and a literally leaped out off of the floor to my phone. It was Sydney!

“Hello?! Baby is that you?” I practically shouted.

“haha yes Jason it’s me!” My sister replied. I could hear her smile over the phone and it calmed me down instantly.

“I’m not ever gonna let you go again after this you know. It hurts way to much to be away from you for this long!”

“I know babe and I’m so sorry! I’ll make it up to you when I get home tomorrow ok?”

We talked for a few more minutes till she eventually had to go. I reluctantly said goodbye and hung up the phone.

It was time for dinner so I went downstairs and again had a simple sandwich and headed off to bed around eight thirty.

I woke up the next morning at ten. At first I couldn’t believe I had slept that long! I usually never sleep in that late but then I figured it was probably because I was so tired emotionally from being severed from my sister, my lover.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen to find a note from mom saying that her and my dad had some grocery shopping to do and that they wouldn’t be back for a couple of hours.

I helped myself to the remnants of yesterday’s breakfast and watched TV for the rest of the morning.

At about noon my parents got home and I helped carry in the groceries and put them away.

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