Best Friends Part 3
Best Friends Part 3
Sex Story Author: | Huggy Bear |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Sometimes we are joined by Anna or a couple of friends but at that particular time, it was just the |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Fiction, First Time, Oral Sex, Romance, Teen Male/Teen Female, Virginity |
Since that fateful day in junior high, Em and I became as close a unit as two young people could become. We never worried about what was trendy or what anybody thought. We were just two kids in love and to us that was all that mattered.
We had since found out that Tonya’s party was nothing more than a juvenile set up between her and Steve in an attempt to put a spotlight on Em and mine’s true relationship because too many kids had no idea if we were an actual couple or just really good friends. I guess it backfired on them. As it turns out, a stable and close friendship is curious gossip fodder for people who have nothing else better to think about. Who knew? Tonya was hell-bent on getting to the bottom of things. After the party, I found out after overhearing Steve one day talking to his buddies in gym class saying that he had managed to have sex with Em in the closet. He also found out that day he wasn’t exempt from having his ass kicked.
Those days are somewhat behind us now. It is safe to say that junior high school made us appreciate actual high school more. Now four years later Em and I are both sixteen and sophomores in high school and I am happy to say that the closest friends we had were still ourselves. It’s not that we didn’t want other friends. We did get along well with others. It was just many people probably just didn’t understand us the way we understood ourselves.
It was the middle of January during one of the coldest weeks of the year. I woke up very early one morning to find that about a foot and a half of snow was dumped on us overnight. As I looked out the window of my bedroom, it was still fairly dark out and I could see it was still coming down a little bit. I had walked over to my stereo and turned on the radio to listen for any school closures. Our local station was pretty good at keeping up on stuff like that and within a few minutes, I had heard the news that our school was closed today.
A big smile painted my face as I went back to bed and picked up the phone from my nightstand to dial Em.
“Hello.” said the groggy voice on the other end of the line. Obviously still hadn’t woken up yet. I wish I could say I recognized who it was but her being not only a twin but one of five women in her house; it was very hard to tell a lot of the times.
“Good morning. Is Em awake yet?”
“Good morning babe.” I heard her purr. She really does have a voice you can hear her smile. I was just happy I got her on the first try. “What are you calling me so early for?”
“Obviously you haven’t looked outside yet this morning. I just wanted to let you know that schools are closed today.”
She was quiet for a moment as I could hear the sounds of blankets being pulled back, feet shuffling across the floor and a curtain being drawn open, followed by a girlish squeal. Emma is not only a water baby but a snow bunny as well. As much as we have in common, this is one area where we somewhat differ. When I was younger, I enjoyed the snow more because it meant school closures and playtime but as I got older, snow was indeed still pretty to look at but inevitably nothing more than a pain in the ass to me. It meant no more play and miserable commutes to work trying to drive in it. To this day, Em still loves it just as much as she did when she was growing up. I always did my best to grin and bear it though for her sake.
“How about we go out later and take the inner tubes down the street to Johnson hill?” I suggested.
Johnson hill was more or less a big open pasture on about four acres with a couple of really good sized hills. It was a great play area for kids to enjoy during the snow and even to ride dirt bikes on during the summer.
“That sounds perfect.” said Em. “But first, I must go back to bed. I just wish you were right here beside me.”
“So do I beautiful…I will pick you up about 11 then? I love you.”
“I love you too handsome.” she said groggily.
I laid in bed for a while longer after my call to Em. My cock semi erect by now. I couldn’t help thinking about the sound of her voice, her photo on my night stand and before I know it, I start stroking myself to full erection. I replay Em with her mouth fully engulfing me and within minutes I am shooting a heavy load of cum all over my belly and hand.
After a nice sleep in from falling back asleep and having some breakfast, I made my way over To Em’s house where she met me at the door with a tight hug and a most amazing kiss like we hadn’t seen each other in months. She was very prepared for our day of play wearing black snow pants, a pink down winter coat and matching snow boots. I have never seen a more beautiful snow bunny in all my life. All I could do was stare at her in open mouthed silence.
“What?” she asked as if something was wrong.
“Absolutely nothing. I just can’t get over how stunningly beautiful you truly are.”
Her expression turned to a huge smile and I couldn’t resist holding her face in my gloved hands and kissing her deeply.
“If we keep this up, we are going to end up frozen together. I said jokingly.”
“Where’s the downside to that argument.” she replied.
As we grabbed her tube out of her garage, we headed down the street on foot which would only take us about five minutes to walk. There were already about ten or fifteen kids already tackling the hill. Some were making snowmen and others were having snowball fights. Em and I took to the hill immediately.
We played for a good hour racing each other down the hill and even going down a few times sharing a tube with her riding on my lap. Those were the times that I wished lasted much longer than they did but I knew she could sit on my lap anytime she wanted.
As we had reached the bottom of the hill during one of our races, we were preparing to go up again for another round. I noticed that Em was starting to look very pale and suddenly looked like she was ready to pass out until I had suddenly took her in my arms to steady her.
“Em. What’s wrong? Are you OK?”
“I don’t know.” she replied weakly. “Suddenly I’m not feeling so good.”
This was back in the day before cell phones were even so much as a thought yet and I wasn’t able to take one out of my pocket in a seconds notice to make an emergency call. Doing the only thing I could think of doing, I took my jacket off and wrapped her up in it while gently laying her down on top of the inner tube. Luckily it had a rope tied around it as I was able to pull her back to her house on it since I imagine she was too weak to make the trip on foot.
When we got back to her house, I had picked her up in my arms out of the inner tube and carried her inside. Her mom who was in the kitchen stepped into the entryway to see which member of her family had came inside. Her smile quickly faded once she saw Em draped in my arms.
“Oh my God! What happened?”
“I’m not sure mom.” I had called her mom for quite a while now since she was like a second mom to me. “Em and I were having fun going down the hills one minute. The next minute she was pale and lethargic. That’s when I rushed her home.”
Em’s mom grabbed her coat and keys quicker than I had seen anybody grab those two items.
“Help me get her in the car so we can get her to the hospital.”
Anna had come out of her bedroom. “What’s going on?”
“Tell your sisters and father when he gets home that I have to take Emma to the hospital.”
I had backed out of the front door that her mom closed and locked behind us while she opened up the back door of the car for me to gently lay Em down on the back seat. Back then we not only didn’t have cell phones, we didn’t have seat belt laws either.
“Get her to the hospital. I am going to go home and let mom know what’s going on. We will be down shortly.”
Em was just as much part of my family as I was hers so my mom didn’t hesitate to load my brother, sister and myself in the car to meet Em and her mom at the hospital. When we got there, we spotted their car in the parking lot but there was no sign of Em and her mom in the waiting room which meant she was probably already being seen so we confirmed with reception before having a seat in the waiting area.
I couldn’t stand it. The wait was driving me crazy and I wasn’t the most patient guy to begin with. The rest of Em’s family arrived shortly after us so she had an army of people there for support. After what seemed like an hour, Em’s mom came out to the waiting room to give us an update.
“She’s going to be ok. They need to run more tests and want to probably keep her overnight since her blood sugars are really low. It sounds like she is diabetic.”
You could have heard a pin drop in that waiting room as the word “diabetic” was uttered. She was only 16. How could that be? I never gave it much thought until now but it always just seemed like only old people got diabetes. At least the only ones I knew that had it were old people. I never knew anyone Emma’s age that had it.
After her mom came out to tell everybody what was going on, she took the rest of her family in first to go see her while she was resting and waiting. Then I had my turn to see her.
As I walked into her room, it was just the two of us and the sound of an occasionally beeping machine hanging on the wall next to her bed. An IV drip was hooked up to her arm and she was half asleep looking at me through weak half open eyes and managing her trademark smile despite the state she was currently in.
Not hesitating, I didn’t utter a word but walked to her side, held her soft face delicately in my hands and kissed her gently on her forehead.
“You gave me quite a scare.”
“I know the feeling. I gave myself a scare.: she weakly replied. “One minute I am feeling fine and the next my body is shaking and weak. I wasn’t sure what was going on. Luckily I had you with me.”
Now that I was by her side once again, I didn’t want to leave her. I took her good hand in both of mine and sat down next to her bed.
“I brought you a present.” I said with all seriousness.
She looked at me and smiled. “And what did you bring me?”
I smiled back knowing I had her attention and curiosity piqued. “I brought you snow and lot’s of it but the nurse told me I had to leave it outside so you have to hurry up and better so I can take you back out and give it to you.”
That got a chuckle out of her which was what I was hoping for.
“I will do my best babe.” she said.
It is now February and Emma has been out of the hospital and doing much better. Her stay was only a couple of days for observation mostly and obviously she had to make some changes here and there to adjust for the diabetes. I am sure things were hard on her at times but I was just glad to have her back with me.
We were sitting in the courtyard at school having lunch at our usual table.
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