
Best Friends Part 2

The friends about five yers later. New discoveries

With age comes new experiences and discoveries. I have tagged “First Time” once again and will do so for part 3 only because I am considering new experience to be first time experiences as well.

Since that summer afternoon in Paradise, Em and I have not only grown closer as friends, we have also come to learn a lot about each other and things we had suddenly found ourselves curious about. Our parents were none the wiser although Anna knew since we had shared our secret with her and only her since she was Emma’s twin sister and my friend too. Our oral and touch play continued very regularly since then and we had even let Anna be a part of it on occasion since she too was curious. Mostly it was just Em and I as we referred to it as “our special time” and it actually never involved anything other than oral and masturbation. We didn’t know that much at our age but preferred to just learn and experiment as we went at our own pace. It seemed to work nicely and neither of us was hurting anything or anybody. We just did what we thought felt very good to the both of us.
Many summers had come and gone since then as we were now 12 years old. Our bodies were maturing and we were no longer grade school children. We were now in junior high where many of the kids we went to grade school with were now taking on different personalities and struggling to find their own identities in a much bigger pond. Some we still considered friends while many went different directions. Not Em and I though. No matter what grade, age or school, we remained as close as two friends could remain. It also was not unusual for us to just walk around holding hands for no apparent reason other than we just enjoyed it.
It was a fall afternoon and Em and I were hanging out in my bedroom working on our homework together. Unlike Em, I had my own room so we were seated in bean bag chairs side by side.
Having spent so much time with her. I became somewhat of an expert in guaging her moods. I noticed pretty quickly that something was just not right with her. In this case she was very quiet and sullen like she was miles away deep in thought.

“You ok Em?”

“What? Oh, yeah. I guess. Why do you ask?”

“Because you have been staring at the same question for the past several minutes and you are very quiet like there is something on your mind.”

She smiled slightly before putting her hand on mine.

“Well, I have had something that’s been eating at me for a bit.”

I knew from experience that that was my que to set my books aside for a moment and listen to what she had to say.

“Alex. Do the boys in school talk? You know, about the girls?”

I was a little confused by what it was she was getting at.

“Yeah, of course? They are just like most boys. Full of more hormones than common sense for the most part. Why do you ask?”

She hesitated for a moment before going any further.

“Do you ever feel any pressure from them to be…a certain way?”

“Not really,” I admitted. “Why, are you feeling pressured?”

“Not really. I hear the girls talk a lot in the showers and bathrooms about what they have done and who they have done them with. They talk a lot about kissing too.”

“That’s just kids talking. Most of it is probably lies anyways. Does it bother you that they talk?”

“I wouldn’t say it bothers me. It just makes me…curious I guess.”

“How so?” I asked

“Well, I not only hear some of the girls talking about kissing, I even see some doing it in the halls…and I realize that I have never been kissed before. I guess I am just curious to know how it feels is all.”

In all the time that we have spent together and the things we have done, she was right. She hasn’t been kissed and neither have I. Not full on kissed anyways. We had kissed in other ways like a peck here and a peck there but never full on lip to lip kissing.

“Well…we have been at the books for a while. We can take a break if you want?”

Instantly she knew what it was I was suggesting and with a sudden smile, she perked up and set her books aside as I did and got out of her bean bag. At most, I figured she would just kneel in front of me but she sat astride my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. After all that we had done, I was surprised that a simple kiss would be that big of a deal for the two of us.
We sat for a moment, faces just mere inches apart gazing into each others eyes like we were both trying to find our nerve. Suddenly I made the first move and filled the gap between us until our lips were now touching. There was no movement at first as we simply savored the feeling of our lips touching each others. It wasn’t long before instinct kicked in and our lips parted and pressed tighter together. With mouths open, our tongues lightly brushed each others until we both mutually discovered that we really enjoyed the sensation. I couldn’t believe how soft and sweet Em’s lips were while I could only hope she was enjoying it as much as I was. Suddenly she grabbed the back of my head and pressed her lips even tighter which told me she was indeed enjoying it as much.
It really didn’t take long for us to get the hang of things and to figure out what felt good to us and what didn’t. With Em still sitting across my lap, my hands started caressing her sweater clad back when suddenly, it just made sense to me to find the bottom back hem and slip one hand underneath until I was able to massage her bare back while we remained kissing. Em started to moan a little into my mouth as she clearly was enjoying the close contact and once we got started we stayed kissing for what felt like an hour and probably was.
Em and I agreed. Some things you just can’t learn in books. You have to simply learn by doing and there isn’t a teacher or school that would have taught what we had been teaching ourselves. I don’t know about Em but I certainly looked forward to the homework.

It was several weeks later and I was at school. Em and I shared a locker and as I was digging around for my science book for next period, Em snuck up behind me by leaning real close to my ear so only the two of us were privy to the conversation.

“Guess what?” She asked rather excitedly.

I turned around to see the biggest smile I had seen on her in a while.

“What? What are you in such a good mood for?”

“Come over to my house after school. I have something I want to show you.”

With that she gave me a quick peck on the cheek before rushing off to her next class.

Now I’m not an overly patient person so the curiosity of wondering what it was Em wanted to show me made the rest of the school day drag on longer than usual. If it had her that excited to show me, it had to be pretty good.

Finally the school bell rang and after one last trip to our locker, I waited a moment for Em so we could make our walk home together as we always did. Luckily it wasn’t that far. Just a quarter mile or so. I was glad to see she hadn’t lost any of her excitement for what it was she wanted to show me as it seemed like record time we made it back to her house quicker than normal. Normally we aren’t in a hurry as much as we just enjoy each others company but if she’s excited, I am excited for her.

Once inside her house, she put her books down on the table by the front door while I did the same. The house was pretty quiet as her two older sisters were not home from school yet. Her dad was still at work and I wasn’t sure where her mom was at but I wasn’t too concerned. I knew it would also be a matter of moments before Anna was right behind us since we all went to the same school. Em grabbed my hand and rushed me to her bedroom. I also took notice that she locked the door behind her.

Yep. This had to be good, I thought to myself.

“Ok,” she said. “Close your eyes and face against the door. And no peeking.”

I did as I was told and rested my forehead against the door with my back to Em. It seemed like forever that I waited for her to tell me she was ready even though I could hear her rustling about quietly behind me.


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