
Becoming a Master Rerun

Hey guys my name is Kyron, Yeah yeah I know weird name for a guy, but hey my mom loved Battletech. Go figure.

Hey guys nice to see you all. I have had a few good comments and several conversations with some of you about the story and had to change a few things in it. There are no ages mentioned in this revision. Well, At least when it comes to any sex in the story. All early ages are for background that is it. Also I have been in contact with Ka Hmnd and read his story ‘Do You Want a Slave’. Yes, there are similarities, however, this is not the same story or plot. I thought about not putting this back up after it being deleted but many people wanted the story to continue so I am having to revamp the entire thing. Hope you enjoy and as always constructive critism is always welcome. Assholes need not respond and can go find a quiet corner to live in.

Hey guys my name is Kyron, Yeah yeah I know weird name for a guy, but hey my mom loved Battletech. Go figure. Anyways I am what you would call a loner, partially because I tried to avoid being involved with anyone due to my home situation. I live with an absolute asshole and my mom is gone. I was mad at her for the longest time, but understood her reasons for running like she did. You see the asshole is abusive as hell and when she ran he turned his hate and anger towards me. It took one nasty beating for me to finally say enough was enough and I found a gym to start working out at. I was always a tall kid and just wiry. I must have tried a dozen gyms before I walked into this upscale one. The woman behind the desk looked at me and frown when I asked about a membership.

“Kid you can not afford to workout here.” she told me in a firm tone. I just nodded my head and started for the door before I heard someone call out.

“Ky, is that you hun?” the stranger called out.

“Yes Ma’am..” I was saying as I turned around and found myself face to face with my old fifth grade teacher.

“What are you doing here hun?” she asked me.

“Hi Mrs. Thomas, I am just trying to find a gym were I can work out a bit. Unfortunately, I am not having any luck.” I said as I stood there.

“Barb, set him up with a membership and put it on my account.” She told the lady at the desk. Barb smiled and nodded her head before handing me some paperwork to fill out. When she saw my age she frowned and told me I needed to get my parents permission. I just shook my head and turned to leave.

“Don’t you go leaving now hum. Give that here Barb.” Mrs. Thomas said before signing it.

“You did not see that Barb, and you will verify that you have spoken with his father about the signature.”

“yes ma’am.” she said as she finished the paperwork then handed me a card and key chain card before taking my picture and having me place my left index finger on a pad. Well I have been working out there for three years and there has been a remarkable difference in me. The biggest difference is the night he came home drunk and started in on me. I never wore tight fitting t-shirt and the like, after he tried to punch me in the face I blew. I beat the living hell out of him and didn’t stop until he was crying for me to please stop hitting him. He dragged his sorry ass to his room and did not come out the rest of the night and actually avoided me after that.

Well I never did play sports, but I did have a computer that I had worked really hard for. I cut so much grass between seventh and eighth grade I did not know if I was coming or going some times. The few friends I had all sort of drifted away from me except one guy. He actually was great and we talked about computers all the time. Once I had enough money I called him up and said alright I have several thousand and I want a really good computer system. Of course he asked me what I wanted to do with the computer and I told him I wanted to start an online business to make some real money. When we went to the store the sales men tried to foster a rather expensive gaming computer off on me to which my friend told him get real. We spent two hours at the store looking at various computers before my friend just shook his head.

“Listen Ky, I can get you a computer that will do everything you want and much more. Come to my house with me and let me show you what I got. When I got there I noticed that he lived in a rather nice house. He took me up to his room and showed me his set up. Man was I jealous, it was not the top of the line models we saw at the store, but damn could that thing process information with little problem. He pulled up a website and then we went over what I really wanted the comp to do and we picked out parts that we needed. After it was all done and said I had pain about $500.00 which was a fourth of what I had expected to pay.

“Listen Ky, I know what a shitty situation you have at home and I think I have an idea for you.” He said as he pulled up another website dealing with stocks and what not. This was the beginning of my foray into stocks and bonds. Robert tutored me in what I should and should not do and helped me make my first thousand dollars. When the stuff came in he was helping me bring the stuff home when he met the asshole. He was immediately aware of my growing discomfort and nodded off towards the garage. We walked over and opened it up to find it packed with all kinds of shit. He just shook his head and looked at me.

“Ky how much stuff do you have?” he asked me as I bowed my head. I know that I was going to lose another friend and sniffed a moment.

“I don’t have much Rob, I am sorry, I understand you don’t want to hang anymore. I mean I am just a kid compared to you.” I sad as I turned and started to walk away. Robert just slapped me upside the back of my head and frowned at me.

“Your an idiot sometimes, you know that. I was asking because I want to get all you stuff in as few trips as possible. You need to get out of here and you need to do it today. I have seen that look before and you do not need to be abused anymore.” he told me in a very serious voice.

“I have no where to go Rob. I have no relatives or anything like that around here and if I do not have a roof over my head I am in trouble.” I told him

“Just lets get your stuff, as a matter of fact just get what you need the most and we are out of here. I have a place for you to stay that you will be safe and have plenty to eat, besides you do have money we just need to get you a bank account and that.” he told me.

So that is how I got into my present situation. I am now in High School and have had my own business for the past couple of years. I will not go into detail, but I am well off and can pay my own membership fees at my upscale gym. Robert had taken care of me way more then I thought possible, as he set me up in the guest house on his property. His parents were great and helped me with a small loan to buy new cloths and what not, but I was still the consummate loner. I was 5’11” weighed 200 pounds and all of it was solid muscle. I have short golden brown hair and crystal blue eyes. I have all the fantasies of any average teenager and one of them is my biology teacher. She is a friggin goddess. She has long flowing fiery red hair, that goes down to her ass. Emerald green eyes that sparkle when she laughs. She wears conservative clothing, but once in a while she wears a loose fitting shirt that really allows you to see her breasts when she bends over in front of you. I would say they are about DD size maybe bigger(I have found out sine then they are actual 36D.). Well anyways I spent about nine weeks thinking about her and what I would love to do with her when I came home one day and found Robert sitting in the front room of the Guest house.

“Hey Robert, How is college going man?” I asked

“Going great Ky, long time no see. So I have to ask what you been up to my man?” he asked

“Oh nothing just going to the gym, staying on top of my grades and lusting after my biology teacher.” I said with a smile. “I am glad you are home man, it gets lonely around here sometimes.”

“Well I am here for a particular reason Ky. My dad ad a few of his friends have been keeping an eye on you. He wants to sit down with you and discuss something important.” Rob told me. I got nervous when he told me that thinking I was about to get kicked out.

“I am sorry for whatever I did wrong Rob. I promise to fix whatever it is.” I told him in a worried voice.

“Oh stop it Ky, you are not in trouble and you can live here as long as you need. No he has something very important to talk to you about and I am not allowed to discuss it with you so come on lets get over there and talk to him.” He told me standing up and heading to the front door. I just nodded my head and followed behind him and walked over to the main house. As we walked in I was surprised to see Mrs. Thomas in the house and smiled at her. She smiled as she walked over and hugged me tightly and leaned forward to kiss me on the forehead. Then followed Rob and I into the den. Now I had really never been in his house much except to his room and the kitchen. They respected my privacy and I respected theirs. Mrs. Thomas directed me to sit in the chair and her and Rob left the room. Mr. Harrison walked into the room and smiled as he approached me. I stood up and held out my hand to shakes his then sat down again.

“Ky, you have been living in the guest house for a couple of years now. I have been watching you ever since Rob brought you home and offered you his house. Yes that is right, I built that house out there for him and his slaves.” He said as he watched me. To say I was stunned at what he was telling me is the understatement of the year. I did not know what to say and just nodded my head a few moments and I considered what this was all about. While I was sitting there Mr. Harrison watched my response and smiled.

“Rachel get that sweet ass in here!!!!” he yelled out. I did not know who Rachel was until I watch Mrs. Thomas walk in the room. She moved over to Mr. Harrison and knelt down next to him.

“Yes Master?” she responded.

“You see Ky, Rachel her is my sex slave and lives with me. She was married before to someone I had thought of a dear friend, but then she got an offer here that she could not refuse and so I took over as her Master. Me and several others have kept our eye on you since Rachel here found you at the gym.

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