Becoming a Master Chapter 2 Rerun
Becoming a Master Chapter 2 Rerun
Sex Story Author: | kyron120867 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | They both greeted him, but I immediately moved out of the way as the bastard approached me. I wanted as |
Sex Story Category: | Incest |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Incest, Slavery, Teen Male / Female, Teen Male/Teen Female |
I want to thank Akumu0 for his help in proof reading my horrible writing.
“Oh god………” I asked in a squeaky voice.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. There she was laying next to me caressing my chest and stomach. My cock was not even paying attention to what my brain was trying to tell it. It was rock hard and ready for more.
“Hmm baby, seems like someone is happy to see me. Think I can get some more of that lovely cream from the source?” she asked as she started kissing her way down my chest and stomach. When she reached my cock head she kissed it and slid her tongue across the slit causing nerve endings in my body to fire erratically. I moaned in pleasure even though I knew this was wrong. This woman may not be my biological mother, but she had raised me for a few years. I kept trying to tell my body to stop, that this was my mother. Of course the other side of my brain was telling me to shut the fuck up and enjoy the pleasure coursing through my body. Needless to say the pleasure won out when my brain locked down and my body took over complete control. My hands went to her head and grabbed her hair.
“Oh God….mom…..please…..please….don’t…doooonnnn’t…….stop, fuck that feels so fucking good. Oh gods suck my fucking cock. Oh shit. shit. shit. shit.” I growled out as I grabbed a hold of her hair and pulled her down on my cock. She swallowed my cock down her throat and began to hum which sent shivers through my entire body. As I began to thrust my hips up into her mouth she placed her hands on my hips and pushed lightly before pulling off my cock and looking at me.
“Someone really likes to have his cock sucked in the morning.” She said before engulfing my cock once again. I just thrust up into her mouth and fucked her face as best as I could moaning the entire time. I was so lost in the sensation that I did not even feel the bed move as April climbed up in it and reached for my hands placing them on her lovely tits. I massaged them as I groaned loudly before April threw a leg over my head and settled herself right in front of my face. I did not need any directions on what she wanted and began to enjoy my breakfast treat. She had a slight taste of strawberries.
“Mmmmmm strawberries are my favorite.” was all I said as I went to town on that sweet pussy of hers. Before long the room was filled with the sounds of moaning from all three of us. I grabbed a hold of Aprils hips and pulled her down so that I could slide my tongue deep inside her pussy. April immediately began to fuck my face. I loved every moment of it and was lost in the sensations on both my cock and tongue. I think we were at it for about ten minutes when I felt my orgasm explode throughout my body. I screamed out my orgasm into Aprils pussy which caused her to go off as well. Mom of course had been playing with her pussy as she sucked me off and blew shortly there after. We just laid there panting for a few minutes before we were able to catch our breath. I felt myself falling back asleep.
“Come on sleepy head time to get up and get something to eat. Don’t worry about getting dressed as we normally go around the house without any.” she said as she climbed out of the bed and headed toward the door with a smile on her face. I stood up and started heading to the door when April grabbed my hand and smiled.
“Not just yet Ky, time for your shower.” She told me and led me to the bathroom before starting the shower and shoving me towards the toilet. I went over and sat down and had to lean way over to piss. It is fucking ridiculous for guys to try and piss with a hard on. Virtually impossible unless you lean way forward while sitting down and hope that you can push it forward enough so you do not piss under the seat. I got lucky today and was able to piss inside the toilet, then stood up and moved to the shower. As I stepped in April immediately grabbed me and pushed me to my knees. I looked up at her to see a huge smile on her face as my hands traveled lightly up her legs grabbing her ass and squeezing before burying my face in her sweet smelling cunt. I was amazed at the amount of her juices flowing from her and just had to taste her again as I ran my tongue from her pussy up to her clit repeatedly with a light touch. She was trying to wash my hair at the same time as I was doing this.
“Oh Fuck Ky, You are teasing me to death. Suck my fucking clit PLEASE!!!!!” she screamed at me. I smiled and sucked her clit in my mouth and flicked my tongue over the tip of it hard side to side and then sucked it in and out of my mouth before lightly biting on it as she bucked against my face. She wrapped her hands in my hair and started forcing me deeper into her crotch as I started humming. This had the desired effect of bringing her to her orgasm so quickly that I could feel the squirts of her cum hitting my upper chest and chin. I growled at the taste and continued to eat her out. After her fourth orgasm she pushed me away.
“Oh……god……too…..sensitive……that….was….soooooooooo……gooooood.” she panted out as she tried to catch her breath. I just smiled proudly as we laid on the floor of the shower enjoying the heat of the water seeping into our bodies. I learned a great deal about pampering your slave afterwards. April told me that just because I was a Master it didn’t mean that I didn’t need to know how to make sure my slaves felt love. Slaves the felt loved and cared for would do almost anything. April showed me how to properly wash her body and what type of pressure I should apply to various parts of the female body. Once we were done she dried me off and smiled as I dried her off then we headed downstairs to get something to eat.
“Bout time you got here. Did you get lost somewhere?” asked Rob as I took my seat. I just smiled at him and turned my head towards April as she walked in. Rob and David both started laughing at me as I had a shit eating grin on my face.
“Ky, I know today is Saturday and you have things planned, however, I need you to look this over and then answer the question on it. This is always passed down from Master to Master. It is a guide line we try to uphold. When you are done just bring it back to me and then the rest of your lessons will start after that.” David informed me as he handed me a crisp sheet of paper. I looked it over and the thing that popped out most in my mind was the first question. ‘What do you think a Master is?’ I set it down and started to eat my breakfast as I thought about it.
After breakfast I excused myself and went back to my room and fired up my lap top. You can find anything on Google these days. I must have researched for about forty five minutes when I realized that there was no correct answer. I had read a lot of opinions on the topic and most disagreed with the others. So I shut the computer down and sat back and really thought about it. What was a Master? From what I had seen so far, a Master was someone who was kind and considerate of his slaves as well as protective. That just seemed strange to me what was a Master really? I must have thought about it for hours until it dawned on me that I was looking at it all wrong. I kept looking at it from the stand point of the Master and not the stand point of the slave. I mean from what I understood so far a slave chose the Master. So why choose him or her for that matter. A Master is someone that can be trusted to do the right thing. Someone who is a human being and prone to making mistakes, but able to admit those mistakes and make them right without being forced to. A Master was someone who took the responsibility to take care of his slave and ensure that they were treated with the respect they deserved, because in actuality they had all the power. They could at anytime say enough is enough and move on. A Master was someone that was able to communicate effectively with their slave and be open and honest about what they were thinking, as well as being willing to honestly listen to the slave. So in essence, a Master was someone that was willing, and able to meet the needs of a slave and available to discuss whether or not those needs were being met. They were given a great responsibility when the slave surrendered their power.
The next question floored me. I could not believe that I was being asked what a slave was. I mean I was being asked to be a Master and not a slave, so why was I concerned with that question. Then I looked back at my answer for what I thought a Master was. ‘Well hell’ I thought. I guess this is just as important, so that there is an understanding between Master and slave. Hell if you want to be honest with yourselves a Master is a slave to the slave in essence, because without the slave there is no Master. So what was a slave? Well first off they are living breathing human beings with feelings and emotions of their own as well as thoughts and ideas. They are not perfect and required guidance as much as a Master does. They are people who can stand on their own two feet and make decisions for themselves and can and have taken charge of situations. They are politicians, professional, white collar and blue collar workers who choose to allow someone else to make the decisions for them once they are done with work. The derive pleasure from being praised for being of assistance to someone. There are many different types of slaves, and it is important to learn what type of person they are before entering into a relationship because although they are slaves not everyone is compatible. Most importantly a slave chooses their Master. Just because you may call yourself a Master does not grant you the right to tell someone else’s slave what to do or where to go, unless there is a prior agreement. They are must certainly not just doormats for anyone to step all over.
Once I was done with the paper I went in search of David to talk to him about what I wrote. I was nervous, but also confident that I had voiced my ideas clearly. He sat me down and read what I had written and every so often had a raised eyebrow before continuing. Once he was done he had a huge smile on his face and nodded his head to me.
“Ky this shows me that you really thought about what you were writing. I am very proud of your response here, because there is a side of this type of relationship you have not considered. First off, when you gain a sex slave, they will let you know what they like and what they do not of course. However, you should know that once you sign a contract with them they are for all intents and purposes yours to do with as you like, to a point. They may appeal to the local grievance committee made up of other Masters and slaves about things they feel you have done to wrong them. This is a safety for them and looks bad on the Master that has a grievance filed against them. Blood slaves on the other hand turn over all their rights to you and the grievance committee is limited in what they may do. This is a great responsibility and you must approach these type of contracts with great caution. They will be with you for the rest of their lives. The one thing you did not talk about here is trust. There must be trust between the two of you regardless of the type of relationship you have.” David explained as I tried to take it all in. When he told me about blood slaves I was stunned and had to get up for a minute and walk around before sitting down and looking at him again. “I understand your nervousness, but not all slaves are the same as you said and some enjoy different things. For example, April really enjoys a good spanking and will do things she knows I do not approve of too much to get one if I have not given her one in a while. So you have to learn about the slave just as much as they learn about you. A period of adjustment if you will. There are very rare cases were Master and slave just click from the get go. What I want to do for the next week is go over various things that you will find in the lifestyle. I am going to tie you up and Rachel or April will spank you and we do will other things so that you get a feeling for what it is and why it is important to learn how to do these things properly.” he told me. I just sat there in stunned silence when he said ‘tie me up’ and then ‘spanking’. I knew I hated the idea of being spanked, but to be tied up sent shivers down my spine and I was ready to bolt. I wanted out as soon as possible. Sensing my discomfort David smiled.
“Ky, I want you to relax. You will be in no danger throughout the process and everyone will be there for you. This is not done in anger or anything else it is done only so that you may experience it and learn from it. Anyone worth their salt will have gone through a mentoring program like you will be doing for a while. This month is just to get you prepared with the basics. We will continue to have discussions for a while until I am comfortable with your level of knowledge.” he told me in a calm voice. I just nodded my head as I started to calm down.
The rest of the week was planned out with several events to take place. Before anything was done there was a very thorough explanation of what was going to happen. Also I was told that I had to chose a safe word that would inform everyone that I was no longer able to continue or that I had become so uncomfortable with the situation that I wanted it to stop. I was informed that it had to be an uncommon word that would not come up in everyday conversation. I tried to do everything they had planned for me to learn and somethings were better then others. I hated being restrained in any manner and ended up breaking a St. Andrews Cross from fighting the restraints so much. It did not break completely as such, but it had a large crack in the wood. I did destroy two chairs they tried to restrain me to. The whip was an immediate safe word event after they hit me once while I was fighting restraints. I mean, really? These people who enjoy a whip cracking on their skin are crazy. They actually get off on this stuff. The flogging was not too bad, well, at least until they really hit me with the damn thing and caning was a bitch. I did find out that I absolutely loved the mallets. OH MY GOD!!! Instruments from the gods themselves. The thud of these marvellous toys was like a massage. There were other things that I learned and some I absolutely refused to learn about. I don’t really have a problem with water sports, but it is not for me. Scat is definitely way the fuck out in left field from the realm of possibility.
At the end of the week, we sat down and discussed everything that had occurred and talked about the various aspects of the lifestyle. To say I was overwhelmed with the amount of information I had gone over that week was and still is an understatement. That being said I was extremely proud to have been able to go through the training.
“So Ky, how do you feel after everything this week? Still interested in having a slave?” David asked me.
“Well I have to say that it has been a very interesting learning experience.” I told him. He just nodded his head and looked at me for a few moments.
“I have to say that you have done great. Some of the things that were done to you were to test your limits and others were to see if you could handle different aspects. I also want to say that you maintained yourself well and I am very proud of you.” he told me in a serious tone. I could not help but feel tears starting to run down my cheeks. He noted them, but did not mention them and allowed me some time to get my emotions back under control before continuing. “The rest of your training will be on rules, and what to expect from other Masters and slaves. What I really want to talk to you about today is your adoption into my family. I have had my attorney working on it for the past week, and we have to go to a meeting with the judge and your father. He is trying to fight the adoption, saying that you are his and he will raise you as he sees fit.” he told me.
“The bastard does not even know I am gone.” I stated in an angry voice.
“Be that as it may, we need to go before the judge and prove this to him. Now I know the judge and he is a fair man. He is also a Master. However, he will not be swayed by that and will do what he sees as best for you. So we will have to see him tomorrow.” he informed me.
“Well I have school tomorrow and not sure that would be good, I mean I have a test in Biology and History.” I told him with concern and a little fear at the possibility of facing the bastard again. He told me not to worry that everything would be fine, but I was still dreading having to go and left the room to go think about it. The rest of the day I kinda blacked out everything else and avoided everyone.
The following day I was very lethargic, as I did not really want to do anything and just managed to go through the motions until we arrived at the court house and sat down with Judge Baker. He was a solid man and I had the impression that I had met him somewhere before. He noted my scrutiny of him and chuckled.
“Probably wondering where we have met before, huh?” he asked.
“Yes sir, I am sure we have met before, but for the life of me I can not place you.” I informed him with a confused look on my face. He just chuckled and nodded his head.
“We workout at the same gym. You are the youngest member we have Kyron and I am very impressed with you work ethic. Although I have to say I am very jealous of your relationship with Tammy. You are the only guy there that receives such special attention from her.” he said with a twinkle in his eyes. I just blushed deeply and lowered my head as I was not aware that she treated me differently from the others.
“Well I do not get that much attention, else her boyfriend would kill me and we both know he his capable of it.” I said in a light manner. Judge Baker and David broke out in a hearty laugh about that and just shook their heads as if they had a secret that I did not know about Tammy. Then the mood changed when there was a knock on the Judges door. When it was opened a smartly dressed man entered with the bastard and nodded to Judge Baker and David.
“Judge Baker, Mr. Harrison, it is good to see you both doing well.” He said in a very professional manner, which sent shivers of worry down my spin.
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