
Beach House Sleepover

I sleep over at my friend’s beach house

Hi, I’m Chris. I’m a 17 year old boy. I’m reasonably tall and skinny but I have a fair amount of muscle. I have blond-ish hair and green eyes. I like to think of myself as straight but I do occasionally fantasize about guys too, mainly one guy in particular. So I am going to tell you a little story…

It was summer time; the sun was hot, the grass was green, everyone was tanned and walking around in as little as possible. That is why I love summer. My friend Alex had invited me down to his beach house which was quite a long drive down South, but I like going South…

Before I get into this, I’ll give you a little background about Alex and myself. We are now both 17 in our last year at an all-boys’ school and have been at school together since we were 11 but only became good friends in 3rd form when we were 13 on school camp together. Alex is smaller than I am, shorter and skinnier, but wasn’t tiny either. He had blondish hair also, kind of curly sometimes, as well as lightly coloured skin which browned in the summer but not as brown as everyone else’s. He wore glasses over his blue eyes but normally just popped in contacts instead.

Now Alex and I started hanging out more in 5th form when we were 15, this was because we sat next to each other in maths and saw each other every day. Despite being a boring subject with a boring, incompetent teacher and a rather untalented class full of large smelly pubescent boys, I enjoyed maths. Why? Because I was next to Alex. Now Alex didn’t come across as the jock type or the funny type, he was more of the nerdy sci-fi action lover type. Not totally nerdy, but more that category than anything else. The thing about Alex was, well, he was different to my other friends. We would sit in the back of maths mucking about, not paying attention to the half-assed douche of a teacher, joking about and talking about sex. SEX. Sex was the thing which was constantly running through my mind back then. I would get horny off seeing an exposed thigh, I would masturbate anywhere at any time, I would get boners in class from female teachers who were older than I care to admit. The thing is, I was horny. Very horny. That was why I liked Alex, he was horny too. We would constantly talk about blowjobs and get ourselves rather hard in the process, which, as you could imagine, wasn’t ideal for 5th form maths classes…
So there we were, two 15 year olds sitting in the back of maths talking about sex. But not just any sex, Alex seemed to enjoy turning me on by joking about sucking my cock and licking my balls, which really REALLY turned me on. We would talk about sucking each others cocks all lesson, joking about wanting to suck the cum out of each others dicks, or so I thought we were joking. Alex was such a tease, sometimes he would look really sexually at me and talk about licking my tip which gave me an instant boner, in fact, he turned me on so much that if I was walking around school and I saw him, I would start getting a boner! This led to me thinking more about Alex and polluted my mind with dirty thoughts of us getting naked and naughty, giving me boners constantly. And when that happens, there was only one thing to do. Wank. So I did. I went to the toilets and jerked my cock with my hand until I came all over my stomach. As I explained before, I’m not gay, I just get super turned on by Alex.

So there we were, two years later in the back of his Dad’s car, driving down to Alex’s beach house for the weekend. The journey was long and the temperature was melting us like ice cream. We sat in the car with the windows down talking about nothing important for a good two hours before we finally arrived at his place. It was a decently sized building for a beach house, it had a small grassy driveway attached to an aged wooden building big enough to comfortably fit a family of four. The thing was, Alex and I were not sleeping in this building. Nope. We were sleeping in the out-house, the smaller, newer, structure around the back of the house which was about the size of a two-car garage, yet had curtains, carpet and even it’s own bathroom complete with a shower and toilet. Nothing fancy, but it would do us fine. Alex and I limped our way into the out-house with our heavy weekend bags banging against our legs making it incredibly difficult to walk normally. We got in, dropped our bags and I began to look around. Sure enough it was just as Alex’s Mum explained, everything except for one detail, there was only one bed. It was a Queen sized bed, so big enough for two people. But we were guys, teenage guys, and according to teenage guys everywhere it is totally gay to share a bed, which was not the look we were going for.

“Hey Dad!” yelled Alex, “Where’s the stretcher thing?”
“What?” his Dad yelled back
“The stretcher…thing… you know, the… the stretcher bed for Chris”
“No, Chris gets the bed and you get the stretcher”
“Yea, yea, but where is it?”
“I dunno, the car?” his Dad yelled, neither of them bothering to move closer to communicate. Alex sighed and started making his way to the door to find the stretcher.
“Hold on.” He told me as he walked out of sight. I took this opportunity to take a look at the bathroom, yep, nothing special, just an ordinary bathroom I thought to myself as I heard Alex talking to his Dad. I walked outside to see what was happening. Alex was rummaging through the back of the car.
“It’s not here, Dad” He said without turning away from the car
“What do you mean, look lower.” His Dad instructed.
“No it’s definitely not here.” Alex’s Dad walked over and had a quick search, pushing various objects out of his way.
“Ah shit… Honey! Did you pack the stretcher?”
“I thought you packed it!” said the Mum’s voice from inside the main house
“Shit, shit, shit. Sorry, Chris. I guess you guys will have to share the double.”
“Don’t worry, it’s fine” I replied.
“Shit. Ah sorry about this”
“No don’t worry, it’s fine” I repeated, not giving a hint of the ideas rushing through my head.

After dinner, we mucked about inside the main house until about 10pm before Alex’s parents told us to go to bed. We didn’t object, we knew we could stay up as long as we wanted in the out-house as long as we didn’t make enough noise to let the parents know we were still awake. I thanked his Mum for the meal and we said goodnight, talking about nothing in particular on our way back to our little private cabin. We switched the light on, locked the doors, shut the curtains and went to brush our teeth. We were sharing the one basin so I playfully pushed him out of the way with my hips to hog the basin which started up a little tooth-brushing war. I’m bigger than Alex so I managed to hold my ground against his violent hip bumping, grabbing the basin now with two hands, toothbrush hanging out of the side of my mouth. The sides of Alex’s hips kept banging into mine, not budging me much, so he took a different approach. He turned around so his back was facing me and started bumping me with his bum to make me move. His ass was a lot softer on my body, and for some reason, his bum banging against my hip started giving me a boner, I pressed up harder against the basin so Alex wouldn’t see it, but it felt so good and it was pressing against the fabric of my underwear. I decided to let Alex win this round and slid over with my boner still hiding between my legs and the bench in order to finish brushing my teeth as quickly as possible to avoid embarrassment from the large bulge in my pants. He celebrated his victory and I laughed. He spat his mouthful into the basin so I let him finish and leave before I moved from my spot. He walked back out into the bedroom and my penis started going flaccid again, I rinsed my mouth out and walked into the bedroom.

I stopped at the doorway. Alex was getting changed and didn’t hear me come in. He was standing side-on to me with his pajama top on and nothing else. His limp dick just hung there, looking soft and inviting. I couldn’t help myself, I just stared. I felt my penis begin to grow in my pants again. He leaned over to put his feet into the holes of his pajama pants, exposing his soft white ass cheeks before standing straight again to pull them up around his waist. I watched as his dick disappeared into his pajama pants, snapping me out of it.
“Oh dude, penis alert”
“Haha sorry I thought you were still doing your teeth, anyway you can’t talk, look at your penis.” I went bright red. I had forgotten about the bulge in my pants. I told him to shut up and laughed it off, then started raiding my weekend bag for my own pajamas trying not to dwell on it. I came across my pajamas, blue ones, pajamas so comfortable you could live in them all day every day if society were to accept it. The thing I liked most about my PJs was that they were very roomy downstairs. When you walked, your dick would sway freely, when you got a boner, you didn’t have to re-arrange it with your hands, it would move as it pleased. It also felt great rubbing against the inside of your pants which made masturbating a lot of fun.

I grabbed my PJs and walked around the corner near the entrance to the bathroom so I could get changed without exposing myself. Alex was busy taking his contact lenses out. I whipped down my pants and underwear simultaneously and stepped out of them without losing my balance too much, then grabbed my PJ bottoms and pulled them up to my waist. I then pulled my t-shirt up over my head, leaving me looking nowhere but at the inside of my shirt for a second or two before my head came out the other end.

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