
Bayonetta’s Abuse – Chapter 12 – Inferno

An ancient feud is renewed in a scorching wasteland. Will the climax send our heroine to new heights or does it all end in ash?

The temperature gauge drew closer to the red line. A large trail of dust billowed behind Bayonetta’s GTO as it raced down the long dirt road. They passed an occasional stretch of trees or patch of dry grass, but vegetation was increasingly rare as they proceeded into the badlands. If the pattern held, soon there would be nothing but boulders, scorched Earth, tall rock-faces and desolate canyons. The sun beat down on the yellow sports car mercilessly as Cereza and James cruised toward their destination.

They were both wearing shades, but only one of them looked cool. Bayonetta handled the wheel with one hand, seemingly bored as the engine roared and the car tried to keep up with the demands of her lead foot. It was probably a mild day back in the city, but in the middle of nowhere there were few places to hide from the sun’s blistering rays.

Despite the harsh climate, there wasn’t a hair out of place or a bead of sweat to be seen on the gorgeous Witchinatrix. Her black, leather and latex curves gleamed in the late morning light as she stared straight ahead; her other hand reaching down to shift as needed.

James, on the other hand, was hot and clammy in his gimp suit; sans hood. His forehead sweated lightly despite the air rushing through the car’s open windows. They were headed to some kind of showdown between the Umbra and Lumen. That much he’d coaxed from his beautiful Mistress and little else.

Bayonetta had been nervous the night before, but now she was a pillar of confidence and resolve. James glanced at the back seat where the tools of her trade her visible. A thick leather gun and utility belt with her large, double barreled Scarborough Fair handguns fastened in the holsters.

“So Roxy came through?” James yelled over the howling air and revving engine.

“Yup. She sent me the coordinates overnight. Good thing, too, because my backup plan sucked!”

“I’m just glad you have a plan. Where do I fit in?”

“You don’t. Your job is to stay hidden and observe. Don’t take it personally, but if you were captured by either side, you would endanger everything. This will be hard enough without an added liability.”

“Then why bring me?”

Bayonetta raised an eyebrow and shot him a stern look, as if he should know better. “Because after what happened before, I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”

James smirked. “Alright, but if you’re in trouble, all bets are off.”

“Only fools rush in, slut! There’s nothing you could do against any Lumen, Umbra or demon. If I fall, you’re to run back to the car and get away while you can.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

Cereza chuckled. “What’s not? Me falling or you running away?”

“Neither” he insisted.

“How cocky! Am I starting to rub off on you?”

“I think anyone who lived with a Goddess long enough couldn’t help but be inspired.”

Bayonetta smiled and a splotch of red entered her cheeks. “Cheeky Cheshire… Flattery will get you everywhere with me, but where we’re going, it will be of no use.”

The determined Domina stomped the accelerator and James held on for dear life as the car rocketed ahead.

* * * * *

James’ boots crunched in the sand as they plodded ahead at a swift pace. They’d parked the car a short distance back under a rocky outcropping. The shade served to hide it and prevent the vehicle from melting into the dust. The sun beat down relentlessly as they marched through brown and red wasteland.

“How far?” James asked, already perspiring profusely.

“About a mile and half, straight ahead.”

“I take it you want to surprise them?”

“The Lumen won’t be there yet, but one of my sisters definitely will. I’d like to keep them both guessing.”

“Aren’t the other Umbra capable of the same tricks you are? They could have seen or heard us coming already.”

“Mmmm, it’s possible, but not likely. Not all Umbra are as skilled as I am” she imparted with a wink. “Actually, now that you mention it…”

Bayonetta stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes. She raised her hands and spoke a few arcane words. Her gloved arms glowed a shiny purple as she concentrated on the spell. Within seconds, an azure arc of light grew into a large bubble around them before dissipating into nothing.

“There. Now no one can see or hear us unless they’re within ten meters.”

James grinned as they began walking again. Mistress was as cunning as she was beautiful. He studied her luscious, shiny curves up and down. There still wasn’t a bead of moisture to be seen on her. Not on her fair skin or flowing black hair. Her face and the front of her neck were the only bits of her body not covered in gleaming rubber, yet she looked fresh as a daisy.

“How do you do that???”

“What? Magic?”

“Stay cool in the middle of a freakin desert! I suppose that’s magic too?”

She giggled. “It’s another technique. A spell of sorts. Temperature regulation is elementary to us.”

“I don’t doubt it. The only time I’ve seen you sweat is during our marathon sessions.”

“Of course. I mean, I could prevent perspiration while I fuck your ass into oblivion, but where’s the joy in that? Becoming a dirty mess is half the fun!”

James laughed in agreement. As they continued on their way, the conversation shifted to several pleasant memories and their plans for the future. For a little while, they both forgot that they were headed toward something that could bring a screeching halt to all they held dear.

Twenty minutes passed quickly and James knew they were closing in on their target. Their chit-chat died off and Bayonetta looked ever more guarded and locked in. Even though no one could hear them, there was no more chatter. The mystical assassin he’d grown to love was focused on the task ahead.

“There” she said pointing into the distance. A strange altar lay far away, near the edge of a stony plateau. The place looked like it was practically designed for strange ceremonies to take place, though the altar itself was the only man-made structure he could decipher.

“That’s it, huh?”

“Yup, and this is as close as you get.”

Cereza took his hand and guided him. It was odd not to led by a leash, but Mistress had chosen not to attach one to his collar today. She brought him to another outcropping; not unlike the one they’d left the car under. He could see the wide open rocky field and the altar in the distance, but no one would be able to see him in the shade, as long as he stayed put. Bayonetta wasn’t going to give him a choice.

She closed her eyes and chanted, conjuring her witchcraft once again. A haze of orange light emerged around James’ form and then disappeared just as quickly. She opened her eyes and placed her hands on her hips.

“You can move five feet in any direction, but that’s it.”

James tested it by walking forward and immediately ran into the invisible barrier. The unearthly force pushed back on him as he tried to proceed. His hands pressed against the field as he was held in place.

“Hey! No fair!”

“When have I ever played fair?” Cereza shot back with a sly grin. “If something happens to me, it’ll fizzle and you’ll be free.”

“Not even a kiss goodbye?” James asked, anxiety welling up in his voice.

“Relax” she answered, approaching him. “I’m not leaving yet…”

Bayonetta walked through the barrier and they embraced. Their tongues met in a long, deep, affectionate kiss. After a full minute of probing, sucking and low moaning, the two broke apart gently. “…And this isn’t goodbye.”

She pulled back and folded her arms under her considerable breasts. Her head turned and her gaze was fixed on the altar. “They probably won’t show until just before noon. They’ll want to perform the ceremony when the sun is at its peak. They practically worship it.”

James scanned the ground behind him before seating himself and resting his arms on his up-bent knees. “So now we wait?”

Bayonetta raised her feet one after the other, inspecting the guns built into her heels. She drew her handguns and double-checked their condition as well. “Correct. We wait.”

* * * * *

Jeanne was thoroughly enjoying her tanning session as the sun bathed her body and beamed off the white latex of her costume. She was sprawled out on a towel in the center of a small encampment hidden high up in the rocks. A backpack with provisions, her gun belt, a long metal case and a radio lay not far from her body. She was half dozing, waiting for her spell-enhanced hearing to alert her to something other than a buzzard’s caw. Suddenly, her ear twitched and her eyes opened.

The crafty witch sat up, grabbed her binoculars and turned in the direction of the wide open landscape. She kept herself close to the ground as she studied the gleaming vehicles in the distance. They were still a long way off, but headed to her position at high speed.

Jeanne set the binoculars aside and picked up her radio. She brought it to her mouth and held down the send button.

“Stinger to Queen Bee, come in. I got a visual on the target. Over.”

A few seconds later, an authoritative voice responded. “Copy that. How many we got?”

“Five sedans. Estimate anywhere from a dozen to twenty of them.”

“We’re leaving now. Will be there as soon as possible. If you have a clear shot, take out Papa Bear. Otherwise wait for us.”

“Pfffft, I could handle these dorks on my own. There’s only one real sage, right?”

“That’s enough! Remember, he’s not the only potential threat. Follow your orders and keep an eye out for you-know-who. She’s up to something.”

‘Yeah, she always is. Tell me something I don’t fuckin know, Alexia!’

“Roger that. I’m on it.”

Jeanne set the radio aside before reaching over and releasing the metal fasteners on the long, thick, metal trunk. The case opened and a weighty sniper rifle was revealed. She unpacked it quickly, fixed the scope in place, adjusted it and loaded the weapon.

By the time she crawled to the other side of the high-rise encampment she could see the caravan pulling in near the plateau. She pointed her sights at where the cars were stopping, a couple hundred feet from the altar. Jeanne scanned the area for magic and Olvey’s powerful aura was made known to her instantly.

‘Whoa… This guy’s for real. Maybe some help isn’t a bad idea after all.’

Before the Lumen cohort emerged from the line of black sedans, Jeanne could sense many barriers going up. One of them was incredibly strong, presumably around the sage. One medium one; his apprentice? The rest were weak, but serviceable. As they stepped out of the cars, all of them were protected. They weren’t taking any chances.

Two of the lower rank Lumen were carrying a long, thin object wrapped in a fancy blanket. No doubt it was The Holy Spear; the relic they’d gone to so much trouble to bring. Jeanne sensed no magic from it. She rolled her eyes.

The .50 caliber BMG round in the chamber was useless, especially against the sage, until the barrier around him was destroyed. Jeanne’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. Part of her wanted to abandon the plan, charge down the ridge and take on the fucker right now, but she knew that wasn’t wise. Alexia’s orders hung in her ears and she chose to heed them at the moment.

‘Damn. Looks like I’m sitting on my hands for now.’

* * * * *

Men in white robes shuffled around the altar as the ceremony began. Many of the acolytes were ringed around it, protecting Haydn as he recited the opening rites. The rest were guarding the relic or standing by with Father Olvey. The deceptively young-looking sage paced back and forth with his arms behind his back. His curly blonde hair waved in the breeze. His steely green eyes scanned the horizon.

It wasn’t his sight that first alerted him to impending trouble. As Bayonetta approached the altar, she knew her spell wouldn’t hide her much longer. She waved her hand to the side and the illusion faded with her gesture. The dazzling Dominatrix stepped into view, her powerful legs and shiny curves strutting ever closer. Several of the young Lumen gasped and pointed in her direction. Olvey sensed the aura of a powerful Umbra witch even before turning to see his opponent.

“Chant of fortification. Begin now and focus all your energies on me” he spoke to the five acolytes behind him. “As long as I stand, the witch will not harm you.”

The young men knelt, one by one, and spoke the words they’d been taught. They quickly synced into a unified chant and a faint white glow surrounded them. Olvey walked onto the desolate, rocky field to meet the interloper. His stony expression slid into a cocky smile as they grew closer.

“Bayonetta. Why am I not surprised?”

“Probably because I trashed your headquarters and fucked up your plans.”

“Are you proud of that?

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