Barn Banging
Barn Banging
By Jimmy Seay
FROM THE AUTHOR – This is one of my very old stories – you can read my e-books by searching under the author name of Jimmy Seay at Amazon.
I stopped at Kevin Hunter’s place, and honked the horn. I watched the screen door fly open and Kevin stepped out on the porch. Even from the car, I could see Kevin was hot. He grinned at me as he walked down the steps; the grin caused a dimple to appear, making him even hotter looking. His brown eyes had a sparkle, expecting some fun perhaps.
He was wearing a loose black t-shirt tucked into old and faded, slim cut wranglers. Kevin was 18 or 19; a grown man by country standards. But the t-shirt emphasized his slim, boyish build. The wranglers waistband showed off his small, flat waist; and accented the rounding curves of his butt.
Kevin climbed into my Chevy Nova for some Friday night fun. He didn’t know he was going to be the fun. I let off the clutch and headed out.
“There’s some beer in the back seat,” I said, “Pop us open a couple!”
Kevin reached between the bucket seats, giving me another view of his wrangler covered butt. I nursed my beer as he swallowed his down. This would be an easy one.
In fact, Kevin had been real easy so far. He had just moved here; no car, no friends. As a good country neighbor, I had helped unload their furniture. I’d learned a lot helping them move in. Kevin was the only kid still at home; the rest of his brothers and sisters grown and married. It was easy to be-friend him, and two days later, he was in my car.
I told Kevin, “Get yourself another one, there’s plenty.”
Kevin grinned and reached back for another beer, once again giving me a view of the backside of them wranglers.
I headed towards the bowling alley. It was about the only place around to meet up at; no malls, no cinemas in the sticks.
Josh and the others were already there. There were 6 of us, counting me. We’d hung out as kids. We had played; in a way we still played. Only now our toys were guys like Kevin Hunter. All six of us were in the same age group, between 18 and 20. We’d pretty much had grown up together.
Even back then, Josh had been the leader. I’d always played second fiddle to Josh. There was just something about him; something commanding and different.
During puberty, it was Josh that had started the circle jerks we used to have. We’d been skinny dipping one afternoon. There’d been the usual butt slapping, and horse playing. Somehow we all ended up in the old barn. Somehow we ended up beating off together.
Jacking off, in a group, became a frequent thing. The rules changed, we’d have contest to see who could shoot the furthest, maybe who could shoot the quickest. No matter what the contest was, Josh always seemed to win.
It was about a year later, when Josh introduced Denny Lane into our group. Josh changed the rules again; we learned what it felt like to force our dicks into some ones mouth that night. Oh, Denny, well, he learned what it was like to be on the receiving end of 6 horny teen age country boys.
The games got more intense, I learned what it was like to fuck an unwilling ass. Denny was a lot of fun till he ran away a few months later. I still remember the look of shock when Josh popped his cherry.
Denny never told no one, never did the others. I guess it was too embarrassing, something a guy just don’t want known.
I pulled into the bowling alley. Kevin chugged down beer number 4. His eyes were bright, he had a sly grin on his face.
“Come on, Kevin,” I said as I watched his tongue flick at some beer suds on his lower lip. His lips were thin, but sexy, his tongue looked promising.
He didn’t stagger, but walked kind of stiff and slow. The beer had gotten to him some; he thrust his chest out, and walked into the bowling alley with a big grin.
Josh and the others were around a pool table. About 5 minutes later, Josh said “We’re gonna cut out of here, and go party!”
We whooped and hollered and hit the parking lot. As soon as Kevin got into my Nova, he was reaching for a beer. Kevin was going to be real easy. He didn’t even seem to notice where we were heading. He was occupied with the beer.
I was occupied too, wondering what Kevin Hunter’s ass would feel like around my dick. I looked over at him; he was grinning away, that dimple showing. I wanted to touch those sexy lips, but it wasn’t time. Not yet, but soon.
I pulled up to the old barn. We still used it. I grabbed the cooler; me and Kevin headed in. I’d driven slowly, giving the others a chance to get there first.
The barn was already set-up. A clean sheet lay in the middle of some bales of hay. Clean towels were here and there for later. A couple of half used up jars of Vaseline were in place.
I glanced at a wall. Kevin was too drunk to notice the ropes, and the leather strap hanging there. Josh and two of the others already had their shirts off. There was second cooler of beer; plenty to do the job.
I directed Kevin to a bale of hay and placed the cooler right in front of him as he sat down. We sipped and he guzzled. It was a warm night, soon all of us had stripped off our shirts except Kevin.
I took in a deep breath, enjoying the scent. I could smell the aroma of the beer, but it couldn’t cover the other scents. I could smell the fresh scent of the shirtless male bodies of my friends. I could smell the scent of the sex that this barn had contained.
I was hard as a rock, and could feel the stickiness of my leaking dick. I glanced around; the others were in pretty much the same shape as me.
Josh stood out from the rest of us; there was just something more masculine about him. He wasn’t handsome, but sex seemed to ooze from him. His smooth chest was tanned and hard slim muscle. His belly flat and hard as a board. His Levi covered legs were spread wide; no shame about the hard bulge that was obvious in his fly.
I’d seen Josh’s dick tons of times over the years. He packed about 6 inches; nothing huge, nothing special in its size. But somehow, his dick stood out; like it had more power, more confidence.
I thought of my own body. I was the only one of us with chest hair. I had a good build; and a rich covering of hair on my body. I’d started growing this hair at 15, and was kind of proud how it served to set me apart from my friends.
My dick was the only uncut one in the gang. I was proud of it’s seven inch length. I was proud of my hairy nuts sack containing my egg shaped balls. I had the low hanging kind that flop as I move.
The others? We all had similar rangy, country boy builds. Terry had the smallest dick, boned up, he hit only 5, but he sure like to use it. The others were about all the same, 6 to 6 ½. Then I fell into place, with my uncut log. Then there was James.
James was what is described as a ‘grower’, not a ‘shower’. When you saw James on soft, you’d never guess how much he packed. He was hung, well hung. When he boned up, he had a for real 9 incher. A long, thick, and hard piece of man meat.
Yet, it was Josh that could bring the loudest screams. It was Josh’s dick that seemed to make them tense up and struggle the most. It was Josh that could make their faces a screwed up mask of pain. There was just something different about Josh.
The warm night and the beer had finally got to Kevin. He fumbled as he pulled the black t-shirt from his jeans. He didn’t notice as he knocked over his beer.
We all watched as he awkwardly attempted to pull off his shirt. A strip of his skin showed now. I watched as more of it came into view.
I could see all his belly now; slim and tan, a light dusting of a treasure trail exposed. As nice as I had anticipated.
Kevin giggled; he had managed to get his t-shirt stuck covering his face. We all tensed, wondering if Josh would make his move now. Like a team, we were all ready to pounce and strip Kevin Hunter.
Josh gave a slight shake of his head, a definite no. He stood up and helped Kevin remove the shirt, laughing and joking about Kevin not being to hold his beer.
Kevin stood up, and staggered. He grabbed at his fly, “Gotta take a leak.” We watched his naked back and wrangler covered ass head for the door of the barn.
We could hear him, pissing. He sighed in pleasure as he let the beer escape. He came back, zipper half up, button unfastened. He grabbed another beer, and fell back onto the hay.
His eyes were glassy, his grin real big. I was horny as hell, wondering, what Josh was waiting on.
Josh moved closer to Kevin, their spread legs touching. Josh was changing the rules again. My dick twitched as Josh touched Kevin’s lips. Kevin drew his head back drunkenly.
Josh said, “You got some pretty lips, boy, you suck dick?”
Slowly, the grin disappeared from Kevin’s face. His voice slurred, “Not into that queer shit.”
Josh asked, “Is that right?” Joshes hand trailed down Kevin’s face, again touching the lips.
Kevin moved, falling off the hay, hitting the barn’s old wooden floor with a thump.
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