Baked Melissa
Baked Melissa
Sex Story Author: | Red Czar |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She leaned back, put her head on my chest, and pulled my arm around her shoulder to make herself comfortable. |
Sex Story Category: | Cheating |
Sex Story Tags: | Cheating, Consensual Sex, Male/Female, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Female, True Story, Young |
Baked Melissa
The Mall
By the end of my sophomore year I had been dating Jamie for a full six months. Surprisingly I had been totally faithful to her the entire time, with the exception of one night with Katie at the beginning of the summer, but no one ever needs to know about that.
It was now summer and to my utter disappointment, Jamie was planning to spend the summer at camp! How could she do that?! She’s going to leave me here alone all summer? There’s no way I’ll ever survive that long without her! Okay it was actually only four weeks but still, for the first time ever, I was going to be lost without my sweet baby!
Two and a half weeks later I’m surviving pretty well and counting the days until my beautiful girl comes home to me. On this particular day, my friend Dave and I decided to go to the mall. As we are walking around keeping ourselves entertained we run into who else but Jamie’s friends Melissa and Tara.
Now naturally, when I began dating Jamie, I inherited all of her friends as well. Melissa was Jamie’s best friend, if Jamie wasn’t with me, she was probably with Melissa. Sometimes if she was with me, we were still with Melissa. Anyhow, we stopped for a while and chatted and then we all made our way to the food court, where we sat for a while and chatted and just cracked each other up.
The surprising part was that Dave and Tara were really hitting it off. I thought they had met before but never remembered this level of flirting between the two. Melissa and I kept looking at each other thinking “what the hell???” We both knew for a fact that Tara had a boyfriend, but there they were flirting back and forth and each of them gushing over every word. It was both hilarious and revolting at the same time. All Melissa and I could do was roll our eyes, shake our heads and watch this sickening display. I kept thinking oh my god, is that what I look like when I’m flirting with a girl??? How embarrassing.
Needless to say, Tara and Dave wanted to continue their little game, so Tara all but begged Melissa to invite us over to her place where they could maybe get some time together. Dave begged the same of me but we couldn’t really go to my place because my brother and his entire entourage were there, the reason we came to the mall in the first place. In the end, Melissa finally gave in and asked us over to her place. Dave jumped at the opportunity and I, being the good wingman, had to go along with it.
Melissa’s House
At Melissa’s house things started innocently enough. Dave and Tara acted fairly normal for a while. We all decided to go swimming. Dave and I hadn’t brought swimsuits and so just jumped in as is. It was summer, we were wearing shorts, so no big deal. I have to admit that once Tara came out in her tiny little bikini, and I do mean TINY, I couldn’t blame Dave for wanting a piece of that. I’d never seen Tara dressed like that before, or rather, undressed. After about ten minutes Dave and Tara were all over each other, so Melissa and I got to have fun watching them try to have sex in front of us without us seeing them. I mean seriously, the pool wasn’t that big.
Now, I had also never seen Melissa in a bikini before either. Melissa is about five foot seven, long silky black hair, dark brown eyes, perfect pouty lips, really a beautiful girl. Somehow I hadn’t noticed that until now. She had amazing long sexy legs, a nice set of breasts, and a tiny little waist. What a sexy girl. Especially all wet like that in the pool, and I had absolutely no intention of doing anything about it, other than talking.
That was when things started to get complicated. We got out of the pool, had some lunch, and continued to gab and gossip. At least Melissa and I did, while Tara and Dave continued to paw at each other. Finally Melissa reminded Tara that “You know, if you two wanted to be alone you could go chill in the screen room, Zane and I might want to go inside and play pool… or something” The “screen room” she was referring to was really just one of those screened in tent/canopy things you set up for picnics and such with a couple of lounge chairs in it. They had it set up so they could sit outside at night without getting eaten by bugs. Dave and Tara leapt at the chance to be alone.
Melissa and I stayed over on the deck by the pool and started taking bets on how far they would actually go in the middle of the back yard. We were cracking each other up.
I said “I never realized Tara was such a slut”
Melissa answered “Dave must either be rich, or have a HUGE Johnson, because otherwise he’s just not that interesting”
That is the level of remark that went back and forth for a good 15 minutes. The two of us totally dissing our friends with every insult we could think of.
Just about that time, a familiar aroma came wafting through the neighborhood. It was unmistakable, marijuana.
I spoke up “mmmmm smells like someone else is having a party too, maybe we should go join them”
Melissa replied “That’s my neighbor Billy. Pot smoker, dealer, delinquent…”
I answered “Still smells like he’s having a good afternoon”
Melissa then asked me “You smoke?”
To which I answered “maybe, you?”
Melissa’s parents were both teachers, and her mom seemed to be the real former hippie type. I figured if anyone’s parents would be understanding and tolerant of pot, it would be hers.
Melissa stood up, stood on her tip toes to look and see how the two love birds were doing, then turned to me and said “Wait here”. She disappeared into the house for a few moments and then came back with something in her hand. It was a small baggie with a few “cigarettes” in it. She looked over at the love birds again, dangled that baggie in front of her enticingly and said “You wanna??”
Puff Puff Pass
Well there was really only one answer to that of course. So Melissa pulled one out, then rolled up the baggie and stuffed it into her bikini bottoms. She pulled me over to one of the bigger couches where we proceeded to light up. We sat there and blazed through the first one, sat back and let it take its effect on us. We continued our play by play of what was going on in the screen room, saying stupid things and just cracking ourselves up.
As we were sitting there, Dave and Tara suddenly emerged and showed up on the deck. The first thing Tara said, with a slightly surprised tone, was, are you two smoking weed? Dave just looked on with this expression that said “Dude, go for it” even though most of his attention, and his hand, was on Tara’s ass.
In answer to Tara’s question Melissa just nodded her head towards the neighbor’s house, jerked her thumb in that direction and said “Billy”.
Tara understood immediately and answered “I’m surprised the cops aren’t there yet”
After a little small talk, Tara made her way indoors to use the little girl’s room. Dave stayed with us trying to think of something to say other than “you guys can get lost right? I wanna get busy with her”. We pretty much figured that out already. Finally Tara came back out and those two jumped in the pool to make it look like they weren’t so eager to just get away from us again and jump each other. They pretty much swam from one side to the other, climbed out, and ran back to the screen room so they could be “alone”.
Melissa collapsed back on the couch right next to me and we continued to crack each other up with our ongoing commentary. We were laughing even more now. Everything was hilarious. The buzz was working wonders. Not five minutes later, Melissa’s mom appeared on the deck to check in. Melissa scooted away from me when the door opened, I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Mom didn’t know Melissa had come home from the mall and was surprised to see her here with me, and just me. I had been here with Jamie before so her mom already knew me as “Jamie’s boyfriend”. Her mom made some comment about the two of us looking pretty “cozy”, clearly implying something. I guess she saw Melissa move away when she came out. Melissa explained that we weren’t really alone, Tara and her boyfriend were in the screen room making out. Her mom laughed and did the same thing Melissa had done, craned her neck up to look over the pool at the two love birds in the backyard.
Mom said “Well they are in the middle of the back yard in the middle of the day, I guess they can’t get in too much trouble”. No indeed mom, no indeed.
Mom then made a comment about the pot smell, asking if we had been smoking. Melissa made the same gesture as before and again said “Billy”. Mom just shook her head and said “I should call the cops again” but then let it drop. What a genius excuse Melissa had, she could sit here smoking all afternoon and just blame the delinquent neighbor. It was perfect. Of course that is probably where she got hers, I never really thought to ask. Mom gave her blessing to us hanging out for the afternoon and told us to make sure the love birds keep their clothes on, then left for whatever it was that she was late for, Melissa and I went back to the play by play.
Melissa cuddled up close next to me and leaned up against me as we started cracking up.
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