Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 27-28-Final
Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 27-28-Final
Sex Story Author: | Dark_Brother |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I wonder again. Here I am, fucking a beautiful blonde, doggy-style, while she brings my girlfriend to another orgasm. Meanwhile, |
Sex Story Category: | Alien |
Sex Story Tags: | Alien, Anal, Asian, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Death, Fisting, Foot or shoe fetish, Group Sex, Incest, Lactation, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Pregnant, Romance, Science-Fiction, Threesome, Violence |
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Ch 27
“I don’t hear anything,” Summer says, as we look down at my six half-human children. They’re sleeping peacefully right now, and haven’t made any more sounds after that one sentence.
‘You will do fine, father.’
That one sentence still reverberates around in my head. Sometimes it drowns out all other thoughts, even though they only spoke to me that one time. It leaves no room for doubts, and somehow I know I will be able to defeat the demons.
“They’re too young to talk,” my sister continues. “You must be exhausted from working with your ability so much. Why don’t you go get some rest? Using the healing light without any true rest can’t be good for you.”
Nodding, I leave the room, and mentally ask Harana to take me home, since Lela is still on one of the other angel vessels.
There is just something that helps reset your frame of mind, when you walk into someplace that is as familiar as my room is to me. A feeling of nostalgia sweeps over me, even though I’ve only been gone a couple days. For a while I stare at my large Naruto poster, hanging on the wall opposite my bed. I’d picked it up a couple years ago at one of the local cons. On my desk is a figurine from Sword Art Online, which I special ordered from Japan. My TV, not as big as Shanna’s and Shannon’s, has spent countless hours helping me grind through various levels of various RPGs. There just seems to be an energy that permeates the room, and calls it mine. An epitaph of who I am, as though some future archeologist is going to look at it, and say, “This was Nicholas Xavier’s room. The savior of the human race.” There is no longer any doubt that I’ll succeed. Not after my kids told me I’ll do fine.
I just wish I knew how I was going to do fine. . .
Plopping back on my pillow, I’m soon passed out.
In my dreams, I’m sitting at a desk, in nothing but my underwear. Professor Frankens stands before an old-style chalkboard, wearing black shiny leather, and a whip in her hands.
“Answer the question,” my teacher instructs, and I look down to see a piece of paper that’s blank.
“Wh-what question?” I ask, confused.
Donna cracks her whip at me, and I hear it snap right next to my ear. “The one before you. What are you going to do?”
“What are you going to do?” The question gets echoed as Shanna walks into the room, and stands next to our professor. “How are you going to do it?” My girlfriend is wearing an oversized Kingdom Hearts shirt, and something tells me, nothing else.
“I’m curious to hear how my little brother is going to pull this off too,” Summer says, startling me as she bends over and whispers into my ear. “What trick are you going to use?”
The whip cracks again, and I see that Donna and Gina have been joined by everyone else in my life. Even Harley Quinn, and my dad are there.
“Answer the question,” they all say in unison, and I tear out of my desk and start running down the hall.
“Quick, in here,” a voice says, and grabs my arm. I’m pulled into darkness, and suddenly I’m falling. Gina still has a hold of my arm, and she doesn’t seem worried about the fall, so neither am I.
She pulls me to her, and I feel her lips against mine, as her arms wrap around my body. I notice that she is only in her underwear as well. Somehow, despite her advances, I’m not growing hard. “Well, drat,” she pouts when she notices, “I wanted to fool around. Oh well. How are you going to do it?”
I don’t understand. Looking around I see that we’re no longer falling in darkness, but at my mom’s house.
“How are you going to defeat the demons?” Gina asks, and I look back at her, worried. Her grip on my arm tightens, but it doesn’t hurt. I still don’t know the answer to her question though, and go running upstairs.
Okay, okay, I know, when you’re running away, the last place you go is upstairs. But that’s what I did. I tried to go into my old room, but somehow end up in Summer’s bedroom instead.
“Quick, get naked,” Summer tells me, and I see she’s already in bed. “The demons are coming, and we need to get ready.”
Looking down, I see that I’m now completely naked, and I go to my lovely sister. But when we touch, nothing happens. My senses don’t expand, and I can’t feel any of my switches. Worse, even though she is sucking hungrily on my cock it won’t grow hard.
I’m broken, I think, and turn to flee. Outside the window I can see the demon ships landing, and watch in horror as they start ripping into people, eating them raw.
“You’re going to have to kill them,” Harley Quinn says right behind me.
“No!” I yell. “I can’t do that again.”
“Kill them like you killed the old me,” the one time man says as he grips my arms and shakes me.
“No,” I deny what he’s saying, “I didn’t kill you!”
“Nick!” A sharp pain against my cheek brings me back to reality, and I see Dennis standing above me, Robin on my other side. “Dude, you were having a nightmare. Sorry for slapping you, but you wouldn’t wake up.”
Groggily I nod at them, and sit up. My bed is a rumpled mess, and sweat is dripping from my brow. Looking to the clock, I can see that it’s six pm.
“We’re heading out,” Robin tells me, as she gently places her hand on my shoulder. “We have a couple rifles, and there are a number of us heading for the mountains.”
“We wanted to ask if you have any other advice for us?” Dennis asks, and I can tell he’s still worried about me. A small inner part of me laughs at that. A few months ago, he would have called me a derogatory name, and otherwise ignored me. Now he’s a friend.
“Avoid them if they make it past us,” I tell them. “Trust me when I say you don’t want to go up against them, if you can avoid it.” Like I’m going to do in a couple days. . .
“Any chance you wanna fool around one last time?” I grimace at the redhead’s choice of wording, and shake my head. One last time? The parts of my dream where I can’t get it up flash back through my mind, and I’m almost afraid to even try.
They help me out of bed, and I say my goodbyes, hoping that they’re not permanent.
I jump in the shower, and enjoy how refreshing a true shower can be, rather than the Jetson’s style cleansing stations on Lela’s ship.
I notice I’ve a missed call on my cell when I get out, and see that it’s from Shanna. I’ve not seen my girlfriend in a number of days, and smile as I call her back.
“Are you back on the ship?” I ask as soon as she answers.
“No, I don’t want to be in the way. I take it you’re not on the ship then?” Her voice is musical, and soothing to my raw nerves.
“No, I came back to my room to get some real rest,” I tell her, and shudder as I look at the mess of my bed. That dream had been a real nightmare.
“Do you mind coming over?” She asks next, and I groan inwardly. It’s not that I don’t want to see her, but that dream. . .
No, I need to get over that! “Sure, be over in a few,” I try to say cheerily.
“Is everything alright?” I guess there is something in my voice I can’t hide.
“Sure, sure,” I reassure her. “Now you live over in Detroit, right? It’s been so long. . .”
“Ha, ha,” she fakes a laugh. “Now hurry up and get your ass over here.”
“I’ll try not to make a wrong turn in Albuquerque,” I say in my best Bugs Bunny voice.
I finish getting dressed, and head out into the cold air. I debate on taking Lela’s ship, but decide to drive my car. Somehow, the feeling of my hands on the wheel, and the road beneath my tires comforts me. Maybe it’s just another one of those familiarity things.
Popping in a techno CD, I get myself pumped on the awesome beats. My sound system isn’t the best. Well, okay, maybe back in the twenties it would’ve sounded great, but my speakers can’t faithfully lay down the base.
Not yet. . . A few switches later, I’m struggling to keep my car on the road, as each low note shakes my car. Maybe I should turn it down a little.
“Damn,” Julia meets me at the door, “Was that your car? We could hear you a mile away!” She greets me with a warm smile.
I wasn’t expecting her here, and in truth had completely forgotten about Shanna’s one-time rival.
“Yeah, I should probably tune that down some more,” I answer as she leads me inside. “I don’t need anyone calling the cops on me.”
“Oh yeah, I heard they arrested you.” Inwardly I flinch, remembering the situation at the police department after I’d taken down the twins. “You’re a real bad-boy now. That’s so hot!”
“That wasn’t my fault,” I defend myself. While I don’t mind her thinking I’m hot stuff at the moment, I don’t want her getting any ideas. Shanna is my girlfriend, and I don’t want to hurt her.
“Oh, I know,” she tells me off-handedly. “Shanna explained everything to me. You’re a real bad-ass superhero!”
I stop, stunned by her revelation. Is there no such thing as a secret identity anymore?
“Sorry,” I hear Shanna’s mellifluous voice, and I turn to see her walking down the hallway, “I had to explain where I’ve been lately.”
Looking into her beautiful blue eyes, I can’t help but forgive her. “I take it Shannon knows too?”
“Of course I do, you rogue!” Shannon says, entering from the kitchen. If it weren’t for the switches in my girlfriend, I’d never be able to tell the identical twins apart. Well, it helps that Shanna’s hair is still dyed red, with only the roots showing her natural color.
“Of course,” I repeat her words.
“We all wanted to talk to you,” Shanna tells me, and I turn to see all three women looking seriously at me.
This can’t be good.
Shanna leads me to a couch, and has me sit in the middle. Julia sits next to me, her leg touching mine, and Shannon sits across from me in a matching loveseat. My girlfriend sits on my free side, and clasps my hands, looking deep into my eyes.
“We’ve been talking,” she starts, and her hands give mine a gentle squeeze. She already knows I’m not going to like whatever she’s about to tell me. “We want to help you fight the demons.”
Yanking my hands from her, I almost yell, “What? No! I won’t have you getting into any more danger than you will be, just by being on that ship. I wouldn’t even let you up there, if you hadn’t forced a promise out of me.”
Shanna looks hurt for a moment, before replying, “I didn’t force it out of you. I just gave you your options, and you chose to be with me.”
“We really think we can help,” Shannon steps in.
I feel Julia’s hand on my thigh, before she says, “Please. This is our planet too, and we should be able to defend it, also. What makes you think we want you to be in danger?”
Her question strikes me oddly, and I look at her, confused. “Look, Shanna loves you, her sister cares for you, and I. . . Well, I care deeply for Shanna. If you’re going into danger to fight off these demons, then I say you get all the help you can. Maybe in Doom one man can fight off an invasion of demons, but you can’t respawn.”
She’s right, of course, but I can’t have more people getting into a fight they can’t win. “But you can’t fight them. I at least have my switches, and my sister makes me stronger. No offense, but what can you do?”
“I won’t sit on the sidelines, and be your cheerleader,” Shanna says heatedly, and I turn to look back at her. Her blue eyes are smoldering icicles (I didn’t even know that was possible), and her wonderful lips are compressed into a tight line. “I’ve been talking with Leslie, and—“
“Wait, what? What does she have to do with this?” I splutter.
“You didn’t let me finish,” Shanna complains. “She’s an expert martial artist, and I think,” I raise my eyebrow at this statement, and she rushes on, “that with your help, we could be trained and be able to fight as well.”
Well, that would explain how Leslie was able to so deftly dodge me the other day. . . Or was that this morning? Anyway, that doesn’t really help.
“How do martial arts translate into a space battle, and how am I supposed to help you get trained in only a few days?” I almost feel smug in my logic. There’s no way they’ll be able to answer those questions.
Why are they all smiling?
“Away teams, of course,” Shannon says, at the same time her sister says “Your switches, of course.”
I look back and forth between the twins, trying to figure out which one to answer. I turn to Shannon first. “How do you expect to board their ships? Lela doesn’t have shuttles. And no amount of martial arts training will stand up to a gun. Besides, you’ll be outnumbered.”
“Leslie already thought of that,” of course she did. “She’s already recalibrated the teleporters, and is fairly sure she can get us onboard one of their ships. Then we can take it over, and use it against them.”
“Fairly sure?” I ask, trying to keep the derision out of my voice. With Leslie’s super genius and conceited personality, if she’s only fairly sure, then that can’t be good.
“Lela’s been talking with the other aliens, and they’re going to try some practice runs with inanimate objects tonight,” Shanna’s eyes grow distant, and she smiles. “Or rather, they just completed the trials, and were successful.” Apparently she is communicating with someone on the ship.
“That still doesn’t answer the question about you being outnumbered on their ships,” I remind them.
“Oh, come on,” Julia says. “Haven’t you seen enough Stargate episodes? A small team, well prepared, and well armed, will stand a better chance of getting on board, and taking over the bridge.”
“Weren’t you the one that just used Doom as a bad reference for why that wouldn’t work?” At least she has the grace to look embarrassed.
“We’ll have weapons,” Shannon says, “and we can use these light-suits, my sister’s told us about, for protection.”
“Those suits haven’t helped too much in the past, against the demons,” I point out.
“Leslie,” Shanna says, and truthfully that seems to be answer enough. Apparently she’s figured out a way to make them more protective as well. Once again I’m glad the Asian woman is on our team.
“Well,” I say, trying to come up with something to change their minds, “I can’t make you martial arts specialists with my switches. There’s no switch for kung-fu master.”
Julia laughs, and I turn back to her. “Shanna told us that you made her smarter and her memory stronger before one of her finals. All you have to do is increase our muscle memory, and agility, and we’re good. Those nanites should do the rest, with training from Leslie.”
I really have no answer for that. They’re right. It could work, and with Leslie helping, I have no doubt she could guide them to the bridge. My heart plummets, as the thought of them in danger worries me.
‘Give up, brother. You won’t win this.’ Somehow I’m not surprised Summer is watching this.
“But, it’ll be dangerous,” I say weakly, still not wanting to relent.
“Any more dangerous than being down here, if a ship makes it past you?” Shanna asks, and I drop my head in defeat. Yes, I could use a switch to make them change their minds, but I won’t. This is their choice, and they’re doing what they can to help. What right do I have to deny them that?
Shanna’s fingers under my chin lifts my gaze to meet hers. “Thank you,” she says softly, knowing that she’s won. Her lips brush mine, and then she’s hugging me tightly. Then all of them are hugging me.
I’ve never known three such people who were happy to be put into harm’s way. Hell, I wish I could get out of it, but as I’ve already thought numerous times since I’ve learned about Earth’s impending fate: ‘Duty is heavy as a mountain; death is light as a feather.’
Hell, I’m too young to die, and thinking about the three women with their arms around me, too lucky.
Shanna is the last to pull away from me, and her blue eyes are nearly dancing with joy. “I know this isn’t easy for you, but thank you.” Her lips are then pressed to mine, as she kisses my passionately.
I’m breathless by the time she pulls away, and before I can suck in a whole breath, Shannon is kissing me. I swear I’m blue by the time she pulls back with a whispered “Thank you.”
Thankfully Julia doesn’t immediately kiss me, and I’m able to suck in a couple breathes.
“Aren’t you thankful, Julia?” Shanna asks, and I can hear a smile in her tone. I have just enough time to look from my grinning girlfriend to a suddenly squealing Julia, before her lips are pressed to mine, as she moaningly kisses me.
After a bit of her powerful kissing, Shanna speaks up, “Okay, that’s enough thankfulness,” and Julia pulls away with a sheepish grin on her pretty face. “Oh, don’t pout,” Shanna tells the other woman, “You can help me suck his dick.”
Julia squeals in delight again, while Shanna begins undoing my pants. Flashes of my earlier dream, about not being able to get it up flash through my mind, but I shove it forcefully to the side. With these two hot women, and I can see Shannon is getting undressed, I have no doubt that I’ll be hard in no time.
Sure enough, as soon as my member is free, Shanna swallows the engorged head between her lips, making me moan. Julia’s lips start to work on my scrotum, and I place my hands on the backs of their heads.
‘Why did you change your mind on Julia?’ I mentally ask Shanna.
Her answer is awhile in coming, and I just enjoy the sensations the two women are giving me. In fact, Shannon’s feet are planted on both sides of me, and her fragrant cunt is on my lips, before her answer arrives.
‘Because you’ve been so good to me, and I know I can trust you. You have a lot on your shoulders, and I’m more than happy to offer whatever distractions I can.’
How did I ever get so lucky? I wonder, as I continue to moan into my girlfriend’s twin sister’s cunny.
‘I hope you know, I love you,’ I tell her in response to her answer.
‘Gee, what took you so long?’ She must have felt me stiffen, well, more than my member at least, as she continues, ‘You were broadcasting again the other day.’
‘wha—Dammit!’ I think. Why can’t I seem to keep my mind in my own head? ‘Well, that’s one way to ruin the moment. . .’
Shanna starts laughing so hard, she has to pull away from my phallus. Julia immediately replaces her, and I have to admit that she knows how to give good head.
I try to send my disgruntlement to Shanna, but she only laughs harder.
“You’re the only man I know that can be getting head from two women, while sucking on my sister’s clit, and be upset about telling me you love me!” my girlfriend exclaims, and this time I have to laugh as well. She really does have a point.
Since she’s talking out loud, I might as well too. “Well, you’re just going to have to put up with my grumpiness, because I do love you, and love you dearly!” I try to sound gruff, but can’t hide my smile as I say it.
Shanna’s eyes brim with tears, and I think I’ve overdone it, but when she shoves the other two women out of my lap, and kisses me again, I know they’re tears of happiness. She must have disrobed after pulling away from me.
‘Was this the response you wanted?’ she asks.
For answer, I grab her rear, move her above my rod, and shove her down while I thrust up. She feels fantastic, as I slide up into her warm velvety folds. Her kiss turns into a moan, and then she has to place her head on my shoulder as I work my way in deeper.
My girlfriend’s right earlobe in near my mouth, and I use my tongue to pull it between my teeth, and give it a little nibble. Someone grabs my left hand, and I look over to see Julia, now completely naked, as she guides my fingers towards her cunt. My middle two fingers slip in with ease, and I crook them to rub firmly against her front wall, making her moan in delight. She starts to twiddle with her clitoris, and I watch as her eyes roll back in her head in pleasure.
Shanna’s moans change in pitch at the same time I feel her womb strangle my cock, and another presence between my legs. Looking down her back, I can see Shannon’s face buried in her sister’s ass.
Julia is the first to cum, thrashing on the couch next to us, as I pick up the pace with my fingers. As she comes down from her orgasm, she pulls my fingers from her, leans over, and gets Shanna’s attention. The two women start sucking on my fingers, sharing Julia’s cum, and sending me to new heights of lust. I start pumping my hips harder, and I feel Shanna’s vagina grip me hard as she cums on my pole.
My girlfriend rolls off my lap, and onto Julia, but my cock isn’t free for long, as Shannon sucks it in between her lips, and cleans her sibling’s cum from it. The other two women are hungrily kissing, fingers buried in each other’s pussies.
“Now it’s my turn for this beast,” Shannon states as she stands up and turns around. Sitting back in my lap, my cock between her legs, she starts to rock her hips, as my penis rubs along her slit. It feels good, if different, but I definitely prefer to be inside a woman. Thankfully she doesn’t do this for long, before shifting her hips and standing up a little, then sinking back into my lap, this time with me inside her.
“Oh, fuck, Shanna,” Julia cries beside us, and I look over to see that my girlfriend has her whole fist inside Julia’s sucking cunt, a tit in her mouth, and the other tit getting rolled between her fingers. “Fuck, right there! Yeah! Oh, god, your making my cum again!” The erstwhile rival starts shuddering again in bliss.
“Their pretty hot to watch, aren’t they?” Shannon asks, and I can only nod. “If you’re done watching them, I could use a bit more attention.”
Embarrassed, I turn back to the brunette, and turn her head to kiss her passionately, while I grip her thighs, and force her fully down on me. I slip into her womb, and she cries out into our kiss.
“Oh god, I’d forgotten how deep you go,” she yells, breaking our kiss. Reaching around her body I grip a firm breast in each hand, and lightly twist her nipples. After a few seconds of this, I drop my right hand down to her crotch, and it only takes me a second to find her clit, and then she’s cumming fiercely, her juices dribbling down my balls and onto the couch. I don’t let up on her cunny, until she pulls my hand away, still shuddering, and mumbling, “No more. . . No. . . more.
Looking over to the other two women, I see their looking at me wide eyed.
“What?” I ask.
“You don’t normally last this long,” Shanna says, and then before I can answer, she turns to Julia. “Are you ready for that?” Shanna asks, nodding to my sloppy genitals.
Julia squeals again, and I realize she likes her squeals, as she turns and kisses Shanna some more. Her rear is in the air, and I stand up, to get behind her. Between how wet my cock is, and her dripping slit, I slip into her, up to the hilt in one slide. I’m surprised that I’m fully seated inside her, without feeling her womb wrapped around the tip of my phallus, until I remember her getting fisted a bit ago. Up until this point, I’ve only been able to sink fully into women who’ve had kids, or into their wombs, so slipping into a babe this hot, and this young is a nice experience, despite her not being as tight as the other two women in the room.
“Ungh,” Julia grunts, and turns to look at me, “It feels like I’m being fisted up to my chest!” She turns back to Shanna, and tells her, “Thank you. I love you too.”
‘Looks like you’re quite the loved woman tonight,’ I send to the dyed red-haired woman.
‘Jealous?’ she sends back, and I can see her smiling at me. My girlfriend slides up the couch, until her cunny is under Julia’s lips, and the girl I’m fucking hungrily attacks my girlfriend’s labia.
‘Not at all,’ I send back to Shanna, ‘you deserve to be loved.’
Love you, she mouths back to me, then her face is covered as Shannon sits on it.
How did I ever end up this lucky?
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