
Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 17-18 (Really)

Finally home, a cosplay New Years, & the Angel’s test

Friend’s note: It’s been requested that I stop doing this, because the ratings are so low. I’m saddened by this. I figured that his fans would honor one of DB’s dying requests. Regardless of ratings, I will continue. I know that most of the negative votes are from people who don’t even read the story, they simply scroll to the end, and click negative. They don’t realize they’re hurting DB’s legacy, more than anything I could do. Anyone looking at his work, will see his good ratings, then the plummet. This doesn’t hurt me, it hurts his standing. I’m not going to let such petty actions, stop me from fulfilling my friend’s request.

Ch 17

All I want to do is walk into my familiar bedroom, play a few video games, read a comic or two, or maybe even re-watch an episode of Battlestar Galactica. Is that too much to hope for?

Unfortunately, I’m afraid it is, for there’s a sock on the doorknob. I’m a bit surprised by that, as Dennis and Robin haven’t been too shy in the past, and haven’t cared when Gina and I’d watched them. For a minute or two I stand there, debating on just walking in anyway, but decide that valor is the better part of discretion, and walk back down to my car.

It’s New Year’s Eve, and my usual tradition is to stay up late playing video games, before going to bed the next morning. I’ve rarely had dates in the past. Since I don’t know how long my roommate will be, and since gaming is on my mind, I decide to call up Shanna.

“Nick? I’m so glad you called! When are you getting back?” She sounds breathless on the other end of the phone, as she excitedly talks to me.

“Well, I’m actually at my apartment now, but Dennis and Robin are currently using it. What are you doing?” I ask her, hoping she’ll get the hint that I want to come over.

“Getting ready for a party tonight. Are you going?” Since there are literally hundreds of parties going on, I have no idea which one she means, and tell her so. “The cosplay New Year’s one, silly. What other party would I want to go to?”

What party indeed? I wonder.

“But I don’t have a costume out here, and I can’t get to the ones in my apartment,” I say, feeling disheartened. I also can’t afford one, after all the money I’d spent down south, and don’t think I can find one that will be up to my standards on such short notice.

“Oh, well, if you get the chance to get one, I’d love to go with you,” the disappointment in her voice decides me. One way or another, I’m going. I only have to get a costume. Well, Dennis will understand if I break this one small convention. Maybe if I’m quiet, he won’t even know I’m there.

Trudging back up the stairs, pulling off the sock, I unlock the door. I put the sock back on the knob for good measure, before quietly slipping into my apartment. The sounds of my roommate’s lovemaking drift down the short hallway, and I’m fairly sure they won’t be able to hear me.

Confident that I’m going to get away with this, I start walking towards my room. By the sounds they are making, I guess that he’s left his door open. Just as I walk into the main room, I realize I’m wrong.

Robin looks up at me, and smiles, as she rides on top of Dennis. They’re on the couch, and my roommate has one of her fake tits in his mouth, while she rocks her hips back and forth, moaning loudly. Her red hair is bouncing atop her head, as Dennis thrusts into her from below.

“Nick!” Robin exclaims with a smile.

“What the. . .” Dennis starts to yell, as he stops moving, craning his neck around to look at me, standing frozen in the entryway. “Dude. . . Sock!”

“Sorry,” I tell them embarrassed. “I just need to get something from my room, and I’ll be gone.”

I try to walk past, but the pathway is short, and I have no choice but to walk close to them. I’ve noticed that despite Dennis stopping his movements, Robin hasn’t stop grinding against my roommate, and she grins as I try to slip by. Her hand darts out and grabs my wrist, halting me.

“Do you have to go so quick?” the redhead asks, and I don’t know what to think. Dennis starts to say something, but Robin pulls his head back up to her tit, shutting him up; after a couple seconds, he shrugs his shoulders and resumes moving inside her. “Why don’t you join us?” Her hand leaves my wrist, and goes to my pants.

“Uh. . . Dennis,” I say, not sure what he’ll think of this.

“Whatever, dude,” he say, letting go of her nipple just long enough to say that, before gripping Robin’s hips, and increasing her movements.

Robin moans loudly at this, and I capitulate. She quickly has my pants down to my ankles, and I kick off my shoes, and then pants. She has a firm grip on my already hardening cock, and uses it to pull me over to her waiting mouth.

Her lips stretch taught around my head, before I feel her tongue bathe the underside of my penis. Robin is great at giving head, and she elicits moan after moan from me. If I hadn’t stopped on the drive up here to masturbate, she probably would’ve had me spewing down her throat in a matter of seconds. This is the first time I’ve ever been with a woman at the same time as another man, but Robin’s mouth doesn’t let me care.

Robin must’ve been enjoying this a lot as well, because she has three consecutive orgasms, before finally pulling away from my shiny knob, and looking me lustfully in the eyes. “I want to feel this beast in me,” she says as she gets off of Dennis. I expect her to have me lay down, but instead, she merely turns around, and after a few seconds of fidgeting, has Dennis well seated in her ass.

“Oh, fuck!” Dennis exclaims. “I love how tight your ass is, dear.”

She turns to look at her boyfriend, smiling, “Mmm, and I love how well you fit back there, baby” She turns back to me, still with that hungry grin on her lips. “But right now, I want to see if I can get that thing in me, too. I’ve never had two men at once. This should be fun.”

With her back against my roommate and him buried in her ass, I can clearly see her freshly fucked pussy open and waiting for me. I’m so turned on by the redhead’s brazen nature that I don’t even care about Dennis being there anymore.

Getting onto the couch, between the two sets of legs, I start to rub my saliva slickened penis against her swollen, wet, lips. Robin moans and closes her eyes as Dennis starts to buck beneath her. I time my own thrust with his, slipping a couple centimeters into her at once.

Her eyes fly back open, and her arms wrap around my neck, as she screams, “Oh god, that feels huge. I feel so stuffed with both of my holes filled. Fuck me Dennis, fuck me Nick. Use your cocks to make me cream! OH GOD”

She mashed her lips to mine in an all-devouring kiss, as I feel her inner muscles contract violently around my rod. I can feel the other man pumping in and out of her colon while she cums, but try to ignore it, as I start to go deeper into this fiery redhead. A small part of me feels bad for kissing another man’s girlfriend, but the part of my brain that is doing the most thinking demands I kiss her back.

Our tongues swirl around each other, as she continues to cum, and I bring one of my hands up to her fake left tit, giving it a good squeeze. Despite the fact that I can see her chest is fake, they feel real enough. I’m sawing my hips back and forth, in time with Dennis’s movements, and have soon sunk into her as far as I can go.

Robin breaks off the kiss, when I strike bottom, and reaches down to where we are connected. She splits her fingers on either side of my cock, and then looks at me in surprise at how much still remains outside of her. At least two inches stand pointing to the strip of red hair above her pussy.

“Oh, fuck, that thing is big,” she moans. I know Dennis is no small guy himself, and hope he doesn’t get jealous of me.

Dennis’s hands come around his girlfriend’s torso, and starts playing with her jiggly tits, replacing mine, so I grab her hips, and start driving into her as hard and fast as I can.

“That’s it, baby. Fill my ass with your cum,” Robin cries out suddenly as Dennis begins to grunt. “Oh, it feels so hot in there. You’re going to make me cum again!”

This time as her pussy starts massaging my phallus, I’m too close, and pull out a second too late. One shot makes it off inside her pussy, before I can pull and shoot the rest across her stomach.

Robin is still in the throes of her climax, and I watch as she spreads my cum across her stomach, and even fingers herself for a few seconds with her cum covered hands, bringing herself off to a tremendous orgasm.

Not sure of the etiquette of these things, I quickly get up, gather my clothes, and head to my room. I get cleaned up as best I can, and am fully dressed again, when a knock sounds on my door.

“Hey, Nick,” Dennis says, “we need to talk.”

Uh-oh, I think, here it comes.

I open the door, half expecting my roommate’s fist to come flying at me. His hand does enter, but only because he is holding it out to me. I shake it, and he walks into my room. I can hear the shower going, and know where Robin is.

“Sorry if that bothered you, man. She’s been asking me for that for a bit now. At first I wasn’t sure how I would handle it. She told me she loves me, and I believe her. It’s actually kind of kinkier than I thought it would be. Dude, when you got in her, her asshole tightened so much I thought she is going to pinch my cock in two!” I let him ramble on for a bit, glad he’s not mad at me. “So, how are you handling it?” He finally asks me as he winds down.

“I dunno,” I tell him honestly. “It’s different, and I can’t deny it felt great. You have quite the catch on your hands, Dennis.”

He shakes my hand again, smiling, before turning to leave. He stops in the doorway, looking back at me with a serious look in his eyes. “Thanks for pulling out of her. She doesn’t believe in birth control, and we’ve been lucky so far.” I remember that one shot had made it in her, and also how she’d fingered herself with my cum, and can’t speak. I nod though; glad he can’t read my thoughts. Thanks to Lela, I know I’m fertile. “One last thing,” his face is now stern, “despite what happened in there, if I ever find you alone with her, I’ll kick your ass.”

He doesn’t wait for a response, before turning, and walking away. I’m not worried about him being able to beat me up; between my switches and current strength, he doesn’t stand a chance. I don’t plan on trying to steal Robin from him, though. I already have enough women in my life, and no matter how real her tits feel, I prefer the genuine article.

I look around my room, and sigh in relief. My vacation had been an eventful one, but not relaxing. It’s good to be surrounded by my geek paraphernalia again. I almost feel as though my collectibles and posters reset my mind. Remembering the entire reason I came into the apartment, despite the dangling sock, I go to my closet to look through my costumes. All of them tied into geek culture in one form or another. My first thought is to go as Gambit, but with my current muscles, I’m not quite as lanky and thin as I used to be. I continue to go through my costumes, some are bad for cold weather, though I know I will be indoors most of the time, some are just too obscure, and other’s too worn. I end up going as Gambit anyway, trench coat, bow-staff and all. I even have some contacts, which turn my eyes black, but wait to put those in, as they tend to annoy my eyes if I wear them for too long.

Robin slips into my room at one point as I’m getting ready, and gives me a critical look.

“Who are you supposed to be? A pirate?” she asks solicitously.

“No, mon chere,” I say in my best bayou accent, “I be da Gambit.” When she continues to look at me I inform her without the accent, “From a comic book series.”

“Oh, yeah, the geek thing.” She drops her gaze to my covered crotch, before adding, “Sometimes I forget about that. Especially when it comes to your other attributes.” She smiles at me, and I grow nervous, remembering Dennis’s warning. Again, I’m not worried about him, but I don’t care to cross any lines. “Anyway, the reason I came in here, is that I want to clarify something. Despite what happened in there, I love Dennis, and have no intention of trying to get with you on a permanent basis. I’m sorry if we gave you the wrong idea. . .”

“No,” I tell her, relieved. “I’m happy for you two. I have plenty to deal with on my own.”

“Well don’t sound too heartbroken,” she complains, and I realize that I’ve hurt her ego. She must’ve expected me to be disappointed, but when I’m not. . .

“Not that I’ll turn you away, if you and Dennis don’t work out,” I quickly pipe up, trying to sooth her.

“Hmm, well, with a cock as big as yours, you’re welcome to join us whenever you like, just don’t expect it too often.” She winks at me as she turns and walks out, and I think Dennis is in for one helluva ride with this fiery redhead.

I call up Shanna, to ask if she wants me to pick her up, or meet her at the party. There is only ever one cosplay party this time of year, and while I’ve always known about it, I’ve never been comfortable going alone.

“Come get me, and we’ll go together,” she says, and I can tell that she’s excited about me going. “Who are you going as? I want to see if we’ll match.”

“Uh-uh,” I tell her, smiling though I know she can’t see me. “You get ready, and we’ll see how well we match when I get there.” She protests, but in the end, I win out.

I knock on her door a short while later, and Shannon answers.

“Gambit, huh? Now I know what to dress as!” she tells me, grinning triumphantly.

“You’re going too, Shannon?” I ask, and laugh when she pouts that I know who she is.

“How do you DO that?” she demands, but I just give her an enigmatic smile in response. “Well, no. I got invited to another party, and I’m looking forward to it. Good choice of costume, though, you’re a little too well built for it. Gambit’s tall, but with your current build, you’re a little wider than he is.”

“Is that a fat joke?” I ask, poking her in the sides, playfully.

She laughs, and then yells up the stairs, “Shanna, Nick is here. You’re safe to come out.” I wonder at the last part, but when I see Shanna, I understand.

She’s dressed up as Rogue, up to and including dying her hair red, except for a white spot in front. Her blue eyes sparkle as she smiles widely, seeing me in my matching outfit.

“I guess we match after all,” I tell her, returning the smile. She runs to me, and flings her arms around my neck, before kissing me.

“I’ve missed you,” she says breathlessly, coming up for air a few moments later.

I wrap my arms around her thin waist, and love how her outfit hugs her curves. “Mon, chere, your touch truly does entice da life right outta da Gambit.” She laughs at my accent, and I realize just how much I’ve missed the sound of her musical laugh. “I’ve missed you, too. And your cute laugh, and long lashes, and beautiful eyes and. . . Shall we go?” I ask her, giving her tight behind a quick squeeze.

Her mouth moves to a pouty position, and in her Rogue outfit, I think it’s pretty cute. “You don’t want to fool around, first?” she asks me.

“Is it always sex with you?” I ask her, remembering when she’d used a similar line on me a while ago.

She laughs at the turnaround, and drags me out the door.

The party is at a large house, bordering on a mansion, and there is music blaring everywhere, lights flashing, and costumes galore. Considering how cold it is outside, I’m surprised at how skimpy some of the outfits are; some of them barely legal in public.

I immediately excuse myself to the bathroom, and put in my contacts. When I return, Shanna has moved away from the spot I’d left her at, but I only have to sense for her switches to find her.

To my surprise, she is chatting with another Rogue. I grab us a couple drinks, and go join them. The other Rogue is pretty cute, I can’t deny, but I can tell she is wearing blue contacts, and a wig. Shanna’s costume is easily better.

Shanna doesn’t notice I’m there, until I hand her a drink.

“Oh, you’re back,” she says barely glancing at me. “Nick, this is Julia, we have a few classes together.” By her tone, it doesn’t sound like she enjoys those classes.

“Nick, huh? Cool contacts.” Julia says, turning the full effect of her bright blue eyes on me. She places her hand on my chest, and gets a little uncomfortably close, as she gazes into my black eyes. “They can just draw you in, can’t they?” Her lips part and I know she is giving me the go ahead to kiss her by the way she is looking at me, and the shape she makes with her red lips.

I step back, and turn my back on her. I’m here with Shanna, and no matter what I may do when I’m not with her, I’m not going to kiss another woman in front of her.

Shanna looks at me for the first time since I got back, and I see she is startled by my eyes. She quickly gets over it though, as she gives me a quick peck on the cheek and a, “Thank you.”

She takes my arm, and pulls me away. When we’re far enough away, which is not too far considering the music, I lean over and ask what that’d been about.

Shanna studies my face for a bit, before answering. “That’s just Julia.

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