Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 11-12
Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 11-12
Sex Story Author: | Dark_Brother |
Sex Story Excerpt: | If I hear him come in, we'll just have to stop. I finally allow our mouths to come together, |
Sex Story Category: | Alien |
Sex Story Tags: | Alien, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Incest, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Pregnant, Reluctance, Science-Fiction, Virginity |
Ch 11
The sun shines pleasantly as we drive south. The roads are dry, though the sides are piled up high with snow. All in all it’s a pleasant Sunday drive. At least, it would’ve been if not for a couple of things. Nancy is sitting in the back seat, humming softly to herself, and Lela had refused to talk to me again last night.
Nancy’s presence doesn’t bother me as much as Lela’s attitude. When I’d called my family to see if Gina could come down, my mom had asked after her mom, and then insisted that I invite her as well. Nancy had hemmed and hawed at first, but Gina convinced her it would be good to not be alone for the holidays. I just kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to influence her decision, and to be honest, I really don’t know how I feel about it. A part of me was hoping to get some alone time with Gina, but that’s less likely with her mom there.
Then there’s the issue of the chance of my family finding out what I’d done with the two women. Somehow I’m sure my parents would freak out, especially my dad. My sister might take it better, but she’s not likely to be there after that last blow-up with our father, even if it is Christmas. No matter what, I don’t want it getting out.
Yesterday had flown by, as Shanna, Shannon, and I recovered from the night’s exertions, sleeping most of the day. I’d gone to see Gina after calling my mom that evening, and she was ecstatic as she packed. The two women had decide to go do some shopping, and I left them to it, realizing I would have to do some extra Christmas shopping myself, ordering gifts for the twins, and wrapping Gina’s.
I’m not sure if I should get anything for Donna Frankens, and figure propriety dictates otherwise. I don’t want her to get her in any trouble, if someone were to find out.
Luckily Nancy opts to pay for gas, as I’ve spent more than I’d meant to last night.
I had a peaceful night alone, and was relieved when Lela took me. It dawns on me that she only takes me on nights when no one is sleeping with me. I hope that means she isn’t jealous, but when she refused to show herself again, even when I desperately pleaded that I needed to talk to her concerning ways to defeat the demons. Silence and the strength building white light are all that meet my pleas.
“I hope your family likes me,” Gina worries for what feels like the hundredth time.
“Relax. You’ll be fine,” I reassure her again, then think I’d probably better warn her. “I haven’t told you about my sister, have I?” She shakes her head. “She’s a lesbian. She came out about three years ago. My mom doesn’t mind so much; though she regrets not having any grandchildren from her, so don’t be surprised if she asks when we’re having kids.”
“Not for awhile, I hope,” Gina tells me with a laugh. I remember Robbie complaining that Gina had wanted kids, so that statement kind of surprises me. “I want to finish college first.” I guess I hadn’t gotten the whole story.
“My dad flipped out, though, called her devil spawn and other not so nice things. He’s calmed down since then, but still doesn’t like it, and we’ve barely heard from her since.”
“A parent should always support their children’s life decisions,” Nancy says from the back seat. “Give them advice if we think they’re making mistakes, but if it’s what they truly want. . .” Gina reaches over, and squeezes my leg.
“Thanks, mom. Love you, too,” Gina says sincerely.
I decide not to tell them that my dad had been screaming at my mom in the background when I’d called. After Nancy’s husband had left her, I can only hope that my parents don’t get into it too heavily. They had loved each other once, but I’ve noticed them growing more distant over the last few years. Summer, my sister, blames herself for our parent’s issues, but I doubt it has to do solely with her.
We pull in about mid-afternoon, and mom runs out to give me a big hug. I feel my cheeks burn at mom’s P.D.A. in front of Gina and Nancy, but suffer through it, knowing that she’s missed her only son.
“My word!” She exclaims pulling away from me, and squeezing my arms. “You’ve been working out.”
I introduce them all, ignoring her compliment.
“Oh, Nick, your girlfriend is so cute!” Mom exclaims next, and my cheeks go even redder. “And those hips look good for bearing children too!” Oh, please kill me now! I beg some unknown gods.
“We’re not—” Gina and I say in unison, but mom ignores us as she shakes Nancy’s hand.
“I’m so glad you were willing to come,” mom’s voice is more exuberant than usual, and I wonder if she is putting on a show for our guests. I hope her and dad haven’t been fighting too much lately. And that’s when I notice the slight flush to her cheeks, and realize she is drunk.
“Is Summer coming?” I ask. I haven’t seen my sister since last Christmas, the only time she might be willing to be around our father. We communicate irregularly, but it’s still nice to see my older sister from time to time. I’m not holding my breath, on it though.
“Yes, she said she has to work, and won’t be here until Christmas Eve, though,” mom sounds down for a moment, but her smile quickly returns, as she ushers our guests inside, leaving me to unload the car.
It takes a number of trips, and despite the cold, I’m sweating slightly as I bring the last bags in. Gina and Nancy will be sharing the guest bedroom, which unfortunately is right next to my parent’s room. There will be no sneaking in there at night, and my room is across the hallway from dad’s and mom’s. It looks to be a sex-free week.
My dad is reading a newspaper in the den and drinking a beer. From the pile of cans next to him, I know not to bother him. I find the other three women in the dining room, sipping on hot cocoa. Gina jumps up to make me some, and I gratefully sit down. Between Lela’s white light last night, and unloading the car, I’m more than a little tired.
“Your girlfriend is so cute, Nick,” mom leans over and whispers to me. “And smart, too.”
“She’s not my girlfriend, mom,” I protest, knowing it’s useless..
Mom looks at me as though she doesn’t believe a word of it. Resistance is futile, I think. I’m saved from further argument as Gina brings me my steaming brown drink.
“Thank you,” I tell her, and am rewarded with her dazzling smile. My first sip sends a delicious warmness through my chest, that isn’t entirely due to the hot chocolate. A quick glance at Gina shows a wicked smile. She’d spiked my drink.
Mom and Nancy start talking about work, and I find out that Nancy is a registered nurse at the main hospital. They become so engrossed in their talking, that Gina and I’m able to slip out unnoticed.
“Your mom seems nice,” she tells me, as we walk into the guest room.
“Yeah. . . Too happy. I think she’s hiding something.” I tell her, trying to keep my words to a minimum. Gina is still affected by my voice, and considering the lack of opportunities ahead of us, I don’t want to cause her any undue stress.
“You worry too much, Nick,” she grabs my shoulders, turning me to look at her. “Or can you read minds now, too?”
I silently laugh, but shake my head. No, I can’t read minds, but I still worry about how overly cheerful mom acts, and her level of drinking.
Gina brings her lips to mine, and I kiss her happily, until she moans. I pull away, remembering to tell her about the walls.
“The walls are paper thin in here, so be careful what you say. My parent’s room is right next door, and you can hear everything,” I warn her, repeating, “Everything.”
Gina looks to the wall in question, and then turns back to me with a wicked grin. “That could get interesting,” she says, as she steps back up to me, and starts kissing me again.
We have to break apart again a few seconds later as we hear our mothers walking down the hallway. I step away, and act as though I’m straightening the blankets on the bed. Our mothers look at as, suddenly growing silent as they walk in, and I know we aren’t fooling anyone. Gina’s grin at my attempted ruse doesn’t help, and both older ladies burst out laughing.
I feel foolish, but I had grown up under my parent’s rule, and some habits still stick, apparently.
Dad finally comes out of his den before dinner, and barely says two words throughout the meal. Mom more than makes up for it though, talking enough for all of us.
Dad only eats half his meal, before standing up, “I’m going into the office. There are some files I need to file.”
“But dear, you’ve been drinking all day, and we have guests. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” Mom asked, worriedly.
“Dammit, don’t tell me how much I’ve drunk, woman. I said I need to go, and those files won’t file themselves.” Dad storms from the room, his plate still on the table, as we all sit in stunned silence.
I know my dad is a big shot lawyer, but a case that needs to be filed this late and this close to the holidays? I doubt it.
I keep my mouth shut though, and mom tries to put on a brave face, though she doesn’t eat anymore either.
When the rest of us are done eating, Gina and I clear the table, while our moms put the dishes in the dishwasher.
“Why don’t you kids go see a movie tonight?” Mom says as we bring the last of the dishes to them. “I’m sure you two don’t want to hang out with us old women, and there isn’t likely to be any privacy here.” Mom winks at me, and I feel my face flush red again. Were parents just created to be embarrassing?
“Mom!” I whine, but Gina is already dragging me from the room.
Gina wants to watch some romance movie, but there is a fighting robot movie playing too. We end up going to the romance movie. . . Yay. . .
Mom shoves a $20 into Gina’s hand before we leave, to my disgruntlement, but I have to admit I really can’t afford much until payday, after I get back. I have plenty in savings, but prefer not to use that when I can avoid it. Taking this week off is really going to hurt, too. I just hope that everyone enjoys their gifts.
We buy sodas and popcorn, before going into our theatre room.
I shouldn’t have worried about the movie choice, though, for as soon as we sit down, Gina’s lips are locked to mine. We sit in the back, just under the projector, and this theatre must have upgraded their seating since the last time I was here, as the armrests lift, allowing us to cuddle up to each other.
Thankfully there are very few people in here on a Sunday night.
Gina’s tongue is hungrily moving along my own, as her hand slides into my coat, and pulls me tighter to her. The lights dim, as the opening trailers start up, but my mind barely notices.
I slide my hand into her coat, but instead of going around to her back, I stop on her right tit. Giving it a squeeze through her shirt, I only then notice she isn’t wearing a bra, as I can feel her stiffening nipple with ease.
Gina moans softly at my touch. There isn’t anyone near us, but it won’t serve to get caught. Gina’s hand slides down to my crotch, and starts playing with my cramped dick through my pants, and I have to break the kiss long enough to up-shift. Gina giggles as I pull my hand out, but she deftly slips hers in, and this time it’s me that moans as I feel her fingernails touch my shaft.
Her other hand starts working on my zipper, but I grab her wrist. “What are you doing?” I hiss, as I look around. In the dark, with only the screen for light, I don’t think anyone will see us, but you never know.
“Relax,” she gives my lips a quick lick with the tip of her tongue, and I succumb to her feminine wiles. I let go of her wrist, and within seconds my hard cock is standing upright in the cool theatre air. It isn’t cold for long, however, as she lays her head in my lap, and swallows as much as she can between her soft lips. I strip off my coat, and set it in the seat next to us, ready at a moment’s notice to pull it over her if someone comes by.
The opening credits of the movie start up, and some cheesy music plays, but I can still make out the sucking sounds Gina makes as she gobbles my knob. I know no one else can hear her, but in my paranoia I still wonder why no one is telling us to be quiet.
Gina must have been getting warm too, because she lifts her head long enough to take off her coat, before going back down on me. Placing my hand on her hip, I slide it up under her shirt, until I feel the underside of her boob. Gina moans as I touch her stiff nipple, and her moan elicits a small moan from me. She uses her right hand, and starts fondling my balls, intensifying my pleasure.
I continue to fondle her large breast, truly enjoying this first time experience of a public BJ. Every time I start to get close, I concentrate on the movie for a few seconds, until the urge subsides, or until she does something with her tongue that feels fantastic.
I slide my hand down her flat abdomen, to the tops of her pants, and keep going. I have to lean over a bit, but the second my fingers brush her clit, she begins to shudder in orgasmic heaven, and I can feel how soaked her panties already are. The fact that she is so turned on from giving me pleasure, and what little I have done for her sets me over the edge, and I let out my loudest moan (though still comparatively quiet) in the theatre, as I start to ejaculate into her sucking orifice.
Gina sits up and gives me a quick peck on the cheek, whispering, “Thank you,” before cuddling into my arms, and eating popcorn.
The rest of the movie doesn’t seem so bad after that, though occasionally I can hear explosions from the robot movie next door.
When we arrive back to my parent’s place, I notice dad still isn’t home. We try to walk in quietly, but we needn’t have bothered, as both of our mothers are passed out in the family room, one empty bottle of wine on the coffee table, and another half empty, still clutched in my mom’s hand.
Gina helps me carry Nancy back to the guest room, and I tell her I can get my mom on my own.
My mother is much shorter than me and pretty light. It’s easy for me to pick her up in my arms and carry her to her room. I slip off her shoes and socks, but don’t dare do anything more with her clothing. I pull back her sheets, and position her in bed. Before I can pull the covers up, however, her arms hug me tight, and she pulls me down into a drunk, sloppy kiss. I can taste the wine on her tongue as it drives into my shocked mouth.
As soon as my senses return, I pull away, and hear her murmur, “I love you.” She must be dreaming of better times with dad, I think, as I carefully pull the covers over her, and she rolls over. “Thank you, Nick.”
Her voice freezes me as I step out of her door. Had she known it was me when she kissed me, or did she wake up in between the kiss and me pulling the covers over her?
In a fog of confusion, I walk across the hallway to my room, and strip down to my boxers, without turning on the light.
I feel my way over to my old bed, wondering if I’m going to get any sleep tonight. The one good thing about being alone is that hopefully Lela will come get me tonight. I will plead with her to talk to me. I need her advice in order to defeat the demons. I can’t do it alone. Beyond that, I want to know what I can do to make amends to her.
A soft giggle is the only warning I have, before a very naked Gina pulls me to her, pressing her luscious body to mine.
“What are you doing?” I demand, trying to speak around her attempts to kiss me.
“They’re both passed out drunk,” she tells me. “They’ll never know.” I’m not too sure about that, after what’d happened in my parent’s room.
“My dad will be home at any minute,” I warn, but she doesn’t care, and her insistence soon turns my thoughts around.
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