Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 09-10
Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 09-10
Sex Story Author: | Dark_Brother |
Sex Story Excerpt: | It’s not that I consider women to be weak, but for a person like Derek, I can come up with |
Sex Story Category: | Alien |
Sex Story Tags: | Alien, Anal, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Body modification, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Incest, Mind Control, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Pregnant, Rape, Romance, Science-Fiction, Threesome, Violence |
So, I just found DB’s original thread, here: .
Please feel free to post comments, or ides on how I’m doing with his series.
I know where I’m at as soon as the blue light penetrates my eyelids. My eyes fly open, but I’m disappointed to see I’m the only person in the room. The white light douses me, and I can feel my strength leaking from me, as it builds up my body.
“Lela?” I call out, but there’s no answer. In silence I wait for the light to finish its work, and then I’m back in my own bed. I’m worried that she’s still upset with me, and I don’t get much sleep; I’m too guilt ridden.
Robin is in the bathroom when I get up, so I go ahead and eat, while I wait. She takes a little longer than Shanna had yesterday, but I don’t mind too much. Dennis comes out of the bathroom with her, and suddenly I understand what has taken them so long.
I quickly shower and shave, and decide to walk to campus. The sun is up, but the air is crisp, my breath misting thickly from me as I walk.
My phone rings, and I see its Gina, from the Caller ID.
“Nick?” Her voice sounds quiet on the other end. “I think that person is back. Can you come over and check?”
I’m already most of the way to campus, and really don’t want to turn back around to get my car. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Just jump in your car, and drive here. I’m sure you’ll be fine,” I try to reassure her.
“Okay. See you in class?” She still sounds unsure, but I’m glad I won’t need to walk all the way back, and get my car. My first class has a final today, and I don’t want to be late for it.
“I can’t wait,” I say. But I can wait. After what had happened with Prof. Frankens last night and then having both Gina and Shanna in the same class. . . Well, let’s just say that if I didn’t have a final, I would be ditching it again.
The morning veritably flies by, my finals are easy, and I’m usually one of the first ones done. I see Robbie talking with Nicole, and know I don’t need to tell him about her. He actually goes so far as to give me a smile and a nod when he sees me, though Nicole only gives me a disgusted look before saying something that makes Robbie laugh.
I don’t have a class after lunch, having taken that final on Tuesday, so I closet myself in the library, and try to come up with ideas on how to defeat the demons, and casually try various switches on inanimate objects around me. From experience, I know I can create multiple switches at once on a group, but it’s harder on me than making switches one at a time. And the thought of trying to affect an entire fleet of the red beasts. . . Well, that would probably kill me, and I would never even get the opportunity to move the switch, once I make it. Is there something I can do to a few that might affect the rest?
Maybe if they mate like the angels do, I could put all their females in heat. The males would go wild with lust, and the females would have to mate, lest they die. Meanwhile the human race could fall upon them, and defeat them. . .
There are a few problems with that, though. While affecting only the females would reduce the strain on me, it would still be too much. I would also need to notify the government about the aliens, and I don’t feel like being locked up in a loony bin. And then, I am only going off of a guess that they MIGHT be like Lela, which isn’t a good start. Lela’s entire species are herbivores, while the demons are pure carnivores. Maybe if I were to change their diet. . . But then again, their food preference doesn’t necessarily mean anything. It’s not likely to work, but for now it’s something.
No further plan occurs to me by the time I have to get to Prof. Frankens’ class, and I reluctantly turn my feet in that direction.
Shanna greets me just outside the door, with a smile on her face, and her long lashes batting at me. Had I really thought Gina was that much prettier than her a couple weeks ago? Right now, as the pretty brunette smiles at me, I’d have to say they’re on par. Thinking of Gina, I look around for her, but don’t spy her blonde hair.
“Are you ready for this? I stayed up half the night studying, but I know there will be something I forgot to look up on this final.” She seems fidgety as she speaks all in a rush.
“Relax. I have no doubt you’ll do fine,” I try to reassure her, but she isn’t having it.
“Well, we can’t all be as smart as you, Nick. I’ll bet you played games all night, instead of studying.”
“I studied,” I tell her defensively. I had listened to Robin’s loud cries, and Dennis’ grunts more, but I HAD tried to study. . . For a few minutes, at least.
Deciding out of reflex to do something for her, I make a quick switch to increase her memory, and confidence, and budge them both a little, and I see her back stiffen slightly, and her shoulders go back.
“Hmmm,” she murmurs, “I don’t know why, but suddenly I feel a lot better. Thanks!” She gets on her tip-toes and places a soft kiss on my cheek.
She sits right next to me, and I look around again for Gina, but she is nowhere to be seen.
Prof. Frankens has us separate some, putting at least one empty seat between each student, before handing out the tests, one by one. She informs us that there are four different test versions, but when she hands me the question booklet from the bottom of her stack, I see that the answers have already been marked, and then poorly erased. Donna barely smiles at me, before walking on, handing out other tests. I notice a few of the other men in class giving me jealous glares, but luckily Shanna is already going over her test, and hadn’t noticed.
I still don’t see Gina.
I start answering the questions, at first verifying the circled answer is the correct one, but after the first ten are accurate, I start copying the book. Every now and then I answer one intentionally wrong; there is no reason to make my cheating completely obvious, even if Donna had handed me this book on purpose. I also verify answers here and there, just to make sure it’s not a trap. It’s not as though I don’t trust Donna, but it’s always better to play it safe, than sorry. For all I know, she might trick me, in order to get me to fail, and then I’d have to take her class again.
About halfway through, Gina still hasn’t shown up. She had said she would see me in class, didn’t she? Was there really someone there this morning, and did they do something to her? Or am I just being paranoid?
Dammit, I don’t need this right now!
I start rushing through the test, worried about the blonde bombshell. I can call her as soon as I get out of this test.
Sweat is actually beading on my brow, as I walk up and hand the test to Prof. Frankens. She smiles at me again, and I think she is about to say more, but looks at the class behind me, and just mouths, “Thank you.” Despite my stress, I can’t help but catch her sweet scent, and notice how nice she looks.
I try to walk calmly out of class, though I know my steps are faster than a normal walk. As soon as the door closes behind me, I pull out my phone, and call Gina.
One ring. . . Two rings. . . After the fourth ring, it goes to voicemail. Hanging up, I try again, but with the same result. I decide to leave a message this time. “Gina. Just worried about you. Gimme a call when you get this. Bye.”
That was my last class, but I would gladly skip any others as I start to walk briskly home. My heart is thudding in my chest as I almost run, and despite the cold, I’m sweating even more as I rush to get to my car.
I only have the faintest warning, before pain explodes in the back of my head, and blackness swallows the snow-white world around me.
* * *
Pain, as always, is the first thing I become aware of. The back of my head hurts almost as bad as the second day with my ability.
A soft sobbing is the second thing to penetrate the haze that seems to fill my mind.
Lifting my head to find the source of the crying, I realize that I’m tied up and naked, as I attempt to move my arms. The room I’m in is dim and there’s no furniture. I can faintly make out holes in the wall, and know that this must be an abandoned house. The only light is coming through the holes in the walls, and a flashlight shining on Gina.
Gina lays hunched on the floor about ten feet in front of me, her hands tied to another post, and just as naked as I am. Bruises and cuts cover her body, all of them fresh, some with dried blood.
“So, you finally wake up,” a cold voice says from a shadow. I look in the direction of the voice, groaning at the pain the movement causes in my skull. The voice laughs, and only then do I recognize it.
“Derek,” I say, the name hissing through my teeth. Damn, even talking hurts. I fight feebly against my bonds, but they’re rope, and I know my ability can’t affect them. The pain of even this small movement is excruciating.
Gina moans piteously in her corner, and I feel my rage increase, some of it directed inward. I had assumed that Derek’s attack would come at me. I didn’t think he would attack someone else to hurt me.
“What do you want from us?” I’m proud of how steady and calm my voice sounds.
“Us? I don’t want anything from her, it’s you I want to make pay. She is just an innocent, caught in your freakish evil ways.” There is laughter behind every word, and it makes me think of the Joker.
For a second I debate on flipping his ‘sleep’ switch, but that will still leave us both tied up. Somehow I have to convince him to untie us. And in order to do that, I have to keep him talking. I don’t think a ‘guilt’ switch will work in him, like it had in Gina the last time I’d been tied up.
“MY evil ways? What are you talking about?” How could HE consider ME evil, after what he’d obviously done to Gina?
Derek steps out of the shadows, and into the dim light, wearing nothing but a wicked smile. His dick is hard between his legs, and it wobbles as he walks to where Gina’s cowering. My blood boils as I see the fear in her eyes.
“Why, it’s a good thing I arrived when I did,“ Derek says solicitously. “Unfortunately I’m too late to stop you from raping and killing poor Gina, but at least I got here in time to do you in, freak.”
Gina cringes as Derek approaches her, and I spit in his direction, and then moan in pain. I notice he has a condom on, as he bends over, grabs Gina’s ass, and lifts it up. She struggles against him, until he smacks her hard, she sobs some more, but stops fighting. I know this isn’t the first time he’s raped her today, and that this time it’s just for my benefit.
I can’t stand it. Even if it means staying tied up, I can’t let him hurt her again. I flip his ‘sleep’ switch, and cry out in throbbing agaony, as nothing happens.
Derek mistakes my cry of agony for one of anguish, and laughs as he shoves himself into the bound woman from behind. Gina cries out, her terror and pain evident, which only serves to make Derek’s smile wider.
I try again to put him to sleep, but the ache in my head is too intense, and I can’t work through it. I slump in my bonds, trying to drive the hurt away.
“No!” Derek screams. “No, you will watch this.” Hearing him approach me, I look up in time to see him grab a broom handle and crack it against my ribs. There is a loud CRACK, and I feel my ribs break; breathing becomes a excruciating chore. Spider webs of pure torture blossom from the point where he’d struck me. My scream echoes around the small room well after I run out of breath. “Watch it and weep, or I’ll hit you again. You don’t have to watch long. She’s pretty loose, but as soon as I’m done, I’ll put you both out of your misery.”
“You won’t get away with this,” I wheeze, having a hard time getting enough air.
“Won’t I? What is there to get away with? I heard some odd noises from outside as I was walking by, and came in to find you strangling Gina as you raped her. I beat you with this stick, and apparently go too far, and kill you. I’ll even call the cops, and sob at the evil I saw in here.” Derek cackles, and I know I need to stop him somehow. Joker, indeed.
If only I can get my switches to work. If my head didn’t throb so badly, I’m sure I could do what needs to be done, but there is no chance of that right now.
Derek walks back over to Gina, and flips her to her back, before thrusting violently back into her. Her tits bounce obscenely as the bastard plows in and out of her. He gives me a big smile as his hands wrap around her neck, and I can see her eyes bulge as he starts to strangle her.
“You pansy assed bitch!” I cry, hoping to distract him, but he ignores the insult, grinning at me while he slowly chokes the life out of Gina. I can no longer hear her sobs, as they are also cut off. I can see the stark terror in her eyes as she looks at me, pleading for me to do something. She knows what I’m capable of, which makes the look of pleading in her hazel eyes that much more painful.
I know she wants me to use my ability, but I can’t. It’s just not working right now. “I can’t,” I sob, as I watch her dying. My head hurts too much. Maybe if Lela were here to heal me, I could use them, but she’s not.
Wait, isn’t she always watching me?
“Lela!” I yell, ignoring the pain in my chest and head at the effort. “Help me.”
Gina’s eyes slowly close, as her struggles weaken. In desperation, I fight against my bonds, against the pain, needing to get out, to run to her and save her.
Gina’s eyes close, and her limbs go limp, and sick, demented Derek blows his load into the condom.
There is a quick flash of light, and I see Derek look away from me.
“What the fuck?” His hands loosen around Gina’s neck, but it’s too late. She lies unmoving, as Derek stands up, and grabs his broom handle again.
A familiar greenish-yellow light surrounds me, and I don’t waste any time. The broom handle is flying hard and fast at my head, a blow that will likely knock me unconscious, if not worse, when I hit his ‘paralyze’ switch. The broom stops mere centimeters from my temple.
I can feel my body tingling, as it repairs itself under the healing light. My ribs knit back together, and the throbbing in my head lessens until it’s gone. I feel the ropes holding me to the post loosen, and then fall, but my eyes are locked on Derek. My sight is filled with a red haze, as I glare at this evil beast. I can’t even think of him as a man.
I see fear in his beady little eyes, and his lips quiver as I step up to him. I glare at the bully, and would have laugh at the drool that leaks from his mouth, if I weren’t still filled with hatred and rage. Death would be too good for him, and I don’t think I can kill another human, even in my anger. Besides, I’m supposed to SAVE the human race, not kill it.
The healing light is still on me, and I draw all the strength I can for this switch. Just forming it creates an immediate headache behind my eyes, but the light soon relieves me of it. Pushing the switch is another matter. Even the light can’t keep the mental pain at bay, but a quick glance at the lifeless Gina drives my outrage to a new level. The injustice of what Gina’s gone threw at this monster’s hands, fuels me, and slowly the new switch moves.
Derek’s eyes grow large, as what I’m doing starts to take effect. A pitiable wine escapes his throat, and I wonder if he is in pain. I truly hope so. More than any other time in my life, I want to cause pain to another person. Even all the bullying I’d received from Robbie over the years, has never caused a rage in me like the one I’m feeling right now.
I run to Gina, and feel at her neck for a pulse. It’s weak, but it’s there. Then and only then, do I breathe a sigh of relief, and look up to Lela, who is now looking at the nude form of Derek. She is hidden in the shadows, and I can barely make out her form. I wonder what Derek must be thinking as the pink alien faces him.
“Can you heal her?” I ask Lela.
I see Lela’s hands move before her for a moment, and the light shifts to cover me and Gina. I watch, still slightly amazed at what this light can do, as Gina’s bruises turn yellow, and then fade away completely. The few cuts seal themselves. The only evidence left that she had been hurt at all is the crusted blood that spots her smooth skin here and there.
“Thank you,” I say as the light vanishes, but Lela is already gone.
I find our clothes in a pile, near where Derek had come out of the shadows, and quickly dress Gina first. I have a hard time getting her undergarments on, having had a lot more practice getting them off lately, but soon she is fully covered. I dress myself, before standing in front of the motionless statue that is Derek.
I can still hear a weak piteous whining coming from his clenched jaws, as I examine his body. His chest has grown some, his cock and balls shrunk, the condom now hanging onto what is rapidly becoming a clit. Even his hips have widened. The filled condom gives me an idea.
“You will regret today for the rest of your life. If I EVER see you again, I will do much worse than what you are suffering now.” I look him deep in the eyes, wanting to make sure he understands what I’m about to tell him. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your life as a weak, mute, woman.”
I easily make three more switches in Derek, or whatever her name will be after today; one to make her muscles always weak, one sealing away her voice, and the third to make her more compassionate. I only hope it will serve as punishment.
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