Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 03-04_(0)
Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 03-04_(0)
Sex Story Author: | Dark_Brother |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Let me do all the work." She bends over, and lightly pecks my lips, before moving her mouth gently across |
Sex Story Category: | Alien |
Sex Story Tags: | Alien, Blowjob, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, massage, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Science-Fiction, Violence |
Friend’s note: I must apologize for not being clearer before. The man you all knew as Dark_Brother, is dead. I wish I could say that he died valiantly in a blaze of glory, but that is only partially true. A cowardly IED (roadside bomb) exploded outside our vehicle. I’m, sorry, this is hard to type, but my VA psych says I need to do this, in order to move beyond it. He died in my arms, as we tried to patch up his wounds, and I lost my best friend that night. It was not in China as some have suspected. For those that are complaining that I am ruining the story, I’m sorry. I’m staying true to his original plot, merely adding details, and changing tense (past vs. present). Before Dark_Brother’s death, he’d told me about these stories, and complained that he’d never been able to properly complete them. He asked me, that night, that when I got home, if I would complete them for him. He told me where his login information was stored, so I could access his account. This series was that important to him. So again, I’m sorry if you feel I’m going to ruin this, but I will honor one of his dying wishes.
Author’s note: This story consists of multiple chapters. Some chapters will contain subjects that some may find objectionable, such as violence, anal, and even incest. You are here forewarned not to get into this series if any of these subjects bother/offend you. If you choose to complain about the themes presented within, you will be met with derision and scorn. You have been warned/enticed.
All characters are over eighteen, as I can’t abide kiddy-porn, PERIOD! If this is suitable to your tastes, please enjoy my series, Bait and Switch.
Chapter 03
White lights flashing across my shut eyes awaken me immediately.
“He’s awake,” a harsh whisper sounds in my room, “quick, silence him!”
A thick hand covers my mouth, and it’s only then that I decide to try making noises. More hands grab me, and hold me down, as the one with the flashlight comes closer to me, and turns the light so I can see his face.
It’s Robbie.
“Looks like it’s payback time, dweeb.” His eyes are cold in the beam coming off his flashlight, and in a panic I reach for his switches. His fist is faster, as it connects with my jaw, and I see stars.
* * *
My jaw is the first thing I feel as I wake up. An odd moan sounds from somewhere, and it takes me a few moments to realize it’s me. My mouth doesn’t feel right, and I come to the conclusion that there is a gag between my teeth. Keeping my eyes closed, I hope to fool them into thinking I’m still out, but my muffled moan has gave away the ruse.
“Looks like our little nerd has come back to us,” I hear Robbie’s taunting voice come closer to me at the same time I feel his switches approaching. “Looks like he needs a little encouragement to WAKE the fuck UP!” Robbie punctuates his words with a fist to my gut, a split second before I can adjust his switches. My eyes bulge, as all the air in me is forcefully expelled, and my stomach writhes in pain. With my eyes now open, I can see that I’m in someone’s unfinished basement, tied to a support beam, my arms behind me. “Good. I’m glad to see you’re back with us,” Robbie’s voice has grown menacingly cold. “We want to have a little talk with you.”
My eyes are still watering, and I’m trying to gather enough wits together so I can weaken him, when his next blow hits the side of my ribs.
“Enough Robbie,” I hear a sweet familiar voice, but it only sends a chill down my spine. What is Gina doing here?
“Enough? Enough!?” Robbie blusters. “It will be ‘enough’ when he’s paid for what he did to you.”
I use the distraction to focus my thoughts, and flip his ‘bladder’ switch, and at the same time push on his ‘weak’ switch. I have to get out of here. I can feel fear’s fingers digging their way to my heart, and I try to push them away, and keep my focus.
Robbie turns his attention back to me, and there is no mistaking the malice in his eyes. “That won’t work this time, freak.” His punch this time strikes the other side of my ribcage. Thankfully he is weaker, though it still hurts, and even brings an embarrassing sob out of me.
Have my switches failed me? I wonder through the pain that is wracking my body. No, I can still feel the switches, and they HAVE moved. Looking through my pain filled eyes, I can see that his pants are still dry, but something seems odd about them.
“Hit ‘im again, Robbie. Make the lil freak pay.” For the first time I realize that there are others around. John Malcom, Brent Ratner, Philip Carson, Tony Hansen, and Derek Peterson (the one who had just spoken), are also witnessing my humiliation; all of them on the football team, and all Robbie’s friends.
“I want to hear him confess, first” one of them says, and the others agree.
Robbie yanks the gag out of my mouth, and I work my jaw painfully, my face throbbing. “Tell everyone what you did to my girlfriend. Tell them how you raped her, and MAYBE I’ll go easy on you.”
Rape? I didn’t RAPE her! I think. Looking to Gina, I see that she is looking at the floor, refusing to look at me. What has she told them? “I didn’t—”
Robbie’s right hook catches my jaw, but it’s too weak to do more than move my head, though it still hurts where he’d struck me originally.
“Don’t lie to us, freak. Gina, come tell him what you told us.” Robbie looks to his girlfriend, but she just continues to look at the floor, her shoulders shaking. Is she laughing at me? “Gina?” her boyfriend repeats.
“Gina, tell them I didn’t do it!” I plead, and I feel a switch move as I speak, but I can’t tell what or where. I remember her switches and I start moving the ‘guilt’ and ‘concern’ switches I’d make that first night, and am relieved to feel them move in the opposite direction I’d done then. I only hope she feels guilt for what Robbie is doing to me, and not for cheating on her boyfriend.
“Come on, Gina. Confront your rapist. Spit in his face, and show him you’re not afraid of him.” Gina looks up at me, and drops her gaze back down again; but not before I see the tears staining her cheeks.
“I-I. . .” Gina trails off.
Two hands grab my head from behind, and turn my face towards her. The fingers dig into my cheeks and temples as their hands hold my head firmly. For a moment I debate on using my switches to stop this whole farce, but stop myself. I have to clear my name first. I’m no rapist, not now, not EVER!
“Look, Gina, the dweeb is helpless. He can’t hurt you,” Derek’s voice says right behind me, as I push harder on Gina’s ‘guilt’ switch.
“I can’t,” she finally blurts.
“Man, you must’ve done a number on her, nerd,” Derek says. “That’s okay. . . We’ll do you even worse, I promise.”
“No!” Gina yells, and every eye in the room turns to her. Robbie goes over to console her, but she shakes him off. “I lied,” she confesses, tears streaming down her face. “He didn’t rape me.” Her voice is tremulous, and she buries her face in her hands as she sobs.
“What are you saying?” Robbie asks; confusion painting his face.
Gina looks at him then, and I can see anger in her red rimmed, tear stained eyes. “I’m saying I fucked him, and enjoyed every minute of it,” she spat. Everyone’s jaws drop but mine and Gina’s. Robbie has a painful look on his face. “I seduced him, but felt guilty about it, so I lied to you. But I can’t. . . I can’t let you do this to him. . . Not when he’s innocent.”
“Like hell he’s innocent!” Surprisingly it’s Derek who makes the exclamation, and not Robbie. “He still screwed with your girlfriend, Robbie. I say we teach him a lesson, and make sure he never touches another man’s girl again.” I feel the man’s fist hit my right kidney hard a moment after he releases my head, wracking my body with pain all over again. I’d like to say I took it like a man, but it HURT!
“No, Derek.” Robbie’s voice is barely a whisper, and I’m not sure if I hear him right, through my agony fogged brain. “Untie him.” He turns his back on Gina, and faces the rest of the room. “It’s one thing to beat up a rapist, but I won’t hurt a man whose only crime is being seduced by this slut.”
“Robbie, I. . .” Gina reaches for Robbie’s shoulder, but he yanks it away from her.
The large man walks up to me, and stares me in the face. I can see that he hates me still, but I have to give him some respect for his actions. He helps to untie me, and I turn to face the room. I know it’s wrong, but I feel like I need to get revenge. In a rage, I make two new switches in each man, and Gina.
I flip the first, anger almost bursting from my pores, and watch as their eyes grow large, and their bodies become completely stiff and paralyzed. I walk up to Derek first, and have to look up at him, as Gina is the only one in the room shorter than me. I reach up with my right hand, and pinch the base of his neck where it meets with his shoulder. Simultaneously, I flip the second switch, and smile as he falls to the ground. To everyone else, it would look like I’d given him the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. A truly geeky revenge.
I look to Robbie’s other four friends, and can’t bring myself to do anything to them. Sure they had helped kidnap me, but none of them had struck me, only watched. I release their ‘paralyze’ switch, and tell them to go. To a man, they flee the small basement, beating each other out of their way, in their haste to escape from me.
Turning back to Robbie, I feel my anger flare up again, until I see his eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and if that’s true, Robbie is in hell. There is no fear in his eyes, only pain, and hurt, and betrayal. “Go,” I say quietly (I feel that phantom switch move again), before I can change my mind, and release him too. As he runs up the stairs after his friends, I notice that his pants seemed a little bulky around the waist, and think he must be wearing a diaper. No wonder his pants stayed dry.
Finally it’s just me, Gina, and a softly snoring Derek in the dim basement. I debate on giving Derek a few kicks, to pay him back for the kidney punch, but know that the fight is out of me, after seeing how broken Robbie has become.
Turning to Gina, I release her, and watch as she crumples to the floor, crying. “I’m so sorry,” she sobs, burying her face once again in her hands. “I didn’t think they would take it this far.”
“You’re right, you didn’t think. Get up,” I demand, my voice as cold as the storm had been earlier today. She looks up at me, and I feel my anger rising again. This woman told them that I’d raped her. Sure I had used my switches to turn her on, and make her horny, but I don’t have control of her mind! I didn’t force her to do anything. And for that, I’d been kidnapped, tied up, and beaten. Thankfully my name is clear now, though I wonder what the others will say of the aftermath. “I said, get up!” As I speak, I finally find the phantom switch that’s keeps moving without any effort from me. It’s a switch in Gina; the one I’d used to make her wet every time I speak, but now it’s working on its own, without my direct intervention.
Slowly Gina stands, and I try to be patient, but I’m still seething inside.
“Nick, I’m so sorry—”
“I don’t want to hear it,” I cut her off. “Right now, I’m in a lot of pain, and have no idea where I’m at. I need you to take me home.” Oh, how it galls to tell her that, but I really have no clue where I am, and don’t feel like trying to walk through the snow, until I find out. I’m just glad that I’d fallen asleep in my work clothes, shoes and all.
“O-Okay. . .” Gina stammers, and follows me up the stairs. “I’ll take you home. It’s the least I can do.”
Damn straight, it’s the least you can do, I think, but don’t say.
The night air is frigid as I step outside, and follow her to her car. Every step hurts, and every breath is a chore, though the cold air seems to help, but none of that compares to the pain I’d suffered from overusing my ability.
The drive home is thankfully short, and Gina continues to prattle on about how sorry she is, and how she will make it up to me. I just close my eyes, and let her talk, wishing I could use switches on myself, if only to block the pain.
When she pulls up to my apartment, I get out, and am surprised when she does too.
“What are you doing?” I demand tiredly, still feeling that switch move inside her every time I talk.
“You’re hurt. I want to make sure you make it alright.” I’m in too much pain, and too exhausted to argue, and truth be told, it helps to use her for a little support, as we walk up to my apartment.
I dig the keys out of my pocket, expecting her to leave then, but she follows me in.
“Oh,” I hear an exclamation as I walk into the lit dining room to find Dennis still awake, “what happened?”
“A little misunderstanding,” I say, sarcasm dripping like venom from my tone.
“I tried to stop them,” Dennis says earnestly, “but Derek held me down as they carried you out. He told me not to call the police, or they’d come for me next.” Dennis was a jock, sure, but I can’t expect him to stand up to most of the football team.
“And where were you?” I turn and glare at Gina.
“I was brought into the basement after. . .” She replies quietly. “Robbie said he had a surprise for me, and had me blindfolded. When he removed the blindfold, they already had you tied up, and you were still unconscious.”
I nod, too exhausted to care anymore. Gina follows me to my room, and I wonder if she is going to help me do everything from now on. Serves her right, for the pain she caused, I think.
“Go home, Gina. Your mom is probably worried about you. I can take care of myself.” I can still feel that switch moving every time I speak, making her pussy wetter, and then turn back off when I stop. I wonder briefly if I have accidentally trained her like one of Pavlov’s dogs.
She grabs her phone, and dials a number. “Mom, I’m at Nick’s. (Pause) Yeah, the guy from the other night. (Pause) Okay, I will. Love you too, Mom.” She hangs up and looks at me, worry deep in her eyes as she looks at me. “My mom will be fine. Let me help you, and then I’ll go.” Once again, all I can do is nod, as Gina helps me out of my shirt and pants. Part of me wonders what tale she might spin from this night, but I hope she has learned her lesson. She gasps as my shirt comes off, and lightly touches the two forming bruises that are already dark on my ribs. Her touch is light, but still makes me flinch. My pants are next, and they hit the floor, revealing my ‘Armitage’ (one of my favorite anime’s) boxers. For a second I wonder if she is going to follow me to the bathroom as well, but thankfully she lets me do that in peace. Once in the bathroom I take a look at myself, and shudder. The left side of my face is a massive bruise, complimenting the two on my ribs, and one over my right kidney.
When I return to my room, she has me lie on my stomach.
“Just relax,” she tells me. “Let me give you a massage. It’ll help you sleep.”
Help with sleeping is the last thing I need, I’m so weary, but a free massage isn’t something to pass up either. A small part of me still doesn’t trust her, but I can feel her ‘guilt’ and ‘concern’ switches still fully on, without me applying pressure. Also, knowing that Dennis is in the apartment helps. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still angry with her, and she deserves to pay for her lie, but right now, I’m just too exhausted to do anything about it.
Her fingers work wonders on my back and shoulders, and thankfully she avoids my right kidney, and the sides of my ribs where I’m bruised. As her fingers dig deeper, I can feel my muscles (such as they are), start to relax. Just as I’m about to fall asleep, she moves off me, and tells me to roll over. Obligingly, I do as I’m told, and give a low moan, as digs her thumbs into my feet. Her digits drive into the underside, tops, and even between my toes, as she works my feet, and a small feeling of euphoria spreads across my body.
“I’ve studied reflexology, and been told I give the best massages,” she whispers, as she works up to my calves.
If she did this every night for a month, I think, she might actually begin to make it up to me.
Her hands begin to work my thighs, and the feeling of contentment continues through my body. It isn’t until she is working on the tops of my thighs, near my groin, that I realize I’ve grown hard at some point, and it is now poking well out of the top of my boxers. Gina just ignores it, though I know she can’t miss it.
After finishing with my thighs, she straddles my legs, and starts working on my stomach and sides. The middle of my stomach is still tender from Robbie’s first blow in the basement, but Gina’s fingers seem to work magic into them. As her hands slowly work up to my chest, I notice that her body slides up, too, until she is sitting right on top of my rock-hard rod. Her whole body is moving on top of me, and it’s only making me hornier, instead of relaxing me.
“What are you doing?” I ask, feeling that switch inside her move again as I speak. Her hips are now moving with their own rhythm, sliding up and down my partially covered penis, as her hands work my neck. I can sense that her ‘horny’ switch is fully tilted now.
“Making recompense,” she whispers dreamily.
Horny as I now am, I’m even more wary. “Uh-huh. . . And have it end like last time?” I don’t even try to hide the edge to my voice.
Gina sits fully upright, and grinds her denim covered crotch down on me, not even trying to hide what she is doing. “Dennis, are you still listening at the door?” She asks, turning her head towards the closed door. I can see his shadow underneath it, and almost have to laugh. The big jock who can usually get any girl, is listening outside MY door. Thinking about the fact that he is a jock, I consider how happy I am that he plays basketball, and not football, else he would have likely been in that basement, too. Dennis doesn’t respond to Gina’s question, but she continues as if he had. “I want to make it clear that everything I do in here tonight, I do of my own free will.” She turns back to look at me, and I can see hunger in her hazel eyes now. “There, now you have a witness.” Her hand snakes down, and starts gently rubbing the head of my cock. “You don’t really want me to stop, do you? Goodness knows, THIS big fellah doesn’t want me to stop.” Her fingers wrap as far as they can around the head of my manhood, and gently squeezes.
Deciding quickly, I yell towards Dennis’s shadow, “I hope you heard her, ’cause I’m gonna make her scream in ecstacy!” Hey, I might still be mad at her, but I’m not about to pass up a free screw.
Gina giggles, and I compare it Shanna’s giggle. Perhaps it’s my current mood towards Gina, but I like Shanna’s laugh more.
Grabbing the hem of her shirt, she lifts it up over her head. Underneath, she is wearing a white frilly bra that brings her ample bosom together to emphasize her cleavage.
“You just lie there and relax,” she tells me, “I don’t want you hurting yourself.
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