Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 01-02
Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 01-02
Sex Story Author: | Dark_Brother |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "So what is the difference between dorks and nerds?" "Dorks aren't as smart as geeks or nerds," I say, |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Science-Fiction |
Friend’s note: Please allow me to start out by saying that I am NOT Dark_Brother. I am… Was his closest friend. He had confided in me about this story that he had penned, and had often lamented that it had never reached its full potential. Now that I have the story and his login info, I have decided to complete his wish, even though I don’t necessarily like some of the themes portrayed in it. I will do my best to stay true to his vision, as I refine and hopefully lengthen this series. I make no promises on a time-line, as I have to hide this from my wife & daughters. I will try to do the best I can, though.
Author’s note: This story consists of multiple chapters. Some chapters will contain subjects that some may find objectionable, such as violence, anal, and incest. While this first part doesn’t contain any of these, you are here forewarned not to get into this series if these subjects bother/offend you. All characters are over eighteen, as I can’t abide kiddy-porn, PERIOD! If this is suitable to your tastes, please enjoy my series, Bait and Switch.
(Quick FYI: The Robbie in this story is not the Rob in another of my series.)
Chapter 01
Blue lights… A whirring sound… I feel a sharp pain in my arm… Head is throbbing… I can no longer feel my arm… Oh no, what have they done with my arm? A pink shadow bends over me. Eyes… Such big eyes…
Sweat sheets down my face as I sit upright in bed, terror filling my mind and thoughts, as my body reacts to the strange dream.
I can’t feel my arm! Panicked, I quickly look at it, and a second later breathe a sigh of relief. It’s still there, though apparently numb from having slept on it wrong.
Falling back on my pillow, I’m shocked at how cold the sweat soaked sheets feel on my back and head. Rolling it over to the dry side, I can’t help but notice the time. There is only an hour until my alarm goes off. Groaning, I roll over, hoping to get a little more sleep, before I have to get up, and get ready for classes.
As my head is pounding, and my arm is stiff and tingling, I doubt I’m going to get anymore rest.
* * *
The strains of music from Doctor Who fill the room, followed right after by robotic voices screaming, “Exterminate! Exterminate!” Moaning like one of the Walking Dead, I reach for my alarm clock to switch it off, only to find the switch is already in the off spot, the noise ending just before I reached it.
Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I reach for the glass of water I’d left on my nightstand before going to bed last night, and try to wake my sleeping mind. For some reason my body feels like I just finished a marathon, rather than had a restless night’s sleep. I’m just glad the headache is gone, though my arm still seems a little stiff.
My door flies open, and I look up to see my roommate, Dennis, looking at me.
“Rise and shine, dork!” he calls, turning on my light. “I thought I told you to change that alarm sound. Your Doctor What is annoying in the morning.”
“I’m a geek!” I told him for what felt like the hundredth time. “And it’s Doctor Who, not What.”
“More like Doctor Whatever.” comes the snide rejoinder.
Shaking my head at my roommate’s continued ignorance, I dress, and head from my room. Reaching for the light switch, it flips off a moment before my hand reaches it. Looking at it in confusion, my stomach rumbles, recalling me to breakfast.
“Have you been watching the news lately?” Dennis asks as I pour my cereal into a bowl. I just give him a look, in response. He knows I can’t abide watching the news. “I just thought you might be interested in what’s been happening, you being such a dork and all.” Deciding it’s best to keep my mouth shut, I pour my milk. “Seems there was some girl in India that started flying around town, like some sort of Superman or Superchic, and a guy in Japan suddenly started on fire, but didn’t get burned.”
“Parlor tricks,” I mumble around a mouthful, and move my arm around, still trying to work out the stiffness. For a moment I consider mentioning that there are plenty of female comic book characters that can fly, but then remembering his level of ignorance, I continue chewing.
“I dunno… The news seemed pretty interested in it. There are videos of the flying girl on Youtube.”
He continues to ramble on, but somehow I’m able to block him out, until I leave for class.
Cold air buffets me as I trudge through the snow to my first college course today. I could have driven, but I live close enough to campus, that I’d rather save the gas.
Something strikes my back, but I ignore it, figuring it’s another snowball and quite accustomed to this childish behavior by now.
“What a nerd,” Robbie Mortensen sneers a second later. I’d hoped to get away from the high school bully after graduating, but his father had somehow managed to get him into the same expensive college I’d received a scholarship to, and so I was still bullied by him. I almost turn around to correct him that I am a geek, and not a nerd, but my inner sense warns me in time that it would be a bad idea.
“Leave him alone, Robbie,” Gina says almost on cue. She’s Robbie’s girlfriend, and has a huge heart. She is also one of the hottest girls on campus. Now, when I say hot, I don’t mean Jewel Staite from Firefly hot, I’m talking Meagan Fox multiplied by Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow H.O.T.!
“Okay, I’ll weave the wittle ol’ nerd awone for you,” Robbie replied in baby talk. Why does Gina put up with such an idiot, I wonder not for the first time. I hate to admit it, but I am a little jealous of Robbie, if only because he has such a beautiful woman at his side, and me… Well, I have only me.
Classes seem to drag on, and my mind keeps going fuzzy from lack of sleep, making it hard to concentrate on any of the professors.
Finally, in my last class, I can take it no loner, and can’t keep my eyes open. Which is slightly odd, as Prof. Frankens’s class is usually one of my favorites. Not because of the subject matter, math has always been an easy subject for me, but because of her. She stands just a little shorter than me, has beautiful big brown eyes that seem magnified by her large glasses. Her long dark brown hair is usually pulled back, and softly reflects the fluorescent lighting in the room. She has a small waist that usually gets overlooked because of her ample bosom. I am usually quite attentive in her class, but today, I struggle just to keep my eyes open, and on her, as she lectures us on a formula I’d easily mastered last night.
If only the lights were off, so I could put my head down, and rest without getting caught. For a moment, I dreamily imagine standing up and switching off the lights right by me, but they require a special key to switch.
I open my eyes as someone gasps, and notice that the room is dark, except where Prof. Frankens’s computer screen is on, and a couple other students have their cell phones out, playing instead of paying attention.
“Who turned out the lights?” the professor demands, walking to her desk, she shuffles though a drawer. Apparently she finds what she’s looking for, as she marches down the aisle until she’s right next to me, slips the key into a notch, and lifts it, restoring the lights.
She glares down at me, as if I had been the one to turn off the lights. “Mr. Xavier, did you happen to see who turned off the lights?” I just shook my head, not having seen anyone do it, my own eyes having been closed at the time. She looks at me suspiciously for a moment and I can’t tell if she thinks I’m guilty or trying to cover for someone else. Turning away, she walks back down to her desk, dropping her key back into the drawer.
My mind is racing now. HAD I somehow turned off the lights? I couldn’t see how. But then I remember this morning with the alarm clock, and my bedroom light. Both had been off before I hit them. And the light in class had gone off when I had thought about it. It was all likely a coincidence, but I have to try. I picture the key in the switch, moving, turning the light off… And freeze, a grin splitting my face.
Prof. Frankens mutters to herself as she climbs the aisle, key in hand again, to turn the light back on. The class is loudly murmuring, but I ignore them as I consider what this means. Do I have super powers? Am I some kind of mutant? More importantly, what exactly is it that I can do? It has to be more than just turning off lights, because I’d done it to my alarm clock.
The lights came back on, startling me, and I remove the smile from my face a moment too late.
“Since you think this is so funny, Mr. Xavier, I want to see you in my office after class.” My fellow students “ooh” like this was junior high, but I ignore them. Part of me is elated at my new discovery, but another is horrified that I am in trouble now. Looking around class, I see a number of students glancing at me furtively, unsure themselves if I’d really done the deed. None of the stares really bothers me, till I see Gina giving me a disappointed look.
The professor gets back in front of the class, and continues her lecture, watching me like a hawk. I want to experiment, but know better than to mess with the lights again. Maybe it is telekinesis, I wonder, and start trying to lift my pencil off my desk with only my mind.
Nothing happens.
I try moving it side to side, but again, it sits motionless. Maybe it only works on electronics, I wonder next. Looking around for someone with their cell phone out, I’m disappointed to see none. I don’t dare pull my own out, with Prof. Frankens watching me so closely, and it seems the rest of the class feels the same way. The professor’s computer screen is facing away from me, so I can’t really judge with it.
The bell rings, and I stand up to go, forgetting about Prof. Frankens’s office, till she calls me back to it.
Her office is small, but neatly organized, and I sit in a comfortable chair, facing her desk. She goes to one of her filing cabinets, and starts rifling through it, till she finds what she is after, and pulls out a manila folder.
“Nicholas Xavier,” she intones, and I can tell from her voice that she’s not very happy with me, “4.0 average, going to this university on a full ride scholarship.” Her eyes lift from the folder, and seem to strike me to my core. “I have to confess, if you didn’t do so well in my class, I likely wouldn’t even know who you are. You don’t seem the type to cause problems, so do you want to tell me what that was about out there?”
Her stare pieces me to the core, and I can feel my palms grow sweaty as the beautiful older woman waits for my answer.
“P-professor Frankens,” I stammer, “I know I was smiling, but I thought it was kind of funny, just like the rest of the class. I don’t have a key to the switch, so I don’t know how it got turned off.” But I do know, because I had done it. Done it somehow with my mind.
She starts talking again, but my mind is absorbed on what I might be able to do. I can see her laptop screen in here, and imagine it turning off. Again, nothing happens. Thinking hard, I try to figure out what is different. Every time it has worked, I was thinking about switching something off, not just it being off suddenly. Looking to the laptop again, I imagine moving a switch to turn it off, and have to stop myself from whooping as it suddenly powers down.
Wondering if I can only turn electronics off, I think about switching it back on, and I can almost feel the switch move in my mind, as it starts to power back up.
“Are you listening to me?” My professor’s voice cuts through my thoughts, and I look up to meet her large brown eyes, unable to think of what she’d just said. I can see anger in her eyes, as I hesitate to speak, but a sudden thought crosses my mind. What if I can switch off her anger?
I quickly imagine her anger as a switch, with happiness on one end, anger the other, and try to move the switch. I feel the switch with my mind, as I push against it with my will, but it refuses to budge. I press harder, but still no movement. I almost give up, when her laptop finally boots up, and its startup sounds distract her, and the switch moves a little bit. Not enough to get rid of her anger, I suspect, but hopefully enough to blunt it.
Wondering if I had actually moved the emotional switch, or was simply able to sense it, I decide to try something else. Perhaps it’s too much to hope to be able to change a mood so much, so quickly. While she is distracted with her laptop, I re-imagine the switch, but this time, instead of happiness, I think of no feeling, and try to move the switch. It budges slightly more, but still not enough. I can somehow sense the switch inside her.
Hmm… Inside her…
I look at my professor, at the way her suit hugs her nice curves, and another thought strikes me. Maybe I can’t change an emotion quickly, but can I affect her physically? I decide to throw caution to the wind as she turns back to me, her anger only slightly blunted, due to my efforts, and flip another switch in her, almost sighing when I feel it move easily.
Prof. Frankens’s eyes seem to grow larger, as what I had done seems to register to her, but otherwise she shows no reaction. She just continues to stare at me, and I know her crotch is getting wetter, or at least I hope it is, because I felt the switch move. I realize she is still waiting for my answer.
“I promise you, I didn’t see anybody turn off the lights, and I am not certain how they turned off.” I said, trying to think. It wasn’t completely a lie, as I still didn’t understand how this new power of mine worked.
She continues to stare at me, but I can still feel the anger switch slowly moving. I decide that emotionless is a poor place to move the switch to, and instead create a switch to horny, wondering just what I might be capable of doing to this mature and beautiful woman. I can immediately feel that the switch in her mind is easier to move, but still not moving fast.
Suddenly I realize that the switch making her pussy wet has turned back off on its own. Can I only use one switch at a time? I wonder, as I turn that one back on, and sense the ‘horny’ switch start moving again. No, I must be able to do more than one at a time, I figure, but how many? And why did the other switch turn off?
I easily create and flip another switch in her, making her nipples hard, and hold back my grin as she starts talking again. “You’re a bright student, and I don’t want to see you get into any trouble.” I can feel her horny switch moving faster now, but I have to keep constant attention on the other two, or they turn themselves back off. “I will ignore what happened today, but I don’t want it to happen again.” She is fidgeting where she’s standing. “Do you have a girlfriend?”
The sudden question distracts me, and I lose my concentration, letting all three switches go. “Me? I…”
“Never mind, I shouldn’t have asked” she says to me, giving herself a small shake, and sitting on the edge of her desk.
I immediately grab all three switches, but the moment is gone. “You may leave now, Mr. Xavier. Have a good night.”
Cursing inwardly, I walk out of her office. I had almost had her, I think to myself, wondering where my switches might have taken me.
Outside the classroom, I see Gina and Robbie talking across the hallway. Deciding to have my revenge on Robbie for all those years of bullying, I start to switch Gina’s anger on, throwing all my frustration behind the effort, and feel it moving slowly as they talk. Pretty soon I see Robbie get defensive, as Gina’s anger rises. After only a couple minutes, Gina starts yelling, “I’m so sick of the way you act like you’re some big tough guy around your friends, but then act all sweet and nice when we’re alone!”
Robbie looks around, and sees me watching them. Apparently he decides to take his frustrations out on me, as he stomps over to where I stand.
“You got a problem, nerd?” He demands, and this time I let a smile split my face as I flip a switch in him, and feel it move with ease.
“No, but by your smell,” I look down at his crotch, and see a satisfying wet spot growing, “it looks like you really needed to go to the bathroom.”
“I—What the!” Turning beet red, Robbie turns away from me, trying to cover the evidence of his loose bladder, and sees Gina staring at him in wonder. “I’ll get you for this, nerd!” He screams as he starts running down the hallway, leaving a small puddle behind.
“I’m a geek, dammit!” I yell after him, laughing.
“I can’t believe that just happened,” a voice says right behind me, and I turn to see Gina’s hazel eyes looking into mine. “I’ve heard you say that before, that you’re a geek,” she said, and I could feel my mouth go dry. Even a few feet away, her proximity to me is having quite the effect. “What is the difference between a nerd and a geek?” Her anger switch is slowly turning back off, as she gets back in control of her emotions.
It takes me a couple of tries to get moisture back into my mouth before I’m able to answer her. “Geeks and nerds are both knowledgeable and fanatical about their interests, but geeks have social skills that nerds and dorks don’t.”
Gina laughed, and it sounded like music to me.
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