Bait and Switch Ch. 11
Bait and Switch Ch. 11
Sex Story Author: | Dark_Brother |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Too happy. I think she's hiding something." I told her, trying to keep my words to a minimum. Gina was |
Sex Story Category: | Alien |
Sex Story Tags: | Alien, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Pregnant, Science-Fiction |
Thanks to garbonzo607 & JA for their insightful edits.
The sun was shining pleasantly as we drove south. The roads were dry, though the sides were piled up with snow. All in all it was a pleasant Sunday drive. At least, it would have been if not for a couple of things. Nancy was sitting in the back seat, humming softly to herself, and Lela had refused to talk to me again last night.
Nancy’s presence didn’t bother me as much as Lela’s attitude was. When I’d called my family to see if Gina could come down, my mom had asked after her mom, and then insisted that I invite her as well. Nancy had hemmed and hawed at first, but Gina convinced her it would be good to not be alone for the holidays. I just kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to influence her decision, and to be honest, I really didn’t know how I felt about it. A part of me had been hoping to get some alone time with Gina, but that was less likely with her mom there.
Then there was the issue of the chance of my family finding out what I’d done with the two women. Somehow I was sure my parents would freak out, especially my dad. My sister might take it better, but I still didn’t want it getting out.
Yesterday had flown by, as Shanna, Shannon, and I recovered from the night’s exertions. We ended up sleeping most of the day. I’d gone to see Gina after calling my mom that evening, and she was ecstatic as she got packed. The two women had decided to go do some shopping, and I left them to it, realizing I would have to do some extra Christmas shopping myself, ordering gifts for the twins, and wrapping Gina’s.
I wasn’t sure if I should get anything for Donna Frankens, and figured propriety dictated otherwise. I didn’t want her to get in any trouble, if someone found out.
Luckily Nancy had opted to pay for gas, as I’d spent more than I’d meant to last night.
I had a peaceful night alone, and was relieved when Lela took me. It dawned on me that she only took me on nights when no one was sleeping with me, for my strengthening treatments. I hoped that meant she wasn’t jealous, but when she refused to show herself again. Even though I pleaded with the empty room that I needed to talk to her concerning ways to defeat the demons. Silence and the strength building white light were all that met my requests.
“I hope your family likes me,” Gina said the next day, worried for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Relax. You’ll be fine,” I reassured her again, then thought I’d probably better warn her. “I haven’t told you about my sister, have I?” She shook her head. “She’s a lesbian. She came out about three years ago. My mom didn’t mind so much; though she regretted not having any grandchildren from her, so don’t be surprised if she asks when we’re having kids.”
“Not for awhile, I hope,” Gina told me with a laugh. I remembered Robbie complaining that Gina had wanted kids, so that statement kind of surprised me. “I want to finish college first.”
“My dad flipped out, though;, called her devil spawn and other not so nice things. He’s calmed down since then, but still doesn’t like it.”
“A parent should always support their children’s life decisions,” Nancy said from the back seat. “Give you advice if we think you’re making mistakes, but if it’s what you truly want…” Gina reached over, and squeezed my leg then.
“Thanks, mom. Love you, too,” Gina said sincerely.
I decided not to tell them that my dad had been screaming at my mom in the background when I’d called. After Nancy’s husband had left her, I could only hope that my parent’s didn’t get into it too heavily. They had loved each other once, but I had noticed them growing more distant over the last few years. Summer, my sister, blamed herself for our parent’s issues, but I doubted it had to do solely with her.
We pulled in about mid-afternoon, and mom ran out to give me a big hug. I felt my cheeks burn at mom’s P.D.A. in front of Gina and Nancy, but suffered through it.
“My word!” She exclaimed, pulling away from me, and squeezing my arms. “You’ve been working out.”
I introduced them all.
“Oh, Nick, your girlfriend is so cute!” Mom exclaimed.
“We’re not—” Gina and I said in unison, but mom ignored us as she shook Nancy’s hand.
“I’m so glad you were willing to come,” mom’s voice was more exuberant than usual, and I wondered if she was putting on a show for our guests. I hoped her and dad hadn’t been fighting too much lately.
“Is Summer here yet?” I asked. I hadn’t seen my sister since last Christmas, the only time she was willing to be around our father. We communicated regularly, but it was still nice to see my older sister from time to time.
“No, she said she had to work, and won’t be here till Christmas Eve,” mom sounded down for a moment, but her smile quickly returned, as she ushered our guests inside, leaving me to unload the car.
It took a number of trips, and despite the cold, I was sweating slightly as I brought the last bags in. Gina and Nancy would be sharing the guest bedroom, which unfortunately was right next to my parent’s room. There would be no sneaking in there at night, and my room was across the hallway from theirs. Sadly, it looked to be a sex-free week.
My dad was reading a newspaper in the den and drinking a beer. From the pile of cans next to him, I knew not to bother him, so I found the other three women in the dining room, sipping on hot cocoa. I figured that three beautiful women would be better company than my ornery dad.
Gina jumped up to make me some, and I gratefully sat down. Between Lela’s white light last night, and unloading the car, I was a little tired.
“Your girlfriend is so cute, Nick,” mom leaned over and whispered to me. “And smart, too. She’s definitely a keeper.”
“She’s not my girlfriend, mom,” I protested again.
Mom looked at me as though she didn’t believe a word of it. I was saved from further argument as Gina brought me my steaming drink.
“Thank you,” I told her, and was rewarded with her dazzling smile.
Mom and Nancy started talking about work, and I found out that Nancy was a registered nurse at the main hospital. They became so engrossed in their talking, that Gina and I were able to slip out unnoticed.
“Your mom seems nice,” she told me, as we walked into the guest room.
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