Bait and Switch Ch. 05
Bait and Switch Ch. 05
Sex Story Author: | Dark_Brother |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I won’t say it either, but just don’t send me away. You know how I feel now. Just hold me.” |
Sex Story Category: | Alien |
Sex Story Tags: | Alien, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Group Sex, Incest, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Science-Fiction |
Author’s note: This chapter contains a small amount of Incest. If this bothers you, then you have been ignoring the note at the beginning of the last 4 chapters. The incest in this chapter is small, but subsequent chapters will contain more, and more explicit depictions of familial relations. All characters are over eighteen, as I can’t abide kiddy-porn. If all this is suitable to your tastes, please enjoy my series, Bait and Switch.
Standing in the cool white light, in the featureless room, I examined the Alien in front of me. Her eyes looked white tonight, with a hint of blue around the edges, and light seemed to ripple around her nude frame while her fingers pressed invisible buttons in the air. I wondered briefly how she made the light do that. It actually looked like the light covered her in places, but didn’t actually touch her, as it flickered and shifted around her curves.
I could feel my body getting weaker, as the white luminescence did its work to build my muscles. I still couldn’t figure out what would trigger Lela’s ‘horny’ switch. No matter how hard I pushed on it, it refused to budge. The other two moved easily enough, but this one refused to obey my will.
It has to be something different about her species, but I didn’t think I could ask her about her race’s mating habits. Alien or no, I didn’t know if that was crossing the line.
I started going over what she’d told me last night, which was decidedly little. It really boiled down to her ancestors coming from herbivores. Was there something different about them? I tried to think of herbivores on Earth to compare, but they were all dumb animals, only mating when…
The idea struck me, and I looked up to try it out, but my time in the light was done, and before I could form the switch, I found myself back in my own bed. I would have to try tonight, when she came for me again.
Exhausted from the treatment, I slipped back into sleep before five minutes had passed.
* * *
I woke slowly, some noise disturbing my rest. Rolling over, I hoped it would go away, but it continued relentlessly. Groaning, I sat up, and only then woke up enough to realize someone was knocking on my door.
“What?” I asked, more ornery than I’d intended, but it was Saturday, and I valued my sleep. Besides, if the Demons arrived and I couldn’t stop them somehow, I wouldn’t be getting anymore good sleep; only the long sleep of death.
“Nick, are you awake?” Groaning loudly, wanting Gina to hear me, I flopped back onto my pillow. I had told her I would talk to her today, but I didn’t expect her to show up in my apartment.
“I am now.”
“Can I come in?” The door was already slowly opening, and my frustration was building. What was the point in asking, if she was just going to come in anyways? For half a heartbeat I was tempted to close the door as if it were a switch, but decided against it.
“Might as well, but I’m only in my boxers.”
She slipped quickly into my room, and shut the door behind her. Quietly, she went to the foot of my bed, and sat down, her hands clasped in her lap, as she stared at her knees as if they could impart some great wisdom to her. After she sat there for awhile without speaking, I almost lost it.
“What do you want, Gina? It’s eight o’clock on a Saturday. I don’t usually get up till at LEAST ten, and last night was a tiring night.” Anger laced my words, but I was able to keep my volume down. It wasn’t likely that Dennis had slept through Gina’s knocking, but I didn’t want to disturb my neighbors this morning either.
“Tiring…?” She looked up and around, and I realized how that must have sounded.
“No, no one was here, I was just working on a project, and it has left me exhausted.” It wasn’t really a lie. Somehow after everything, I didn’t think I could lie to her; it would make me feel like too much of a hypocrite. She nodded, and I could see that she was relieved, before her eyes dropped back down to her lap.
“May I ask what kind of project?”
No, you may not, I thought, but answered differently. “It will take a couple weeks before I am ready.”
She looked up at me, and then down again. I have never seen her act like this before. Normally she is so self confidant, but this morning it is like she is entirely a different person.
“Oh, okay. You look good today, even your—“ She cut herself off, and looked at my bare chest and then to my jaw, and I knew she was looking for the bruises that were no longer there. “Your chest! Your bruises are gone. How…?”
I had to think fast. I didn’t want to lie, but I couldn’t tell her an alien had healed me, either. “You did give me a really great massage.” I let that hang, hoping she would draw the wrong conclusion, and only feeling slightly guilty. Technically I wasn’t lying.
“Massage… Yeah… I never knew a massage could do that.” Her eyes were still locked on my torso, and I wanted to change the subject.
“I don’t think you came to look at my bruises. Why are you here?” Her eyes immediately dropped back to her clasped hands, and I felt my frustration growing. What was wrong with her? I leaned forward, and placed my hand under her chin, and gently turned her face up to me. She refused to meet my eyes, but at least she turned.
“I—You probably hate me, I know, but… I… What I mean to say is… I wanted to… I don’t feel right about what happened, and I…” Her inability to come right out and say it was starting to drive me up the wall. Could I make a switch to get her to come right out and say it? “I want to make it up to you, and will do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness.” She finally spluttered out, without me making a switch.
This again? I thought we’d gone over this already.
“Waking me up early on a Saturday isn’t a good start,” I told her, and her chin yanked out of my hand at the sound of rebuke in my voice. She was fidgeting now as she sat on the edge of my bed, and I remembered the conditioning my switches had caused in her. Checking them real quick, I could tell she was horny, and every time I talked only made it worse.
“I-I know, but you barely return my calls, and you wouldn’t let me come see you. I didn’t know what else to do.” I watched as a tear slowly slid down her cheek, leaving a wet trail in its wake.
My anger fled.
Pulling her to me, she rested her head on my bare chest. I could feel her hot tears on my chest as she shook and sobbed against me. This once proud and socially powerful woman was now broken, and in large part because of me. I had half seduced her, manipulating her into sex. She had tried to cover it up with her boyfriend by claiming it was rape, but had confessed the truth before I’d been beaten too badly. Her boyfriend was gone, her social status likely crumbled, and I was probably the only person who treated her with any kindness. She had suffered for her crime, worse than I’d suffered for her lies. In a sense I was her jailer, the only one that could set her free. The sense of power over her that that gave me was a heady feeling that I immediately felt guilty for. I had enough power over her as it was.
Sucking in a deep breath, I readied myself to tell her she was forgiven, but before the words left my mouth, she turned her face up to mine and planted her lips against my own. The kiss was gentle, not fierce or passionate like others had been, but even better for its tenderness. Her arms snaked around my naked torso, and hugged me tighter to her slender frame. I held in the breath of air as long as I could, letting it out slowly through my nose. There was no tongue involved in this kiss, just our lips and bodies pressed against each other, and yet I could feel myself growing hard as it continued on.
Unexpectedly Gina pulled away, and I could see fear in her red rimmed hazel eyes. “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have done that… I just—“
I silenced her with a quick peck, “You’re forgiven.” The words came easier than I thought they would, and I knew they were true. She really had suffered enough. “Not because of the kiss, or the sex, or anything else, but because I can see you’ve suffered enough. You don’t need to worry about me anymore; I can take care of myself. You don’t have to do anything else that you don’t want to.”
Fear turned to relief, and then confusion. “That I don’t want to?” Her eyes searched my own. “I haven’t done anything I didn’t want to, Nick. Even when I let you in my ass, it was something I wanted to do. Whenever Robbie tried it always hurt, but when I’m with you, everything is different. I feel good when you talk to me, and your touch sends thrills through my body. I don’t know what this effect is that you have on me, but I like it, and I like being with you.”
Now I was the one to feel low. She only felt that way, because I’d made her feel like that. It was my fault. The catchphrase from Spiderman came back to me, “With great power, comes great responsibility.” How true that is, I thought as I looked down at the beautiful blonde still in my arms. I was now responsible for her.
“Gina, I—“ her finger pressed against my lips and cut me off. I had been about to apologize myself, and maybe ask her to leave.
“Don’t say it.
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