Bait and Switch Ch. 04
Bait and Switch Ch. 04
Sex Story Author: | Dark_Brother |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "It takes many of your solar revolutions to travel through space, and while our planet was now safe, yours is |
Sex Story Category: | Alien |
Sex Story Tags: | Alien, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Erotica, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Science-Fiction |
Author’s note: This story consists of multiple chapters. Some chapters will contain subjects that some may find objectionable, such as incest. While this chapter doesn’t contain this, you are here forewarned not to get into this series if this subject bothers/offends you. All characters are over eighteen, as I can’t abide kiddy-porn. If all this is suitable to your tastes, please enjoy my series, Bait and Switch.
Also, this story in no way ties into my other stories. Sorry if there has been any confusion.
“You are the one. Come with me.”
A flash of light blinded me, and I was no longer in my room.
I’m blind, was the first thought that went through my head. I must be mad, was the second, as my vision began to clear, and my surroundings came into focus. Or rather, lack of surroundings. A faint bluish haze filled the area, making it hard to distinguish were walls were, or even find a corner. The only indication that I wasn’t blind was the fact that I could see my hand as I waved it in front of me.
Standing up, I groped my way forward, till my hands ran across a hard smooth surface. It was cool to the touch, and seemed to be vibrating gently. Using my foot, I found that the room didn’t come to a corner like most rooms, but the floor curved up, till it formed the wall.
“Do not be alarmed,” the same voice said behind me that I’d heard in my room. I spun around, only then realizing just how hard I was breathing, as panic nearly overwhelmed me.
Don’t be alarmed? I wanted to scream. How am I not supposed to be alarmed, when some strange creature abducts me from my room? Some small part of me knew that panicking wouldn’t help, and after a few moments it won out. The featureless blue-lit room seemed to help me relax, and for the first time, I got a good look at this creature.
It stood only a little shorter than me, its skin oddly pink in the blue light, large silvery eyes that seemed to reflect what they were looking at rather than have a color of their own, and the pupils were slitted, like a cat’s, only thicker. Its arms were long compared to its thin body, and the hands were each missing a finger. I remembered thinking it was female, and looked again at the two small breasts on her chest. Light seemed to play about her body as a playful thing, and I realized she didn’t have any hair, anywhere.
“Wh-who are you?” I asked, trying to keep my voice calm, but it came out almost as a squeak.
“Are you asking my name, or my species?” Her head cocked to the side in an inquisitive manner. When she spoke, her small mouth moved with a fluid grace. Her voice sounded almost as though two people were speaking simultaneously. “As for my name, you can call me Lela. My true name cannot be pronounced with only one tongue and one set of vocal cords. Nor can my species name, though you would just call me an Alien.”
“A-alien… Right…” Okay Nick, wake up now, you’re having another nightmare. Anytime now. I pinched myself hard where my ribs were bruised, knowing that that would cause the most pain and wake me up. Well, it did, and it didn’t. It caused plenty of pain, but I was still in this blue void of a room.
“You’re hurt,” Lela exclaimed, and suddenly I was put in mind of Futurama. Her hands flew up in front of her, and I backed up, wary. Her fingers seemed to touch the air in front of her, and the next thing I knew, I was standing in a pool of greenish yellow light. A tingling sensation traveled across my limbs, and for a few seconds, my fear and trepidation were replaced with giddiness. The light vanished as quickly as it appeared, and I felt like I’d just had a great night’s rest. I ran my hands over my body, afraid she had somehow turned me into a creature like her, but I was still human. Something nagged me though, and after some thought, I placed it. Pulling up my shirt, I saw that my bruises were gone, and my skin was unblemished.
Lela had been watching me silently all through this. We looked at each other for a moment, me wondering what she wanted with me, and having no idea what was in her mind. My only clue was her telling me that I was the one.
“You said I was the one. The one what?” I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. The one for breakfast? The one for experimentation? The one for tap dancing? I was lost.
She considered me for awhile, her head cocked to the side again. Just when I was starting to think she wasn’t going to answer, she did. “Perhaps I spoke too soon. I hope you are the one, but as yet, I can’t be certain.” She paused, and I thought I was going to rip my hair out in frustration at her lack of an answer. “You may be the one to save your planet.”
My knees gave way beneath me, and the floor rushed up to smack me in the rear. Save my planet? How the bloody hell was I going to do that? Make a switch for global warming and turn it off? HA! “How does my planet need saving?” I ended up asking.
Her hands flew to the front of her again, and seconds later the room vanished, and I yelped. Lights appeared around me, small pinpricks, and I realized I was looking at space, and could see a small nebula off to my right. Her voice started talking, and I glanced at her, noting her lips weren’t moving. This was some kind of recording.
“Please forgive me, if I have frightened you,” her voice seemed to come from all around me. “It is hard for me to speak your language, but hopefully this recording will help explain your situation.
“Centuries ago, our race reached for the stars, as yours is starting to do now. We traveled far and wide, and as we traveled we learned. We colonized other planets, and were able to work within their ecosystems. We thought we were alone, as far as sentient beings were concerned, but we started to find others about two-hundred years after we first left our home soil. After that, we found others much faster, and we shared our knowledge with all we found.”
As the recording played, the room changed, and I watched as other pink creatures like herself, but both male and female, left a small planet, and grew their influence. I watched them meet interesting creatures, and learn from one another.
“Almost every other sentient species we found descended from herbivores. They were peaceful and trusting.” The room showed them eating various plants together. “Then we came upon a primitive race that showed much promise for intelligence, but also seemed violent.” The aliens that now showed were small muscular things, red skinned, and covered with tufts of coarse black hair. They had tusks protruding from their snouts, but they didn’t have pig noses. Their noses were more akin to a horse’s.
“We studied this new race for years, before approaching them. They ate meat exclusively, but didn’t eat their own kind. We hoped this meant that they could be friendly towards us, another sentient race, and in our innocence was our doom.
“They treated us well, till we shared what we knew, and gave them our technology. They were quick to learn, and ever hungry for it. They began to develop their own technology from what we taught them, and too late, we realized their intent.” Silence fell in the room, but my mind seemed to supply the sound effects for the brutality that now surrounded me. This new race had taken the technology, and created weapons from it, attacking, and actually eating their teachers, before taking to space, and doing it to other planets. The scene zoomed out, and I watched as this new carnivorous race attacked and devoured planet after planet. They were getting close to the home planet of the alien I was with, and I realized I no longer feared this alien, but the red ones now terrified me.
“They approached our home planet, and we thought all was doomed. We know nothing of weapons. We don’t know how to defend ourselves. Then one of our ships found a new planet, with creatures that were primitive to us, but further developed than the demons when we first found them.” The room closed in on a planet that I immediately recognized as Earth. “This species descended from omnivores, and it was our hope that we could enlist you in our aid, but many were nervous. We feared that you would do as the demons did, and attack us. We waited, and we watched.
“Somehow the demons learned of your planet, and fearing that you might become a rival, turned their attention to you.” The demon’s ships changed course, and were now headed for Earth.
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