Bad Cop
Bad Cop
Sex Story Author: | Slavegirl777 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | His voice was barely above a whisper and she could smell spearmint as his hot breath was on her ear. |
Sex Story Category: | Authoritarian |
Sex Story Tags: | Authoritarian, Blackmail, Consensual Sex, Domination/submission, Fantasy, Job/Place-of-work, Male Domination, Reluctance, Stockholm Syndrome, Written By Women |
Lisa was looking forward to a night out with the girls. Since Grant had come into her world six months ago; she’d spent her days at the office and her nights underneath, on top of, and beside him.
He’d brought out an insatiable lust within her and no amount of sex with him was enough. This was the first time they’d been apart since becoming exclusive and she’d promised Cecilia and Stacey that she’d go out with them.
“Come on Lisa; it’s been way too long. We miss you and you need to stop neglecting us,” Cecilia whined into the phone.
“Grant is out of town for this convention; what are you supposed to do, just stay at home and wait?” Stacey chimed in on the other line.
“Okay, okay.” she laughed. “If I say yes; will you stop being a couple of babies?”
“Al; don’t make us come and drag you out. You know we will.”
“Alright, alright; Friday after work. We’ll head out, have a few, and hit Sam’s. How’s that sound?”
“Don’t you stand us up girl,” Stacey said in a mock threatening tone.
Grant was due back in town on Friday night, but he’d probably be tired from the trip. She left a voicemail to let him know that she’d be out with Cecilia and Stacey and that she’d catch up with him on Saturday.
She rushed home after work and picked out a red, draped-neck halter top that set off her caramel-toned skin perfectly; a black mini, and some red strappy heels to wear. After a quick shower and only 20 minutes of prep time; she was out the door.
She scanned the parking garage for anyone out of place and made her way to her car. It was her 26th birthday present from her mom and stepfather, and even though two years had passed; she still loved that Mercedes SL500 as much as she did the day it was delivered to her job.
Once she’d exited the garage; she let the top down to enjoy the balmy night, hoping that it wasn’t humid enough to frizz her straightened hair. About 2 blocks away from the restaurant where she was meeting Cecilia and Stacey; there were blue lights in her mirror.
“Fuck…wait A minute; I haven’t done anything wrong,” she said aloud to herself.
She was right; she’d come to complete stops, signaled when necessary, and hadn’t run any red lights. It couldn’t be her registration because she’d just renewed it the month before. Why was she being stopped?
As she waited for the officer to approach; her ‘pissed-off’ meter started to go haywire and she took a quick moment to shoot Cecilia a text to let her know that she’d been pulled. Callie’s two-word reply; ‘jackass cops’.
“Not only does he pull my ass over for no good reason; he’s taking his fucking time getting up here. Keep it together girl; you never know what kind of prick you’ll get,” she said trying to calm herself.
After a few minutes; the officer started to make his way over to her. She watched him approach from her side mirror and immediately started to get herself together.
His hat and the time of day masked his face; but he was tall, probably about 6’2″, and she could see that he was chiseled beneath that uniform. After he’d cleared the solid metal of the trunk; he ran his hand along her car as he walked, and stopped when he was right beside her.
Irked by his gall; all thoughts left her as she looked into the most handsome face and the most beautiful eyes she’d ever seen. Not blue, green, or gray; his eyes were turquoise, unmistakably turquoise.
“Good evening ma’am; where are you off to?”
Was he for real? It was none of his damn business, but as she looked back into those eyes all irritated responses escaped her.
“Just a night out with some friends; they’re expecting me any moment now. Officer…” She paused to read the name on his badge “Davis; I know that I wasn’t speeding, and I obeyed all of the traffic laws. Why did you pull me over?”
“Well; your busted taillight gave us a reason and you match the description of the perp in a rash of bank robberies,” he said easily while his eyes hungrily roamed her body.
As she tried to process the bullshit that was spewing from his beautiful mouth; she noticed that he’d started to walk to the rear of her car. Before she’d realized what was happening; he took his nightstick out and smashed her driver’s side taillight.
“What the fuck are you doing? Do you have any idea how much that’s gonna cost your sorry ass?”
“Such nasty language from such a beautiful lady,” he said after clicking his tongue.
“Ma’am; I’m gonna need you to calm yourself and have a seat while we get this situation cleared up.”
“What situation is that?” she asked as she angrily got out and slammed the door behind her. “The situation that you just fabricated by busting my $800 taillight? Officer Davis; I’ll have your badge for…”
As she walked closer to him; he’d grabbed her arm and slammed her against the trunk of the car. Not hard enough to hurt her; but hard enough to scare the shit out of her and to shut her up. It only fired her up more.
“Get the fuck off me!” she yelled against the warm metal pressed against her cheek. She began to feel a warmth radiate from a lower region as he pressed his body against her to whisper in her ear.
“My partner is a trigger-happy son-of-a-bitch and he’s got his weapon drawn and ready. Please calm down before I have to place you under arrest,” he said tenderly as he brushed her hair out of her face.
“You have no idea who I am, do you?”
“I’m thinking that you could be Black Beauty; the name that the press has given to the bank robber, but I’m also thinking that she probably wouldn’t be driving around in such an expensive ride.”
He hadn’t released or pushed himself off of her while he spoke.
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