
Babysitting the Twins Again – Part 2 – Sweet Sixteen

Debbie gives two gifts to her sweet sixteen sister. …Jenny is overwhelmed.

Part two of the story of Debbie and the twins. The first half here is mostly character and story line development, and it’s somewhat long. Please read “Babysitting the Twins Again” (which is part 1) for the background story. The setting here is three months later.

Debbie gives two gifts to her sweet sixteen sister. …Jenny is overwhelmed.

Babysitting the Twins Again – Part 2 – Sweet Sixteen

The marriage and honeymoon are over and Debbie settles into a life of family bliss. She’s never been happier, but she realizes that big changes are coming. Debbie is starting to show. It’s been great, but she must stop being the receptacle for all that the young twins ejaculate. The summer of strenuous sex must end…

Monday morning

When the twins start school and Edward is at work, Debbie has free time that she decides to spend with her mother.
“I still can’t believe you got married and pregnant so quickly. You’ve never been the impetuous type. You’re only 22,” repeats her mother, once again, in a nagging sort of way.
“Oh mother, you forget that I’ve known Edward for a long time, and I had a major crush on him back in high school. In fact, I’ve actually loved him for a long time. There was nothing quick or impetuous about that. I also love his boys. Oh, by the way, the twins turn 15 next weekend, and we’re planning a small birthday party for them. Why don’t you and Dad and Jenny come?”
“I’m sorry dear. We’re having a sweet sixteen party at our house on Friday afternoon, and Jenny has invited a few of her friends including some boys. We then need to fly to New York in the evening. Why don’t you take Jenny for the weekend. I also don’t trust her party friends. I’m afraid the boys might return after we leave and continue to party into the night. Jenny is so innocent. She’ll be much safer there with you and she’ll probably enjoy your party, too. Your twins seem rather immature compared to her, but she might grow to like them.”
I think to myself, “She’ll be safer with me??? Sure she’ll be… and who’s the immature naive one? She might grow to like them??? I think they might ‘grow’ to like her.” A small smile crosses my lips, but my mother does not notice.

Monday afternoon.

“Hi Jenny! How’s my very cute little sister?”
“Oh. Hi Debbie. Everything’s great. How are you doing?”
“Just fine. With the twins in school, I’m spending more free time here with Mom and my old stuff.”
“I’ll bet you’re glad that they’re in school,” Jenny says in a somewhat derogatory manner.
“Look… If you took the time to get to know them, I’m sure you might like them. They might even take the time to teach you something.”
“Like what? How to make large boogers? Oooh. Look who’s starting to show! Am I getting a niece or a nephew?”
I let the projected insult go. “I hear you’re having your sweet sixteen party. Can I come?”
“No. You’re too old for my friends.”
“I hear you’ve invited some boys. You’ve got Mom worried. You going for your first kiss or something?”
“Oh shut up. And I’m not doing things with those boys anyway.”
“Don’t you have a serious boyfriend yet?”
“Look who’s talking! You didn’t lose your virginity until you got to college.”
“A little kissing wouldn’t kill you.”
“Annhh. Whatever I do, they’ll blab it all over the school, and I’m just not ready for that. They’re so immature.”
“You do know you’re spending the weekend with me after your party?”
“Yea. Yea. Mom told me, but I’d rather be home alone.”
“Look, we’ll make it fun for you. We’ll have a combined sweet sixteen party for you and the twins’ birthday. They turn 15 on Saturday. There’s nothing that says you can’t have two parties. We’ll make two cakes and you can all have wishes cum true.”
“I’ve got two really nice presents to give to you. I think you’ll be excited.”
“Really? What are they”
“It will have to be a surprise.”
“Yea. OK. I guess it might be fun having a second party.”
“Oh. I need to buy some things for you. What size are you these days?”
“I’m 5’9” and 125 pounds. I don’t think I’ll ever be as tall as you are, but my tits are larger… Nyah Nyah!”
“Oh wow, a C-cup. Let’s call the newspapers,” I respond sarcastically.
The conversation continues and drifts in a sisterly sort of way…

Monday evening

“Hi Boys! How was your first day of school?”
“It’s the same old kids and the same old stuff,” complains Bobby.
“It seems like we’ve grown up, and rest are just kids,” adds Billy.
“Well, you two have had an amazing summer.”
“Yea. Best summer of our lives!”
“And we’re not the only ones,” says Bobby patting me on my swelling belly.
“So, we’re planning a small birthday party for you on Saturday night. It will just be family, but I am inviting my sister. I’ve got to babysit for her.”
“Isn’t she a little old for a babysitter?”
“Yea, but she’s having her sweet sixteen party, and my parents don’t trust her friends, so she’s staying here with us.”
“Oh great. She hates us.”
“Just try to be nice to her. I told her your party could also be a joint sweet sixteen party for her.”
“Oh great! She can ruin that too.”
“I’ll make two cakes, and I’ll try to think of some fun things you can do together.”
“I’ve got a really nice present for you two. You’ll love it.”
“What is it?”
“You’ll have to wait and see.”

Friday morning

I go shopping and buy some clothes for Jenny and me. I buy some jeans, some shorts, and a couple of nice blouses. I also get a nice pair of leotards, one for each of us, that matches the boys wrestling outfits, except these have four small snaps at the crotch so they can be put on (or lifted off) over the head. I buy her a racy bikini that exactly matches my blue one. I buy her a pair of button up pajamas, just like mine, and I also buy her some exceptionally sexy C-cup bras and panties. Even if she forgets to bring anything, she’ll look really nice all weekend long.
I hope she likes the clothing, but I’m really hoping that the boys like them…

Friday night

Mom calls and tells me to come break up the party and pick up Jenny. She has to leave soon. Why do I get stuck with the dirty work? How come I’ve got to look like the bad guy here? I make my way over before my mother has reason to complain.
“Hi Jenny. How is your party going?”
Jenny doesn’t look too happy.
“It’s a party. Hey guys! I’ve got to go now, so the party’s over.”
There’s a handful of friends left. Some walk out the door, others call their parents.
It looks like a bad party. Soon there is peace. Jenny has a few tears in her eyes.
“What’s the matter?”
“Oh nothing… There is one boy that I sort of liked. After talking with you this week, I decided to try to kiss him.”
“Well, he spent 20 minutes in the bathroom hooking up with my best friend, and she knew I liked him. She knew.”
“Looks like you need some new best friends.”
“This was the worst party ever.”
“We’ll make it up you with tomorrow night’s party. Let’s get going.”
“Do I really have to go?”
“Yes you do.”
“What should I bring?”
“I’ve got new clothes for you to wear, so just come as you are.”
We head out the door.

Late Friday night

“Hello! Who’s home?”
The twins come running down the stairs.
“Hi Mom! Hi Jenny. We were just doing our homework,” enthuses Billy.
“You call her ‘Mom’? That sounds so wrong,” Jenny complains.
“Hi AUNT Jenny,” says Bobby with a mischievous grin.
“Oh. That sounds even worse. Stop calling me that! And who the hell studies on Friday night?”
“Jenny. Come on. Be friendly. Jenny just had a trying party.”
“Don’t tell them anything about it.”
“Why not?”
“It’s just embarrassing.”
“You don’t want them to know that your best friend was hooking up with a boy she knows you like?”
“Debbie!! Uhh. I can’t believe you told them that.”
The boys are smiling, but not in a mean way.
“We’re all family here. Don’t worry about it,” assures Bobby.
“Yea. We don’t blab about family stuff to anyone,” confirms Billy.
Jenny is still not happy and looks like she really wants to be somewhere else.
“Come on Jenny, let’s go upstairs and get settled in.”
We both go upstairs and the boys follow.

“Here we are, this is my room. You can share it with me. My husband is away for the whole weekend.”
The boys try to follow us in.
“Not now boys. Time for girl talk.”
The door is shut with the twins on the outside. I guess that they’re listening at the door, but Jenny seems to have no clue. There’s nothing in this house that is more interesting to those teenage boys than Jenny.
“Do try to get along with the twins. They mean well and want you to have a good time.”
“Yea. OK. I just don’t like them knowing about my personal life.”
“I hope you like the room. The bed is big enough for both of us.”
“It’s really nice. Is there a lock on the door?”
“You won’t need a lock. Just relax. Hey. I got some stuff for you to wear this weekend.”
I hand her a bag full of stuff.
“Are these my presents?”
“No. I’ll give you your real presents tomorrow.”
She starts to look at the clothing.
“This stuff is really nice. I hope it wasn’t too expensive.”
She looks at the bras and panties, and gives me a dirty look.
“You’re an attractive girl. You should have nice lingerie. It will make you feel sexy.”
“Mom wouldn’t like it.”
“Just wear it around here if you’re worried. She’ll never know.”
“What’s this for?” holding up the leotard.
“That’s your wrestling outfit. The boys and I have been wrestling every weekend, and I thought you might like to join us.”
“Really? You wrestle with them?”
“Sure. It helps keep me in shape, but I’ve got to give it up soon.” as I pat my abdomen.
“I guess I can do that. Do you think I can beat them?”
“Only one way to find out.”
“And what’s this bikini? Where’s the rest of it?”
“It’s just like mine. We’ll swim and sunbath tomorrow.”
“Cool. But I don’t want the twins to see me in it.”
“Don’t worry about it. They’ve seen me in mine many times.”
“Don’t they stare at your body? How can you let them?”
“I got used to it. You will too.”
“I’m not so sure…”
“Here you go. Why don’t you take a shower and put on these pj’s and a bathrobe and come on down. I’ll put on a movie before we go to bed.”

I go downstairs for a bit, and when I come back, I become suspicious. Where are the twins? I catch them watching Jenny in the shower.
“You boys up to your old tricks?”
They grin at me.
“She IS rather nice,” exclaims Bobby.
“I never realized she was so beautiful,” says Billy.
Both boys are sporting long erections.
“Yea. She’s a cutie, but very innocent. Let’s go watch a move.”

I make popcorn as the boys select ‘The Abyss’ with glow in the dark creatures. We all squeeze onto the couch with Jenny and I in the middle in our pajamas and bathrobes, and the boys in theirs. I’m hugging Billy on my right and Bobby is rather close to Jenny to her left. This time I’m not drinking any wine, and we all settle for popcorn and soda. After about 20 minutes, I notice that Jenny puts her arm around Bobby’s shoulder. Bobby has been very good and has left Jenny alone, but then I feel Bobby’s hand at my back. He’s got his arm around Jenny’s waist. They watch the movie for a bit like this and then I see Jenny look earnestly into Bobby’s eyes. Bobby leans in ever so slowly and places a small kiss brief on Jenny’s lips. They spend a minute or so just looking at each other with their lips only inches apart. Bobby is waiting for Jenny. Jenny hesitates, starts to move, hesitates again, and then finally leans toward Bobby and they have the most exquisite lingering kiss. It’s Jenny first real kiss.
“Ohh,” exclaims Jenny.
“Happy sweet sixteen Jenny,” whispers Bobby.
“Thank you, Bobby,” she whispers back.
We all go back to watching the movie.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Jenny finally smiling, and notice that Bobby and Jenny continue to embrace each other with one arm each.
I can see Bobby’s left hand go to Jenny’s knee and then caresses her leg, but he is very gentle and not at all aggressive. He seems to understand that it would be rather easy to scare Jenny off. Jenny does nothing in response to Bobby’s wandering hand, but I see it as hidden progress. Yesterday, such a move would have been wholly rejected and there would have been shouting. Of course, on my side of the couch Billy is discretely playing with my tits, and then slipping his fingers between my legs. My hand is also playing with something of his…

The movie is long, so we pause in the middle to go to the bathroom and get more snacks. We return to our seats, but this time Billy goes and sits to the left of Jenny and Bobby settles in to the right of me. Jenny looks confused and casts a hard look at Bobby that says something like “What’s the matter, aren’t I good enough for you?” Bobby ignores her. The movie is restarted, and Bobby picks up where Billy left off with his hands wandering all over me. Jenny doesn’t notice, but she also does not look so happy.

After another 20 minutes or so, Billy puts an arm around Jenny’s shoulder. Jenny looks at him and says in a not so nice manner, “I suppose you expect a kiss too?”
Billy quietly replies, “I want you to like me, with or without kisses,” and he removes his arm from her shoulder. I’m so proud of Billy’s response. I think that Jenny liked it to. After a few more minutes, Jenny puts her arm around Billy. In another minute or two, Billy has his arm around Jenny’s waist.

Meanwhile on my side of the couch, I’m fighting off an orgasm and I’m trying to get Bobby to stop manipulating me, but the devil is in him. It’s no good. I come hard on Bobby’s well practiced fingers. I am quiet as I can be, but I am making unintended jerking motions at the peak of my climax. Jenny notices something and looks at me. I stare at the screen, and since it’s an exciting part of the movie, she seems to convince herself that I’m just excited about the movie. It never occurs to Jenny that after Bobby kissed her so sweetly and so nicely, that his two hands have invaded my bathrobe and my pajamas and that his fingers are now all slimy and wet. Bobby wants me to get him off too, but I just give his dick a little spanking. He knows we almost got caught.

After another 15 minutes, I notice that Billy is making a move on Jenny. He leans in to gently kiss her earlobes, and then rubs his free fingers along her neck. She turns to face him. He doesn’t know what she’s thinking. She seems to be waiting for him to continue. He caresses her cheek and pushes her golden hair out of her face and puts it behind her ear. He continues to touch her hair. She suddenly lurches forward and places her lips on his. They are kissing, and this kiss is far more aggressive than her kiss with Bobby. I’m wondering if tongues are involved, but I cannot tell from my angle. Now they start a second kiss. Then a third kiss commences. This is very erotic. Jenny suddenly tries to escape. She yanks off the comforter from us all, and tries to jump up. She struggles to get up, and in the process, she leaves her bathrobe behind with Billy as she runs off in just her cute pajamas. I can see that she is blushing and that she is somewhat flustered. Billy, Bobby and I all look at each other with smiles, and then refocus our attention to the movie. There are now four hands under my pajamas playing with my body parts. Billy’s hand is hitting my clitoris in just the right way and I start breathing hard. Bobby is kissing my lips and unknown hands are making my nipples as erect as possible. I can’t control myself, and I have another orgasm further wetting the hand at my vagina. The boys now want to fuck me, but I tell them they must be patient, and I’ll sneak into their rooms later.

About a half hour later the movie ends and I head off to find Jenny. She’s in my bed trying to go to sleep.
“Debbie? Are the twins really nice?” she enquires. It seems that something is on her mind.
“I think so. I love them very much,” I reply. “Did you enjoy kissing them?”
She blushes. “It was very nice. I didn’t know it would be like that. I didn’t think I would become excited.”
“Why did you run off? Did Billy do something that he shouldn’t have?”
“No. No. Billy was nice. Bobby was nice too. It was all me. I was afraid of what I might do. It was just too much for me. Billy was nice.”
“You know, if you want more, I’m sure that they would oblige.”
“I really don’t think I’m ready for more. No.”
That’s what she said, but I’m thinking the exact opposite.
I climb into bed, and Jenny quickly scoots over to me and hugs me firmly in a spooning position.
“Thanks for everything today.”
It seems that she’s worked up about something. I had planned on sneaking out and fucking each of the twins after Jenny fell asleep, but Jenny has me firmly in her grasp. The twins will just have to let their sexual energy build up instead. Tomorrow promises to be interesting…

Early Saturday morning

I am up early and I want to go fuck the twins, but Jenny wakes up just as I am about to sneak out.

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