Baby Weight For Me
Baby Weight For Me
Sex Story Author: | Blackstroker |
Sex Story Excerpt: | And now as I held her trembling body so close to mine, the softness of her breasts and belly against |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Black, Incest, Lactation, Male / Older Female, True Story |
Baby Weight for Me
The following set of events is true and happened almost exactly as related, twenty years ago when I was twenty three. At the time I was living with my older sister and parents and was a communications student at university. I travelled to and from classes every day, since it was only a five mile journey. I’ve always, since my teenage days been a cunning and crafty SOB when it comes to picking up or seducing women. I could conceive a plan and work it step by step to a successful completion. I am a slim, five foot ten, light brown skin, black man; my sister a shade lighter and four inches shorter.
After giving birth to her first child, a girl, my beautiful twenty-five year old sister failed to lose the baby weight she’d put on during her pregnancy, and constantly worried about it; to the point that it was like an obsession with her. She was always complaining about or drawing attention to her perceived weight problem by making some remark about her clothes not fitting properly or being too fat for one activity or the other, or by always talking about some new diet or exercise regimen.
Prior to her pregnancy she had been svelte and shapely with round firm grapefruit sized breasts that stood straight out from her chest, and frequently went about bra less. She had a full, high, round ass that must have been originally sculpted by nature for a more full bodied woman, but had somehow found its way on to her body. She had been proud of her sexy figure; but now with the extra post pregnancy weight it carried, she had come to loathe the body she once loved. She tried just about every diet or exercise trick touted by TV or the net; but instead of losing weight she was becoming thicker as the months went by. But in her mind she was not just thick, she was fat! And nothing anybody told her to the contrary could make her think differently.
What made matters worse is that four months after the birth of her baby girl, the child’s father who lived with his parents less than a mile away from us, had moved away from the neighborhood, effectively moving away from their relationship. He soon ceased all communication with her, not even sending money for the upkeep of his child. It was later rumored that he had set up house with another young woman, a one-time friend of my sister who had once lived in our neighborhood; a woman who was even thinner than my sister had been. My sister was deeply hurt and embarrassed by this, and as a result became very gloomy and depressed. She hardly ever left the house and eventually lost her job. She spent all day and most of the night watching TV or reading and doing housework with a passion.
I loved my sister very much and was very concerned about her behavior. In an effort to cheer her up I tried complimenting her on her good looks as often as circumstances allowed. I wanted her to realize that nothing was wrong with her figure; that she was a beautiful and sexy young woman. But she only shrugged off my compliments as lies just intended to make her feel good. She really believed that she had become fat and ugly.
One day when we were alone at home and I had become tired of hearing her for the umpteenth time going on about her size, I banged down a plastic food container that I had been holding onto the floor and shouted at her:
“Damn, Linda, when are you going to stop this nonsense? I’ve told you about a hundred times already there’s nothing wrong with your figure or your weight. Mom has told you, dad has told you, your friends tell you. Damn girl, get a hold of yourself. You’re beautiful, you’re sexy, you’re thick, and you’re not fat.” It’s all in your head.
“Oh, really, sweet talker if it’s only in my head how come I can’t fit into clothes I wore just six months ago? And don’t you shout at me like that, I’m your big sister, don’t forget that.”
I could see tears welling up in her eyes, and immediately felt bad about my outburst. I stepped forward to apologize and console her, but she stepped back, away from me.
“I’m so sorry Linda, it’s just that I love you and care about you and I can’t stand to see you treat yourself this way. I just can’t understand how you can be seeing yourself this way when I and everybody else can see that there is nothing wrong with your looks.”
“If there’s nothing wrong with my looks how come my man, my baby’s daddy left me for that no good dried up tramp.”
“The guy leaving you had nothing to do with your looks or any weight gain. He left you because he’s just a worthless, ambition less jerk that was not ready for the responsibilities and commitments of fatherhood.”
Her face twisted and her lips trembled and the tears rolled out of her eyes. Her entire body shook as she stood there sobbing and looking helpless. I moved forward and threw my arms around my sobbing sister, pulling her close to me. This time she didn’t back away, but melted into my arms willingly. I held her tightly, gently patting her back and stroking her hair as she cried uncontrollably into my shoulder. She pulled me closer as if afraid I would get away. We remained like that for several minutes until the violent wracking of her body gradually subsided to a gentle trembling.
“Come on, don’t cry baby.” I kissed her cheeks, getting my lips wet with her tears. I licked the salty tears from my lips. “Believe me when I tell you, there’s nothing wrong with you. You know how many men must enjoy looking at you and think this must be the sexiest figure they’ve ever seen. I do.
“Aww, you’re just saying that to console me, because I’m your sister and you love me.”
“No Linda, I really mean it. You’re not fat, you’re thick and sweet and beautiful. As a matter of fact, if you weren’t my sister I myself would have tried to fuck you.” Without breaking our embrace she brought up one hand to her mouth in shock.
“I didn’t know you used those kinds of words”
“I’m sorry, I usually don’t, but it’s the truth Linda, if you weren’t my sister I’d want to fuck you and do all kinds of things to this nice juicy body. That’s how sexy you are, your own brother would like to fuck you.” With those words I felt my cock began to swell against her belly, but she didn’t seem to notice.
“You really know how to flatter ladies. And please stop using that word. Nice compliments, if a bit coarse, but I still think you’re just trying to help me, and I love you for that. But I know that I’m fat and that you wouldn’t think of doing those things you just told me.”
“You’re wrong sweetie, I do think about it a lot, but because you’re my sister I just push it out of my head, because it makes me feel ashamed.” My cock was now very prominent against her belly but she still didn’t seem to notice. She leaned back suddenly which only caused her body to push harder against mine. She held my shoulders and looked at me with her wet eyes.
“My brother you are crazy or some kind of pervert.” I didn’t like the direction in which my hardening cock was going, so I started to pull away from her. She must have misunderstood, because she pulled me back firmly against her and gave me a weak but sincere smile.
“I’m just kidding.” she said.
“I know.” We both laughed and hugged each other.
“Just hold me a little bit more.”
I had always admired my sister’s beautiful face and figure and considered her very sexy. Over the years I had on a number of occasions fantasized about her sexually in what I told myself was a harmless way that had more to do with her being so lovely than anything else. I would sometimes wonder what it would feel like to kiss those full well sculpted pouty lips, to caress those firm pointy breasts, to rub my hands and lips all over her juicy body, to smell the feminine odor between her breasts and thighs and to have my cock sink into her warm fleshy mound. I’d seen her panty covered vaginal mound lots of times when she’d sat down carelessly or left her bedroom door open, and it was a sight to behold, plump and enticing. I thought of it as harmless sexual fantasizing because in spite of thinking these hot sensual thoughts about my big sister Linda, I had never ever thought about taking steps to make them a reality. I had no real desire to cross the incest line.
If I used to admire Linda when she was slim, what I felt for her since she’d gained weight needed a stronger word than admire; it was more like adoration or worship when I looked at her thick juicy body. Her body had filled out in all the right places; ass, breasts, thighs, hips and very little around the waist. Her belly had regained relative flatness after the first few months.
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