
Autumn pt 5

“Yes, Daddy?” I tried to hold my voice steady and almost succeeded.
“You’ve made one hell of a mess in here.” I looked around; everything was out of the cabinets, true, but I was in the middle of cleaning. I had accidentally knocked over a can of Comet when I was pulling things out, but I was going to clean that up…
“I’m sorry Daddy; I’ll clean that up,” I offered.
“What do you think that is going to do to the rug?”
“I can wash it—I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t ask you if you were going to wash it, Autumn; I asked you what you thought that was going to do to the rug.” I could tell he was starting to get angry, and I struggled for some way to stop it.
“It might hurt the rug,” I offered as the best answer I could think of.
Daddy glared at me and smirked, “It might hurt the rug? You stupid, sloppy bitch; it’s got bleach in it.”
Oh, god, I thought with fear, this is not going to be ok. “I’m sorry; I’ll clean it up right now.” I offered as I bent down to brush it off the rug so that I could pick it up with a wet cloth.
“No you won’t,” Daddy said as he grabbed a handful of my hair.
I could feel his knuckles digging into my scalp. I couldn’t think. Nothing but fear flooded my head. Without thinking, I started apologizing, over and over until he hit me. Then I started crying. He slapped me again, and then again. Somehow I managed to stop crying, like he wanted.

Until he started trying to pull me out of the bathroom.

“Move your ass, girl; you’ve got another lesson to learn!”

I cried; I screamed. We were going down to the basement. Daddy still had my hair, and he grabbed my arm, hard, so I couldn’t run away. I tried to run anyway, but he just lifted me off the ground a little, mostly by the hair. I accidentally kicked him while trying to get away, and he screamed at me that if I did that again, he was going to kill me.

When we got into the basement, Daddy took me halfway down the stairs, and then pushed me the rest of the way down. I fell onto the floor, and Daddy went back up and closed and locked the basement door. As he came back down the stairs, I tried to get up and run away. I barely evaded his grasp, and he grabbed for me again as I tried to roll away and stand up. I tripped and he kicked me. I begged him to stop, and he screamed at me to come here.

No way in hell, I thought.

I ran over to the other side of the room, and he chased me, almost on top of me. I couldn’t move fast enough to get a lead on him, and he kept grabbing me, my shirt, my hair, hitting me and kicking me at every opportunity. I was crying as I ran almost in circles in the basement, but I couldn’t get far enough away to make a break for the door with enough time to let me get out. I panicked because I was out of breath and getting slower by the second.

Suddenly Daddy grabbed my arm and jerked me to a halt. He dragged me to the wall where his belt was hanging, took it off the wall, and started beating me with it. I screamed and crawled in a circle at his feet, trying to get away. I was so angry at myself for being so slow, half of my tears were angry.
“You’re one stupid little bitch, you know that?” Daddy asked as he hit me. “That was a pretty stupid move, you dumb little bitch!” I couldn’t move anymore; I just lay on the floor and tried to cover myself from the blows as he struck me again and again as I cried and begged him to stop.
“I bet you’re sorry you’re so goddamn messy now!”
“I am Daddy, I’m so sorry!”
“You’re gonna be even sorrier,” Daddy promised.

That did it. I started screaming. Daddy pulled me up and dragged me over to the table. He told me to put my hands on the table and not move. He was going to hit me with the belt; that I knew. What I was afraid of was what he was going to do afterward. I knew that if I tried to run, it would only be worse. Even if I could get out of the basement, I probably wouldn’t make it out of the house. If I didn’t make it out, he would…

Oh, god.

I complied and kept my hands on the table, like he told me to. Daddy stepped back and started bringing the belt down hard on my back. I tried to stay still, to not flinch. He usually went easier on me if I did as he told me. As he hit me, he told me that I was a dirty pig, a stupid bitch, a little whore. I kept my hands where he had placed them on the table and prayed for it to end. Then he started wanting answers from me.

“Are you a dirty, stupid whore?”
“Yes, Daddy; I’m a dirty stupid whore,” I answered as he brought the belt down on my back, my legs, my arms.
“You’re a stupid little bitch, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Daddy,” I cried, “I’m a stupid little bitch”
“I bet you’re sorry you smart-mouthed off to me, aren’t you?”
”Yes, Daddy; I’m sorry I smart-mouthed off to you,” I answered as I gasped for breath.
“You’re about to find out what it means to be sorry, you stupid little slut!”

Daddy stopped hitting me. I stood for a moment, braced for the next hit, but it didn’t come. He was intentionally making me wait, to see if that would make me start crying again, make me start freaking out. Moments passed as I waited.

“Take off your shirt.”
“No, Daddy, please,” I begged, “please…”
“TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT, SLUT!” My whole body shook with fear, but I took off my shirt. There was no help coming; being agreeable was the only possible way I had to save myself.
“Put your shirt on the chair, and take off your pants.”

There was no point in begging. He was going to make me, no matter what. Shaking, I took my pants off. Then he demanded that I take my panties off. Again I complied, because there was no way to fight, no way to beg, no way to get out of it. I placed my clothes on the chair, and put my hands back on the table.

“Turn around and look at me,” Daddy demanded. I turned around, but couldn’t bring myself to look at him. He grabbed my hair hard and forced my head up. Instinctively, my hand went to try to pull his off. I couldn’t help it; burning tears welled up in my eyes again, and I started crying.
“Crying isn’t going to help you, you dirty little slut!” Daddy screamed at me as I shrunk back. “I thought I taught you before what happens to lazy, dirty whores, but it seems that you’ve forgotten! Did you forget?”
”No, Daddy!”
“It seems to me that you’ve forgotten, bitch!”
“Daddy, please don’t!” I begged. Daddy laughed; it was an evil, dirty laugh.
“Don’t what, slut? Don’t do this?” He grabbed one of my nipples and pulled me forward. “Don’t do this? Don’t do this?” He asked as he grabbed at each of my nipples with one hand and pinched them. “Is that what you don’t want me to do? This? This?” Each time he asked, he would pinch and pull on my nipples.
“Daddy,” I cried, “please don’t!”
“Or is it this,” he asked as he pinched my outer pussy lips, “was it this that you didn’t want me to do? This?”

Daddy pinched me over and over, and I tried to move away, but he held me firmly as he pinched at my nipples and my pussy. He ordered me to walk over to the ottoman that was on the other side of the table, and I tried to get away again, but he had a firm grip on me and pinched me harder as he made me walk over to it. He threw me down onto the ottoman, and I tried to get back up, but he blocked me and held me down by the wrists. He leaned down onto me, pinning me, and put his mouth right next to my ear.

“I’m going to hurt you, you dirty little slut,” he hissed, “and you’re not only gonna let me, you’re gonna ask me for it!”
“No,” I protested through tears, realizing how futile my protests were; it was hopeless. Daddy took one hand off of my wrists and brought it to my pussy; his fingers spread my lips, and I could feel him poking and shaking my clit, a humiliation that made me cry harder. I screamed as I felt something deep in my soul break… he was going to make me do whatever he wanted. There was no point in trying to fight, no point at all, ever. I felt resignation take over my heart. No point. Ever. No one to help me, and no way to help myself. Ever.

“Tell me you like it, you little whore!” Daddy demanded. With his cruel hands able to hurt me so badly, I didn’t dare disobey.”
“I like it, Daddy,” I managed to whine through my tears.
“Tell me how bad your dirty little slut body needs to be fucked!” Oh, god, I thought; no! I was too scared to speak. Daddy grabbed my lips and twisted them, hard. “Tell Daddy how bad your little ass wants a good, hard fucking! Tell me all about your slut nature, you little bitch!”
“No, Daddy,” I begged, sobbing, “please don’t hurt me! Please don’t hurt me there! Noooooo!”
“You can beg, your dirty slut, but I know you want it! You better tell me the truth!”
“NOOOO!” Daddy let go of my pussy lips and started pinching my clit.
“You’re wet already, just thinking about it, aren’t you, bitch? Beg me to fuck your ass!”
I screamed as loud as I could; Daddy laughed and kept pinching my clit.
“You can’t stop me, slut! Ask Daddy to shoot his load in your ass!”
I screamed again; Daddy dug his nails into my clit, and I screamed even louder.
“You just earned yourself some pain, bitch!” He screamed in my ear, “Let me tell you what’s in store for you! You’re gonna beg me to fuck your ass! You’re gonna go over to that table and bring me back the baby oil and beg me to hurt your ass! When I ask you if you’ve had enough, your answer is NO! When I ask you if you’ve had enough, you’re gonna say, ‘No, Daddy, hurt my ass some more’! Because at this point, you little whore, I’m gonna make sure that you pay for disobeying me!” Daddy was in a rage now. I was scared to hear him, but he was screaming so loud at me that I couldn’t tune out. “You’re gonna pay, slut! You’re gonna learn what happens to little sluts! You have no idea what I have in store for you!” Daddy started laughing, “And if you disobey me, I’m gonna personally enjoy shoving a broomstick as deep up into that pussy as I can get it, bitch, and then I’m gonna make you fuck yourself with it while I watch! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”
His threat had me frozen; I struggled to even breathe.
Daddy smiled. “I see you understand, so let me make myself clear! The next words out of your mouth are going to be “Please Daddy, hurt my ass.” When I let you up, you are going to go over to the table and bring back the baby oil! If you fail to do exactly this, slut, I’m going to beat the living shit out of you, and then take the broom and shove the handle as deep up in your pussy as I can. AND THEN I’M GOING TO SHOVE IT IN DEEPER! I’LL KICK IT IN, IF I HAVE TO! Then I’m going to sit back and watch you fuck yourself with it, and believe me, you’re going to be fucking it in for a few hours! I’m gonna make sure that when you’re done, you’re bleeding, you little whore! You fuck up ONE MORE TIME, and you’ll sleep with it shoved in you TONIGHT!” Daddy paused to glare at me; he was still shaking with rage, “Now Autumn, did you have something you wanted to ask me?”
“P…please…please Daddy, hurt my ass with your cock.” I begged, wanting to die.
“Are you sure you want me to do that, Autumn?”
I couldn’t help but start crying again. “Yes, Daddy, please fuck my ass hard because I’m a dirty whore!”
“But if I do that, it’s going to hurt, baby slut; are you sure you want to be punished like that again?”
“Please Daddy, hurt my ass; punish me hard, and hurt my ass like you did before!” Daddy brought his hand back to my clit and started flicking it. “Are you getting turned on, thinking about what I’m going to do to your ass?”
“Yes, Daddy! I want you to push it in and punish me and make it hurt bad…” I was trying to please him, trying to just stay alive, but I broke down in sobs.

Daddy pulled me up and as I struggled to get my footing, he pushed me down to the ground. When I fell, he kicked me, and told me to crawl to the table. I crawled over to the table, ashamed that he was back there, looking as my pussy and ass as I crawled. I got the baby oil, and saw that there was another big bottle, unopened, in a bag next to the half-used one. I didn’t want to think about what that meant. Then I noticed the small video camera on the table; I didn’t know how to tell if it was running or not, but I figured that it probably was since the lights were on. Humiliated that Daddy would get to replay this nightmare over and over at his leisure, I crawled back over to the ottoman where Daddy sat, now holding the belt he must have gotten while I was crawling over and couldn’t see him.

He saw me looking at the belt. “If you behave, you won’t have to be hit. But if you don’t learn, you’re gonna get hurt. You better get used to this, and learn. You’ve got a lot to learn, but this is one of your more important lessons. Now come over here, and hand me the oil.” I crawled closer to him, and tried to hand him the oil; he swung and hit me on the side and back with the belt. “Hold it out in your hand!” I did as he asked. “Now say. ‘Here is the oil Daddy, please teach my dirty slut ass a lesson!”
“Here is the oil Daddy, please teach my dirty slut ass a lesson,” I said, tears filling my eyes again. Daddy hit me with the belt again, making me jump.
“Now go back and try it again!” I crawled back to where I was, and started over to him; he hit me with the belt again. “Go back to the table and start over!”

I crawled back from the table over to him and held up the bottle. “Here is the oil Daddy, please teach my dirty slut ass a lesson.”

He hit me again.

“Do it again!”

I went back to the table and came back again, on my hands and knees. “Here is the oil Daddy, please teach my dirty slut ass a lesson.”

“Do it again!”

I went back and came back again, presenting the bottle and asking him to hurt me. He hit me again and made me do it over and over. After I had done it about ten times, Daddy asked me if I thought I could remember that. I told him I could, and he got up and told me to lie down on the ottoman. I expected him to tie my hands and legs down again, but he didn’t. He just stood behind me; I think he was undressing.

“The next time I tell you ‘go get it’, you’d better do exactly that; do you understand, slut?”
“Yes, sir.” My heart sank; the next time?
“Now tell me what you want, baby slut!”
“Please hurt my ass Daddy,” I replied, my tears burning in my eyes.
“Spread your cheeks and show me where you want to be hurt, bitch!” I reached around and spread my cheeks. “Tell me that you want me to hurt that little ass bad!”
”Daddy, please hurt my ass bad!”
“Tell me you want me to push my big dick all the way up in that tiny ass!”
“Daddy, please push your big dick all the way up in my tiny ass!”
“Tell me you want my dick to stretch your dirty little ass out and hurt you bad!”
”Daddy, please stretch my dirty little ass out and hurt it bad!”
“Say it again!”
”Daddy, please stretch my dirty little ass out and hurt it bad!”
“Say it again!”
”Daddy, please stretch my dirty little ass out and hurt it bad!”
“Say it again, and tell me you’ve been a bad girl!”
”Daddy, I’ve been a bad girl! Please stretch my dirty little ass out and hurt it bad!”
“Say it again!”
”Daddy, I’ve been a bad girl! Please stretch my dirty little ass out and hurt it bad!”
“Say it again!”
”Daddy, I’ve been a bad girl! Please stretch my dirty little ass out and hurt it bad!”
“Say it again and tell me you want me to make you bleed!”
”Daddy, I’ve been a bad girl! Please stretch my dirty little ass out, hurt it bad and make me bleed!” I jumped as I felt his hands touch me.
”Daddy, I’ve been a bad girl! Please stretch my dirty little ass out, hurt it bad and make me bleed!”
“When I ask you what you want from now on, that had better be your answer; do you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy!”
He told me to hold my cheeks spread apart, and not to dare let go until he told me to. I felt him push the tip of the bottle against my tiny asshole, then I felt the oil pouring into me again, making me cry harder.
“SAY IT AGAIN! Don’t you dare stop saying it until I tell you to stop!”
I knew it was turning him on, and the thought revolted me. ”Daddy, I’ve been a bad girl! Please stretch my dirty little ass out, hurt it bad and make me bleed!” I repeated over and over as he filled my ass with oil, as he smeared it all over my little asshole, and then pushed the bottle back up against my asshole to fill me with even more. Once again, I could feel the oil crawling and sliding everywhere deep up in me as I repeated what he wanted, over and over.
“Admit that you’re nothing but a worthless, dirty whore who deserves to be hurt!”
I was shaking with fear as I felt his cock against my little asshole, but I was more afraid of what he might do to me with a broomstick. “I’m nothing but a worthless, dirty whore that deserves to be hurt, Daddy!”
He was trying to push into me. My little asshole, clenched in fear, tried to stop him, but he pushed hard and forcefully, and I cried as I felt it start to spread open. He intentionally slowed down to make me suffer through every aspect of his intrusion into my ass. He pushed until my asshole was stretched wide around the head of his cock, and then he stopped; the pain made me feel like I was going crazy. I wanted to scream, but didn’t dare.
“Do you like that, baby slut?”
“Yes, Daddy,” I cried.
“I’m gonna stretch you nice and wide, bitch! You should see how wide your little asshole is stretched around my dick! I bet that hurts! Does that hurt, baby slut?”
“Yes, Daddy, it hurts!”
“You like it, don’t you? Tell me how much you love having your asshole stretched open wide by my dick!”
“I love having your dick stretch my asshole open wide, Daddy!” I responded, hating myself for cooperating.
“I’m just enjoying seeing your little asshole all stretched out over my dick! I wonder how long until it starts to tear? Do you think your little asshole is about to tear, baby slut?”
I couldn’t help it; I started sobbing so hard I couldn’t answer. It felt to me like it was already torn, and the thought of something worse was unbearable.
“I asked you a question, baby slut! Do you think your little asshole is about to tear open around my dick?”
“Yes, Daddy,” I choked, “I think it is about to tear…” the rest of the words were lost in sobs.
“You like that feeling, don’t you?”
Sobbing, I could only nod my head.
“I think in a few weeks, I’m gonna have to find something to put up there that’ll rip you up, won’t I, baby slut?”
I knew he meant it. I didn’t answer. I couldn’t answer and lie like he wanted, and I was too afraid of the broomstick to not lie.
“Yeah,” Daddy said, starting to move his cock a little, probably to watch my asshole stretching, “I think if you make one more mistake, you’re gonna find out how it feels to go to sleep with something pushed deep up in your ass that’s way too big, baby slut…” Daddy started pushing slowly into me as I cried, “If you disobey me, I’m gonna tie you down on that little bed of yours, and you’re gonna find out what pain is…” My tiny asshole flared open wider, and I screamed in pain and humiliation as I felt the head of his cock pop inside. “Yes…oh, yeah,” Daddy continued,” I’m gonna enjoy hearing you scream when I push it in deep…” He pulled the head of his cock back out and let it push into me again; the stretching feeling hurt worse, and when his cock’s head popped back inside, I jumped and screamed because of the sharp pain, “…gonna enjoy seeing it tear you open, baby slut,” he tormented me as he forced my little asshole to let his cock back out.

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