Assassin No More (Complete)
Assassin No More (Complete)
Sex Story Author: | Kenneth Hammond |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I had the drama kneel and we waited while watching the spring. Just as the sun began to rise I |
Sex Story Category: | Non-Erotic |
Sex Story Tags: | Fantasy, Non-Erotic |
Chapter 1
Opening my eyes
I had always been different than others of the clan, I was faster and have better endurance. I was better with weapons or my hands, I was also better at solving problems. What I was not was a full clan member. I had been bought in a market by the Quirrin Master and adopted.
My name was Quillan or Clan lost as the clan called me. Most of the clan ignored me and called me Lan. The ones that did not learned to respect my abilities and stayed out of reach. In eighteen years I had learned and passed all the tests of a clan warrior. I had even past tests that most masters could not, only the Quirrin Master was my equal. Other people called us assassins, but we only killed to protect the clan… or so I thought.
I had been given the job of beast master and spent my time looking after the horses or drama. Drama are a huge, light skinned lizard like animal we used mostly as pack animals. Like many in the clan, we were always practicing stealth. I was the best, even masters could not find me if I did not want them to. Several of the younger men and women had come to me for instruction.
I went over how to move or behave and before I knew it they had started making wagers. The clan masters were meeting shortly and it was supposed to be a closed meeting. It was to be held in the Quirrin Master’s quarters. Several of the clan young tried to slip in, I managed to because I came through a little known vent.
The vent was not used because the Quirrin Master put cave vipers in the vents. I had quietly captured the three vipers and released them. Now I lay and watched as the clan masters gathered. I listened as the Quirrin Master nodded to a blood soaked bag, “The duke sent this instead of our payment.”
Master Jerome shook his head, “I told you he could not be trusted.”
Master Palio nodded, “Killing the old duke was not wise.”
The Quirrin Master waved his hand, “That is past. He owes us for a killing.”
Master Celmins sighed, “I am getting to old for this. Kill the fool and have the new duke pay his dept.”
Master Jerome nodded, “Agreed. Kill him and let the next duke pay. We have other business. The Travelers are headed north once again. We all know they pay high prices for killing the human chiefs at the wells of Tara.”
Master Quirrin shifted, “Perhaps they do, but you know they always search for our own wells.”
The other masters nodded and Master Jim stood, “Send Quillan to kill the duke. You know they will blame the Travelers and we can make money from both sides.”
Master Quirrin shook his head, “Quillan will want to know why.”
The masters only shook their heads, “Why do you play at this, bring Quillan into the clan.”
The Quirrin Master folded his hands, “The time is not right and he is not ready. He still thinks the clan is like others and not assassins.”
As they left I remained and waited while I thought about what they had said. We were paid to kill, that was what the clan did. When a shadow suddenly shifted and moved to walk out of the room I smiled. I continued to wait and a few minutes later Master Saris suddenly appeared and walked out. I quietly moved back and started the long climb up.
At the top I started out of the vent opening only to freeze as I felt movement close by. Turning my head slowly I saw two large cave viper coming nearer. I hissed and they stopped to coil. As their heads slowly began to weave I gave a longer softer hiss. The two vipers hesitated and then uncoiled to start crawling away. I grinned, they were the Quirrin Master’s pets and I was the one to feed them everyday.
I slipped the rest of the way out of the vent and walked away. I came back into the clan caves from a different direction and quietly went to the pens. I tended the animals while I continued to think. I did not like the thought of killing people for money. The other thing that bothered me was the Quirrin Master. He wanted to use me for something and I was sure I would not like it.
I sighed as I finished scratching an egg bound drama and turned away. There was only one thing I could do, leave. I walked away and went to the tiny cave that was mine and began to pack. I was only just finishing when Master Jim came into my cave, “So… where do you think you are going?”
I tied the top of the pack and began dressing in my clan clothing. When I finished and turned to look at him, I could see his anger because I had not answered, “Leaving. I am not an assassin and want no part of it.”
The blurred movement of his striking hand met mine as it slapped the back of his wrist. This was a deadly dance that would leave only one of us alive. I spun to the side as his other hand flicked a small poisoned dart. I pulled the fighting knife from my left thigh and blocked a strike from his dagger as I shifted sideways.
The sharp hissing behind him had the master suddenly springing forward. A solid flat punch into his chest stopped him in mid air and he staggered back. He spun sideways as a large cave viper emerged from its hole and began coiling to strike. I let a thin dagger drop into my right hand as my left swept forward. Master Jim blocked the knife easily and tried to move away from the viper.
The slim dagger came up into his blocking arm. I twisted and the dagger in his hand fell as he jerked back. That was a mistake, the viper struck and his eyes went wide. I struck as his eyes went to the viper attached to his leg. My fighting knife swept across his throat and he stumbled before falling to the floor. I moved back and turned to a small box. Inside was a large rat and I grabbed it before turning back to the fallen man and the coiled snake.
I tossed the rat to land right in front of the viper. Before the rat could even get to its feet the viper struck. It wrapped its body around the rat as I picked my pack up. I slipped out, leaving the scene behind, it was not the first time I had killed. In the pens I pulled out a special saddle I had made and put it on one of the bigger drama. I tied my pack onto another and led them out of the clan caves.
I slipped onto the drama and headed into the desert. I knew they would be searching for me and wanted some distance between us. I was quiet as I thought about my life and where I could go, most cities hated or feared us. All the other clans would try to kill me on sight. The only ones that would not care were the Travelers. Once every decade they made their way around the continent, looking for something lost long ago.
It was almost dawn when I saw the sand spider’s trap. A sand spider is huge, six or eight feet across. I looked around and dismounted to lead the drama to a small outcropping of stone. I unsaddled them and removed the face harness, “Just wait girls.”
I picked up a piece of stone and moved out towards the trap. I weighed the stone and tossed it to land in the center of the trap. With a slithering hiss the sand erupted and the huge spider came out fast. I stood still as the spider spun around. Before it could do anything else, the two drama charged. They all crashed together and dropped into the open pit that was the spider’s home.
I moved to the lip to watch as the two drama tore the spider apart. I grabbed my pack and jumped down into the musky pit. In a far corner was a huge egg sack hanging from the ceiling. I prodded one of the drama and was treated to an angry hiss. I hissed back and slapped her shoulder. She looked over her shoulder at me angrily and I nodded towards the corner.
She turned her head and growled before rushing to attack the sack. The other drama joined her as I moved to an opposite corner. I sat down and leaned against the wall, it was only a few minutes before I fell asleep. I woke to the dry shifting of the drama and looked around the pit in the gathering dusk. I stood and stretched before picking up my pack and vaulting onto one of the drama, “Up!”
Almost in one move the drama leaped up through the hole in the roof of the pit. It was a moment before the other joined us while grumbling. I grinned as I slid off the first one, “It is not my fault you gorged on the eggs.”
The drama hissed lightly as I put their saddles back on and swung into the saddle. I only had one water bag left and the next well was a long way from here. Some clouds had begun to move in and almost at midnight the two drama slowed, we were in a dry ravine that I did not like. The drama were looking around nervously as I heard the loud explosion of thunder.
I saw a large opening in the side of the ravine ahead and up one side before a wall of rain blocked my view. I slapped the shoulder of the drama I was on and pointed. She hissed and broke into a rush that went straight up the side of the ravine and into the opening. The other drama followed and I jerked in surprise when several wild drama turned to look at us.
I heard a rushing roaring sound from the ravine and slowly slid off my drama. I moved towards the hissing crowd of wild drama and hissed back. The wild ones stilled and seemed to look at each other before looking at me. I scratched one behind his ear hole as I moved past and he shivered and hummed. I slowly moved through the crowd and scratched a drama here or there on my way.
By the time I was done, I was back at the entrance staring at the rushing water in the ravine. I used a large cloak to gather water and refill all my water bags during the storm. It was almost an hour before the rain stopped and we were able to leave. The wild ones went with us and gradually the group broke up into couples or singles. As the sun peaked over the horizon I made camp in a cluster of large rocks. I used my cloak as a roof between two boulders.
The drama sighed as they settled in front of me. I woke a couple of hours before the sun had set. I ate while considering the way before me, it was another four days to the harbor city of Sumurst. The desert went on for only a day and a half before turning to farm land that was rich in water. I was well off the normal path of the clans and knew they might only be a day behind me.
I saddled the drama and started off as the sun began to sink into the desert. It was after midnight when I heard the siren. I quickly stuffed my ears and wrapped a scarf around my head. I turned the drama to head closer, it was another chance to let the two drama feed. I stopped before I reached the group of rocks and dismounted, I swiftly unsaddled the two hissing drama.
When I hissed they were off at a run. They did not go between the rocks, they went over them. Almost as soon as they vanished the screams started. I picked up my pack and the two saddles and started for the rocks. I came into the blood smeared center and waited while the two drama finished devouring the remaining sirens. They were almost a quarter the size of the drama and had large heads with mouths full of sharp teeth.
When the two finally moved away with a hiss I began saddling them again. I searched around where the sirens had been and found four large bloody stones. They were called Siren Stones and were very valuable. Since I was on my own now, I would need money. I swung into the saddle and the drama headed out. They moved slower now that they were full.
I did not stop when the sun came up and the drama began hissing. I slapped a shoulder, “Soon, we need water.”
She shook her head and the other almost growled. I shook my head, “You two are babies. You just got a good meal and now you want to stop and sleep.”
They grumbled but kept going until we finally entered a green glade. I made camp in a clump of brush beside a quiet brook. The drama dropped to the ground beside the brook and hissed as they rested in the way of their kind. I filled my water bags and made a small cup of cinnamon tea. I pulled the small blow gun from my pack and walked into the brush.
It did not take long before I found two rabbits nibbling grass together. I returned to camp carrying the two rabbits and knelt by the brook to clean them. I tossed the refuse to each drama and kept the skins and meat. I started a small fire and began to roast the rabbits slowly. When the drama hissed softly while looking towards the greener side of the brook, I went still.
Two men stepped through the brush and stopped to stare at me. I realized they were not men like the rest of my clan, they were Travelers. The drama shifted and I hissed to calm them as I continued to look at the two, “Well met.”
They looked at each other and the one on the right nodded, “Brother.”
I looked at them and finally looked away, “I only have a couple of small rabbits.”
The other Traveler grinned and pulled two more rabbits from behind him, “We have a couple as well.”
I gestured to the fire and they joined me. It was a tense afternoon but they did not ask any questions. I had some but kept quiet as they left headed up the small brook. That night we rode for only half the night. Several times the drama darted to the side to snatch an unsuspecting rabbit. We spent the rest of the night beside a small bridge.
I was up at dawn and saddled the drama, I turned onto the narrow road and started off. It was almost noon when I saw the four men. They were in front of us trying to hide in some brush, I stopped short on the road and waited. After a minute they burst out yelling and rushed at me waving old rusty knives.
A flick of my wrists sent two throwing knives into the throats of two of the men. The drama lunged and grabbed the other two. I slid out of the saddle as they began tearing the men apart. I slapped their shoulders and they released the two dead men. I led the drama past and mounted again.
I did not even think about leaving the four men lying on the road. I stopped in a small wooded area for the night and the drama sank down with a growling hiss. I smiled as I gathered dry sticks, “It is your own fault. No one told either of you to rush off and eat every rabbit that we passed.”
They hissed and put their heads down. I had only been this far from the clan caves a few times and the sounds of the night time always fascinated me. I rested and let my senses reach out to the area around me. I felt it when the two men slipped into the area. In one moment I was lying back resting and in the next I was gone.
The shadows held me as I drifted around the outside of my camp and the two sleeping drama. I knew what the men were and who. As they split up and moved apart I moved through the shadows after the larger of the two. He suddenly stopped moving, “Lan?”
He stood still as the other moved further away, “Why Lan?”
I stepped forward pressing the tip of my dagger against the back of his neck, “They pay us to kill. To waste our honor on innocents or kill those that are no threat to the clan.”
I felt him nod slightly, “That is what we do. Why Master Jim?”
I moved back as I felt the other moving back, “Master Jim attacked me when I told him I was leaving.”
He slowly turned to face me, “But any of the clan are free to leave.”
I smiled, “You should know better Harasis. Those that choose to leave never reached the other side of the desert.”
I spun and my wrist flicked towards a shadow as it rushed towards me. There was a cry as I shifted back to Harasis. He had not moved and only held his hands up, “The kill order is out.”
I nodded, “I expected it. Tell the others I am leaving Denob.”
He nodded and looked past me at the body of our brother, “I always disliked Petri.”
I grinned, “Live well Harasis.”
He nodded before turning and walking away, I waited and sighed when he left the area. I turned to Petri and moved to kneel beside his body. I pulled the throwing spike from his throat and then started removing his weapons. I moved into the night following his trail until I found the two horses and his pack. I brought everything back to my camp and put the horses across from the drama.
Before the sun was even up, I had packed everything on the horses and went to the drama. I rubbed both on their leathery necks, “Hararis will take you home girls.”
They hissed as I turned and went back to the horses. I rode away and did not look back. It was almost dusk when I reached the low walls of Burka. I walked the horses into the stableyard of an inn called The Blue Horse. I paid the innkeeper and carried both packs into the inn. Inside Petri’s pack was a small pouch of gold coins.
I checked everything and lay back to relax, I left before dawns light. I was a day away from the port city of Sumurst when I saw the group of armed men approaching. They carried a banner I recognized as the Duke of Sumurst. They spread out as I drew closer, a couple held naked blades. I stopped a few paces away, “Good day.”
One man in a fine tunic with the duke’s crest moved his horse a step closer, “What business do you have?”
I smiled, “I came to take ship to Amgree.”
He kept looking at me before looking at another man. He finally looked back at me, “Strangers are not welcome in Sumurst right now, not even Travelers.”
I blinked as I realized they thought I was a Traveler, “As I said, I came to take ship to Amgree.”
He leaned forward, “Go elsewhere to take ship.”
I looked at the six men and then looked back at the man in front of me, “I do not think so.”
His face went dark as he reached for his sword. I dropped to the ground, two daggers dropping into my hands, “You wish to face a Quirrin master?”
The men had all started dismounting and froze at my words. The young well dressed man swallowed and carefully put his sword away. “I… find your ship and leave.”
I nodded, “Listen well, duke’s man. The clan is coming for your duke. He bargained for the old duke’s death and refuses to pay now.”
I looked into his face for several moments and he finally nodded, “Thank you.”
He jerked the rains around and led the others off at a quick pace. I swung back into the saddle and headed towards the city. That night I camped within sight of the port cities walls. I was the first through the gates the next morning and went straight to the docks. I took a room at one of the dockside inns and headed out to ask about a ship.
It was afternoon when I found a captain that was heading towards the northern port of Amgree. I sat and bargained for an hour before we struck a deal. I headed to the marketplace and found a gem merchant. He was getting ready to close his shop when I came in. I set the four Siren Stones on the counter and unwrapped them.
He stared and then hurried to the door and looked out before coming back. It was an hour before he finally agreed to my price and even then he said he would have to bring me the money and could only afford two. I told him what inn I was staying at and he said it would be a couple of hours. I expected him to try and send thieves for me but two hours later he appeared at the inn with the money and paid me in gold coins.
It was very early when I slipped out of the Inn with my packs. I had given the innkeeper a good deal on both horses. The ship was already alive with men stowing things away when I came aboard. Captain Darrius met me at the side of the ship and showed me to a tiny cabin, “We will be leaving in an hour.”
An hour later I watched the port slip away behind the ship.
Chapter 2
An Ocean Voyage
It was the first day of our voyage when I found out that traveling the oceans was not exactly safe. The sailors always carried wicked curved swords in their waist sashes. I thought it was because of me, but as we began moving they immediately started ignoring me. No matter what they were doing, some of their attention was always on the sea around us.
I learned the reason shortly after we reached deep water. I was by the side rail watching the sea when a large fish broke the surface. I did not think anything of it since it did not come all the way out of the water but the sailors nearby drifted away from me quickly. The fish was about fifteen feet long with a wide head and lots of teeth. It was only a few minutes later that it leaped. It came out of the water headed straight at me.
I have been training all my life. Traps and suddenly attacks were something I lived with. I spun and crouched as the long dagger from my right thigh slipped into my hand. My left hand smashed up to grab the fish behind its head in the gill slots. I spun again, my dagger striking straight through the side of its head before it even landed on the deck.
I jerked the dagger out and spun it in my hand so that the blade was down. The fish was flopping around as I brought the dagger down behind the head and into its spine. I yanked the blade free and released the gills before stepping back to watch the fish go through its death throes. A crowd of crewmen started gathering around the fish and the big first mate pushed his way into the center.
He looked from the fish to me and grinned, “Well, you have talent.”
He slapped one of the crew on the shoulder, “Cut it up and get it down to the cook.”
He glanced at me and turned back to the sailor, “give the stones to the captain with Mister Lan’s complements.”
He turned and pushed his way back through the crowd while I stared after him and then looked out at the sea as it rushed past. I spent the rest of the day wandering around the ship, staying next to the rail while watching the sea. I saw a few more of the large fish the crew called criskin, but none attacked. The large meal of fish steaks was something I never dreamed of. In the desert, things that attacked you were poisonous to eat.
It was two days later that the crew started a game. They opened part of the side rail and one man was dropped into the sea. The rest would wait and then pull him out. Another man would wait at the side of the ship, ready to dive away to safety. I was on the other side of the ship watching. Even though the sailors were playing a baiting game it was me that the leviathan came for.
There was a sudden break in the water behind me as it came almost all the way out of the sea. I rolled and spun as this huge forty foot sea monster crashed down on the deck. I had pulled a short sword that was hilt down on my back and took two large running steps before leaping. I came down just behind the head, my sword led the way as it easily slipped through the tough skin. I yanked it back and forth even as I was thrown off the creature.
I rolled when I landed and spun to face the creature. It was thrashing around in its death throes as the crew closed on it. The big first mate lunged, stabbing a javelin into the side. The javelin was not necessary the leviathan thrashed around some more and finally stopped moving.
I walked forward and leaped up on top of it and pulled my sword out before dropping back to the deck. The whole crew was watching as I carefully cleaned the blade. When I finished, I looked at the first mate, “How many of these were you planning to play with?”
The crew laughed and the first mate grinned, “We will look for another one in a few days.”
I shook my head and looked at the monster lying on the deck, “At least I hope its eatable.”
Everyone laughed as I headed to the prow to clean my sword. While I sat, I watched the crew cutting up the huge beast and could only think that the sea was very like the desert in some ways but unlike it in others. It was only two days later that a serous attack was made on the ship. It was pre dawn and I was on deck practicing when I saw the other ship slipping out of the semi dark heading right for us.
It was lower and looked much faster as it closed. I looked at the first officer on the wheel to see him reaching for the alarm bell. I slipped into the shadows by a mast and waited with both short swords drawn.
As the other ship tossed grapples over the side and men began climbing over, the crew of my ship rushed out onto the deck. I moved forward striking and blocking before they even knew I was there. I did not even bother staying on the ship as I vaulted over the rail onto the enemy ship. I struck those around me and started towards their captain and the helmsman.
I think the shocking danger I presented sank in as I cut a huge man’s throat and used him as a shield. I let him fall and stabbed a thin pocked face man before I stabbed a thick bearded man and left my sword stuck in his chest. My hand dropped, flicked and then snapped out. The silver throwing spike slammed into the captain’s throat as he yelled for his men. I shifted and cut down another man as he leaped from the ships deck above.
I yanked my sword out of the man’s chest as my other sword swept across the throat of a man that had slipped on the bloody deck. By now the pirates were back on their ship as I cut through two more to reach the helmsman. I sliced down across the wheel and turned to catch a blade aimed for my back. The helmsman screamed behind me as I thrust into the other man’s gut.
I shifted to hold both swords in one hand and threw a spike across the deck and into a man that was trying to cut the rope holding the ships together. I threw three more before the pirates all seemed to give up as the crew of my ship began to throw sea javelins down into them. The helmsman was on his knees behind me holding the spurting stump of arm. As men began jumping down onto the deck the captain waved down at me.
I nodded and moved around retrieving my throwing spikes before climbing back onto my ship. I nodded to the captain and first officer before moving to the prow. I sat and cleaned my weapons before finally going to my cabin to find a basin to wash my body in. When I was clean, I dressed in clean clothing and went back on deck. I stood with the captain by the wheel as the first mate stripped the other ship of anything of value.
When they were done and had taking every weapon from the other ship they cut it loose. I watched as it drifted behind us and the few crew aboard it managed to raise a sail. It turned away and slowly sped back the way we had come. The captain grinned at me as his helmsman took the wheel, “You are lucky assassin. At this rate you will make all of us rich.”
I bowed slightly and moved down onto the main deck. It was a week before we sighted land. During the week I had killed two more of the criskin, the last one had been almost twenty feet long. The crew seemed to be betting everyday on whether I would be attacked, on how big the fish would be and on if I survived. Land turned out to be a large island where the captain would get fresh water, sell the valuables from the other ship and get any news about our planned path to Amgree.
I stayed aboard ship and let the captain and crew handle everything. I still had two Siren stones which were blood red. I spent the day carefully cutting and polishing the stones. When the crew came aboard later that night they were drunk. The captain seemed sober as he walked quietly aboard and moved to the stern of the ship.
He glanced at me in the shadows, “The rest of the way is perilous assassin. They say there have been leviathan bigger than ships and several ships have been destroyed. Even the criskin have more courage.”
I waited and he turned to look at me, “Either you will bring us great luck or great misery.”
I smiled as I walked out of the shadows to stand beside him, “Is not that the life you enjoy?”
He looked at me for a minute and then laughed and clasped my shoulder, “Yes.”
He left and went below as I sat and meditated. We left early and I stood in the prow, I had borrowed a sea javelin and held it easily. Within moments of entering deep water I saw a ripple far out and moved to the side of the ship. I glanced amidship at the first mate as he bellowed orders, “We have a leviathan headed towards us.”
The first mate looked at me and then started barking orders. I moved to the rail as they removed it and waited. I stood alone as the crew moved back and got ready. When the huge beast broke the surface heading towards me I rolled away and spun when I came to my feet. The sea javelin flashed out towards the huge creature’s head and then I was taking running steps towards it.
As I leaped up the side I drew a sword and stabbed it into the creature’s side. I used the sword to pull myself up higher as the leviathan flopped backwards and began falling back into the ocean. I was on top by then and drew my other sword and stabbed down into the spine as we crashed into the water. I rode the back of the thrashing creature as it died.
When it stopped moving and began to roll I pulled my sword free and sheathed it before I splashed into the water. I looked up expecting the see the ship still heading away and was rewarded with the site of it still there. Several crewmen threw sea javelins with ropes attached into the leviathan and then began pulling it closer to the side of the ship.
A rope was dropped over the side and I climbed up to see the crew slapping each other on the back. The crew only cut the best pieces from the creature before retrieving its gems and cutting it loose. I had stripped on the deck and then gone below to change. When I came back on deck I sat in the prow and began the long task of drying, cleaning and oiling all my weapons.
I was gratified when the big first mate brought my other sword from the leviathan’s side. That night they had a big party on deck, (not that they used any light since a light would attract criskin). That was the first night I noticed the lights under the water. The captain was looking out from the stern and smiled when I joined him. He gestured to the lights in the ocean behind us.
The next day a criskin attacked unexpectedly. The crewman it went after was lucky because he had seen it leap and dropped flat to the deck. My javelin hit it several seconds before the other three. The captain issued a warning to the crew and put up watchers in the rigging. That was where I was a week later. We had two sometimes three criskin attacks everyday and the crew were beginning to get worried.
I was on the large center mast taking a turn at watch when I saw the huge shadow moving under the ocean. I called out and pulled one of the many javelins they kept in the watch nest. The shadow became more defined into a leviathan just under the surface. It was huge, easily as large as the ship. I took aim and threw the javelin, before it struck the water I was throwing a second and reaching for a third.
The leviathan broke the surface suddenly and thrashed around. The crew rushed to the side as I threw a forth javelin and then a final fifth. My javelins were spaced around the back of its head in a tight group and most were buried halfway into the creature. The two that were not had struck the spine. The crew stared and then began cheering. This leviathan was easily twice the size of the others we had killed.
After that I was the one in the watch nest everyday. We only had three more weeks before we reached Amgree. In the first two I killed three more of the huge leviathans and seven criskins. We were four days out from Amgree when I spotted the two fleet schooners as they closed with us. The captain called for weapons and everyone was grim as they began gathering on the deck.
When I dropped to the deck the captain was waiting, “They are Amgree pirates.”
I nodded to the one that was closing on the port, “I will take that one.”
He looked at me and then spun to the first officer and began barking orders. I picked up a waiting javelin from the mast rack and as the boarding hook flew over the rail I ran. From one step I went to the rail and then I was leaping through the air. I could see the surprised faces as I flew towards them and threw the javelin. I did not have to watch its flight to know I had hit their helmsman.
I crashed into three crewmen and my hands and feet began a deadly dance. The pirates had forgotten all about trying to board the ship as a devil was suddenly among them. When my swords entered the dance, the screams began. I grabbed a sailor and yanked him in front of a javelin before cutting another’s throat. In the few minutes I had been aboard, the pirate’s ship had gone from a packed deck to a bloody slaughter house.
I finally looked around for someone else and realized they were dead or dying. I turned to the boarding rope and used it to climb back aboard. Pirates and crew were mixed in a fight to the death across the deck and I joined the dance. I made my way across the deck killing any pirate in reach as I went, including a big man that had been yelling directions. On the other side of the ship I went over onto the other ship and attacked the few men I found.
When I climbed back aboard my ship only a couple of pirates remained. They were fighting desperately and I ended their fight with throwing spikes. As quiet returned to the ship the crew gathered itself and then cheered. We had lost a few and several more had been injured. Cleaning up was as easy as dumping bodies over the side. The captain put the schooners on lines, one behind the other and we towed them behind our ship.
Strangely enough we did not see any more leviathans and only one criskin. We sailed into port on the morning of the fifth day and the crew cheered as we finally docked. I had placed my packs on the deck to get an early start. I was more then ready to leave the ship but the captain and crew had other plans. On the deck they brought out two chests and a cask of rum. The first chest was full of milk white stones and large rainbow colored stones that seemed to sparkle.
The first officer read off a number for the white criskin stones and the first mate counted them out into another smaller chest. When the first mate was done, the first officer read off the number for the rainbow colored leviathan stones. The first mate added the stones to the small chest and nodded to the captain. The captain read off the amount of gold earn by each crew member and then nodded to the first officer.
The first officer opened the second chest and I saw that it was full of coins. The first mate counted out a share and then looked at the captain again after adding it to the small chest. The captain grinned and looked around, “Since our passenger (the crew bellowed and broke out in laughter) is leaving before we have sold the two ships we took, I think a second crew earnings is in order.”
The whole crew cheered and the captain nodded to the first mate who put a second bunch of coins into the small chest. The chest was completely full as the captain ordered the rum opened. Wooden mugs were passed around as they were filled. Finally the captain raised his mug, “To Master Quillan, may his swords always strike true and his keen eyes never fail.”
The crew cheered and drank, I sipped the rum and set the cup aside. I bowed to the crew and captain, “May you always see the leviathan before he sees you and may your arms always strike true.”
They cheered as I picked up my packs. The first mate picked up the small chest and put it in my arms after I had shouldered one of the packs. I walked down the narrow plank to the dock and for the first time in months set foot on dry land.
Chapter 3
Land – Port city Amgree
The city was full of color and sound as people shouted and called out trying to get someone to buy their wares. I slowly made my way across the city and stopped at a large inn by what they called the caravan gate. Inside my room, I filled a large purse with gold coins and then dumped a dozen stones into a large pouch.
I got directions from the innkeeper and headed out the gates. Outside the gates were huge pens and corrals that held a variety of animals. When I came upon the isolated pen of drama I stopped. There were four in the pen and only two of those were adults. The desert tribesman stood and walked to where I was standing, “They can go for days with little water young sir.”
I glanced at him, “And only eat meat.”
He blinked as I walked to the strong bars and hissed softly. The drama turned towards me slowly and I could see that they had been drugged. I glanced at the tribesman, “Why did you drug them?”
His eyes widened, “All know young sir that the beasts can not be tamed.”
I snorted and vaulted over the bars and he gasped. The drama hissed a warning as I came closer and hissed back in a softer tone. I scratched the male behind the ear hole and he hummed as I moved to the female. I hissed softly as I scratched her and checked her carefully. The two adolescents hissed softly as I walked to them and rubbed or scratched them.
I walked back to the bars thinking. The male was in good enough shape, the female was newly pregnant and could carry a light pack. The two adolescents were not related and were both female, (that could be good or bad). I vaulted back over the bars as the tribesman stared at me wide eyed. I looked back and we started bargaining, when we finished they were mine.
I paid him extra to keep them and not give them anymore drugs. Next was a trip back through the city. I had walked through a large market place after leaving the ship and headed there. The merchant I wanted was easy to find, I could see the array of stones from criskin and leviathans and knew he would not pay top dollar for more.
I pulled out the two Siren stones and set them on the counter. The merchant tried to act like they were something he saw everyday but I knew better. I shook my head and pulled the two back. The merchant gasped, “Wait!”
I looked at him and he nodded to the guard by the door. The guard turned and locked the door. I did not even glance back as I pulled one of my swords. The merchant raised his hands, “NO!”
My other hand dropped and then flicked back and the guard that was reaching to pull his own sword froze as the spike slammed into the doorframe next to his head. I continued to stare at the merchant and he licked his lips, “We can bargain.”
I turned sideways and pointed the sword at the guard, “Leave.”
The guard looked from me to the merchant. The merchant nodded and the guard walked to the back of the shop and into another room. I put my sword away and the merchant began bargaining. He was smart enough to start at a good price. When we finished, the merchant reached under the counter and pulled out a metal lock box. I left after he paid me, heading back into the market place.
It took awhile but I finally finished as the shops were closing. That evening I sat in my room and began the task of making a riding pad for the male Drama and pack saddles for the females. I filled the pack saddles and set them beside the door. My next task was to study a map I had managed to find. It was of the area between here and the next city inland called Sin-Haree.
Sin-Haree was a trade city on the other edge of the desert and my next stop. I heard footsteps in the hall and when they stopped at my door I looked at it. They started pounding on the door and I walked to stand beside it. I flipped the locking latch and let the door swing open. There were two men in the hall and they started into the room and then stopped as they realized where I was standing.
One was a city guard and the other was a merchant by his clothes. The merchant cleared his throat, “We heard that you are… very good with your weapons.”
I waited and he shifted from foot to foot before clearing his throat, “We have a serious problem just outside the city walls. A creature has nested in some rocks and attacks anyone that tries to enter or leave by the western gate.”
I smiled and moved away from the wall, “What does that have to do with me?”
The merchant and guard stepped into the room and the merchant shook a heavy purse. I bent and lifted the lid of the chest to show both the sea stones and the gold before looking at the merchant, “I do not need your gold.”
The merchant was staring at the chest and finally looked at me, “We will pay for everything. I was informed you purchased four dramas. We will pay for their upkeep.”
I nodded to the packs behind them, “I had planed to leave in the morning.”
The merchant looked desperate and the guard finally cleared his throat, “We need your help assassin. I will guarantee your belongings will not be touched. You will have the city guards support when you face the beast. You will be paid a hansom sum for your services and leave with our gratitude and we will be in your debt.”
I turned away to think and found myself curious about whatever threatened the city. I turned back to face the guard, “Describe the creature.”
He bowed slightly, “Big, maybe thirty paces long and ten high. It is like the drama but smarter. It drags its kills into the warren it has created in the rocks. We have tried sneaking up on it but it never works. Even an arbalest bolt can not seem to penetrate its scales. The front feet have claws as long as my arm.”
I could not even image the beast and sat on my bed to think. I finally looked up, “How far from the walls?”
The merchant snorted but the guard ignored him, “At first it stayed away but now it comes over the wall when it gets hungry. The warren is about three hundred paces from the walls and it is never gone from the warren long.”
I nodded, “it is nested and probably laid eggs.”
I stood up and walked to the single window to look out, “I would need to see the creature. Send out an animal and let it feed.”
They looked at each other and the merchant cleared his throat, “You will do it?”
I looked back at him and then at the guard, “yes.”
I looked around at my packs and sighed, “Just after first light. I will need a long spear with a thin bladed head.”
The guard nodded and looked at my chest, “I will send a guard to watch your chest.”
I smiled thinly, “I am clan Quirrin and a master. The thief that touches that chest will die a long agonizing death and never even make it to the door.”
He looked at me and the merchant’s face paled. I gestured to the door and the guard nodded and let the merchant leave before he finally turned and walked out. I followed them and locked the door before going to the large common room to eat dinner. I lay in bed that night relaxed as I thought about what the next day would bring. I had already taken some precautions with my chest and packs. I had also taken out the tiny pouch of powder I would need.
I was up early and waiting for the guard in the common room. When he stepped into the room I smiled to see him in heavy chain. We walked to the western gate where twenty heavily armored guards waited and a very nervous looking bull. I looked around, “My spear?”
A tribesman got up from sitting against a wall. He carried a spear with him and I knelt and pulled out the tiny pouch, “I will need a damp rag.”
I took the spear from the tribesman and started checking it from the butt to the blade. When a guard handed the rag to me, I wrapped a finger in the rag and dipped it into the tiny pouch. I rubbed the tip on both sides and then along the edges. I rolled the rag up and stood holding it out, “Burn this.”
I watched as he went to a nearby brazier and just dropped the rag in. I headed for the stair leading up to the top of the wall, “release the bull out the gate.”
When I reached the top I moved to an outer crenel and looked out. The boom of the gate was loud as it was slammed shut and then the bull bellowed and turned to run away. The creature that came out of the rocks was large and moved with surprising speed. When it caught the bull and turned to start back I saw what I needed to. I turned and headed down to the gate, the guards there were wide eyed as I approached, “Stay inside the gate.”
The gate was opened just enough for me to slip out and then slammed closed. I started walking as I moved the spear so my right hand held the base right next to the butt. The huge head that suddenly appeared around the rock was blood smeared. It was suddenly rushing towards me and I kept going.
As the huge head snapped forward my left hand went up to grasp the top of the snout as I vault up. I brought the spear around with my body and thrust it straight through the left eye. As I continued over the side of its nose as there was a loud roar. I backed away watching as the huge drama like lizard shook its head and then staggered.
Soon it was falling onto its side and the whole body was shaking and writhing around. Its roars grew weaker as I stood and watched until finally there was nothing. Gradually it stopped moving and I nodded before pulling my two swords. I heard the shouting as the gates were opened but did not bother to look back.
I moved carefully into the rocks and saw the wide mouth of the tunnel. I used a powder from a pouch I carried and wiped the blades of my swords. As I entered the tunnel my swords began to glow. I had not gotten very far when I heard the hiss of anger. The lizard charged and I slipped aside at the last second.
I was not surprised when my sword stabbed through its young hide and killed it. I pulled the blade free and moved on, passed the convulsing body of the baby. A second sprang from the side and I back stepped and brought the blade of one sword down through the back of its head.
The third came at me silently from the back of the cave. One sword slashed across the nose and then I shuffled closer and stabbed straight through one of its eyes. I jerked my sword free and raised my swords to look around. I finally turned and walked out. I came out to guards trying to stab the dragon lizard. I shook my head as I started walking towards the gate.
Somehow it did not surprise me to find the two dead guards in my room. A third was standing over them and looking at my chest. I smiled as I moved into the room, “Stealing from a Quirrin master is not a wise thing to do.”
He spun as his hand reached for a dagger in his belt. I slid closer striking with my fingers stiff. He gasped and grabbed his throat before staggering to a wall. I watched him for a moment and then walked to the chest and knelt. It only took a few seconds to remove the tiny needles and make the chest safe. I packed the small chest in a packsaddle. I looked at my other gear to see if they had touched anything else.
I looked up as the guard that had been with the merchant stopped in the doorway. He looked at the three dead guards and then looked at me as his eyes narrowed. I shrugged, “I warned you about anyone touching my belongings.”
He looked at the guards again and then nodded before pulling a heavy purse and tossing it. I caught it while still watching him and he just turned away. It took a couple of trips to get my saddle and pack saddles downstairs. I hired a cart and led it to my drama. It only took a few minutes to put the pack saddles on. The drama were all alert and seemed drug free.
I hissed softly as I scratched each one and then climbed into the saddle of the male after opening the pen. As I headed away from the city I saw the tribesman watching.
Chapter 4
Traveling to Sin-Haree
Traveling in one desert is much like traveling in another, you always need water. Each desert though has its own dangers to be aware of. I was only a half day away from Amgree when I saw the large rocks. I had put my assassin’s bow together earlier and slowed the drama to look at the rocks closely. At the base of the rocks were the bleached bones of animals.
When the creature came out it was large. It had six legs and two pincher like arms. It held a wicked looking tail up behind it that looked sharp and pointed. It danced back and forth and chattered while the drama hissed angrily. I pulled the bow back and aimed carefully before releasing. The scream it made when the arrow struck was high pitched and almost painful.
The drama all growled until I hissed a warning. They quieted and I watched the creature as it lay on the ground and jerking and twitching. I slid out of the saddle and set the bow down before moving forward carefully. I skirted the spider like creature and checked the rocks before coming back to lead the drama. I unsaddle them by the rocks and then used a sword to break open the shell of the spider thing.
As soon as the drama smelled the insides they came forward. I headed to the packs and moved things around before stretching a large gauze sheet from the rocks over my packs. I ate some dried fruit, drank a small bit of water and waited for the drama to finish eating. When they were finally done I hissed and moved out to scratch and rub them.
I led them back to the packs and had them lay down before hissing softly. I moved back to my nest under the gauze and watched the male and female shift and move together before putting their heads down. I closed my eyes and slept lightly, I woke to the sun setting and moved to get the drama up before saddling them.
I went to look at the scattered remains of the spider thing and found two fist sized blue stones. I used sand to clean them and tucked them away in a pack. I scratched the male behind his ear hole, “Water.”
I wet my hand from my water bottle and rubbed his nose before climbing into his saddle. It was semi dark as we headed into the desert. There was a half moon looming over the desert so I could see. It was almost dawn when the male hissed a warning. I was looking around and could see an area in front of us that might be a small spring.
I leaned forward to hiss softly and scratch his neck before slipping out of the saddle.
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