
Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2: Part 1

“Mom have you seen my sandals?” Chris shouted from his room.

I had asked him to finish packing before he left for school in the morning, but because we were “busy” the night before, he didn’t get the chance to.

“You can’t find them?” I asked, entering his room.

“I think you put them away when summer ended.”

I stared blankly at him, trying to remember if that was the case or not. “Have you dug through your closet?”

“Yeah, it’s not there.”

“Hmm. I’ll check the linen closet” I sighed, sounding slightly flustered.

“Sorry mom. I should’ve finished packing already” Chris said genuinely.

“It’s okay honey. Mommy didn’t exactly give you a chance to last night!” I smiled at him, embracing him for a kiss.

Even now, almost 3 months since Chris and I first started making out, I still couldn’t get enough of it. I loved the feeling of my son’s tongue in my mouth, loved how taboo it was, loved the way he made me feel young again.

“Hmm” I moaned. “How much do you have left to pack?”

“Not much” he answered quickly, knowing what I meant.

“Good” I said, basically ignoring his answer. With the rest of the day devoted to traveling, I knew that this might be the last chance I had to fool around for a while.

“Should I…mhmm…finish first?” Chris asked through my lips.

“In a minute honey” I answered, pushing both of us to his bed. I laid him down gently, with me next to him as we made out. By now Chris had understood there was little point in fighting against my sexual advances, he always caved in the end anyways! So instead of protesting, he began sucking on my tongue as his hands explored my body.

I rolled myself on top of him and grinded my pelvis into his, feeling his hard cock through his jeans.

“Mom I don’t think there’s enough -”

“I know honey. But mommy wants to make out a little longer.”

Chris nodded his head and moaned softly in agreement.

The last two months had been great. We grew even closer together and at times I felt I really was like his girlfriend. I had the chance to relive my teenage years again with Chris. Instead of staying home on weekends and studying like I did back then, I spent many of them with Chris, whether out on a “date” or even if it was just at home to enjoy a movie or just chatting. Instead of being the quiet shy girl I once was, I was now a much more vocal and bubbly person around him. And the sex of course was always amazing.

We never lost that initial spark and things never cooled down between us. And with Jessie gaining more independence as the school year carried on, I had even more time in the afternoon with Chris. So every chance we had to be alone together, almost always ended up with his cock in me. Chris also, over time, began being more accepting of my kinks; including fooling around in public places or whenever his father was in the house. One of my absolute favorite things to do was pull Chris into my bedroom for a quickie whenever my husband was showering in our master bathroom. It was a huge turn on for me to get fucked by him with Charles just one room away.

I also loved sucking Chris’ cock as he played games with his friends online. In order to make sure he was still spending time with them and not just with me or on schoolwork, I spent many afternoons on my knees. He was hesitant to try at first, but after just the first time, it became a staple for us. The thrill of hearing him attempt to talk to his friends through his mic as I went down on him was so exhilarating. And because he was often focused on the screen, he was able to last so much longer, allowing me to thoroughly enjoy myself. I loved the days when he came home after a big test; I’d fuck him on my bed and then spent the next hour or so in his room sucking his cock and talking while he played games.

On the two weekend trips that Charles left for “work”, I had Chris stay in my bed for the night, fucking me satisfied before spooning up to him and sleeping. Those nights were like bliss! I always woke up earlier than he did, with a morning blowjob so we could go at it again while his sister was downstairs enjoying TV.

As for my husband and I, it was the same as usual. Outside of the bedroom, there were no issues between us and we conversed with each other fine. I did notice him on his phone a lot more, always smirking as he texted enthusiastically. I didn’t know if it was me being more observant now that I knew about him and Sara or he was simply being sloppier about hiding it, either way, it didn’t matter. Charles and I had sex once in the last few months and it took everything I had to stop myself from laughing at how awful it was. It wasn’t just him, neither one of us showed any passion for it. It was just as if both of us knew it was about time to do it once in order to keep up the façade that our bedroom wasn’t dead. It was amusing to see him come back home in high spirits from his “business trips” just as I was feeling the same from fucking Chris all weekend. I guess in a weird way, it worked out for all of us.

Unfortunately the longer Chris and I kissed; the harder it was for me to keep my word. The feeling of his cock against me caused my hands to subconsciously unbuckle his jeans. I gently brought it out of his boxers and stroked him as he continued to suck on my tongue. After another a minute, I couldn’t resist myself anymore and scooted down until I could wrap my lips around his cock.

“Oh god mom!” Chris moaned, pushing my head down.

“Not so fast honey! Mommy wants to enjoy it!” I giggled, brushing his hand away so I could go at my own pace. I teased his shaft with my tongue, swirling it around from base to tip and lightly sucking the head of his cock. When I looked up at him, I saw that he had closed his eyes, just enjoying the sensual blowjob I was giving him.

His face made me want to tease him more, sucking him harder until he started moaning again, only to slow back down again and just lightly suck. Chris caught on pretty quick and opened his eyes to give me a confused and look, which I returned with my own mischievous smile.

“Mom stop teasing me!” he chuckled with a hint of frustration.

“What do you want mommy to do then?!” I giggled.

“Deepthroat me mom!” he exclaimed, returning his hands to the back of my head.

“You want to feel mommy’s throat?!”

“Mhm. Yes please” he pleaded.

I gave him another naughty smile before deciding that we were running low on time anyways, my husband was going to be back soon for us to leave. I shifted my eyes back to his cock and in one motion stuffed it all the way down my throat, causing Chris to moan loudly.

I had so much experience with him that deepthroating came naturally to me now. I hardly ever gagged, even with Chris pushing my head down and thrusting his cock into me, I had no problem taking it all. I loved the feeling of my throat being filled and Chris knew he could be as rough as he wanted with my mouth.

“Fuck mom!” he panted, shoving my mouth down to his base and holding it there before cumming down my throat. I licked his cock thoroughly with my tongue, making sure that it was clean of any left over jizz.

“I’ll go look for your sandals. You should finish packing honey” I instructed, getting off his bed. “We’re leaving as soon as your dad gets here.”

“Got it mom” he said, putting his pants back on.

I scrounged around the linen closet for a second before finding the pair he was looking for.

“Mom I’m all done!” my daughter exclaimed, running up to me.

“Yeah? Can mommy take a look?”

She nodded her head vehemently and took my hand, guiding me to her room.

I had already packed her clothe for the trip and only asked that she clean her room up before leaving. Upon actually seeing it, I was pleasantly surprised that she did a passable job. Sure, the bottom drawer was overstuffed with her toys and her desk still a little messy, but overall, not bad.

“Great job sweetie! And you have your little wallet?” I asked. I bought her one with some emergency cash and identification card inside; in the rare case she got separated from us.

“Yup!” she exclaimed, opening up the small pocket of her backpack.

“Good! Go watch TV until daddy comes home. He should be back in less than an hour!” I smiled, rubbing her hair.

“Okay mom!” she answered, grabbing her backpack and running off downstairs. I watched her leave, but my eyes were distracted by the continuing snowfall that was still pouring down outside. It had been going on for the better part of the day. A white Christmas was probably the only thing that I was going to miss here for the next week and a half.

“Honey, here they are. It looks like you were right” I said, handing Chris his sandals.

“I’m sorry, mom. What…what was that? I was…I was right?!” he exclaimed sarcastically.

“Don’t push your luck!” I shot back, slapping him playfully.

“Can I get that in writing? So whenever you question my decisions in the future, I will remind you of the time… that I was right” he joked.

I giggled loudly at his expression. “Yeah! The ONE time you were right!” I answered, making us both laugh.

“So, mom did you finish packing too?”

“Yeah, while you were at school” I answered, helping him organize his suitcase.

“When’s our flight again?”

“6:45 boarding time. But we need to get to the airport earlier to check in and go through security and just in case anything delays us.”

“hmm” he nodded, stuffing the last of his things in.

With Chris wrapping up his packing, I received a text from my husband saying he was 10 minutes away. “Your dad’s back in 10. Let’s get everything downstairs and we can leave as soon as possible!”

Chris took his own luggage downstairs first before rushing back upstairs to grab mine and his father’s bigger suitcase as well.

“Thanks honey!” I exclaimed, giving him a kiss on the cheek when he came down the second time. “Could you get your sister’s too?” I asked.

“Sure, mom” he smiled back.

Just as Chris made another trip upstairs, my husband pulled into the driveway. I opened the door for him and greeted him with a hug.

“Wow it’s cold outside!” my husband said, shivering. “Oh good, the luggage is all down already. I’m gonna start loading it onto the car” he exclaimed, grabbing a suitcase and heading out the door.

“Sweetie! Do you have your backpack?”

“Yup!” she replied, holding it up for me to see.

“Good! If you have to go to the bathroom, go now! Otherwise, wait in the car. We’ll be there in a few minutes!”

“I’m okay mom!” she exclaimed, putting on her shoes before exiting the house.

“Is that all of it?” my husband asked.

“This is the last one dad” Chris replied, walking down the stairs with his sister’s small suitcase.

“Whoo! Okay! We should have plenty of time then” my husband smiled.

“Ok everybody in the car! I am just going to check on the garage door and stove” I said, shooing both the men out the door. I made a quick scan of the house before joining them in the car, taking the front passenger seat.

“So you excited to for winter break? Excited to see your grandparents?” my husband asked, looking in the rearview mirror at Chris and Jessie.

“Yeah! I can’t wait for Disneyworld!” my daughter exclaimed.

Every Christmas break, our families gathered either at our house or my parents summer place in Orlando. We alternated each year, and this year it was time for warm weather! It was always a festive time, if simply because of how lively it is with everyone there. My parents as well as Charles’ would be there, along with my younger sister Lily. This year, Charles’ younger brother and his wife, Mark and Rachel were also joining us. My sister was still single, while Mark and Rachel had a daughter a year older than Jessie, Elizabeth. The two young girls got along great together.

Charles’ parents were fantastically nice people. They were nothing more than welcoming of me from the moment Charles introduced me to them almost 20 years ago. And they were terrific grandparents, always calling each week and inquiring about the well-being of Chris and Jessie. Charles’ brother was a lot like Charles himself, fairly quiet and socially awkward at time. I did however get along very well with Rachel. She was, like me in a way, a very stereotypical housewife and never failed to make others feel warm and invited. She more than made up for the lack of comedy from her husband and was such a joy to be around and talk to.

As for my parents, they immigrated to the US in the early 80s after college in China. Over the last three plus decades, their English had become fine, albeit with the accent still present. They were very supportive of me and Charles when we married and I was always grateful to them for overlooking any racial differences. I got along fine with my parents, who have now retired in Florida and started enjoying all their free time. However, I was closest with my sister. She was almost 8 years younger than me, which gave me the special privilege of being both a sister and an authority figure to her as she grew up. And while my parents pinned their dreams of grandchildren on me, they pinned their career dreams on Lily, stereotypically pushing her to become a doctor. She ended up becoming not a medical doctor, but a PhD research fellow in biochemistry. She had her experimental side in college when she was finally free from my parents’ overprotective nature, but became much tamer as she grew older. I conversed with her over the phone or text almost daily, and was even tempted to tell her about me and Chris plenty of times! Ultimately I decided against it, not because I didn’t trust her, but felt it wasn’t right for Chris.

“Chris, how about you?” my husband asked further.

“Yeah it should be fun. It’ll be nice to take a break from school” he chuckled.

The rest of the drive was full of conversation, as everyone’s spirits seemed high from the holiday mood. We parked in the long term parking garage and had plenty of time to get checked in and find our gate.

“Mom can I see the tickets?” Chris asked, as we sat waiting at our gate.

“Here you go!” I answered, handing them to him. “What’s up?”

“Just looking at where we’re sitting”

“Did you want to –“

“Bad news dear” my husband said, interrupting us. “So the snow‘s caused some delays. We’re gonna be here another 3 hours before our flight takes off. “

The three of us all groaned, almost in unison, with my daughter leading the charge.

“I know, I know. But there’s nothing we can do” my husband said.

“What time do we arrive then?” Chris asked.

“Accounting for the time zone change, sometime in the morning.”

“What are we supposed to do til then?!” my daughter exclaimed, noticeably frustrated.

“Well, there are some shops. Do you want to go see them?” I asked, trying to comfort her.

“okayyy, I guess.” she sighed.

“Let’s go then! We’ll be back later!” I said, waving goodbye to Chris and my husband.

I walked with Jessie around the few duty free stores in the area for an hour or so. Most of the products were geared more for adults and the only thing she found entertaining were some magazines that had her favorite teen band on them. I let her stand there quietly reading while I took a look at the surrounding aisles, looking for things that would entertain me during the flight as well. I settled on getting a few magazines too, that would hopefully help past the time. We grabbed a few snacks, paid for everything, and headed back to our gate.

“Chips?” I offered.

Chris and his father both reached for a handful and I couldn’t help but giggle a little watching them eat; both using their offhand as a plate to ensure they didn’t spill anything. Chris did remind me a lot of Charles when he was younger, maybe that’s part of why my feelings for him had surfaced. While my husband had changed overtime, Chris was a small reminder to me of who Charles used to be. Of course he was still his own person, but there were certain qualities to him that he definitely picked up from his father.

We sat boringly waiting until they finally began boarding, bringing a sigh of relief to all of us. I was hoping to sit next to Chris so I could fool around, but I couldn’t come up with a good enough reason. So, I ended up sitting next to my husband while Chris and Jessie sat behind us.

Almost as soon as the plane took off, the flight attendant began serving food and drinks. The food was predictably bad and served more as a source of escaping boredom than anything else. Not long after we finished eating, my husband began dozing off. He had specifically asked to sit on the inside so that he could lean against the window as he tried to get some shut eye.

“Jess, sleep on your own side” Chris mumbled behind me.

I sat up and took a glance at the two of them, seeing my daughter trying to sleep as well.

“Come on Chris! Let me just rest on your shoulder for a bit” she protested.

“Lean against the wall!”

“No! it’s hard and uncomfortable” she said, much less energetically than usual.

Chris gave me a look that screamed “help me!, causing me to giggle at his predicament. But, it also gave me the perfect excuse to switch seats!

“Sweetie, do you want to switch with mommy? Daddy’s already asleep so you can lean against him!” I smiled.

“hmm okay!” she exclaimed, happily unbuckling her seat belt and climbing over Chris.

I quickly undid my own and swapped with my daughter, making sure she re-buckled her seat belt when she sat down. She wasted no time in scrunching up against her father to sleep.

“Could I get two blankets please?” I asked a flight attendant. I covered the two of them with one while keeping the other for Chris and me. Seeing them so peacefully asleep gave me the reassurance I needed for my own activities!

“Hello honey!” I whispered, giving him a quick kiss. Because of the unexpected delay, the flight had become a red eye, and the lights were already turned off. So aside from the few dimly lit TV screens scattered about, most of the plane was dark, especially the seats surrounding us.

“I’m so glad you switched seats with Jess!”

“So is mommy!” I exclaimed, kissing him hard on the mouth now. Chris returned my kissing with the same intensity. The constant humming of the plane itself hid our moans and noises perfectly, allowing us to make out as loud as we wanted.

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