Artificial Affection
Artificial Affection
Sex Story Author: | OliverPride |
Sex Story Excerpt: | My brain didn’t even register what I was looking at, I was so wrapped up in my thoughts. |
Sex Story Category: | Incest |
Sex Story Tags: | Incest, Latina, Males / Females, Pregnant, School, Science-Fiction, Young |
Artificial Affection
It sounds like a lie but I was so close to developing a real-life love potion. Obviously, it wouldn’t work exactly how it does in the movies and it was created using science, not magic, so it’s more of a chemical than a potion. Regardless, I was close to making it a reality! There were several problems with it that I had to work out and if I did I knew it’s use would still be unethical.
“Finish your love potion yet Joey?” Victoria teased. Her big, brown eyes glowed with excitement. She wasn’t excited about my work, she was looking forward to messing with me. We worked together at a lab on campus for a part time job. We’re both seniors in college and this job will definitely look good on our resume. Everyday she’d make fun of me and bust my chops constantly. Victoria, or Vic as I called her, wasn’t mean she was just playful. She was also the only one who knew about my “love potion” project. I’m pretty sure the only reason she didn’t have a problem with it was because she thought it was ridiculous nonsense that’ll never work. If our boss found out I’d be fired. We were not allowed to use the lab’s resources for anything other than the task at hand, therefore, my little chemical side project had to remain well hidden.
“It’s not exactly a love potion and yeah it’s coming along. I think I’m almost done actually.”
Vic just laughed. She didn’t know I was serious. “Well don’t test it on me. Last thing I want is to be drooling over a guy like you!”
“Ha! Don’t flatter yourself, I don’t want that either,” I replied quickly.
Vic smacked her own ass and made a face. “If it’s not to seduce my spicy self then who is it for?” Vic joked. Although she was just trying to be funny it was kinda hot when Victoria slapped her ass. I didn’t have feelings for her but she was quite attractive. There were times I found myself staring at her generous tits stretching out her lab coat. Other than that I’d say there was nothing between us. She was way too sassy for my taste, always messing with me. It’s a shame. She had long brown hair, dark brown eyes, a flawless face and a very curvy figure. Her body was always completely covered up with us working in a lab and all. That did little to hide her excellent boobs though, they had to be at least a D cup but as a male I honestly had no clue. Victoria is half Ecuadorian and half white, giving her beautiful tan skin and an exotic look. She would definitely be my type if it wasn’t for her personality. It’s hard to fall for someone who insults you every second even if it’s in a playful manner.
“It’s not for someone in particular, I just wanted to see if I could make it,” I lied.
“Oh yeah sure, what’s her name?”
Vic wasn’t convinced. The truth was I had no idea what I would do with it if it worked. There was a specific woman who inspired me to make it but that’s it. She was just an inspiration, not a target… right? I had no clue what I would do with it if it worked. It’s so taboo, so powerful and wrong. Then again it would be a waste not to use it though, wouldn’t it?
“There was a certain someone who made me wish I had a love potion but I’m not going to use it on her,” I confessed.
“Bullshit! Gimme more details,” Victoria pried.
“It’s Monet from biological chemistry. She’s so hot but she never stays single for long. I remember sitting in class and thinking ‘if only I had something to make her fall in love with me instantly, before she gets into another relationship’ and that’s what inspired me to make this,” I explained while gesturing to an Erlenmeyer flask filled with a pink liquid. “I’m not gonna use it on her though. I respect free will… this project is just… out of curiosity… for science!” I added.
Vic didn’t seem to accept that. “Yeah sure,” she sighed. A huge smirk crept across her face. “Monet… hmmm. Monet Antar?” Vic questioned.
“Yes,” I confirmed.
“Oh so you’re an ass man huh?” Vic teased.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Monet? Come on! I might be straight but I’m not blind! Monet has a massive bubble butt!” Vic practically yelled. I’d never seen her so excited.
“Yeah but just because I like her doesn’t mean I have a thing for asses” I countered.
Vic wasn’t backing down. She stopped cleaning the area under the hood and turned to me. “Nuh uh! It totally means that because she doesn’t have any tits. No way you’d go for a girl without tits if you liked boobs more than a heart-shaped ass!”
I blushed. What was going on. Vic had never talked about tits or ass or anything like this before. “She, uh, she has boobs, Vic,” I stammered.
“Yeah, no, she has like B cups, those are breasts. I have double D’s, now those are real yiddies!” Vic laughed. I couldn’t believe how open she was being. Did she just randomly tell me her bra size? Was she bragging about her boobs? What a strange girl.
“B’s are fine and so are smaller breasts,” I argued. Why was I still arguing? There was no point.
“Yeah, they’re big enough if you’re an ass man, exactly my point,” Vic beamed as if she was right. “You can’t deny it. She probably gets stuck whenever she sits down in that lecture hall, those seats are tiny! I notice how all her shorts look like they’re seconds away from tearing. You can’t be into her and not be an ass man!”
“Please stop,” I gushed. I was starting to get an erection. A pretty woman like Victoria talking about Monet’s ass was too much for me. “I like both, she just happens to be ummm ‘well developed’ in one area more than the other.”
“Ok,” Vic replied unconvinced. She went back to cleaning the hood. A few minutes of silence passed when Vic started up again. “So this potion thing you took forever to make but aren’t gonna use… how does it work?”
I had no idea. I knew how it was supposed to work though. “Well it’s a retroviral virus that will insert a new code of DNA into every cell of that person’s body. That permanently alters the DNA. The added segment is from ferrets. You see, female ferrets are some pretty horny creatures. They actually die if they don’t mate when they go into heat. This chemical, when ingested, will give a woman a similar feeling except won’t be at risk of dying. She’ll only feel intensely horny and feel as if it’s life or death that she get with a man immediately even though there are no consequences if she doesn’t.”
Victoria giggled. “Ferrets? Where did you get the DNA of… oh wait last months experiments… still it sounds like a ‘get laid potion’ not a ‘love’ potion,” she corrected.
“Yeah it’s not finished yet. I think the idea is that if we hookup we might form a real connection. Or if I could make it so that the need to mate will be altered to a need for me. I don’t know how to make it so the person falls for me specifically and not just horny in general. I also don’t know how to get someone to take it in a safe way that would also work.”
Victoria cocked her head. She stopped cleaning again. “That’s easy! You can add your own DNA into it. Make it so the woman doesn’t only crave sex, she craves your specific pheromones, nobody else’s! If you edit the ferret genes for that adjustment then you’ve labeled yourself as the male target. Also keeping in line with the pheromones part. If you make your potion into a gas it can be ingested through the nasal passages which are more directly connected to the brain. That’ll speed up the effect and ensure a small, safe dosage.”
I was shocked. Would that work? Did I have the tools in this lab to make those changes? Most importantly, did Victoria just help me make a love potion?
“I could do it. You clean the rest of the lab I’ve got this,” Victoria commanded. She stole my flask before I could protest. I’d never seen her so confident before. It was only a few minutes ago that she thought my project was a dumb joke. Now she was finishing it for me. Life is strange. Not as strange as her though.
Our shift had ended. The sun was going down on our cold Virginia campus. Victoria finally let her hair down once free from the lab. She elbowed me hard in the gut.
“Ow,” I blurted.
“Shhhh!” Vic whispered, “take this.”
I peered down to find her sneakily handing me a large test tube filled with magenta liquid. She held it close to her coat pocket so nobody could see. I took it from her and placed it immediately in my jacket pocket. I glanced back. There was nobody in the hallway.
“It’s finished. It works like a cologne. I couldn’t find a better way to deliver it. Put on a small amount so it’s just enough for Monet to smell it and nobody else. You don’t have to be sneaky just put a small drop on your wrist and once it gets into the air, ask if she likes your new cologne. Hold out your wrist and she’ll sniff it. It’ll work perfectly,” Victoria assured in a hushed tone. She never made eye contact. She hurried forward as if we were being followed. It made me feel like we were in a spy movie. Everything was so quiet and low key.
“Wow, thanks? I’m not gonna use-“ Vic cut me off. Just before we walked out the door and parted ways she stared at me.
“It’s gonna work. Do exactly what I said. I hope Monet’s snatch is as good as you imagine!” She winked. Her eyes danced in the dim winter sunset. Vic smiled an enormous white ray of light then dashed away. I didn’t have time to reply. What the fuck did she just say? She wants me to get with Monet? She didn’t word it like that but… wow. Victoria has no filter. That was the strangest and yet nicest interaction I ever had with her. I didn’t intend to use the potion or cologne but Vic gave me her blessing and she made it for me… what the fuck do I do?
It was a brisk ten minute walk home which meant it felt like a year. I thought about Monet the entire time. I had the biggest crush on her and despite what Vic says it wasn’t because of her ass. Monet is almost my height, I’m six feet tall, and she is an Egyptian goddess! Yes she is named after a French artist or something like that but she told me she’s 100% Egyptian. I’m from a predominantly white neighborhood so I’d never met an Egyptian person before. I know that sounds odd but what I mean is that really highlights her uniqueness in my mind. Her long slightly curly black hair, her gold colored skin. I don’t know what Cleopatra looked like but in the media she looks hot so to me Monet is my Cleopatra. Either that or she’s my Egyptian goddess. Well… she’s not mine… I stared down at the test tube in my grasp… but she could be. That tall golden woman could really be mine. This formula has the power to make her like me instantly. I could be cuddling her every night. Every soft curve would be mine to rub and hold. Her bright, full, rose red lips would be mine to kiss. Her luminous white smile would be lighting my way every day. She really had the best smile, it’s her best feature. Monet has a perfect face that seemingly begs to be kissed. Lastly, as Victoria may have mentioned, Monet has one great ass. She’s a real skinny gal so I don’t know where it came from but her ass and thighs are thick as hell. Monet has wide hips that compliment her butt beautifully. Earlier in the semester when it was warmer she wore these jean shorts that had me floored. I’ve never seen a bottom so perfectly round and huge, yet, fit in with her thin body so well. There were times when it would peak out of the bottom part of her shorts because it was so big.
“Fuck,” I thought as I walked up to my apartment, “I don’t know what to do with this cologne.” I was torn. I thought the world of Monet. I wanted to be with her so badly. I also didn’t want to be an evil jerk who captures a woman using some concoction created in a lab to force her to be with me. My head spun. My thoughts played tug ‘o war in my head, each side of right and wrong and do and don’t were just as strong. It seemed like it would never end.
The door to my apartment unlocked before I could touch it. My cousin welcomed me in. “How was work?” she greeted happily. My cousin Avery lives with me. I used to have a male roommate who was my best friend but he moved out early on in the semester to live with his girlfriend. We haven’t spoken since. He never made any attempts to stay in touch either. When he left he really screwed me over too. My apartment was meant for two people. I couldn’t afford to pay rent on my own. I needed a new roommate fast and none of my friends needed housing as the semester had already started. Lucky for me my cousin Avery fell upon some bad luck. She goes to the same college as me and she’s a senior like me, but she’s a year older because she took a gap year after high School. What did she do during that gap year, no clue. What happened this year was that she lived in a house with her sorority sisters to start off the school year. Out of nowhere they kicked her out. Only one girl is on the lease for the house and all others pay her monthly for the rent. A bedroom in the sorority house is always in high demand so it was easy for her to get kicked out at the end of the month. This happened a few weeks after my ex best friend moved out so we ended up living together. I have someone to pay the other half of the rent and she has a place to live. Never found out what she got kicked out for.
I quietly slipped the test tube into my jeans pocket. “Work was the same old boring thing,” I lied.
“Ugh, science majors, how do you not wanna die?” Avery groaned. Avery was an art major. She consistently makes fun of me because I’m always busy and always studying. Somehow she believes her major is harder. Until she takes Calculus two, three and four, I think she should shut up. I can’t do what she does and she could never do what I do. Let’s leave it at that.
“I do wanna die,” I replied jokingly.
Avery laughed and lead me into the kitchen area. “I made dinner for myself an hour ago. You can have the leftovers, it’s tacos!” she cheered.
“Thanks, I’m gonna put my pajamas on first,” I called as I headed to our bedroom. Yeah I said ‘our’ bedroom. We share a bedroom. The apartment has one bathroom, a living room that’s combined with a kitchen area and one bedroom with two beds each on opposite sides of the room. The apartment was meant for two people of the same gender like most apartments near campus. That became apparent more and more each day. Now it was clear this situation was not ideal. Avery is having a hard time finding a boyfriend and I’m having a hard time getting a girlfriend because everyone is always put off by our opposite gender roommate. I thought most people wouldn’t care and think nothing of it because she’s family. This is not the case. Instead when people find out they instantly think of Incest and tease me relentlessly as banjo music plays in their heads. I don’t blame them though, because I saw it coming. Avery is drop dead gorgeous. She’s half Italian, like me, and half Spanish, not like me. Her skin color wavers from a light white to a nice olive. Meanwhile, I’m always white. I can’t tan for shit. Avery was blessed with her genes. We share a bathroom so I know she doesn’t use anything to make her skin flawless or to make her long black hair thick, and silky. There’s nothing real unique about her figure. Her curves are all pretty average, decent butt, decent boobs and even a small tummy. Her belly wasn’t chubby, it practically didn’t even exist, it was simply rounder than Monet’s who has a flat stomach. That reminded me Victoria actually has abs… fuck her, what the hell, how? Anyway, my male friends try their best to come hangout at my place just to stare at Avery. It’s annoying. They also tell me I’m lucky I live with a girl like that and that never fails to creep me out. I need better friends. I felt the test tube in my pocket. Did I even deserve better friends?
Living with Avery has left me with little privacy and therefore, few places to hide the cologne. Somehow it ended up in my backpack. It wasn’t there so I could take it to biological chemistry class tomorrow and use it on Monet. I put it there so I could keep it safe, keep an eye on it. That was what I told myself at least.
Hours later Avery came in to change for bed just as I had pulled the covers over me. I couldn’t sleep. I was tormented thinking about the cologne. While my thoughts spun out of control my body didn’t move. That meant my head and eyes were locked forward while my mind was elsewhere. They happened to be locked on Avery… as she changed. I didn’t do it in purpose and honestly I’d seen her change all the time and vice versa but this time I was staring directly at her not even trying to look at anything else.
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