
Another Date With Archie

Fun and games with Dana, her husband, and her dog.

I’m driving over to Dana’s house. Now, going to see Dana isn’t all that unusual, but the reason I’m going may well be. I’m going over to fuck her dog, Archie. I guess to be accurate; I’m going over to get fucked by Archie. I’ve said in the past, when a woman has sex with a dog, she is being fucked. As far as the dog is concerned, it’s all about him. You just hold position and take it. They’re the supreme male chauvinists, that’s the way nature set them up.

Physically, it’s one of those things you either like or you don’t, there’s no in between. Mentally it’s the same. To some, it’s gross and unacceptable, to a small handful it’s exciting and sensuous, one of the ultimate acts of hedonistic self-indulgence. There’s no need to point out which group I fall into.

This will be my fourth time with a dog. A over a year ago, Archie proverbially “copped my cherry” when it came to canine sex, he was the first, satisfying a long curiosity about it all. It was an interesting experience, but one that I hadn’t intended to repeat. Then I screwed a boyfriend’s sister’s dog while he watched, then finally I let Archie have me again, it was exquisite. Then there had been a long layoff. The thing is, I still like normal, straight sex. The whole canine thing is a sort of special event. I didn’t want to overdo it. Once I started putting it off, I just never got back to it for quite a while.

Now, when I say I enjoy normal straight sex, I should point out that Dana and I have been indulging in a little girl play, if you catch my drift. The thing is I only want to do it with Dana, not with other women in general. I guess that makes me a part time lesbian, since other women don’t turn me on. This cost me a boyfriend, he left, not because of the dog thing, he ironically thought that was hot, but because of Dana. He watched me get fucked by his sister’s dog and loved it, but drew the line at me playing with Dana. Maybe I should have let him watch that too. Well, fuck him, I’ve never had all that much trouble attracting male playmates and he could be easily replaced.

Now I don’t need an excuse to visit Archie, Dana would have let me do it anytime, but it never came up until she asked me to do her a favor. She wanted to get her husband a special present for his birthday. George was turning sixty-five. He’d married Dana twenty-five years earlier, when she was just twenty. She was his trophy, he was her sugar daddy. At some point he began letting her go out and “express herself” sexually with other men and women as long as she was discrete about it. It was easy, since his business often took him out on the road. She always appreciated the freedom he gave her and wanted give him something unique; me.

The plan was simple, we’d go to a costume shop, rent an alluring outfit, present me to him, and play it by ear from there. If he wanted a good old fashioned three way or to just watch Dana and I have some fun, that was up to him. Dana assured me one Viagra pill and he’d be “up” to the challenge.

The costume we chose was a woman police officer get up appropriately labeled as “Officer Nasty”. It was basically a dark blue mini dress with a frilly skirt. It came with a belt complete with a cap pistol, toy handcuffs, and a soft sponge rubber nightstick. A police-style hat, phony badge, and a nametag that said “NASTY” rounded out the ensemble. They recommended wearing a pair of blue tights under it, but we figured a pair of elastic topped stockings and a pair of lacy panties would better serve our purpose. When I tried it on, it was kind of a cute, saucy outfit. Every year at work on Halloween, they encourage us to wear costumes. I think I found the one I’ll wear this year, with the recommended tights, of course.

On the big night I went to Dana’s. I called her on my cell phone when I was outside to let her know I was ready. I guess she made some sort of bullshit excuse to get away from George and came to let me in. She gave me a kiss at the door and whispered that she and George were partying down in the game room, that I should wait five minutes then come down. Closing the door, she kissed me again, gave me a pat on the ass, and went back downstairs, pausing long enough to smile and wink her eye at me.

I waited quietly until I figured it was time, then went down the stairs. Before opening the door, I put on a pair of dark wrap-around sunglasses. Opening the door I saw the two of them cuddling up on a newly installed divan.

“OK, what’s going on here? There have been complaints about noise and foul language coming from this location,” I tried sounding as serious as I could. “Who’s responsible for this, you, sir?”

I walked over to the divan, glaring at George. With my hair tucked under my hat and the dark shades, he didn’t recognize me. Dana scurried off the divan and moved to the side. George had a surprised and bewildered, yet amused look on his face. He thought this was a routine strip-o-gram.

“This is no laughing matter, sir. I’m going to have to cite you for disturbing the peace and loud and lascivious behavior, for openers.”

Dana moved behind me, the grabbed my arm as if she were twisting it behind me.

“OK, officer Nasty, enough is enough.”

She pulled the toy handcuffs from my belt and cuffed my wrists together behind my back. Then she put her hands on my shoulders and looked over them at her husband.

“She’s ours now, honey, what do you think we should do with her?”

“Not sure, babe,” he still wasn’t quite certain where this was going, “what do you think?”

“Well,” Dana said, I think a good place to start is to check her for any concealed weapons.”

With that, she slid her arms around me and began unbuttoning the front of my costume down to the waist. Then she pulled it open revealing my breasts. She cupped them and began massaging them, I could feel my nipples hardening in response.

“Just as I thought,” she told him, “they’re small caliber, but still deadly, don’t you think?”

“She can use them on me anytime,” he grinned.

All this time, I had my hands in her crotch, rubbing her pussy secretly through the fabric of her slacks and underpants. George, of course, couldn’t see this. Letting go of my tits, Dana unbuckled my uniform belt with all its phony cop stuff and tossed it aside. Then she finished unbuttoning my dress and let it drape limply from my shoulders, open at the front. George actually licked his lips when he saw I was wearing nothing else but the stockings, gauzy lace panties, and the hat.

Dana reached around to my jaw and turned my head to the side and kissed my cheek. Then stretching herself upwards, stuck her tongue out and licked my lips. That sent a shiver down my spine. I guess my fingers against her pussy were having an effect on her. I opened my mouth and our tongues began stroking each other. I could feel myself growing wet with excitement. I was glad I’d agreed to this.

This was physically awkward, since I’m taller than Dana, so she turned me part way around and moved in front of me. This gave George a good view of things. She pulled my head down slightly and we kissed; an open mouthed probing kiss. Our tongues continued to play with each other. I heard myself groan with passion, then George let out a matching sound; he was really getting the most out of this.
Then slowly, Dana lowered her head and began kissing my breasts and teasing them with her tongue. I was growing weak in the knees, wishing I could at least lean against something to stabilize myself. Then she dropped to her knees in front of me. I felt the tip of her tongue probe into my navel, causing me to bend forward by reflex, emitting another soft moan.

“Damn,” George said happily, “is this what goes on when I’m on the road?”

“Just getting her warmed up for you, hon,” was Dana’s quick reply. “Now, if you want her, she’s yours.”

“You’re serious? I thought you guys were just putting on a show for me or something.”

Dana turned me so I was facing him. Standing behind me again, she released the cuff on one hand and pushed my hands around to the front, recuffing me.

“Very serious, she’s all yours, happy birthday. Enjoy.” With that she kissed me on the neck and stepped back.

George got up and walked over to get a closer look. That’s when he first recognized me.

“Well, I’ll be God damned. Is this for real? Are you really going along with this?”

I nodded my head, trying to look shy. Dana stepped close again and reached around me, her hand slid into my panties. I squirmed lightly as she began rubbing my pussy.

“Oh yeah,” she said looking at her husband, “she’s all warmed up and ready. What do you say, George, you want her?”

She pulled off my hat, allowing my hair the fall loose.

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