

The Final Chapter

Andromeda III
The warm glow that had illuminated our bonding event slowly faded as nightfall enclosed us with its cool breeze. The critters slowly wandered around aimlessly, and nestled into contented repose, as I placed some dry firewood in the fire pit I’d used to fry the hamburgers. Once lit, it provided a warming afterglow to the day’s activities. I snuggled next to my Ann, her delightful body trembling with anticipation and her warm ever inviting lips warmly receptive to my overtures. Harvey was dosing peacefully with his arm across his mates’ thigh, as she sweetly kissed his face with timeless compassion. I briefly wondered if his first night with her would be as wonderful as mine with Ann.
The creator queen nibbled a piece of cake and I patted the empty seat next to me and extended my arm as an invitation. She accepted with a graceful nod and seated herself while juggling the uneaten pastry.
“I owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude,” I offered humbly. “Your creation, my beloved wife, has made me the happiest man alive.”
“Do not allow the trials of time to diminish your sensations, earthman – my zeta units are quite fragile without love.”
“As are we all,” I surmised philosophically. “Does your species still require the intimacy you have so exquisitely engineered in your Zeta units for reproduction?”
“We reproduce asexually; our genders integrated early in our prehistory effectively eliminating the competitive conflicts prevalent in evolving species. We did not anticipate the dire impact the absence of male essence would provoke, however. Millions of species throughout the cosmos were unsuccessfully analyzed. Only the extracted essence of your species contains the essential balance we require. We are on the verge of full scale zeta production to harvest the essence the females of your species so recklessly avoid.”
I hugged Ann and fell silent with way more information than I needed to know. The whole concept seemed just this side of both reality and practicality. “I realize I’m merely a primordial speck of pond scum on your evolutionary scale, so kindly forgive my presumptions; but you’ll need to construct a multitude of these sperm sucking zeta units, risking both detection and social chaos. Technology capable of creating zeta units could surely fabricate smaller androids able to extract semen with minimum impact on the donors and their world. You can already fly through walls, and incubate the semen; all that is required is a means of extraction. A little pressure on the prostate would resolve that issue – curing nocturnal emissions forever!”
Harvey spoke up; “It would make life a whole lot easier without emotional crap for us pond scum. Reckon Suzy and me gonna consummate our contract; hope ya don’t mind.”
“Suzy,” I asked skeptically.
“Yeah, we both kinda like that name. Reckon I might not be around in the mornin’ after I done finished ravishing this gorgeous creature.”
“You shall, and many more if you continue the cyclic ingestion of the longevity compound I created,” Ann offered. He rose to his feet slowly and offered his hand to his exotic bride. She grasped it lovingly and helped support him back to their home. I winked at Ann, and she smiled knowingly.
“The post orgasmic worlds Ann and I have seen; are they real,” I asked taking a sip of overpriced bubbly.
“Yes, those visions are stored in our collective consciousness. Define prostate.”
“It’s a small gland accessible from the ass that mixes sperm with essential nutrients during ejaculation. It doesn’t generate orgasms, it is the result. With light pressure, it dumps the mixture into the urethra.”
Ann and her creator fell silent, a new revelation to consider. “I should like to observe this function,” the creator stated.
“In the interest of science, I suppose I could demonstrate the technique. If you posses the ability to transcend human tissue, you could provoke the discharge – with Ann’s permission, of course.”
Ann nodded and undid my trousers. The human body of the creator suddenly slumped and a small glowing blue orb rose silently from her mouth and drifted between my legs. As Ann gingerly held my flaccid organ upright, I pointed to the approximate location of the gland, and the blue orb gently disappeared beneath the skin.

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