
Andrea’s Holiday Diary

Day 1.

After a long wait for our bags at the airport we finally found a taxi that would take us to our hotel. An hour and a half later we arrived at the most magnificent building and gardens that was stuck in the absolute middle of nowhere.

As patience isn’t one of his virtues Rob wasn’t happy even though it had been him who had booked this ‘bargain holiday’ over the Internet.

At the reception desk we had more problems. It quickly became evident that German tourists mainly used the hotel as the staff hardly spoke any English. Being typical Brit’s we obviously didn’t speak German or Spanish or anything other than English. As there was a problem with our reservation this meant that we were having terrible problems trying to register. Then, out of the blue, a ‘white knight’ appeared.

Well, not a real ‘white knight’ but a group of 5 teenage German boys wearing shorts and basketball vests as if they had just returned from the beach.

“Hello. Can I help?” the tallest asked in faultless English with only the merest hint of a German accent.

“We can’t get booked in mate.” Rob muttered.

“Can I see?” he asked as he took our Internet receipt from my husband. The boy read it carefully then spoke politely to the young girl behind the counter. They each pointed at various parts of the document until the girl grinned and went into her office.

The boy handed Rob the receipt back. “She confused you with someone who was not due to arrive until Saturday. I’m sorry. She is getting your keys now.”

“Uh, thanks mate.” Rob replied embarrassed.

“Hi, my name is Didi. I am also staying here, with my friends.” He then turned to his friends who all waved and smiled.

“Hello and thank you very much,” I offered him my hand, “I’m Andrea and this is Rob…my husband. We are from England.”

“I guessed!” Didi laughed, “I am sorry. That was not fair.”

The receptionist returned with our room keys and some more documents. After a couple of stress free minutes we were unlocking the door to our room.

“At last!” Rob huffed as he dropped the cases onto the floor.

“God! It’s fantastic!” I gushed as I whizzed around the room opening doors and cupboards. When I opened the shutters in the bedroom I was greeted with two of the German boys standing on the balcony of the apartment opposite. We waved to each other as I surveyed the pool and bar area. Suddenly I felt as if I was finally on holiday.

Back in the living room Rob had found the porn channel on the TV.

“I might have guessed!” I scowled as he stared at two huge breasted girls wrestling on a bed.

“Guess who are opposite us?” I asked as I put the kettle on.

Rob turned and shrugged his shoulders.

“The German boys. The one with long hair waved.” I told him.

“Gay boys all of them.” Rob chuckled as the blonde girl produced a huge dildo from under a pillow.

“I’m sorry?” I quizzed him, “Gay boys? What makes you say that?”

Without taking his eyes from the screen he went on, “Well, look at them; they’re too good looking to be straight. Five lads like that…together…. On holiday…definitely!”

I shook my head knowing that it would be pointless to argue.

Later that night we passed the boys as we went into the restaurant.

“Hi. Andrea?” Didi greeted me, unsure how to pronounce my name. “How is your room?”

“Fine,” I replied noticing his twinkling blue eyes.

“Yeah, fine thanks,” Rob mumbled.

“Are you eating in the hotel?” Didi continued as one of his friends tapped his watch, “not going into town?”

“We are a bit tired after all of the travelling, so we thought that we would have a quiet night.” I smiled as Rob rudely made for the bar. “How far is it to the town? Can we walk?”

Didi laughed again and shook his head, “Not really, it is 3km, we have a car and I think that you will need one to.”

With that his friend with long dreadlocks tugged his arm and they left.

Rob handed me a drink and asked, “Is it cold out there?”

“No,” I shook my head not knowing what he meant. Then his eyes went down to my nipples, which were now clearly poking through the thin material of my dress.

My husband grinned as I blushed and turned away.

“You’re going to be disappointed…. I stand more chance with him than you do!” he laughed out loud, “I’m telling you – gay as a Bishop!”

During our meal we planned sunbathing around the pool the following day, then we’d get a taxi into town on the night then hire a car the following day to discover the island and most importantly – the beaches.

Day 2

Rob and I had been lying by the pool for over an hour when I heard a familiar voice say, “Hi. Do you like it by the pool?”

I looked up to see the German boys walking past, obviously on their way to the beach. Didi was standing next to my lounger, only dressed in baggy surf shorts, trainers and dark shades.

“Yes its fine, thanks.” I replied. Rob looked up from his English newspaper and smiled.

“We prefer the beach. It is less crowded.” He told me as he bent down onto his haunches.

“Me too, but as it’s our first day we thought we would stay in the hotel.” I was enjoying talking to this handsome young man. I could tell why Rob would think that they were gay; all 5 were very good looking, tall, cool and their bodies were very tanned and toned.

“You should join us one day,” Didi suggested, making two of his friends laugh, which puzzled me.

“That would be good,” I told him knowing that my husband would never agree.

With that they left us.

The rest of the day was uneventful until late afternoon when I decided to go upstairs for a shower and get ready for our night out. When Rob finally joined me his stomach, legs, ankles, chest and face were as red as a beetroot! He had fallen asleep. We had a blazing row as he thought that I should have been checking on him! Men!

By the time that I stepped out of the shower my husband was burning up. After a discussion he still agreed to go into town for a meal and a few drinks. That was a mistake! We were only halfway through our meal when he was in so much pain I decided that we would have to get a taxi back to the hotel.

As we were trying to flag down a cab the German boys appeared and asked what was wrong. I explained and Ralf volunteered to drive us back in their rented Jeep.

“No, no!” Rob insisted sarcastically, “You stay here with the lads. You enjoy yourself.”

Within two minutes Ralf returned with a big open-topped Jeep and my husband was zooming away from me.

As my husband had decided that the guys were gay, he probably felt that he had nothing to worry about, apart from me getting drunk!

With the Jeep in the distance the remaining lads took me into a Disco-bar. We had a great time, drinking and dancing and drinking some more. As we drank they asked me about England and my job and Rob, while I asked them about Germany and themselves. It became obvious quite quickly that they weren’t gay as three of them had girlfriends back at home! They had come on holiday together as they were all going to different universities all over Germany later in the year and this would probably be their last chance to be together.

By about 11 o’clock I was very tipsy and dancing quite outrageously with 2 or 3 boys at a time.

“I must get back to see my husband, he’s not well.” I slurred as I took a huge gulp of yet another exotic cocktail that they had bought me.

At the Jeep I realised that it was only designed for 5 people and there was now 6 of us. Ralf got into the drivers seat and Stefan, a gorgeous boy with long blonde dreadlocks jumped into the passenger seat.

“You may have to sit on one of our laps,” Didi apologised.

I didn’t care at all; in fact I was looking forward to a ‘bumpy’ drive home.

As I drunkenly climbed up the steps and clambered onto the back seat I heard Hans say something in German which made his friends laugh.

“Shit!” I realised that he had been looking up my short summer dress and had seen my lace thong. Grinning I playfully slapped his muscled arm, and wagged a finger at him.

He innocently shrugged his shoulders and pretended that he didn’t know what I meant.

The boys sat in the seats and I positioned myself on a knee of both Didi and Mark. Didi put his strong arm around my waist and with a roar and a sandstorm Ralf raced out of the car park.

I had been correct about the bumpy road. It was like a rollercoaster as the car hit every pot-hole on the island. I was thrown about like a rag-doll in the back giving the lads plenty of opportunities to ‘accidentally’ grab my freely bouncing breasts or slide a hand up my short dress touching my thighs ‘in an attempt to steady me’! Eventually, when they realised that I wasn’t complaining, Didi slid his hands inside my dress and casually groped my tits through my bra. The others stroked my legs and one even playfully touched my tingling pussy.

All too soon we were back at the hotel. Still giggling we climbed out of the Jeep and I straightened my clothes, so as not to make my husband too suspicious.

In the reception area they begged me to have one more drink with them, but I declined explaining that I had to see to my ‘sick husband’.

At my age, leaving five young men ‘horny and disappointed’ made me very happy indeed.

Rob looked a sorry sight lying spread-eagled on his bed. His body looked even more inflamed in the half-light.

“Silly sod!” I thought as he moaned and groaned; feeling sorry for himself.

I covered him in ‘after-sun’ then undressed for bed in the bathroom. I chuckled to myself as my thong was so wet it actually stuck to me. After the ride in the back of the Jeep, I was so turned on I had to play with myself as I sat on the toilet. It felt sooooooo sexy fiddling with my sticky clit thinking about those boys playing with my tits and legs, knowing that my husband was lying asleep in the next room.

Day 3

Rob was so ill he couldn’t face any breakfast, so, very ‘hung-over,’ I made my way down alone. Three of the German boys were already there and beckoned me over. Remembering my behaviour 9 hours previously I found it difficult to make eye-contact with them as I sipped my OJ and coffee. Thankfully they were gentlemen and only ‘alluded’ to having ‘enjoyed my company’ the previous evening.

When I told them how sore and ill Rob was and I would be sunbathing alone today, Didi volunteered to stay behind and keep me company. I tried to tell him ‘no’ but he insisted.

An hour later after telling Rob of my plans, I was lying topless next to a handsome 18 year old German boy on adjoining loungers. Thankfully Rob thought that this was just another ‘thing’ that gay boys would do.

Didi was good company and we talked in more detail about our differing lives as the morning flew by. He talked very passionately about the beach and the surf, insisting that Rob and I should join them there when he felt better.

Every half hour I would put my bikini top back on and we would swim together in the refreshing pool. I couldn’t take my eyes off his slim tanned torso as he dried himself. As Didi sat on the edge of his sun-lounger and bent away from me my stomach fluttered as my hands began rubbing thick cream into his skin. His body felt so hard compared to my husband. With my eyes covered by dark sunglasses I could see a fat woman a few yards away from us staring at me and smiling – I guess that she was jealous.

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