
Anal Threesome – part 1

Christmas 1980 It was not a white Christmas, alas, but a gray one. The heavy, bloated clouds in the sky above the village showered the place with rain throughout the day. In the small, detached house down the leafy street, Claire was sitting in her bedroom at her dressing table, looking at her favorite present of the day. It was a make-up kit; not just a cheap one for girlies who wanted to look like mommy, but a proper set up with foundation of all shades, lipstick, brushes, mascara in every color one could imagine, and a couple of small bottles of fine perfume. Claire was sixteen and pretty enough without make up. Of average height, slim and with long dark hair, Claire had an alert face with big, friendly brown eyes and a pleasing smile. No matter how nice her face was, though, it was her chest that captured the attention of the boys. Having begun developing in that area when she was eleven, she now wore a 36FF bra, her tits not only big and heavy, but also firm and shapely. A mere glimpse of her cleavage when she wore a slightly low cut top would have boys cumming in their pants. Not that Claire really made a big deal of it. While she wasn’t shy, Claire didn’t have anywhere near the confidence and extroversion one would expect of such an attractive and endowed teenage girl. She was happy to hang around with girlfriends, admire posters of her favorite pop-stars and exchange gossip with her sister, Kath. Three years younger than Claire, Kath was a lot different in appearance and attitude. Though she had the same pretty face, she had blonde hair; her 13-year-old body was small and slim with few curves at the moment. Chatty and confident, Kath was not talkative in an irritating fashion, but certainly a lot more outgoing than Claire. Despite the differences in personality, the pair were close and got on well for siblings. “Hiya sis,” Kath smiled as she sauntered in to her big sister’s room. “Hi Kath,” Claire replied, busy putting on make up. “Whatcha doing?” “Just trying out this make up mom and dad got me.” “Cool. Have you seen this?” Claire looked round; Kath was wearing a pair of jeans but, above her waist, wore nothing but a white trainer bra. “Mom got it for me,” she smiled, proud. “Nice.” Claire nodded, “You first bra eh?” “Yeah.” “Looks good.” “I suppose. I don’t really need it though.” She looked down at herself glumly. Her breasts were in existence, but only just. “You’ll grow into it,” Claire reassured her little sister, then took some lipstick. “Hopefully. You look pretty sis,” Kath said as she stood behind Claire and watched her sister apply the make up in the mirror. She’d put on light cream foundation and delicate pink mascara on, and was now applying dark red lipstick to her mouth. While not an expert in making herself up, she’d certainly picked it up quick, and looked pretty glamorous. “Thanks,” Claire replied, looking round at her cheerfully curious sister, who smiled back as she stood there in her jeans and bra. “I wish I’d grow breasts like yours,” Kath sighed. “Oh, don’t worry about things like that,” Claire smiled, “Seriously. You’ll grow up. If not, who cares? You’re jolly pretty. Not all guys like big breasts anyway.” “Yeah, but big breasts are nice though.” “Girls?” their mother called from down the stairs, “Girls, me and your dad are going out now, round the Jacksons.” “Okay mom!” called Claire, “Have a nice time.” “Thanks. Back in a couple of hours.” There was the sound of the door opening, then closing, followed by car starting up. It was driving up the road when Kath and Claire – now in the house alone – grinned at each other. “All alone,” Claire smirked, mischievously, “Isn’t it great when they go out?” “Sure,” Kath responded. “Let’s raid the fridge in a minute.” “Or do something else.” “Like what?” Claire inquired, suddenly detecting a curious tone in her sister’s tone. “Can I see your breasts?” “My breasts?” “Sure. Come on, I wanna see them. I haven’t seen another girl’s breasts, really, not as big as yours anyway. I just want to see how they should look.” “You’re weird sis,” Claire smiled, and then when she realized Kath was serious, she shrugged and stood up. Casually, Claire unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off. She stood there, proud of her large breasts and impressive cleavage, when she realized Kath was clearly expecting Claire to remove her bra as well. So, that’s what she did, and her huge, perfect breasts were revealed in all their glory. “God, they’re lovely,” Kath gasped. “Thanks,” Claire smiled. She’d thought that Kath would end up jealous and moaning about her own chest, but instead her little sister was happy to just admire her sister’s tits. “Really nice. Can I touch them?” “Hmmm?” “Can I touch them?” Kath repeated, then happily did so anyway, placing her hands over Claire’s breasts, unable to come anywhere near taking the whole tit in each of her hands. “They feel nice,” Kath said soothingly, as she began to fondle her sister, gently stroking and squeezing the heavy knockers in her hands. Not hearing anything from Claire, Kath glanced up at her sister’s face, worrying that she’d overstepped the mark. Claire’s eyes were half-closed and she was looking down, gently sighing. “You like that?” Kath asked. She’d genuinely just wanted to see and feel her sister’s large breasts, and her naturally extrovert nature meant that Kath hadn’t really thought it over as to whether Claire would be happy. All she’d wanted to do was to see what a good, proper pair of tits looked like, but now she realized Claire was purring with pleasure as her breasts were played with. What was more, Kath was enjoying it; not just the idea of giving her sister pleasure, but actually getting horny on the feeling of Claire’s breasts. “You like that?” she repeated, quietly. “Mmmm” Claire nodded, “Nice.” “Good,” Kath smiled, “Good.” Abruptly, Kath leaned down and began sucking on Claire’s left nipple. She didn’t know why she’d done it, but she didn’t regret it, sucking happily on her sister’s tits. “Oh Kath,” Claire gasped, “Ooh…that’s…nice. Mmmm.” Kath was getting into it now, flicking her tongue over the nipples in turn. Neither girl had had sex before, with a boy or girl, so they were merely following instincts they barely understood. “Lie on the bed,” Claire said, and Kath stepped back and did so, lying back on the bed and eyeing her sister enthusiastically. Claire took off her dress, so that she wore just her red panties, which were soon removed also, then knelt next to her sister. She undid Kath’s belt and helped tug off her jeans, then her white panties, Kath slipping out of her bra as well so that they were both naked. They admired each other’s bodies. Kath licked her lips as she watched her sister lean over her, the huge breasts swinging and swaying slightly as they hung beneath her. Her cunt was furry with thick brown hair. Claire stroked her sister’s body, which was slim and firm. The tits may have been small, but they were nice with puffy pink nipples, which Claire stroked and sucked. Then she moved down to Kath’s cunt, which was bald. “Spread your legs,” she whispered, which Kath did. Claire ran her tongue up and down Kath’s slit, the girl panting with pleasure, this a totally new experience for both of them. “Oh that’s nice Claire,” Kath sighed, “that’s nice, mmmm.” Claire sucked and lapped at her sister’s juvenile cunt, then began to gently finger it, delighting in the tight wetness up there. From her prone position, Kath realized she could reach her sister’s cunt, and she enthusiastically reached for it. She felt her fingers against her sister’s warm skin between her legs, and groping around, she found a tight little hole. Kath rubbed the hole, thinking it felt a little odd, and just as she was about to push her finger in it, she realized it was Claire’s anus. Kath felt a little embarrassed, but strangely excited at her contact with Claire’s butt hole. She moved her hand appropriately, finding the primary target, then started running a finger along the damp entrance to Claire’s pussy before inserting two fingers up there. Both girls had frigged themselves before, but to frig another cunt, while one’s own cunt was frigged by another’s fingers, was an experience both found so incredibly sensual. Passionately, Claire lapped at Kath’s cunt until the girl was clamping Claire’s head with her thin thighs, moaning and gasping in pleasure as she was rocked by a gentle orgasm. “Let me lick you,” Kath said, and Claire lay down while Kath knelt between her legs and began licking and slurping. Kath was a little clumsy at first, but her enthusiasm was undoubtable, and Claire was soon pulling on her own nipples while sobbing in pleasure, wracked by a powerful orgasm as her sister probed her wet pussy with her tongue. They carried on for two hours, taking turns to lick each other’s cunts, suck on their tits and generally engage in some friendly, mutual masturbation. When they heard their father’s car pull up outside, Kath and Claire hurriedly got dressed, looking like innocent girlies when their dad cheerfully came into the room with a box of chocolates their family friends had given them. “Up to anything girls?” their father asked before he left. “Nothing much,” Claire shrugged, and Kath’s subsequent giggle was passed off by their dad as just another example of how loveably daft Kath could be. Their father left, beer and turkey on his mind, while Claire and Kath whispered their promise not to tell anyone what they’d did, before agreeing that it was something they should try again. They often sneaked into each other’s rooms at night, softly frigging and kissing each other. They would have night dresses nearby so in the event of their parents getting up – which luckily never happened – they could have thrown the gowns on and pretend they were merely talking. When their mom and dad went out, they were often straight up to Claire’s room where they giggled and sighed as they explored each other’s bodies. After a few months, their little sessions grew less frequent as Claire grew up and discovered boys. The two sisters still frigged and sucked passionately from time to time, but soon Claire flew the nest and it was Kath’s turn to discover boys. Both girls thought that their lovely little secret was something to be left behind in their youth. Spring 2000 While their lives may have differed in somewhat over the past twenty-one years, Kath and Claire had wound up in pretty much the same situation. In fact they were both living in the same house, Claire’s. After leaving school, Claire had started working at a factory where her administrative skills eventually got her a job as a secretary. At 21 she was married, and within a year gave birth to a son, Mike. The marriage plodded along, with both Claire and her husband soon realizing they’d made a mistake marrying young. When Mike had turned 8, his parents divorced. It was a relatively amicable split – they both agreed to go their separate ways, the husband taking the assets and car to start a new life in France, while Claire remained in the neat little cottage in a small, quaintly English village just outside London. Still at the factory, Claire was head of the administration department. It wasn’t terribly exciting, but she got on well with her colleagues and earned her a reasonable amount of money. She’d had a few relationships since the end of her marriage, but nothing significant, and more than a few one-night stands. The only real man in the house was Mike, who was now fourteen. Kath had gone to college at 18, but not necessarily to study. She enjoyed partying, getting drunk and screwing all the handsome guys in her classes. Having dropped out after a couple of years, she lived in a flat in Manchester with a couple of other girls. Working in an office, Kath lived for the weekends, partying and changing her boyfriends every few days or months, depending on how she felt. She wasn’t a slag, or so she claimed – just damn horny all the time. In her mid-twenties, she even slept with a bisexual girl ten years older than her. They met quite often and fucked away. On a few other occasions, after this relationship died away, Kath slept with girls. Primarily, it was if she was unable to find a man for that night, but it wasn’t a complete substitute for men. It was now May 2000. Kath had been offered a job in near London, and she took it. As well as giving her a pay-raise, the move would bring her closer to her sister, Claire, who she kept in touch with often but rarely had time to meet. Claire was happy at the idea of some companionship, and immediately invited Kath to stay with her in their three-bed roomed house. Mike trudged home as the sun was beginning to turn red and approach the horizon. He’d been straight round to his friend’s house after school, playing computer games and chatting about football, until Mike’s growling stomach steered him in the direction of home. He was a bright kid, reasonably popular, but was as sexually frustrated as any normal 14-year-old. Girls his age were interested in older boys, and Mike was left idly watching the breasts of his Geography teacher or the firm legs of the prettiest girl in class, knowing he’d only get his hands on them in his dreams. Still, he thought as he entered the house, at least he could jerk off merrily when he got to his bedroom. “Hi Mikey,” Kath smiled as she sat in the armchair, a soap opera on TV. “Oh, hi Auntie Kath,” Mike said, somewhat internally embarrassed at suddenly encountering his aunt while idly contemplating a bit of self-abuse. “I’ll put dinner on,” Kath said, getting up, “It’ll be about half an hour.” “Sure.” Mike idly watched as his aunt went to turn the TV off. He found himself admiring her body more and more these days, even though he figured it was a little bit strange, what with her being his aunt. Kath was 33, with short blonde hair, big blue eyes and a pleasant smile. She was 5’2″ and slim, and though her body was not one that would necessarily turn heads as she walked down the street, it was pretty much flawless in the eyes of Mike. Kath’s breasts were small, but nicely shaped and the nipples frequently poking out at the thin, tight T-shirts she often wore. Her ass was something Mike stared at every opportunity. It was firm looking, round and shapely, and often – as now – was clad in tight, pastel colored trousers. Mike’s eyes shifted with experienced speed from Kath’s ass, as she turned round. Kath actually noticed, as always, and smiled internally. “I’ll go and get changed,” Mike said. “Okay,” Kath responded, and her nephew made his way upstairs. She enjoyed it when Mike admired her body. Not all that many guys her own age were too bothered about her if she was in a bar, and the last time she slept with anyone, a good few months ago, he’d pretty much thought of her as just a reasonable looking woman…and that was it. It felt so good for a boy to be admiring her body with such desire. She went into the kitchen and put on dinner. Upstairs, on his way to his bedroom, Mikey ran into his mom. “Oh hi honey,” she smiled. “Nice day at school?” “The usual,” he shrugged. “How was work?” “Okay,” Claire said, having just got back ten minutes ago. “Nothing exciting. I’ll help your Aunt with the dinner.” Mikey briefly glanced at his mom in a vaguely lustful way he was doing more and more. Claire was 36, a little taller than her sister Kath, with shoulder length dark hair. She had the same sort of face as Kath – nice blue eyes, a cute little nose and pleasing smile – but a different body. While basically slim, she had an extra few pounds that had settled around her childbearing hips, giving her ass a nice plumpness to it, while still keeping it’s rounded shape. Her tits were certainly different from Auntie Kath’s – large, heavy and round, stretching the material of the blouse that she wore. The blouse was white and the bra beneath black, and Mikey’s eye’s lingered there, able to dimly pick out the swirly lace patterns of the brasserie. Claire walked on past, heading downstairs, and her son looked round at her ass. Claire wore a tight pair of gray trousers, and her every curve of her ass was well visible. Because her legs and waist were slim relative to her fairly plump buttocks, the trousers that fit on everywhere else on her lower body were stretched around her buttocks, and Mikey felt his cock beginning to harden as he glimpsed her panty line. When Claire had turned and headed down the stairs, Mikey went into his room and closed the door. He changed his clothes while thinking of what had motivated him to gaze at his mom like that. He figured it was due to Kath – like any fourteen year old boy he was willing to admire the body of almost any female. It didn’t seem too freaky to admire his aunt – it wasn’t like she was really a relative. Was she? His mother was different. He knew it was a bit odd to look at her that way, but he was quickly getting used to looking at his Aunt sexually that he instinctively looked at his mother in a lustful manner too. And he had to admit – she had fucking gorgeous ass. Not as good as Kath’s pert little posterior, but it was still nice. And of course his mom won hands down in the breast competition. He noticed he had a huge hard on and, after a couple of nano-seconds of thought, he decided to lie down and jerk himself off. It was the following evening, and while Kath was up in her room going through a few papers from work, Mike and Claire were in the living room; Mike reading a Stephen King novel and his mom watching a drama program based on a Jane Austin novel. The red curtains were open to the back garden, the trees and bushes dark blue silhouettes against the red and orange sunset. Claire had always liked the privacy afforded by the trees round the back garden, behind which were nothing but fields. Mike usually spent his evenings in sitting around his room playing computer games or watching videos, but tonight he wanted to finish off his book and decided to do so in the cozy living room, in the presence of his mother. Claire was wearing a long navy-blue dress and a cream colored blouse, her hair still damp from an earlier shower. She tried to concentrate on the TV but the drama was beginning to plod a little, and she regretted having invested an hour in watching the first half. Occasionally, she glanced at her son, who sat along the sofa from her, intently reading the final chapter of his book. Mike was at the perfect age, Claire pondered, between childhood and adulthood. His shoulders were broadening and his dark brown eyes betrayed a keener intelligence that the Star-Wars-toy collecting kid he’d been a few years ago. Yet he was still so youthful, his smooth pale face both innocent and handsome at the same time. Smiling inwardly, Claire looked back to the TV. Mike finished the last page in his book and closed it, resting the paperback on the armrest. “Finished that?” his mom inquired. “Yup,” Mike responded, feeling proud at having trekked through the 600-page novel. “Was it any good?” “Yeah, it was okay. I doubt if you’d really like it mom. Too much blood and gore.” Claire smiled, “Probably more exciting than this program.” “Yeah, ” Mike agreed, who began to idly watch the TV, deciding that it’d be nice to stay here with his mom than disappear upstairs. In the program, some young maiden with deep cleavage on show in her low cut, 18th century dress, was pulling out her hair pin and letting her black hair cascade down her back, while being sweet talked by some square jawed, dashing hero. Mike began to feel a little anxious as the black-haired woman began to undress, the man doing like wise as they began to kiss passionately. The woman soon slipped out of her bra, revealing her impressive, perfect breasts, which the handsome hero fondled while ramming his tongue down the woman’s throat. Claire glanced at her son, who watched the TV while blushing a little, undergoing that nightmare for all teenagers – a sex scene being shown while in the company of your mother. “Too much sex on TV these days,” Claire said, and Mike looked at her, a little surprised. “Mmm?” “Too much sex,” Claire smiled, “Such a disgrace.” She let out a little laugh, and Mike smiled back, Claire having succeeded in ending her son’s embarrassment. The couple on the TV were going at it quite passionately now, and Mike watched, the ice having been broken by his mom, thus allowing him to be more able to concentrate on the sex scene. It was fairly explicit for the BBC, even if it was after nine o’clock, and his cock was rapidly hardening. Claire was also watching the program, but frequently glanced at her son, finding herself fascinated at the boy’s keen interest in the sex scene. A few glances at the boy’s crotch showed that he was clearly more than just interested. Mike was resting a hand over his lap in an attempt to disguise it, but Claire wasn’t fooled, and her eye’s lingered on the clear shape of a fair old iron bar in the boy’s crotch. With the sound of kissing and heavy breathing coming from the TV, Mike began to look at his mom through the corner of his eye. She was looking at the TV and seemed lost in thought, and Mike snatched a glimpse of his mother’s large breasts, rising and falling a little with her breathing. The nipples were standing out blatantly beneath the thin cotton blouse, and Mike felt his cock harden even more. It felt weird to have an erection while sitting close to his mother, but it was overridden by the excitement. Mother or not, Claire was a woman, and an attractive one at that, with a pair of big breasts. What teenage boy would bother letting a little thing like her being his mom get in the way? Mike tried to shake himself out of it, and went back to the TV, where the sex scene had now ended. However, his erection still pounded in his jeans, and he realized that, going by some description of sex he’d actually read in the novel he’d just finished, women’s nipples go hard when they’re aroused. He’d felt embarrassed at the sex on the TV, and a little anxious that, sitting next to his mom, he’d ended up in a state of sexual excitement. But he realized his mom had been as well, probably longing for sex as she watched a simulated act of it in the TV program. The whole little scenario had been a little surreal, Mike pondered, then decided to try and think about something else to get his dick to soften, otherwise he’d be unable to walk for fear of poking someone’s eye out with it, so horny was he. “I’ll make us some supper honey,” Claire abruptly said, “You hungry?” “Sure,” Mike smiled. “Okay sweetheart,” Claire said as she stood up, “won’t be long.” She left the living room, and Mike sat and wondered why his mom, usually affectionate anyway, had suddenly been more so. A moment later, Kath came down the stairs and wandered into the living room. She wore a black T-shirt and a wonderfully tight pair of trousers, light beige in color so that, being of a similar shade to her skin, they almost made her look as if she had nothing on from the waist down. She was carrying a small folder with ‘Sales’ written on the top. “Hi Mikey,” Kath said. “Wotcha doin’?” “Wondering if there’s anything better on the other channel,” her nephew answered. “Just this stupid drama thing on.” “Boring,” Kath heckled at the TV like a petulant schoolgirl, and then giggled, “I hate those sort of programs. Oh, where’s my briefcase? Is it in here?” “Yeah, over there,” Mike said, pointing at the black case sitting in the far corner of the room on a small cabinet. “Oh yeah.” Kath walked to the case and bent down to open it, her ass pointing directly at Mike, who stared at that lovely butt with as much concentration as a spy trying to memorize a ledger of information in ten seconds flat. Kath’s buttocks were superbly sculpted; firm and round, and the tightness of her trousers meant that bending over showed off perfectly her panty line. Mike’s cock hardened again almost instantly, and he was licking his lips as he watched his Aunt’s ass, while she put her file in the case, then abruptly stood up and turned round. Mike quickly looked back at the TV, not noticing Kath’s knowing smile as she headed towards the door. He believed, incorrectly, that his ass-viewing had not being noticed. “Where’s your mom sweetie?” Kath chirped, “In the kitchen?” “Yeah. Making supper.” “I’ll go help her.” “Mikey certainly has roaming eyes,” Kath smiled as she walked into the kitchen, her sister programming the microwave. “Hmmm?” Claire inquired, hitting a button that caused the microwave to start humming. “Well, he’s always looking at me. In a, you know, way that fourteen-year-olds are inclined to look at women.” Claire smiled. “I have noticed,” she said, “I do fear he is doing the same to me.” “Yeah?” Kath gasped. She had in fact noticed Mike looking at Claire in a similar way, but hadn’t really given it much thought at first. For some reason it kind of excited her – this young boy so randy he’d eye up not just his aunt but his mom as well. Claire stood next to Kath and they spoke in a friendly but clandestine way. “He did it to me yesterday evening as well, and a moment ago,” Claire said, “He doesn’t think I notice but he’s not had too much practice at admiring the female body. Eye’s flicking all over my breasts.” “Come on sis, a boy can’t look in your vague direction without his line of sight hitting your breasts.” They both giggled. “He sure loves looking at your ass,” Claire commented, “He stares at it whenever you bend over. Methinks you bend over in front of him deliberately sometimes.” “Hey you can’t talk sis,” Kath responded, jokingly, “I’ve seen you wear that low cut blouse and bend over in front of him.” “Boy, he can’t get his eyes off my cleavage. Do you not think it’s a bit odd? A boy looking at his mom’s tits?” “Only as weird as a woman showing her son her cleavage deliberately.” Kath smirked. “Okay, okay. But seriously, is it not a bit pervy? Us showing off our…lovely female assets to our nephew and son. Ahem…unconsciously, of course” “I guess,” Kath shrugged, “Well, I don’t think it’s weird. I feel good. It’s great for such a handsome young man to admire us.” Before Claire could respond, Mikey came in. The two women stepped apart. “Is it ready yet?” Mike asked. “Almost,” Claire smiled, ” Another ten minutes.” “Okay. I’m off to my room.” And off he went, Claire and Kath’s heads full of thoughts and ideas. Ten o’clock at night, and Mikey was sitting at his computer in his bedroom, playing Doom. There was a quiet knock at the door, and Claire opened it. “Don’t be up too late son,” she said. “Sure mom. No worries.” “Goodnight.” “Night mom.” Claire closed the door and went into her room. It was the largest bedroom, with fine oak furniture and a massive bed. The covers were dark red, which matched the crimson carpet. The wallpaper was cream with red-roses, and the main-lights and lamps either side of the bed, combined with the large South facing window ensured it was always well lit.

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