
An open marriage in India

This is the true story of our sex-lives as a bisexual swinging incestuous couple. We live in Mumbai (earlier known as Bombay), India. We were married in 1979. Part-1 was written nine years ago in ‘97 and some parts have been rewritten and expanded in ‘06. However, the time and setting of the narration in Part-1 remains as ‘97. Part-2 was written in ‘06. Events after ‘97, especially incest with our son and other family members

This is a sexually explicit true story containing detailed descriptions of consensual incestuous and non-incestuous sex including oral-genital-anal straight, gay, lesbian, transsexual and mixed-group sex between adults, exhibitionism, transvestism, transsexuality, body-shaving, fist-fucking, urine-bathing, urine-drinking and prostitution. If any of these offends you, then please do not read further. However, this story does NOT contain any descriptions of scat, shit-eating, non-consensual sex, rape, forced sex, animal sex, paedophilia, medically harmful sexual practices, drug use or public indecency.

By Saroj with husband Rajeev
An Introduction
This is the true story of our sex-lives as a bisexual swinging incestuous couple. We live in Mumbai (earlier known as Bombay), India. We were married in 1979.
Part-1 was written nine years ago in ‘97 and some parts have been rewritten and expanded in ‘06. However, the time and setting of the narration in Part-1 remains as ‘97.
Part-2 was written in ‘06. Events after ‘97, especially incest with our son and other family members besides my husband Rajeev and our son – with his wife Rithika, my real brother Shekhar, his daughter Kiron, our son’s wife Rithika’s mother Suchitra, Rithika’s brother Tanuj, and our family friend transsexual Sheena – appear in this part.
I have written this autobiographical novel for international readers. Indian readers may find too much explanation for something that may be obvious to them. There may be a few repetitions, but please bear with me. People unfamiliar with the social and sexual attitudes in India may find many things puzzling or quaint, or going contrary to their general beliefs about Indians, but that’s how it is!
Rajeev and I (separately) attained puberty in the late 60s and early 70s in small-town urban India. In those days, in the towns where we both grew up, there was a lot of surreptitious sex, though one kept one’s sex-life and sexual preferences private. In the huge metropolis of Mumbai of mid and late 70s, wife-swapping made its appearance, so did ‘cabaret’ joints – similar to strip joints in the West. In the name of lingerie, only functional bras and panties – essentially designed as undergarments – and simple ankle-length nighties were available. Two-piece bikinis were unknown.
This situation improved only in the late 90s. As for sex toys, absolutely nothing is available then or now. One could pick up Indian pornography – essentially of a very low grade – or pay about 5 times for smuggled American soft porn like Playboy and Penthouse, or European hard porn magazines. 8mm porn movies could be hired from shady characters, again with a very limited choice. This has not changed even today. On the whole, the Indian society is as prudish as ever, however, the vocal minority of puritans is reducing in numbers, the media has becoming much more tolerant and ‘sexy’, and the general urban population is becoming more tolerant to girls showing skin in public, homosexuals, premarital sex, and to an extent extramarital sex too.
In my narration, there may be some inconsistencies about dates, places, etc., but most of these are deliberately introduced to protect our and our friends’ identities.
We may sound too perfect and too candid to be true, and our sex-life may seem too fantastic to be real, but we are real and genuine. In fact, we have not come across anyone in India who enjoys as colourful a sex-life as us. To enjoy a rich sex life, one only has to let go of each and every inhibition, hesitation and taboo.
‘An Inclusive Marriage’ is a very long story. I suggest that you downloaded it and read it at leisure. It gets kinkier as you read on!

Our Sex-life before 1997:

I’m Saroj, writing this with my husband Rajeev. We live in Mumbai, India. Mumbai, earlier known as Bombay, is India’s largest, most crowded metropolis. I was born in ‘57 in a small town in northern India, and Rajeev was born in ‘55 in another small town in central India. I have lived in Mumbai since I went to college in ‘73 at the age of 16.
‘An Inclusive Marriage’ is an autobiography of my sex-life as a kinky, bisexual, incestuous swinging woman in a sexually open marriage with my dear husband Rajeev. Rajeev and I got married in ‘79 and have been married now for 18 years. Both my husband and I are healthily bisexual. Inherent in our open marriage, is the enjoyment of individual extramarital sex too, with the spouse’s full knowledge, and without any jealousy or possessiveness. To us, sex is in the minds, not between the legs! We swing with individuals, couples and groups of all sexual orientations from both sexes in India and abroad, together as a couple and individually too without any guilt, bias or bar whatsoever. We also indulge in many other unusual sexual variations. We have been early starters on the swinging scene, right from our marriage onwards.
This story may create an image of wholesale promiscuity, but in the 18 years of our open marriage, we have had sex with genital / anal penetration in India with only about 50 partners, and abroad with about 25, and exhibitionism / fooling-around / foreplay / oral sex with another 100-odd. Many unrelated incidents described in this story actually involve the same people in different situations. We have described many of our experiences, and we have referred to the people involved by names, though I have changed all names to protect their privacy. Moreover, since this story is only about the sexual side of our life, it may create the impression that we indulge in sex all the time, but that’s not true either.
Now, if some of you are wondering how we can have sex with others with our loving spouse watching, or knowing about it, I’ll try to explain:
I’m truly in love with my husband Rajeev, and when I’m having sex with someone else, in spite of the erotic feedbacks my body parts, my genitalia and my mind are giving me, my heart is always with my darling hubby. I’m constantly excited by the real fact that by having sex outside our marriage, we are not violating or weakening our love-bond but actually strengthening it. We are aware that swinging does not work for many couples who try it, but it does work for us. We believe it works for us because, firstly, we believe that love and sex are two different emotions, and secondly, we keep our family life, social life and work life completely unaffected by our swinging life.
We speak English and Hindi at home, and know Marathi, Gujarati, Italian and some German. Both of us are well-educated – I’m a Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Administration from Mumbai and Rajeev is a Master of Technology from the famous Indian Institute of Technology.
I’m a freelance technical writer; I write technical manuals. That should explain my dry, detailed, systematic writing style. I tend to write long sentences, and tend to digress into related topics.
Rajeev is a very successful consulting engineer. He travels quite often. I’m more of a homebody. We both have always worked from home so we escape Mumbai’s hurry and hustle, and have sufficient time and energy for our sex-life. Being freelancers, we are our own masters. Our projects run into months and years, so clients hardly ever visit our office at home.
As professionals, we both are devoted to honesty, ethics, equality and transparency. We strive to bring the same qualities into our sex-life. We are not political animals and we don’t play social games with people.
In my writing, I describe many people as ‘fair’. It simply means a fair-complexioned Indian person (much lighter skinned than average), not a white person, not an ethically fair-minded person either. On an average, Indians are brown-skinned, so a light-coloured skin is at a sexual premium, and is our sexual preference too – the counterpoint of white skinned people lusting after a black, brown or a well-tanned skin complexion.
There are no “whites” and “blacks” in Indian people. 99. 9% Indians have dark black hair and 99% have black eyes, so people are identified not by racial colour, or hair- or eye-colour, but by skin complexion, which can be anywhere in between a peaches-and-cream complexion from Punjab or Kashmir in North India, graduating to a jet-black complexion from Kerala at the southern tip. However, you find dark and light skinned people in ever region, every city and even in many families too – I myself am fair complexioned and my real brother is very dark skinned.

My Large Charms
I’m a large-sized woman. I’m 40 years old, 5’7” tall, 195 lbs., and a Gemini. My figure today is 42C-36-52. Everything about me is big and firm rather than fat and flabby. I have been plump and big-boned right from birth. I have a naturally hairless, very light brown smooth skin and dark brown eyes. I have a head of thick healthy hair and I keep changing the style, length and occasionally perm or colour them. My average-looking C-cup breasts are very soft, moderately saggy and not very close-set, with large deep-brown nipples and large aureoles. My nipples are not very sensitive, but the moment my buttocks are touched, I get goose-pimples all over, so I’m lucky to have a husband who is a confirmed ass-man, not really a tit-lover.
With regular yoga for the last many years, my waist even now is quite trim without the flab and bulging normal on women of my size – just a gently swelling average tummy. No stretch marks on my tummy. My abdomen has a deep sexy belly button. My wide-boned pelvis and full heavy buttocks flare out smoothly from my waist. My smooth and rounded buttocks and thighs, though quite heavy, are firm and shapely. No folds of fat sit between my tummy and my pubic mound, or between my waist and hips. No sag or dimpled fat in my ass-cheeks, no flabby wrinkles behind my thighs – just one feminine fold below my heavy ass-cheeks – normal on most women.
I have small soft hands, feminine shoulders and average arms, and a shapely back with a deep spinal channel, smoothly tapering thighs, and long, full legs. However, my calves are rather thick, and my feet are quite unattractive. When I wear an Indian Sari, I don’t get those very common folds above my petticoat, though Rajeev loves that in a woman.
For Western readers: A Sari is simply a rectangular piece of unstitched cloth, measuring 18 feet by 40 inches, made from either plain, but usually quite colourful and ornate cloth – which can be ballooning cool cotton, heavy draping silk, or flowing chiffon or clinging synthetic stuff. A Wedding-Sari is the most ornate of all. It’s worn over a petticoat, which is just a full-length underskirt, worn over or without panties and tied at the waist with a string. The petticoat itself can be tied above the navel if one wants to dress ‘sensibly’ or below the navel if one wants to flaunt her sexiness. It’s accompanied by a Choli (also called a blouse), which is a tight short Indian top, much like a training bra. A blouse is usually worn over normal brassieres, but can be worn bra-less too. The portion of the long Sari draped over the breasts is called the Palloo. A bride drapes the Palloo over her head too.
The Sari leaves the woman’s midriff open – and this open gap can vary from a modest zero to a brassy 12”. However, many married middle-aged Indian women have heavy buttocks like mine, and a Sari can camouflage a big ass much more gracefully than any tailored dress, Indian or Western; so my fat ass does not attract so much attention in a Sari.
The material and design of the Sari, its draping style, and the cut and form of the blouse can vary hugely. The Sari is a personal statement, and thus can be a non-verbal sexual statement in itself. The same set of garments stitched / draped differently can proclaim you a pious Indian nun, an average homemaker, a ramp model, or an available slut! The Sari is a difficult garment to handle, and needs years of practice to wear with ease and grace – that’s the reason that almost all foreigners look all ‘wrong’ in a Sari.
My vulva and my vagina are noticeably large but my elastic vagina isn’t at all loose despite a normal childbirth. Men, who fuck me for the first time, often remark favourably on my ‘tightness’. Yet I can, and often do, take a male hand inside my cunt up to the wrist quite easily! Even at this age after being fucked almost everyday, my taut light red inner labia are without any loose fringes or lip-folds hanging out.
I have a big 4” long gash (top of clitoris to bottom of vagina) and a prominent pea-sized clitoris, which cannot be seen normally, but pops up as soon as I’m horny. My whole vulva and pubic mound are rather flat, not puffy and swollen like those of small-boned women who get fat later in life. My cunt is quite upturned for a heavy woman like me – it faces somewhat forward rather than down – which, with my flattish mound, makes my vulva look even bigger.
My milk-chocolate coloured asshole is smooth-walled and naturally hairless all around. Rajeev often teases me that probably with so much anal sex, all my anal hair have rubbed off and crinkles around my anal lips have got ironed out! Both my vaginal and anal love-passages are deep and still quite taut and pliable despite continuous years of joyful fucking and sodomy. I get all squelchy-squishy-drooling wet when I’m excited, and can have multiple orgasms quite easily throughout a long sex-session. My orgasms can be really intense, and result in strong throbbing contractions.
The smell of my vaginal lubrication is rather strong, but I have been told it’s not at all unpleasant. Rajeev always teases me that he can smell my oozing ‘Schämlippen’ (shame-lips – German slang for labia) in the next room.
I have a big, really long tongue, and my mouth is as much of a sex-organ as my vulva and anus.
Rajeev always says he married me for my fat ass that’s (as he puts it) big and heavy yet absolutely rounded and shapely! Before marriage, I used to be very conscious of my then 44” bottom and my thunder-thighs, but Rajeev has always worshipped them. He has made me feel proud of my large figure. When we started swinging after marriage, I happily realised that so many men love my kind of figure, and especially fancy my large bottom. The sheer amount of reverent kisses, love pats, hot spanks, hungry licks, endless fondling, bottom-pinches, horny squeezes, requests for all-fours and doggy-style fucks, and general non-stop attention my bottom-globes have received from my lovers over the years has convinced me of their sex appeal. I have a rather short neck and a small upturned nose, but Rajeev loves it, and teases me that my nose must have got worn out poking around in cunts and cleavages!
Rajeev insists on adding his own words:
“My wife Saroj’s perfectly rounded buttocks have got lots of sex appeal, and her voluptuous dancer’s hips naturally sway and sashay very erotically when she walks! You can see her lack of inhibitions by the manner in which my darling slut shamelessly presents her inviting ass to the camera. Once, after having seen her striptease and having merrily fucked her, one of her admirers wrote to me, “Rajeev, I’m constantly fantasizing about the ultra-sensuous sway of your sexy wife’s ponderously large, voluptuously heavy, yet so perfectly-rounded chiffon-ensconced posterior!”
Even when Saroj bends over completely, her buttocks remain absolutely rounded. Most heavily built women’s ass-cheeks sway jointly as a more or less connected pair, but each of Saroj’s bottom-globes has a life of its own. Moreover, most plump women’s cunt-lips cannot be seen when they stand straight, but Saroj’s big ornate vulva looks big and inviting even when she’s standing straight up. My sexy wife’s asshole is truly exquisite. The fleshy, polished walls of her anal cleft plunge smoothly into her deep round anal entrance. Her anus has no creases, ridges or crinkly folds at all!
Saroj is the sort of woman who looks better and sexier with every passing year. She’s a great cook in the kitchen, a sensible lady in the living room, and an absolute whore with our swinging friends! I just love my beautiful sexy wife, and I love the way she transforms from a gracious lady to a shameless slut for sex with our friends!
What I like best about Saroj is her complete lack of any kind of sexual inhibitions – she can appear absolutely naked, or completely strip, and engage in any kind of kinky sex in front of any number of fully clothed strangers.”

My Hubby’s Assets
My dear husband Rajeev is 42 years old. He has lived in Mumbai since he joined too his college in 1969. He’s 5’7” tall, 160 lbs., fair complexioned with a 42-38-40 figure. Rajeev is a Leo. With regular exercise and yoga, his tummy is quite flat for his age! Rajeev has a handsome, shapely, straight and pointed half-circumcised penis, about 8” long when fully erect, though he’s very small when flaccid. The shape of his erect cock is very ‘anal’ – narrow pointed head, thickening to 5½” circumference at 2/3rd way to the root, and a thinner root again – just like a butt-plug. He has average sized testicles.
Rajeev can put off ejaculation for hours and can manage two or three climaxes in a night. Both of us have this nightlong endurance due to yoga. He leaks a lot of pre-cum juice (prostate fluid – tastes much like my cunt-juice, but more sweet) – so much so that friends often ask him during sex, “Have you cum already?”
Rajeev has average body hair, but they are very fine and soft, and from time to time, he keeps removing his body hair. He has shapely hands and feet, and he’s extremely skilled with his hands in every way. Physically, he’s very strong – though he does not look it. Rajeev’s tongue is rather small but he too is very skilled with it. He’s getting bald, and if you ask me, bald men are indeed very sexy!
With males, Rajeev can be both active and passive, orally and anally, with equal liking and comfort. He can be a bisexual stud – which he normally is – and he can be an eager-assed passive cross-dressed fairy too! Rajeev has a very luscious pair of round ass-cheeks, and healthy red anal lips. His full bubble-butt is a great favourite with his gay studs. When he’s on all fours to get his ass sodomised, the shape and roundness of his buttocks and thighs do look quite inviting!
As I said, our bodies are almost hairless, and both of us always keep our armpits, genitals and anal area very clean, smooth and completely free of hair. Earlier, we used to use hair-removing creams, like ‘Anne-French’, rather than shaving, but now we both use my Braun ‘Silk-Epil’ electric epilator about once a month. We both prefer partners with hygienic and hairless armpits, cocks, cunts and ass-holes, as we really dislike hair getting into our mouths.
Rajeev always sleeps in the nude; and – unless I’m wearing some kinky lingerie – I too normally take off everything before I go to sleep. Rajeev is a light sleeper but I sleep like a log, and both of us can go to sleep anywhere and at any time, which helps us in getting enough rest despite an active sex-life.

About our home, the centre of our sex-life:
We live in our own large independent 2600 square foot (carpet-area) apartment house, one floor below the top-floor penthouses (top split-level apartments with a large patio on the upper floor), in a high-rise apartment building in the Mumbai suburbs. Our house is actually two medium-large apartments combined while being built, and then discreetly modified by us to suit our special sex-life.
The first of the two apartments has a large living-dining room after a short passage from the main door, a kitchen with a store room, a dressing room and a toilet, all opening into the hall. One bedroom is our son’s, with a bathroom. Another bedroom is Rajeev’s office, and the study is my office. The second of the two apartments is the fun space! The large living-dining room of the second apartment has been made into our ‘pleasure-palace’ master bedroom. This apartment also has a door to the outside, so we usually admit our ‘adult’ guests directly into this side of the apartment.
However, we have converted its entry passage into a small sound-proofed vestibule, so there is more privacy inside, especially during a party, when guests are still arriving and some people inside are already undressing, smooching, partying… The second kitchen is back-to-back with the first kitchen, and has been made into a storeroom, accessible only from the first kitchen. One bedroom has been constructed as a huge bathroom with a big shower enclosure. This bedroom’s bathroom has been converted into a walk-in closet for our sex-wardrobe. It also has my dressing table, and this is where I get ready for my floorshows. Our bedroom, bathroom and walk-in closet are all interconnected. The big bathroom opens into our master bedroom through a wide sliding glass door. The windows of our master bedroom and bathroom, and the covered terrace face the sea, so we never need to bother about drawing the curtains.
This size of an apartment is obscenely affluent by Mumbai standards, but 11 years ago, we got this apartment when it was being built, in lieu of our inheritance of our parents’ substantial properties in Mumbai, We moved in two years after our son went to full day school and we regularly started swinging. We got the plans modified right when it was being built.
The functionally designed house is aesthetic and elegant with minimal decoration, rather than ornate and opulent. Our apartment has exceptional privacy for a Mumbai house. This combined apartment is the only one on our floor – so no neighbours on our floor. We don’t fraternise with our neighbours – keeping to oneself is quite normal in Mumbai.
When we are going to be busy with our lovers, we padlock our main door to remain undisturbed by delivery boys, etc. and get in from the other door. Two small windows with one-way glasses overlook the entrances so we can discreetly check out any visitors before opening the door for them. We need that check, as I like to dress-up quite provocatively to welcome our fuck-mates at the door. Like most upper-middle-class people in aloof Mumbai, we actively discourage unannounced visitors.
Right after we moved into this house, and our son went to his school, my engineer husband cleverly transformed our spacious master bedroom and bathroom into a pleasure-palace. When we bought our new house, Rajeev designed and worked on the interiors of our master bedroom and bathroom. He got all the ‘normal’ work done by skilled workmen, and then he himself worked with some of our closest friends and fuck-mates to make it into a den of kinky sex. As my dearest men toiled, I kept house, ran the office and played “Coffee, tea, or me?”
Our bedroom and bathroom have both been soundproofed and the bedroom air-conditioned – necessary in Mumbai. We have put in electrostatic air-fresheners in the bedroom and bathrooms, so the rooms remain dust and mould free. Bathrooms in urban Indian buildings are always built one above the other, and one can hear noises from the bathrooms many floors above and below one’s own – but we have soundproofed all our bathrooms. When the wide connecting sliding door is kept open, the bathroom also gets the air-conditioning. The bedroom and bathroom have very tough seamless flooring made of a hard synthetic compound. It’s gleaming-smooth, but offers high friction even when it’s wet – perfect for filthy sex. As I said, we like brightly lit places for sex.
Our oversized marital bed can have four people sleep comfortably, and Rajeev has made it in such a way that any liquid spillage runs off to the floor and nothing seeps into the thick mattress, so our frequent ‘bedwetting’ merely needs a sheet change! Our bed has a huge mirror in place of the head-board, concealed by a curtain. In the other half of the long bedroom, comfortable couches semicircle around a huge low round table, which I use for my strip- and sex-performances. Earlier, it could be rolled under the bed, but Rajeev has recently fixed it to the ground and put a shiny pole in the centre to enhance my dance- and strip shows. The pole can be easily removed without any tools, so one can fuck on the table in front of spectators. There is concealed nightclub-like stage-lighting with movable baby-spots (small bright lights) for the table and bed, and in the bathroom too. There is a stereo system, TV, VCR, bar, etc. Rajeev has designed the couches too to be spill-proof and suitable for all sorts of wet sex. The tough vinyl covering has seen all sorts of intimate dribbles and stains! There are a couple of high, movable side-tables, meant for leaning over or lying on, and getting comfortably fucked by a free-standing man.
Our spacious squeaky-clean bathroom has a large quarter-round Jacuzzi bathtub for two (but four can sit), a bidet for easy personal hygiene, a WC, another big wall-to-wall mirror, a large transparent shower area as I described, and plenty of floor-space in the middle. Right in the centre of the open space in the bathroom, Rajeev has fitted a set of shower in the ceiling and bathtub-like drain right below that, into which the whole sloping floor drains, With the plug in, a puddle forms in the centre – water or golden – and one can wallow in that to one’s heart’s content.
The wide glass door to our bathroom is right next to our bed, and can be covered by a thick curtain. Next to that, there is that walk-in closet-wardrobe for my sex-accessories collection – with a built-in dressing table for me. The other bedroom and bathroom is for our adult guests who lodge with us. The widened study has become the gym and yoga room, which has a thick fitted carpet, lots of pillows and bolsters and no furniture, except an all-purpose exercise machine, and we use it for group sex affairs. All this can look a bit odd to a casual visitor, but we keep the well-camouflaged connecting door closed, and never bring a non-sexual acquaintance into this part of our house. That’s a bit of a cramp, but we have learned to live with it. We clean this second apartment ourselves, and not even allow our housemaid to go into this apartment.
In our bedroom, a thick ceiling-high curtain separates the bed and sitting areas. When that and the curtain on the bathroom access are drawn, the setup looks quite harmless. However, when they are opened, a few things moved around and the lighting put on, the couches face the round table, and the huge bed and the mirror is behind it, like a stage setting. You can very well imagine the erotic possibilities of such a setup – I can pole dance and strip on the table, on the floor in between, or put up a live-sex show on our big marital bed!

Origins of My Bisexuality
Coincidentally, both Rajeev’s and my adolescent sex-lives have run on remarkably similar lines. Many would say that God made us for each other and brought us together, but we don’t believe in any such sentimental mush. Both of us have never been the flirting, romancing, emotional-sentimental, having-a-love-affair types. Our approach to sex is quite clinical, and several of our mates have remarked that we should have been born in Germany – the land of unemotional practicality combined with kinky sex.
When I was 15 and already fully mature physically, I was seduced by my real elder sister Sujata. Being sisters, we had often seen each other completely naked. Sujata and I used to sleep in the same room, on two separate single beds.
One night, I woke up late in the night, and discovered that my sister was slowly masturbating. Quietly, I asked her if she’d teach me how to, so she called me to her bed, lay down next to me and showed me how to masturbate. As I felt the first buzz in my clitoris, Sujata asked me to slow down. She started playing with my breasts and seriously kissing me. I knew that this was lesbian sex and we were committing a sort of incest, but in all honesty, I was enjoying every moment.
From then on, we both sisters started having lesbian sex every night – kissing, kneading, sucking breasts, eating each other out, 69s, sleeping together naked, having baths together… This was when I discovered that my buttocks were far more sensitive to touch than my breasts. We were good students, and well-behaved, so our parents left us alone most of the time and didn’t interfere much in our daily routines.
Within two months of my ‘initiation’, our parents had to go out of town for a fortnight, leaving us three sexually ripe siblings behind in the house. Sujata was the eldest at 20, less plump, slightly dusky, and better looking than I was. She had beautiful big taut breasts. Our brother Shekhar was 19, 5’8”, 180 lbs, a muscular 44-34-38, and had a straight 7” cock. And I was a curious 15-year-old. In sharp contrast to my sister’s fair skin and my very fair complexion, and our plump soft figures, my brother has a very dark skin, almost like a Negroid complexion, and a taut, muscular build. It’s quite common in India for real brothers and sisters to have widely differing complexions.
The day after our parents left, as we lesbian sisters were making out in our bedroom, our brother Shekhar quietly pushed the unlocked door and walked in upon us!
Unseen by me, Sujata had left our bedroom door ajar. Stark-naked in Sujata’s single bed, we sisters were indulging in foreplay prior to a 69. My sister was sitting on top of me straddling my pelvis with her knees in my armpits, and we both sisters were playing with each other’s breasts when my brother walked in.
I was taken aback, but Sujata immediately put her hand on my mouth and calmed me, saying that she had in fact invited him to join us. My brother quietly walked up to our bed, wearing just his underwear with a big bulge in it, his dark muscular body looking very sexy.
I immediately got the picture – My sexy sister had already had sex with my brother, and now my brother too was going to have sex with me! Wonderful! I found that I was very horny, and was looking forward to losing my cherry as well as committing more incest! My brother stepped closer and calmly took out his cock, and without a word, my sister leaned across and started sucking him. I still remember my first sight of an erect penis – it was lovely, and I wanted to kiss it, suck it, play with it… It had suddenly dawned on me that that piece of male flesh would soon be entering into my vagina, and my sister had told me that its entry and movement inside me would give me a fantastic thrill.
It was obviously an uncomfortable posture for Sis, so she got down from the bed and kneeled in front of her younger brother to fellate him. Captivated by my plump youthful nakedness, my brother was cheeking out my naked body, and I was loving every moment of the desirous gaze of a horny man on my naked body for the first time in my life!
I wanted to display all my well-rounded feminine allure to my brother! So I got down from the bed, showing off my birthday suit to my brother. He inclined his head, obviously wanting to see my rear, so I turned around and presented my naked plump ass to my elder brother, looking eagerly over my shoulders to see his reaction. He exclaimed, “Wow, what a sexy ass, Saroj!” Sujata too added, “Yeah Shekhar, doesn’t she have a sexy ass? Come here, Saroj, watch me suck!”
Fascinated, I kneeled and watched the first live cock I had ever seen in my life. Sujata asked me to try sucking it too. Already very horny, I did just that, and sucked my elder brother rather clumsily with my elder sister Sujata guiding me.
My brother soon came in my mouth, and gleefully, I swirled his cum in my mouth and swallowed every drop. I truly loved my first taste of semen. And then my brother pulled me up and kissed me on my mouth like a lover. That was my first kiss with a man, and I loved French-kissing my elder brother back as he kneaded my sensitive, ample derrière, heaping praises on my ass! I remember I got goose bumps all over.
Then as Sujata guided us, we sisters did a 69 with me on top, as our darling brother took off his underwear, sat next to us on the bed and watched our lesbian act, kneading my broad upturned derrière as my elder sister ate me from below. After we sisters brought each other to strong climaxes, my brother put on a condom and fucked my sister in a missionary position as I closely witnessed live copulation for the first time. After having cum a second time, my brother deeply kissed both of us, promising to meet the next night, and left the room, as had been planned earlier between my naughty siblings.
As my sister and I talked excitedly, Sujata told me that she had deliberately left the door unlocked, then told me the whole story of how she came to have sex with her younger brother. Two days earlier, when Sujata was taking a shower, she had discovered that someone was peeping at her through a broken slat in the bathroom window, which was built rather oddly next to the bathroom door. There was no one in the house as I had gone to school and our parents had gone out for the day, but she had heard Shekhar return from college a few minutes ago. So she reasoned that it had to be her younger brother.
Knowing that there was a place next to the bathroom door where someone could hide, she was sure that Shekhar was hiding there waiting to see her step out freshly bathed, Sujata decided to titillate her younger brother further.
She dried herself and stepped out clad only in her bra and panties, with a towel wrapped round her head, looking very sexy (I had seen her in that state) and walked to her room, humming a tune and swaying her plump derrière as if she believed she was still alone in the house. She swore she distinctly smelled his aftershave as she came out of the bathroom – how small details give you away!
That night, after Sujata and I had sex, and I had gone off to sleep, she sneakily stepped out wearing just her panties, and tiptoed to her younger brother’s room. His door was half open, and she saw our brother sprawled naked in his chair, slowly masturbating with his hand. Sujata quietly stepped in with her, full, rounded tits on full stark-naked display, kneeled next to her younger brother, gently replaced his hand with hers, and started masturbating him, as he groped at her inviting breasts. In a little while, Sujata replaced her hand with her mouth. Shekhar came like an express train in his elder sister’s mouth, and she swallowed it all. My sister then stood up, motioning him to stay in the chair, and offer him her naked jutting boobs to suck, guiding one of his hands to her boobs and the other to her ass, as she took off her panties and played with his rapidly growing cock.
Soon brother Shekhar was erect again, and Sujata steered him to his bed, put a condom on him – which she had carried tucked in her panties – and happily fucked her own younger brother without a care in the world.
Sujata had lost her own virginity well before that to a boyfriend with whom she had broken up later, and Shekhar was not a virgin either, having been seduced by a young married teacher in college. And as my sister was getting it on with my brother, she let the cat out of the bag about our lesbian incest, and invited him to take my oral cherry the next night in our room…
So, the next evening after sucking my brother, I lost my virginity to my very own darling brother and enormously enjoyed my first fuck. I didn’t bleed at all, nor felt any pain, as I had torn my hymen long ago while learning how to ride a bicycle.
We three siblings continued having sex with each other and in a threesome for about a year. The three of us must have got shamelessness and incest in our genes: Sujata later told me she had once spied on our parents, who were with my mother’s elder brother – who happened to be my father’s old college buddy, and was the one who had initially introduced my mother to my father. The two men – her own elder brother and her husband – were sprawled on the sofa, both drinking and smoking, and watching my plump, religious, Sari-clad mother silently but very willingly do a slow dance and strip for them. Once completely naked, my mother happily sat in her own brother’s lap, kissed him and offered him her charms to paw all over, and then moved to sit on her brother’s cock. Brother and sister slowly fucked as my father stood besides them and mother sucked his cock.
Hearing this story, I made up my mind that I too would learn to dance erotically and emulate my mother. I was learning the sensuous Odissi dance, and behind closed doors, I started developing my amateurish striptease routines with my brother and sister watching and appraising me. However, none of us had the inclination or courage to try and seduce our otherwise strict parents.
Sujata and both my parents died in a road accident just after I arrived in Mumbai to join my new college, and Shekhar too got a job in the U.S. and migrated. I ended up inheriting my parents’ substantial assets, as Shekhar declined his share and gave everything to me, as he was making good money in the U.S. and had applied for permanent citizenship.
Ever since that bisexual beginning, I have relished sex with men, and equally enjoyed wallowing in breasts and vulvas and soft female flesh!

In our college days, unknown to each other, both Rajeev and I had lived in hostels for many years, and both had enjoyed long and happy homosexual relations with our hostel-mates on virtually every night of the study programme.
Rajeev went steady with a wonderful boy throughout, but I had fun with a good number of girls, almost always in groups. Unknown to each other, we both used to remain in the hostel with our gay partners through many vacations too, as sex in our teen years was obviously more fun than going home. Moreover, during vacations, sneaky wet sex in the common bathrooms was easily possible in the almost-empty hostels.
When others of our age were having adolescent romances and crushes, I, and Rajeev too, were already getting abundant healthy sex from wonderful gay mates – not promiscuous but constantly satisfying. Almost all the sex we got in our college days was homosexual. Everyone involved happened to be bisexual; and luckily, no one attached any emotional strings to sex. Sex was just there, to be enjoyed frequently with close friends, and thus neither of us learnt to connect sex with sentiments. Because of these unusual yet very similar beginnings, Rajeev has become a sexual genius, and I’m so open and comfortable with sex that some of my lovers say my sexual brain works more like a man’s, as I have none of an average woman’s demureness about sex. At any rate, I have never understood why many of us (Indian) women believe that being irrational, prudish, sentimental or childish is more feminine.
Pursuing our sex-lives in total secrecy in our hostels, we learnt all the tricks, methods and discipline to keep our rich bisexuality and our perversions secret and well-insulated from other people, yet enjoy ourselves to the hilt with careful planning and flawless execution. So, we have never had those pet Indian worries about “Somebody will see us!”, “What will people say?” Today we know exactly how to organise privacy without arousing suspicion, how to eliminate risks and quietly organise complex sex-sessions, and how to quickly clean up and clear up afterwards without leaving traces even for the domestic help. Individually and together, we have always systematically steered our variegated sex-lives clear of any snooping eyes, scandals, medical emergencies, emotional turmoil or any kind of legal trouble.

When I entered college, I was ragged (hazed) by a pair of attractive girls Sushma and Marlene from a hostel where I had applied for admission. I was called to their hostel room on the first Saturday evening, and I complied. Both girls were very fair-complexioned. Sushma, a year senior, with a big ass was quite pretty, with lovely green eyes, and Marlene, two years senior and the student secretary, had those sexy tomboyish good looks.
After asking me some general questions, they asked me asked if I was a virgin. I replied in negative. Sushma then asked me, “what if we asked you to strip?” and I said matter-of-factly, “I’ll do it!” They said quietly, “Okay slut, in that case, take off all your clothes!” I stripped without any hesitation. The girls had a good look at my naked body, and checked out my erect nipples and my shaved cunt with a week’s stubble.
Marlene gave me a large fresh banana and asked me to suck on it pretending it was a real penis. I did that rather nicely, she asked me to lick the insides of the peel as if it were a cunt. As I did that too quite dexterously without any hesitation, I could see a spark of lust in their eyes, and realised that I was in the company of lesbians and the situation was leading to a seduction. In other words, they detected my gay inclinations, and they too knew that I had caught on.
All the same, Marlene asked me rather gently if I had been into lesbian relationships. When I admitted my lesbian secret, they too confessed to their own lesbian relationship with surprising openness, and both spread out their arms, inviting naked me for some gay intimacies. Heavily turned on, I consented; and right away Marlene and Sushma were kissing me like lovers. I then anxiously asked them if I too could see them in the nude and I’d like to lick them off. The results were predictable!
So for the first time in my life, I was with not one but two lovely naked girls, and I was soon eagerly licking away. Marlene had a picture-perfect dark freshly-shaved cunt, and Sushma had a small, pink-lipped one between her plump thighs. She was freshly shaved too. And Sushma had a lovely, absolutely wrinkleless anus too – I always enjoyed tonguing it.
Three of us spent a glorious lesbian night together, and the duo invited me to be their roommate, and bed-mate too (each room had three beds, and their third roommate had just graduated). Sushma and Marlene later told me they had deliberately employed all sorts of subterfuges during ragging to discover another lesbian roommate. Marlene was the student-secretary of the hostel, and used that influence to get their room allotted to me.
The very next day, I was officially allotted that room, and was installed in that vacant bed. Since that first night, hardly any night passed without some sort of sex. Over the next three years of my lodging, whenever one among us graduated, the remaining two would again use similar tactics to find other lesbians.
During those hostel years, I shared my room and body with two more lesbians – Shamolie, when Marlene graduated, and Rema, when Sushma graduated. While hazing rather aristocratic Shamolie, who came from an ivy-league boarding school, we had asked her if there were lesbians in her dorms. She affirmed. We next asked her if she had had any lesbian experience, and she briefly narrated how a senior girl had made a pass on her, and pressured Shamolie to sleep with her.
To our question, Shamolie replied that the experience wasn’t bad – it at least relieved the exam stress. When Sushma asked her how she’d feel if we too forced her in the same way, Shamolie smiled and said tongue-in-cheek that that would surely make hostel life a bit less boring.
There was a moment of silence after that, and then Sushma said in a sultry voice, “Take off your clothes, Slut!” and Shamolie smiled, “I thought you’d never ask!” With that, three of us silently stripped and made love. We discovered that Shamolie was a well-experienced lesbian, and had slept with her school dorm warden too. Shamolie had a very mature-looking large cunt with thick inner labia.
Next year, Sushma had graduated, and Shamolie and I were hazing petite Rema. We had asked her to strip, lie on the third bed and masturbate in front of us. 17 year old Rema – from an educated but conventional south-Indian family – said she didn’t know how to. She wasn’t even sure if she had ever had an orgasm. That came as a bit of a shock to us. For all her innocence, she was unfazed, and almost asking us to teach her. So I sat next to her naked figure, and slowly started diddling her love-button. Rema had a very young-looking red-lipped cunt. As Shamolie and I watched her closely, she maintained eye contact with me all the time. Rema was having problems cumming, so I quietly started rubbing her nipples. Breathing heavily with her nostrils flaring, as I diddled her nipples, she came like an express train.
As she subsided, Rema unexpectedly pulled my head to her face and wet-kissed me to thank me, and I kissed her back passionately, slowly running my fingers on her labia. Rema was an innate lesbian, and later she told me she had a major secret crush on a senior schoolgirl, and was generally attracted to sexy girls. On my cue, Shamolie and I took off our clothes, and lay next to her, hugging and caressing her slowly. The horny girl now turned and kissed Shamolie, and soon climaxed again strongly. Needless to say, she came to our room to stay.
Shamolie and I spent quite a few wanton vacations together in the hostel. In the beginning of my final year in college, we accidentally discovered and teamed up with another lesbian threesome like us – Milisa from Yugoslavia, Rehana, and stunning Rati Saxena (She was dubbed Sexy Rati. Rati actually means copulation in Sanskrit – and she was true to her name. And I was nicknamed Nautch Girl for my penchant for erotic dancing.)
Milisa used to bring really hard-core porn-magazines from Europe – mostly lesbian stuff. She used to buy them in the porn shop at Frankfurt airport’s ground floor. She also had a very sturdy steel vibrator, which saw the insides of a lot of vaginas and even rectums, as it was always circulating, even among straight girls. In fact, we stumbled across this other lesbian group because of that vibrator.
During an otherwise dull vacation, Shamolie once went to borrow the vibrator from Milisa, and Milisa teasingly said, “You can have it for the night, but you’ll have to pay rent, whore!” When Shamolie asked how, Milisa said offhandedly, “You’ll have to suck my nipples!” To Milisa’s surprise, Shamolie simply said, “Okay, open your tits!” breasts readily agreed and soon the two were all over each other. The same evening, our trios met and we expanded our lesbian horizons.
I remember a time when all eight of us – Milisa, Rehana, Rati, Shamolie, Marlene, Sushma, Rema and I vacationed in January in Mahabaleshwar (a hill resort near Mumbai). We lived in an enormous 800 sq.foot room in an out-of-the-way, simple, old-fashioned guest-house. The room had a vast 200 sq.foot bathroom with a huge old bathtub, and the whole guest-house was virtually empty, as it was the off-season.
In January, Mahabaleshwar was freezing cold, but the place had an unlimited supply of running hot water and a real fireplace – a relic from the British Raj days. We eight girls had a non-stop three-day orgy with plenty of watery beer and some smoking, pube-shaving and a lot of fruit – bananas, grapes, strawberries, and even rough-skinned litchee fruits going into vaginas. Some fruit went into assholes too. The best way to keep warm and be naked for sex was to huddle together under the very large thick blankets the house provided, and make out. Milisa had brought a strap-on, an anal vibrator and a double-header in addition to her old vibrator, so we all enjoyed a lot of ‘penetrative’ sex too. Marlene was the most senior among us. She had migrated to Australia with her husband, where they had gotten into a swinging group and thus she had slept around with a lot of men, so she was the friend, philosopher and guide on copulation.

Rajeev’s Bisexual Beginnings
As a boy, Rajeev used to massage his fat mother daily from the age of 10 till the age of 14. As Rajeev’s father would be in town only for 3-4 days a month, his mother was obviously horny and lonely –as Rajeev realised much later – and was using massage to alleviate her horniness, as she was not the sort to sleep around or masturbate.
In the beginning, when Rajeev started giving leg, arm and back massages to his Mom, she’d be fully clothed in a Sari, petticoat, blouse, bra and panties. By the third or fourth session, she’d take off her Sari during the massage sessions, as it was getting stained with the massage oil. Within a few days, she started taking her blouse off, and would soon leave out her petticoat as well. Within a month, his Mom would even take her bra off to get her huge tits, chest and back massaged unobstructed by her pre-pubescent son, explaining that she had breast fed Rajeev for almost four years, so she didn’t mind being topless in front of her son. She’d only be wearing large cotton panties for her massage, and would even ask her son to put his hands inside the seat and get her sphere-like buttocks massaged. Rajeev says that as a boy he clearly remembers secretly seeing his mother bare-ass naked, shaved vulva and all. His father never knew any of this.
His mother suddenly stopped the massage sessions when Rajeev started getting hard-ons at the age of 14 and clumsily tried to make sexual advances on his mother. After that, horny Rajeev discovered that the smell, and then the taste of his own urine turned him on, and he was soon drinking and bathing in his own urine everyday while taking a shower, as he masturbated. This later bloomed into a full-fledged urine-love, of which I too have become a merry devotee!

Rajeev was introduced to homosexuality (mutual masturbation) at 14 by his same-age nephew Hemant, his cousin sister’s son. Hemant stayed next door, and was alone in the house for a few days due to some reason (it was arranged that he came to Rajeev’s house for food). One evening, both the boys were studying on a big desk in Hemant’s house, sitting side-by side on two armless chairs. Rajeev on the right was wearing a pyjama and Hemant was in rather tight half-pants. Gradually, Rajeev realised that Hemant was slowly sneaking his left hand onto his thigh, then into his pyjama crotch and was softly curling his fingers around his cock. Instinctively, Rajeev’s cock started growing, filling Hemant’s fingers. Excited Rajeev now sneaked his own hand onto Hemant’s smooth thigh, and slowly explored the contours of Hemant’s erection through his half-pants.
After a while of this ‘innocent’ adventure, Hemant slowly but surely tightened his grip on Rajeev’s cock. Now both boys knew the score, but were too diffident to move from the surreptitious to the open – throughout this episode, both boys avoided eye contact or speech. They just kept ‘reading’ the book in front of them with a dry throat and racing pulse.
With his left hand, Hemant now opened the waist-string of Rajeev’s pyjama bottoms, and put his hand inside the leg of his underwear, again grabbing Rajeev’s bare cock. Now Rajeev too got a bit bold and opened the buttons on Hemant’s fly one by one. Hemant even lifted his butt from the chair surreptitiously to let Rajeev get some room inside his knickers so he too could put his hand inside Hemant’s underwear. Both boys just held each other’s cocks, just squeezing from time to time.
Hemant now put his right hand into Rajeev’s open pyjamas from behind, and sneaked his fingers into his butt-cleft, slowly tickling him there and inching his way down. Rajeev too emulated Hemant and both boys had both hands exploring each other’s privates. Surprisingly, none of them ejaculated, and had to stop when Rajeev’s mom knocked on the door to call them to dinner.
Hemant again took the lead at the next opportunity, and they got to being naked from waist down while playing with each other the same way as the first time. The next day, Rajeev was looking for something in his wardrobe, when Hemant crowded into him from behind, pressing his erection into Rajeev’s butt cleavage. Rajeev enjoyed the feelings, and when they were alone that afternoon in Rajeev’s house, Rajeev quietly invited Hemant for a mutual masturbation session, but inexplicably, Hemant refused. After that, the two never got intimate, as no opportunity came their way again.

Rajeev, extremely horny from that first initiation, then tried to seduce one of his schoolmates Deepak, a fair-skinned hairless twink. Rajeev sweet-talked Deepak into sharing a study table in Deepak’s house, and tried the same caper of sneaking his hand into Deepak’s crotch and softly caressing his cock. Within minutes of that, Deepak too grabbed Rajeev’s cock straightaway, and suggested they go up on the terrace upstairs. Once there, Deepak asked Rajeev to drop his pants, followed suit, and crowded his bare erection into Rajeev’s naked butt-cleavage. Holding Rajeev’s cock, Deepak gave a few fuck moves and orgasmed. Next, Deepak proffered Rajeev his exquisite girlish ass, and guided him to try and fuck his ass. The impetuous boys tried sodomy without lubrication the first time, without success.
Next afternoon found both boys alone in Rajeev’s house, where Deepak again thigh-fucked Rajeev from behind and came, then guided Rajeev to lubricate his bare cock and Deepak’s virgin asshole with coconut oil. With his perfect butt-plug shape, Rajeev entered Deepak’s soft bowels to the hilt without any effort or pain, and the boys enjoyed a long leisurely sodomy session – the first of their many. Deepak enjoyed having his ass filled so much that from then on, he was visiting Rajeev’s house practically every afternoon – when they’d be alone for about three hours – and getting his ass sodomised. Their favourite was Deepak sitting on supine Rajeev’s cock, then lying back; and Rajeev sitting up with his cock still deep inside Deepak’s ass, and him masturbating Deepak’s big cock off. Their affair came to an end when Rajeev got into IIT, and moved to his hostel in Mumbai.

Rajeev had his first woman at 16. Once, when he returned from a cadet and trekking camp after a week without a bath, his real Bhabhi (sister-in-law, specifically elder brother’s wife) Manju (6 years older) was alone in the house, and horny – as Rajeev’s brother was working in a place 400 miles away – and she volunteered to scrub and bathe him. She took Rajeev into the bathroom and locked the door, then asked Rajeev to strip, generally bemoaning about how filthy he had gotten. Manju took off her Sari and gave Rajeev a thorough scrub.
When Manju was done scrubbing, naked Rajeev had a big hard-on – she hadn’t touched his cock so far, and had asked him to clean it himself. He quietly turned the shower on and Manju, still clad in a petticoat and blouse, got drenched, and pretended to be annoyed when Rajeev – turned on by the sight of her wet cleavage – asked to see her young, full breasts. She gave in before long, and opened her wet blouse and brassieres. Rajeev almost came when she saw Manju Bhabhi’s lovely boobs. She asked him to keep his cool, and invited him to suck her nipples. Now she got horny, asked Rajeev to strip her completely, put one foot up on a towel rail, and guided him kneel in front of her and lick her cunt. After a while, Manju instructed young Rajeev to get behind her, kiss and nuzzle her big spongy buttocks, spread her butt-cheeks and tongue her anus, and climaxed as she diddled her love-button from front.
Rajeev tells me that fair-skinned Manju Bhabhi had a soft 36D-28-44, 5’2”, 160 lbs. figure at that point in time, and had an absolutely splendid peaches-and-cream complexion and a big wobbly baby-soft derrière.
During their next bathroom encounter the next day, she taught him to shave her vulva. However, Manju never let Rajeev go beyond oral sex. On every occasion, Rajeev would masturbate and cum at the same time as her. And Rajeev never told her about his massage sessions with his mother, Manju’s mother-in-law. Rajeev’s sister-in-law Manju is still a very sexy ripened woman. Rajeev and Manju Bhabhi have no sexual relationship now.

When Rajeev moved to his college hostel in Mumbai in ‘69, he was attracted to a very pretty boy Gautam. Rajeev says it were young Gautam’s lovely lips and fair hairless complexion that first caught his eye. He was attracted to Gautam’s ‘feminine’ beauty, and looked for ways to seduce him.
The two boys would go daily for long late-night walks in that sprawling campus, basically to avoid hazing. Rajeev finally decided on a direct approach to seduce Gautam. During one of their walks, Rajeev gingerly told Gautam that he had very beautiful lips and he wanted to kiss him. To his delight, Gautam eagerly agreed and the two had a date!
That night at midnight, Gautam quietly came to Rajeev’s dimly lit room, and the two sat next to each other on the bed and smooched as if there was no tomorrow! Their maiden kiss went on for an hour, and by the time their fervent kissing ended, the boys were intensely in love for life.
Next night, they kissed more and furtively explored each other’s bodies, as they read some cheap pornography together. Before long, they narrated their own past gay adventures, and both confessed they were so glad they discovered each other’s homosexuality within a month of starting their 7-year long hostel sojourn. Gautam had studied in a public school in Pune (a big city near Mumbai), where homosexuality was rampant in the dormitories and open shower-stalls, and good-looking Gautam had been a hot favourite among the adolescent boys, getting kisses, bottom-pinches and strokes in the common shower stalls, in the dorm beds and behind bushes.
Before their second night together was over, the two gay boys were naked with each other in bed, excitedly embracing and kissing as their steely adolescent erections rubbed against each other. The very next afternoon, Rajeev sucked Gautam’s cock and drank his cum – a first for both boys. They soon went beyond mere smooching, and from then on, the two boys would sneak into each other’s rooms at every opportunity, quietly lock the door from inside and have hot, leisurely sex – at times more than once a day.
On a weekend when the hostel was quite deserted, Rajeev – who had had his first taste of hetero sex in a bathroom with his sister-in-law – suggested to Gautam that they sneak into the hostel bathroom one after the other. Soon they were in together, and enjoyed the first of their thousands of erotic baths together.
Right after they had had taken their second shower together and rinsed the soap off, Gautam said he needed to take a leak, and impulsively, Rajeev asked him to piss in his mouth. Again, to his delight, fascinated Gautam readily complied and Rajeev drank every drop! That was the first time Rajeev drank another person’s urine.
Next day was weekend, and everyone on their floor went away for the weekend. So the boys got unexpected privacy, and in the deserted washroom, Rajeev sprawled naked on the floor, invited Gautam to piss standing up directly into his mouth, and drank every drop. Gautam just loved that moment, and he still remembers it! From then on, urine-drinking became a part of their gay repertoire – with Rajeev doing most of the consuming.
The very next semester, the gay boys moved into adjacent rooms, and managed to remain in adjacent rooms throughout their remaining 6½-year-long hostel sojourn. The one-bed hostel rooms were constructed in pairs and divided by a 7-foot high partition. The boys could climb over it quite easily to get into each other’s rooms, and beds.
Very early, the boys got into the habit of prolonging their lovemaking and delaying their ejaculations as much as they could – even by a couple of hours. Even today, Rajeev and Gautam can go on with heavy foreplay for long hours.
Rajeev and Gautam remained ‘faithful’ to each other throughout their seven years of hostel life – doing their Bachelor’s and Master’s together with enjoying hot sex every day. And just the way I did, they too avoided going home during vacations, joining some or the other vacation activity, and spending hours and hours together in bed, and in the bathroom.
Rajeev says that right from the beginning, Gautam and he were as emotionally close as a real husband-and-wife, and the sex between them was always leisurely and satisfying, and always very creative and erotic! Their favourite way to cum together was their own brand of thigh-fuck, and mutual deep-throating. Their thigh-fucking style was something unique – Gautam would tuck his semi-hard cock between his soft thighs, and cup his right palm over his cock, pressing it down as his fingers massaged his cock-head. Then Rajeev would lie on top of him and insert his cock in the lubricated fold between Gautam’s left leg and his cock shaft, and fucking it as one would copulate in a cunt, as Gautam masturbated by moving the fingers of his right hand over his glans, just as a woman would diddle her clitoris. I have seen them doing it: Gautam masturbates just the way I do – just like a female!
Rajeev and Gautam loved smooching and indulged in long, unhurried, lustful kisses. Often their ardent lips would be locked together for hours as they leisurely thigh-fucked and climaxed – often right after drinking each other’s hot pisses, enjoying their urine-flavoured French-kisses; each taking turns swabbing other’s pissy mouth with his tongue. Throughout their years together, Rajeev sort of played a gentleman ‘husband’ and Gautam a highly-sexed ‘wife’! Rajeev and Gautam were always very careful never to give even a slightest hint of their gay relationship in public. Also, Rajeev absolutely never imposed himself sexually on Gautam, except the very first time when he asked Gautam for a kiss. From then on, Gautam’s libido was ignited, and he always took the sexual initiative – not that Rajeev was complaining! The gay lovers soon settled in a cosy routine. Gautam and Rajeev also got into erotic massaging within their first ‘honeymoon’ month together.
Once, during their second semester, Gautam had returned to his room after a bath, with only a towel round his waist, and had bent over his table reading something, when Rajeev in his pyjamas stepped in, and was immediately turned on by the titillating sight of Gautam’s towel-clad full buttocks. Rather contrary to his gentlemanly character, Rajeev quietly latched the door and stepped behind Gautam, crowding his hardness into Gautam’s butt-cleavage.
Gautam was so delighted with this unexpected curtain raiser (literally so, just minutes later) from normally very correct Rajeev that he quickly pulled off his own towel, reached behind and undid the string of Rajeev’s pyjamas. Rajeev was not wearing anything underneath, so his bare cock met Gautam’s buttock-flesh; and sexual sparks flew between the two randy boys! Gautam invited Rajeev to enter him from behind, and Rajeev did just that. The boys enjoyed their first sodomy, but Gautam passed some blood next day, so the boys decided to keep off anal sex from then on.
Soon, Rajeev and Gautam started developing various incestuous fantasies together – sex with mothers, sisters, sister-in-laws, the boys marrying each other’s sisters (imaginary – Gautam didn’t have a sister) and swapping wives, them marrying two incestuous sisters…
On his own initiative, Gautam ventured into body shaving his pubes with razors and cross-dressing. Roaming the city’s markets along with Rajeev, Gautam started buying brassieres, panties, lipsticks, costume jewellery, etc. and built up a small collection, which he kept carefully locked.

After finishing their Bachelors and Masters’ courses in ‘76, Rajeev and Gautam got good jobs in Mumbai and shared a rented apartment for two years, where they continued their sex-life. With increased privacy and their fat salaries in hand, Gautam enhanced his secret feminine wardrobe and cosmetics cache, and cultivated his transvestism further. Fancy lingerie, nighties, stilettos, petticoats and Saris were added, and Gautam discovered the convenience and allure of hair-removing creams. With a comfortable lifestyle and good food, Gautam also put on a good amount of weight. His figure in the nude – waist, hips, buttocks, legs, arms, and especially his breasts – became extremely feminine. And since the boys couldn’t find proper falsies – they weren’t available in those days in India – creative Gautam invented his own technique. He’d dexterously arrange right-sized water-filled balloons into his D-cup brassieres as falsies – set properly with the right bra, they do produce spectacular heavy boobs – and his fair, hairless cleavage would look absolutely stunning, as Rajeev recollects.
Gautam used to reach home from work almost two hours before Rajeev. So he’d often get into elaborate feminine attire (often Saris) and transform into ‘Sheena’ (a feminine name he gave to his effeminised persona) to ‘welcome his husband home’! On many an evening, Gautam would wear make-up, sexy lingerie, those special falsies, feminine footwear, etc., and make out with Rajeev. On weekends, their well-planned gay love sessions would start at 6 pm and go on till next morning, ending in shared showers.
Once, Gautam had gone to his home town, and on the last day of his stay, he had discovered a bottle of ‘Anne-French’ depilating cream, and a used pair of fancy black lace panties and brassieres in Manju Bhabhi’s bathroom. He tried out the hair removing cream on his thighs and stole the lingerie – this was the sexiest lingerie he had come across till then. He was so thrilled with the feminine smoothness the cream produced, that he bought two bottles before boarding the train to Mumbai.
Gautam shaved his face and removed all his body hair in the toilet of the overnight train, and wore the bra and panties inside his bulky travelling clothes. This was the first time Gautam had removed all his body hair, and he was extremely thrilled with the smooth results.
So, the journey ended with lovers meeting – early on a Sunday morning, Gautam arrived at the flat he shared with Rajeev. They boys were meeting after a month, so they first smooched for a long time. Rajeev remembers he was in his pyjamas, without any underwear – he had taken to sleeping that way after he and Gautam moved into that apartment – and was sporting a rampant erection.
Gautam finally broke the kiss, motioned Rajeev to sit on the bed, and slowly undressed in front of him. He kept his long full-sleeved shirt for the last, but before he took that off, Rajeev suddenly saw that Gautam’s legs were absolutely hairless, and they were now looking utterly, adorably feminine! Gautam – Sheena – then opened his crumpled front-buttoned shirt, and revealed his fair, hairless, smooth body in black lace bra and panties, telling Rajeev he had stolen the lacy lingerie from Manju Bhabhi. Rajeev had once met Manju socially, and found her very sexy. Rajeev was extremely excited. He lay on the floor and asked Gautam to stand over him and piss through the panties directly into his mouth, as he caressed Gautam’s feminised legs and masturbated.
Another time, when Rajeev returned to their apartment, he found Gautam in a sexy large black bra with heavy falsies and heavily ruffle-pleated pink village-belle petticoat, tantalisingly bent over the kitchen sink, jutting out his plump petticoat-clad ass. Gautam winked at Rajeev over his shoulder from his heavily made-up eyes, blowing him a kiss from his lipsticked red lips. Otherwise so gentlemanlike, Rajeev got so excited that he immediately kneeled behind Gautam and lifted his ruffled petticoat, baring his large feminine ass. Rajeev worshipped, smooched, nuzzled and licked those alluring plump buttocks, and tongued Gautam’s hairless asshole. He then took off all his clothes right there in the kitchen, and started thigh-fucking Gautam from behind with his raging phallus. From the front, randy Gautam tucked his hard cock between his soft thighs right under Rajeev’s thrusting cock, thus trapping it between his crotch and his scrotum, and matched him thrust for thrust with his big soft hairless womanly ass. Anticipating this kind of fleshly sex, Gautam had already lubricated his crotch just before Rajeev arrived!
Rajeev says even today, that the spectacle of plump and depilated Gautam in that full-bosomed black bra and ruffled pink petticoat, bent over the kitchen sink in an obvious sexual come-on was one of the most erotic sights he had seen in real life till then. He adds that when he lifted Gautam’s petticoat, his dangling balls looked so raunchy between his smooth womanly thighs and wide creamy-smooth fat derrière, framed by the lewdly lifted ruffled pink petticoat – so very kinky!

A year later, fate intervened and Gautam met and fell in love with a dusky female college teacher Radha. They soon got married in ‘78 and Gautam moved out of Rajeev’s place. On Gautam’s request, Rajeev and Gautam completely stopped their gay affair when Gautam got married; as Gautam said he couldn’t manage ‘sailing in two boats’. However, on Gautam’s wedding eve, these two gay lovers did spend a wanton night of kinky sex together ‘for one last time’.
Despite that ‘separation’, Rajeev and Gautam have remained best friends, and have often worked together professionally too, but they are such gentlemen that they never again brought up the topic of their gay affair between them, until we stepped out as a bisexual swinging couple, and Rajeev invited Gautam, by then a lonely divorcee, into our bed. Gautam’s childless marriage with his nagging wife was never great, and they had got to the point of zero sex when they got divorced, a few months before he came to our bed. He had lost his parents soon after he graduated, and he does not have any siblings.
Sexually separated from Gautam, bachelor Rajeev took to visiting strip joints. In those days, there were quite a few in Mumbai. Now the law and the police have put a stop to them right across the country. Rajeev was also left with the whole of Gautam’s wardrobe, so he himself started indulging in cross-dressing. He then discovered India’s first adult contact magazine, ‘The Bombayite’, and started replying its ads, and giving ads for himself too, looking for mates. Over the next two years, Rajeev found several gay / bi men, a few drag queens, and a few women too, mostly freelancing prostitutes.
Rajeev was sleeping with his new mates either in his apartment or in various hotels, and invariably drinking everyone’s piss too! This was the time when he got to taste a woman’s urine. This kink of his was almost unique, and none of his blind dates – male as well as female – had ever pissed into anyone’s mouth. Though a few had read about Golden Showers, and some had heard of some kinky guys asking prostitutes to piss on their cocks, most had not even realised that pissing on someone or into someone’s mouth could be a form of sexual pleasure for them.
More about Rajeev’s early mates later!

“Saroj, Meet Rajeev”
Right after I finished my post-graduation in ‘78, I got a good job as a management trainee and moved into a tiny studio apartment in Mumbai with Shamolie. I was alone in a metropolis without any close relatives in India, and Shamolie and I were doing a fair bit of sleeping around, and sleeping together as well. In my spare time, I worked on my striptease – now called exotic dancing – routines in my spare time.
A few times, some of my boyfriends referred me to their business acquaintances; usually to guys they wanted to do some favours to. Wanting to play and experience the role of a prostitute, I’d quietly go to hotels and spend nights with these strangers quite casually, posing as a ‘stripper-hooker’ and making good money on the side.
Once, I danced and stripped for a bunch of four elderly guys in a hotel suite, then sucked and fucked each one in the bedroom one by one. They remarked that I was a real good fuck and had a very sexy big ass! As I fucked, I wanted the other three to watch, or take on two at a time, but they’d only fuck me one at a time in privacy. However, I must say the four really kept me busy throughout the night. In the morning, instead of checking out, the four extended the room booking for one more night. I slept like a log throughout the day in the hotel room, and the quartet came back for more in the evening. I felt very proud and desirable.
Six months before I met Rajeev, he had given a unique classified ad in ‘The Bombayite’, seeking a sexually outgoing girl for an open marriage and a swinging-swapping lifestyle. At that time, all ‘liberated’ Indian men would seek sexually liberated women to sleep with, but certainly not to marry! Free Love was merely a novelty to be discussed in clubs and living rooms, and to be practiced with other people’s wives.
Rajeev didn’t get any replies to that particular advertisement for almost six months, and then I was the only one who replied. Throwing prudence to the winds, I had openly written about my body and my sexuality, quite contrary to the social mores of those times. I had openly admitted being an exhibitionist by nature, having played a stripper and hooker too, and by then having had sex with more than a dozen men, though I had kept mum about my incestuous beginnings and my bisexuality.
A week after mailing that letter to an unnamed box number at the magazine, containing one of my half-naked dancing pictures taken by a friend, I met Rajeev for the first time at a large official lunch in early ‘79.
When I met Rajeev for the first time that day, I didn’t know that it was his ad I had replied, and I realised later that he too didn’t know that I had replied his ad, as my letter had not reached him by then! In the lunch party, I had noticed that a nice intelligent-looking guy was repeatedly sneaking interested looks at my large bottom.
Then, someone introduced me to this guy during a lull, “Saroj, meet Rajeev!” and passed on. We were soon chatting like friends, and I was aware that I was getting turned on by this man Rajeev. As we made conversation over the insipid banquet, there were definite sexual vibes between us. I again caught him a couple of times sneaking quick looks at my wide hips. The lunch was over too soon for us, and we promised to meet soon, exchanged telephone numbers and went to our respective homes.
Then fate intervened when Rajeev returned to his place after that lunch, and found the envelope containing my reply to his ad. He saw my sexy picture and immediately realised that he had just met me.
Rajeev immediately called me up, “Hi Saroj, this is Rajeev – we met at lunch today! I wanted to tell you that I’m absolutely thrilled! Can you guess why? I just got your reply to my ad seeking a life-partner in an open marriage in ‘The Bombayite’, and yours is the only reply I ever received! You are my dream-girl, and I’m so glad I met you in person already!” I went berserk with confusion and excitement! He added that though his ad didn’t say so, he simply adored plump women with big bottoms, and had always secretly wished that he’d get a wife who was a striptease artist (exotic dancer, in today’s language), and that he had loved my picture!
Rajeev asked me for a date that evening, asking if he could see me dance for him that evening in a hotel suite he’d book. I of course agreed, and he asked me to bring along my sexiest dancing costume, and get stuff to do a glitzy makeup. He also requested me very politely if I’d mind being freshly shaved. I laughed and replied that a shave was due in any case, and I’d be freshly shaved for him.
This was so much like a call-girl fixing a rendezvous with a customer! I had dreamed of this, that I’d find a husband in a customer, and so he’d be aware – and happily accept – that I was such a wanton slut. But this was even better – here was this charismatic graduate from India’s most prestigious college, genuinely looking for a swinging wife, interested in my heavy figure, my erotic dancing, and my sluttish nature, and asking me to be clean-shaven for our very first date, taking for granted that I’d be showing him my shaven genitalia! I do have a big, well-defined, earth-mother cunt, and the exhibitionist in me was thrilled! Even if he didn’t marry me, I’d at least have a real good time, may be an affair, with this guy!
I had only two striptease artist’s outfits, and the choice was obvious – a tiny red string bikini, covered by large black gold-embroidered set of bra-n-panties, black 5” stilettos, and a transparent red Ghaghra (a ruffled maxi-skirt) with side-slits right up to the waist, and a Chunni (large scarf) of the same material.
With a flutter in my heart, and my cunt all wet, I met Rajeev again that day for an early light dinner at a swank restaurant. He told me all about himself over dinner as I listened with rapt attention. After the dinner, he took me to the lovely hotel suite he had booked. My heart skipped a beat when I realised that this was the very same suite where I had fucked four men for two nights as a prostitute. Should I tell Rajeev – I was thinking. With all this excitement, my cunt was a molten mush by then!
The moment we were alone in the hotel suite, Rajeev had smooched me beautifully, gently kneading my big sensitive buttocks, and giving me compliments after compliments on my big fat derrière. Again and again he said that I was an Apsara from the Heavens (a mythological dancing girl, said to be the most gorgeous of all), and kept repeating that I should always be proud of my large womanly derrière!
Finally, I broke away and set up some stripping music on a small portable personal stereo I had carried. Taking the plunge, I told Rajeev about having played a stripper-hooker in that very suite to four guys.
Rajeev embraced and kissed me hard, and told me that not only he didn’t have any qualms about his wife having played a call-girl, but also in his mind, a well-educated, well-off girl like me playing a stripper-prostitute by herself showed a sexual self-assurance and boldness he’d love his wife to have.
Relieved, I thanked him and asked for his leave to change into my costume. Rajeev asked very politely if I’d mind finding him naked when I made my entrance into the sitting room as a stripper. In my dreams, I had always imagined how it would feel to make a stripper’s appearance in front of a naked man, and here my dream was cumming true. Both of us were such delightful perverts, literally made for each other. I knew now for sure that Rajeev was going to marry me.
Feeling really randy, I shut myself in the bedroom of the suite and excitedly changed into my stripper’s costume, and quickly did a jazzy makeover too. It was just like the times when I had dressed up for a dance routine for my ‘customers’ in hotel rooms.
Soon, I made an undulating appearance to muted, sexy music into a brightly lit room. My shaved cunt was pulsating the moment I saw Rajeev naked and lying on the carpet. Before long, I took off all my clothes, standing above my prospective life-partner and making a brazen, titillating exhibition of all my stark-naked assets, as he lay naked on the floor and nursed his lovely erection.
When my spirited striptease was over, Rajeev sat up, turned me around and asked me to bend over and stick my derrière out. I felt so wanton doing that – no one had ever asked me to do that! Darling Rajeev pulled my asscheeks apart and started lustily lapping my whole bottom cleft, passionately tonguing my anal lips, all the while mumbling gratitude for my splendid performance, and deftly putting on a condom!
That was the very first time that anyone had tongue-fucked my asshole. In a sexual ecstasy, I just squatted down without turning around, and impaled my liquefied cunt on my suitor’s cock, with my broadened derrière right in front of his eyes! As I fucked Rajeev and tumbled from one orgasm to another, I encouraged Rajeev to call me a whore openly. He laughingly christened me his most favourite whore!
I had never believed I’d fall in love so easily with anyone, but I just did! In fact, for me, it literally was ‘love at first sight’! I had slept around, and so had he, but we clicked so well on our first date itself! After our first lusty fuck was over, Rajeev asked me to squat over his face so he could clean me out with his tongue. I did as he asked, and leaned forward to suck him for the first time and clean him with my mouth. Up close, I found Rajeev’s penis very sexy, and remember thinking proudly that this cock was now mine!
As he laved my cunt with his big tongue, Rajeev remarked, “Saroj, I want you to know how honoured I’m feeling licking your Sex (he said he’ll always call my cunt as my Sex, with a capital, and I adopted that christening from then on!). I feel great knowing that you have actually been a whore, and men have paid you – my sex goddess – handsome amounts to enter your temple of Sex! Your Sex has had power over these men! I want you to know that I have always fantasised about having sex with a real whore and then marrying her and entering that temple everyday to pay my respects!” I felt so thrilled and amused that I almost peed – little knowing that it would have been an instant hit with my darling piss-loving pervert of a husband!
That whole night, we just fucked slowly and also seriously talked about marrying each other. Rajeev fucked me doggy-style twice, and just couldn’t have enough of my fat ass!
He kept on heaping compliments on my big fat ass, and kept on saying that it had been his perpetual dream to have a plump stripteaser with big shapely derrière as his wife, with whom he could swing in an open marriage. I was so thrilled! It was as if Rajeev had already made up his mind to marry me – he confessed later that he had made up his mind when he read my letter and saw my picture, right after meeting me socially. After our first fuck, though neither of us had proposed marriage, it was a foregone conclusion that we would be marrying each other.
In my letter to Rajeev’s box number, I had written quite a bit about myself; and over dinner, Rajeev too had told me all about himself. We both had outlined our ideal spouse to each other, and discovered that we both had found our ideals in each other! I had wanted a husband, whom I could truly love with all my heart, but we both could swing-n-swap freely with full openness, consent, and knowledge. I told him I liked group sex, and was keen to explore various kinks I had read about in books.
I conveyed to Rajeev that I was quite clear in my mind that love and sex were two different emotions. Rajeev had identical thoughts about love and sex, said that he sincerely believed in swinging and extramarital sex, also with full openness, consent, and knowledge.
During our first night together, we resolved that though we would surely swing, we would never force any partner on the spouse, or use the spouse as a sex object, or use the spouse sexually to further one’s own interests, or ever be possessive about the spouse. In short, though now our hearts belonged to each other forever, we would openly share our bodies with others with the spouse’s full and permanent consent, open endorsement, even positive encouragement. We would of course swing as a couple, but we also resolved to always keep the spouse fully in the picture about all extramarital sex we would indulge in singly in the spouse’s absence, with or even without the spouse’s prior endorsement.
Here I requested Rajeev to always vet the men who would have sex with me, as I didn’t ever want to get into any unpleasant situation with any man, and he agreed. We resolved that we would take every care to not to make pregnant or get pregnant from any extramarital partner. We also resolved that we would never get into, or get the spouse into a sexual situation where even a single person was not a consenting adult, and not a wholehearted, eager participant. We shook hands on all our promises, and kissed for eternity, sealing our resolutions.
Then, before ordering breakfast, Rajeev said rather cryptically that he had some unfinished business to wrap up – he first needed to break up his existing engagement, and then would formally propose to me.
I was dazed for a moment, but Rajeev patiently explained that since he didn’t get any response from his unique ad in ‘The Bombayite’ for many months, he had had given up hopes of finding anyone through that avenue. So he had advertised in conventional media like the matrimonial columns of our national dailies. Through his ads there, he had met and got engaged to a stunning beauty named Shobhna, two years older than Rajeev. I met her the very next day with Rajeev.
Some years ago, Shobhna had been crowned Miss Hyderabad, and had moved up to the semi-finals in the Miss India contest, but had lost in the swimsuit round. In those days, they had city-wise participants in the Miss India pageant. Shobhna was a dusky slender long-legged 5’8” sensation, with a model-like figure, face and walk, and a very charming well-bred elegance. She had dainty 34A breasts and a voluptuous yet perfectly-proportioned 42” bottom on a 22” waist, a very feminine 2” gap between her upper thighs, and touching knees (The willowy 32-22-34 figure in Miss India contests is a more recent phenomenon).
Rajeev was especially attracted to Shobhna’s luscious inverted wine-glass ass, but he sincerely said mine was more perfect in his eyes. Rajeev frankly told me that he was not very happy about his engagement to Shobhna, as despite her sexy social style, and her full alluring ass, Shobhna was a really uptight Queen Victoria. This leggy beauty-pageant didn’t mind showing her bare legs to thousands of participants, but wouldn’t undress in front of Rajeev even after three weeks of their engagement! Although among educated upper-middle classes in metropolitan India, dating and sex before marriage – often non-penetrative –was fairly common in those days, Rajeev found Shobhna very unresponsive whenever he tried to kiss her or indulge in some petting. Just one day before I first slept with Rajeev, Shobhna had rebuked him for trying to remove her panties to kiss her voluptuous ass cheeks, so he had already made up his mind to dump her. And then he got my letter and photo right after meeting me, and decided to meet me and propose to me!
Before I could react, Rajeev simply called Miss Shobhna from the hotel room, and plainly told her that their engagement was over! Shobhna was stunned. She called him a bastard, and banged the phone down. I wanted to buy a ring for Rajeev, and we both went to shop for it.
Rajeev again called Shobhna and told her to come to the coffee shop of the hotel to take back the engagement rings. Rajeev took me along to meet Shobhna, who arrived late (as usual – Rajeev told me) in the deserted coffee shop. The miffed beauty surmised that I was his new fiancée, though Rajeev had simply introduced me as his friend Saroj, and I wasn’t coddling up to Rajeev at all. She was quite disdainful to me. Rajeev put that very ring on my finger right there in front of her, and he deeply kissed me on the mouth, squeezing my ass. Miss Stuffed Skirt’s jaw dropped, and the prude called me a whore under her breath, but I knew I had no competition in that beauty-pageant dropout. As she got up to leave, she swung her hand to slap Rajeev, but he was too quick for her, and blocked her hand. In the process, she hurt her wrist, and walked off in a huff.
Compared to hoity-toity Miss Hyderabad, I had an ordinary face and a heavy-boned, opulent 36-30-44 figure – clearly unfit for the ramp, and I behaved like a slut in private. After Shobhna left, Rajeev said that his wife having a sexually extrovert nature was far more important to him than her looks, figure or style.
Rajeev always says that, looking back, he has certainly not made a wrong choice. Nor have I! He says it was not love on the rebound, and I do believe him. My sexy husband always claims I saved him from disaster, and I still tease him about Shobhna, but he seriously insists that he has been much better off with me, as Miss Graciousness’s sexuality would have never matched his own!
On the very next day, Rajeev gave me a wonderful book to read – “Open Marriage” by Nena and George O’Neill. I read it with/ him in bed in the next two days.
After our engagement, we dated every evening and had sex virtually every night in Rajeev’s apartment where he lived alone, and we got married within a month of meeting each other. We stopped having sex only for two nights before our marriage. We fell (and still are) deeply in love with each other. And in keeping with our desires to have an open marriage, we started fantasizing about having outsiders in bed with us after marriage. Within two years, we made that a reality. We waited that long because I got pregnant with our son A` during our honeymoon itself, plus we were busy setting up our home.

Saroj Weds Rajeev:
Both Rajeev’s and my family strongly disapproved of our super-quick self-appointed engagement, and being young, financially independent and rather reckless, we decided not to invite anyone from our disapproving relatives for the wedding. Only my real brother Shekhar – who had taken my oral and genital virginity – endorsed. We invited him for the wedding and he agreed to fly in from the U.S. for just two days.
Our wedding was an elaborate Hindu affair. As none of our relatives (except my brother Shekhar) attended the wedding, we just invited our close friends as guests, so most of the guests were of our age.
Two nights before my wedding, late in the night, I went to the Mumbai airport to receive my brother. I accompanied my brother to his hotel room, and spent the night in his bed, reviving our old sibling incest. Having flown from the U.S., my brother was absolutely primed and fresh at 1 a.m. in India due to jet lag.
My biological brother and I had a bath together, and sucked and fucked the whole night like rabbits, using up four condoms, as we were not sure when (or if ever) we would get another chance to enjoy incestuous sex together. I told him about how I met Rajeev and about the excellent sex that I had been enjoying with him since our engagement. I told my brother that though ours was going to be an open marriage, I still couldn’t bring myself to tell my fiancé that I had lost my cherry to my own real brother Shekhar. My incestuous elder sister Sujata having passed away, no living soul then knew about the three-way incest my brother Shekhar, bisexual sister Sujata and I had committed for over a year, and were again committing that night.
Next morning – the morning before my wedding-day – Rajeev came into my apartment, looked at me and remarked quite approvingly that I looked tired and well-fucked. My heart skipped a beat, but I gave him a cock and bull story that two of my single boyfriends had invited me for one last ‘singles’ night to a hotel and thoroughly fucked me the whole night. My darling fiancé squeezed my buttocks and sincerely said, “Saroj, I’m proud to be marrying such a sexy whore!” So much for my resolve to not to hide any of my extramarital liaisons from my husband!
He then drove me to the small apartment in which my lesbian friends Sushma and Rehana lived together. I had asked Sushma and Rehana to be my bridesmaids, as I had not invited any of my female relatives to the wedding. With lots of lesbian foreplay, the duo began on me by first thoroughly waxing and massaging my whole body, and creaming the hair away from my armpits and crotch. Since I knew Rajeev adored hairless bodies, I asked them to remove every bit of my body hair below my neck.
As they stripped me for my beauty-treatment, Sushma too remarked that I looked tired and my cunt looked rather raw, and I gave them the same story about having being fucked by two of my boyfriends. I obviously couldn’t tell them that my own real brother had been repeatedly fucking me all through the night.
After depilating me and before bathing me, Sushma and Rehana put lots of baby oil all over my smooth hairless body, followed by lots of traditional Haldi (yellow turmeric paste) all over – that gave a smooth, glowing golden-yellow tint to my skin all over. The sluts put it everywhere, even into my butt cleavage and cunt-lips. Rehana and Sushma knew about my planned wedding gift to my husband, so they gave special attention to my anal region. They were relentlessly teasing me about the wedding ‘itch’ in my asshole. That afternoon, an artist woman put Mehndi on my hands, arms and feet, as is traditional for a bride, and I took a much-needed long nap. For Western readers: Mehndi is an intricate decorative pattern drawn on a woman’s forearms, hands and feet with a paste made from henna – a deep green herb through a sort of icing cone. It slowly dries up and crumbles off in a few hours, leaving a deep red stain wherever the paste was applied. It’s like a temporary tattoo, which fades in a few weeks. It’s usually done on the occasion of a marriage, and any woman who is part of the marriage retinue usually gets Mehndi applied to her hands. However, the bride’s Mehndi is the most elaborate, highest quality, most artistic and most extensive.
By evening, the Mehndi had dried and crumbled away, and Rehana and Sushma again gave me a special oil massage to darken the deep red Mehndi colour to an ideal brown-black. Finished with getting ‘ready’ for my wedding night, I spent my last-night-as-a-single having sex with my lesbian friends. All of us undressed and licked and sucked each other to multiple orgasms, and went to sleep together in a naked heap. We slept by 10 p.m. and had a good night’s sleep.
I had taken isabgol powder (powdered fleawort seeds, a natural swelling laxative) for three days. Early morning on my wedding day, I took an enema to prepare my bowels perfectly for my impending anal deflowering. Next, the girls gave me a scented bath, and started dressing me up in traditional wedding finery. I still have my wedding ensemble with me – a red silk Sari heavily embroidered with real gold thread, and matching blouse! White is traditionally worn by widows and considered bad omen, and has no place in an Indian wedding.
Next, a professional beautician carefully put on elaborate bridal makeup on my face. Then, as part of my wedding outfit, I wore a huge load of gold ornaments: heavy necklaces, bangles (gold and glass), rings, and especially designed gold wedding ornaments for the ears, head, hands, feet, forearms and waist. My mother had got them made for my wedding before she passed away. All this is quite customary in India.
All decked out, I arrived before noon at the 5-star hotel where our wedding was to be performed by Hindu priests. Hindu marriages are not performed in temples. At the beginning of the ceremony, Rajeev and I exchanged floral garlands – signifying that we chose each other as mates – and we sat down cross-legged on the floor in front of the nuptial fire for the two-hour long ceremony, with about 50 guests in attendance.
Exciting me sexually was the fact that my brother Shekhar was performing the ‘Kanyadaan’ – the ceremony through which the brides father (or I his absence, her elder brother) gives the bride away. My brother was sitting next to me, literally tying the knot between my husband and me – and just two nights ago, this very brother of mine had been fucking me like there was no tomorrow.
According to the rituals, I changed places after the seven vows and sat next to Rajeev, and he quietly dropped a bombshell! Right out of the blue, Rajeev quietly whispered in my ears, “Saroj, give me a solemn promise that you won’t take a leak, until we are together in our honeymoon suit tonight. Don’t ask why, and don’t say a word to anyone about this! Okay?” And I, missus-to-be Saroj – otherwise the prime example of a shameless slut – had blushed tomato-red!
Our honeymoon suite was on the top floor of the same 5-star hotel where our wedding ceremony was being performed. As the priests droned on and I went through the convoluted Hindu marriage ritual of getting hitched to this gracious pervert, my cunt was literally melting with raunchy visions. Throughout the long tiring ceremony and through a late, spicy lunch, I was having a hard time withholding my bladder and my train of thoughts.
After the ceremony, Rajeev had again quietly reminded me of my promise. I then went to a comfortable air-conditioned room to rest alone for about three hours. As I lay in bed, my mind was wildly speculating about what I was supposed to do with my bloated bladder. I had read about Water Sports as one of the wacky avenues of sexual perversion, and remembered reading that even drinking fresh urine was medically quite safe…
So, was Rajeev going to watch me take a piss? Would I be pissing on his erection? Would he be collecting it and pouring it over my body, or his body – how would that feel? Would I be pissing all over him, giving him Golden Showers? I couldn’t make up my mind whether I’d like it or I’d be squeamish. What would I do if Rajeev asked me to drink it? No, he was too honourable a guy to put me in any kind of humiliating situation. What would I do if Rajeev wanted to drink my urine? Would he ask me to piss in a glass? But my bladder would easily fill at least 3-4 glasses! So would I have to stop after I filled each glass? Would I be able to stop with so much pressure inside me?
And what would I do if my worst fears came true – if he insisted that, I should directly piss in his mouth? How would I react? Would I be able to bring myself to do it? What would I do if I couldn’t get myself around to urinating in my darling husband’s mouth? What would he say then? What if I did something wrong, and ended up messing up something or hurting my sweetheart’s feelings…?
Confused, I drifted off to a deep sleep. When I got up after a two-hour siesta, the pressure in my bladder was relentless. I had another appointment with the beautician to get my evening party makeup and hair done, and I went there with Sushma, as Rehana got my evening dress ready.
On my return, Rehana and Sushma helped me change into my ornamental wedding reception outfit for the following dinner party. It was an elaborate gold-embroidered fiery-red silk Ghaghra-Choli-Chunri outfit with a deep décolletage.
In the Ghaghra-Choli-Chunri outfit, one can look demure and sexy at the same time. It’s originally an Indian peasant woman’s outfit, and looks best on heavily built women with big tits, wide hips and rotund buttocks. The Ghaghra is an ornate, gather-pleated Indian maxi skirt, and the half-sleeved Choli is an equally ornate brassieres-like top, worn with a Chunri, which is a long, wide, decorated sheer scarf, which can be draped in various ways over one’s head, back and breasts – essentially covering the neck, head and décolletage, and veiling the face. Indian silk dresses always have a lining, as the thin Indian silk cloth is very weak.
I had chosen a completely backless design of the Choli with a real low décolletage, with only four string ties across one’s bare back and therefore worn without brassieres, and got a high Ghaghra made for tying low on the waist, thus showing my deep navel – real sexy! This, surprisingly, is exactly what the traditional peasants wear. With half of my calves bare, I wore 4” high gold pencil-heel sandals. I was looking kind of risqué for a bride. Almost all of the invitees were young people. The eldest person was my incestuous brother! I got a lot of compliments that day, and Rajeev’s face was beaming with pride.
I was really hot and bothered with my bursting bladder. Rehana and Sushma noticed my misery and started ribbing me that I was now scared of having my virgin ass penetrated. Little did they know I was squirming because my bladder was getting desperately full, and I had promised to Rajeev that I wouldn’t take a leak, and that this was to be our secret! Throughout the party that evening, Rajeev was quietly smiling at me about our secret, and I was blushing away at the enigmatic urinary implications.
Somehow, I went through the wedding party, and finally my bridesmaids escorted me to the bridal suite. I was literally sobbing and shedding tears like an orthodox Indian bride – not because I was overcome with emotions, but with the excruciating pressure in my bladder! And Sushma and Rehana found that so funny that they wouldn’t quit teasing me about me being scared of my imminent sodomy.
In India, as in the West, after the wedding ceremony and party, the Indian bride and groom go directly to the specially decorated honeymoon suite for their Suhaagraat (wedding night). The difference is that in the West, the groom usually carries the bride into the honeymoon suite. In India, first, the bride is escorted to the marital bed by the bridesmaids, and then the groom arrives later. The marital bed is sprinkled with rose-petals, and the bedposts and headboard are heavily decorated with flowers. The bride is settled on the marital bed with her head and face covered with her diaphanous Chunri. Having ‘arranged’ the bride to perfection, the bridesmaids leave. Soon the groom enters, bolts the door from inside, unveils the bride, carefully takes off hers clothes and has sex with her. Whatever images the Western media might have created; the bride’s virginity has never been an issue in the Hindu religion, so Hindus don’t have any ritual of displaying bloodstained bed-sheets next morning to the marriage guests. We think that’s a barbarian custom.
Once alone in our wedding suite, and before settling on my marital bed, I had retreated into the attached bathroom and quickly removed my panties. I quickly dusted some party glitter on myself and replaced my matte brown-gold lipstick with a shiny blood-red one. I also took off the Choli and bared my breasts, and then draped the transparent ornate Chunri again over my head, shoulders and breasts. Now my naked tits would shamelessly play peek-a-boo from inside my sheer Chunri. Now my getup literally said, “Fuck me!” and I didn’t look like a demure Indian bride any more – I had planned all this with Rajeev, but being topless was a spontaneous idea.
Alone in the ‘Suhaagraat’ room, I stood next to the decorated bed and waited for a few desperate minutes, feeling relieved by the absence of panties and actively reining in my bladder. Rajeev soon came in with his own key, carrying two very large and strong drinks of Vodka and Kahlua on the rocks, and bolted the door from inside. We kissed intensely but briefly as Rajeev palmed my erect nipples, and we both took a few large gulps of that strong drink.
As I got a slight buzz from so much neat alcohol, Rajeev quickly took off his clothes and lay on the carpet. I stood over my brand-new hubby, straddling him with my fat legs, and raunchily swayed my heavy hips despite my insistent bladder.
Lying between my legs, Rajeev put his hands up inside my heavy Ghaghra skirt from below, and fondled my heavy thighs, bare buttocks and my naked hairless cunt inside that Ghaghra as I danced over him most obscenely! I have often re-enacted this scene. As I danced excitedly, I kept blabbering about being his slut for life, and about my imminent anal deflowering, etc…
So, within 10 minutes of my new husband walking into our wedding suite, I was stark-naked and entreating him, “Rajeev, I can’t hold my bladder any more! I’ll do whatever dirty thing you have in mind, but please let me piss now, sweetheart!” So Rajeev picked up his unfinished drink and motioned me to do a bottoms-up too!
Rajeev got up and kissed me again, pulled me into the suit’s stylish bathroom, promptly sprawled on the shiny granite floor propped up on his elbows, and said slowly and clearly, “Now, my slut for life, listen carefully and do exactly as I say! Stand over me again, keep looking into my eyes, and piss right into my open mouth. And don’t let a drop go waste! Start at full-blast, and don’t even slow down till you are absolutely empty, okay?” I just nodded silently, and he said, “Now go ahead and do it! Aim it into my mouth – I’m going to drink every drop!” I still remember each word!
I was so excited and so chock-full that I immediately did just that! I took a moment to start, and soon aimed my scalding hot piss stream from my rending bladder right into my husband’s wide open mouth, and he furiously drank in my urine with total abandon.
I couldn’t believe how much piss I had in me, as my stream was just going with no sign of stopping! At long last, my main stream petered out, and Rajeev declared that my piss was scrumptious! He insisted that I go on pissing till I gave him every drop I had, and since I had been so full, I started again a few times, and pissed out a fair amount. Finally, I was completely drained, and every drop of piss I had in my bladder had gone into Rajeev’s stomach.
When I was done pissing, Rajeev finally licked his lips and thanked me profusely, provoking me into telling him to shut up. Next, Rajeev asked me to squat on his mouth, and thoroughly cleaned out my big shaven cunt with his wide tongue, making me shudder from excitement.
And then out of my love for him, I too insisted on drinking my brand-new husband’s urine. The moment I said that, he smiled enigmatically, and I suddenly realised that he knew me well enough by then that I was adventurous enough to offer to reciprocate, and he too had been holding onto his bladder for me! Real ingenious pervert I had married! Although I knew the practice was harmless, yet in my heart I was a bit nervous about the taste.
The whole bathroom was full of pungent smell of fresh strong urine, and surprisingly, it was turning me on! But then again, I had r-e-a-l-l-y enjoyed pissing into Rajeev’s mouth! I was enchanted with the whole spectacle of my urine flowing noisily into his wide-open mouth and him swallowing it furiously, and so happily! It was such an intimate sexual thing to do!
So, valiantly, I too sprawled on the cool floor, primed my mind to try this new perversion, and audaciously opened my mouth wide to receive my husband’s urine! I wanted to be sullied, tainted, defiled… I heard myself saying, “Yeah, come on piss in my mouth! I’m your urinal! Rajeev smiled, and I stared at the slit of my favourite cock – from where I had seen semen squirt onto my face – as Rajeev primed his fire-hose!
Soon I saw my hubby’s cock spurt a deep golden stream of hot, strong-smelling golden piss, and I caught it right into my open mouth. So very thoughtfully, my lovely, sexy, kinky pervert of a husband stopped right after I got a small mouthful, asking me, “Do you like it?” I remember I closed my mouth and eyes, and contemplated for some time the salty taste, the pungent sensuous aroma, and the warm wanton feel of fresh urine in my mouth.
I realised that its taste and aroma was sexier than that of semen – and I had always relished the taste of semen! It also dawned on me that there would always be so much more of urine than semen to relish, and like semen, urine too came right from my partner’s genitalia. And urine was so much more intimate, so much more personal than semen or saliva – or even cunt-juice. I had tasted genital juices from so many partners, but none had felt as intimate as this!
I loved the taste of urine, and wanted more, and more! I wanted to drink piss, bathe in piss, soak in piss; even be immersed in piss, urine, divine urine… I was shuddering with excitement – it was almost like an orgasm.
My eyes were still closed when I heard Rajeev’s voice from faraway, “Hey Saroj, did you like it?” I opened my eyes and came back to earth, and saw Rajeev’s half-erection still aimed at my mouth, with a golden drop of that lovely piss hanging at its tip! He repeated his question, and I told him throatily, “Yeah, I really loved it! I never realised it would feel so delicious!” “Do you want more?” Rajeev asked me. Of course, I wanted more, and said, “Give me every fucking drop you have, you lovely pervert!”
And Rajeev slowly pissed in my mouth, and I drank my sexy husband’s fresh urine like there was no tomorrow. Gazing at the oh-so-intimate squirt of piss come out of my favourite cock, I was hooked to the whole Golden idea for life! I too drank my husband’s whole big Golden payload; but like all good things, Rajeev’s piss stream came to an end too soon.
Rajeev pulled me up, and we smooched, kissed, and licked! That kiss was so deliciously pissy – my first of thousands since! In all that excitement, I forgot that I had intended to lose my anal cherry too! Then, as Rajeev kissed me, he gently started massaging my anus, and I remembered our plan. Since I had already had vaginal and oral sex with him on our very first date, and with other men before marriage too, we both were looking forward to my anal deflowering.
I happily permitted him to lead me to our marital bed, with his hand caressing my fat naked derrière. Stark naked, we both had a smoke. Mingled with the lasting, lingering aftertaste of piss, the cigarette tasted delicious. Soon, my engineer husband was making earnest preparations for my anal deflowering. As Rajeev suggested, each of us drank a litre of water.
Rajeev first asked me to lie on my tummy on the flower-strewn bed, and slowly massaged my big soft buttocks for a long time, inch by inch straying into my anal cleavage. Slowly, he focused his finger on my anus and massaged my rim for a long time with globs of K-Y jelly, relaxing me completely. Gradually, he started slithering his finger into my rectum, relaxing me even more, adding more and more K-Y, going deeper inch by inch till his whole finger was in, and out, and in, and out; then adding one more digit; then one more. My anus felt wet, hot and cool at the same time, and open. I was waiting for the pain, but it never came… Rajeev asked me to play with his cock, and soon he was like a hot steel rod in my hand. Rajeev’s ‘therapy’ relaxed me so much and made me feel so positive that I voluntarily raised my torso onto all fours, and asked him to sodomise my upturned ass without delay, “Yeah, come and fuck my ass, Rajeev; sodomise me, make me your anal slut!”
Rajeev got behind my fat ass and started lubing up his dong and my anus with Vaseline (not K-Y, longer lasting lubrication this way – he explained when I asked him later). Soon, he engaged his pointed head at my anal entrance. My expert husband kept a light, steadily pulsing pressure at my dilated anus, and slowly pushed forward into my ass. I was just beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable, when kneading my sensitive asscheeks, Rajeev told me to consciously relax completely and gently push out, as I’d when taking a crap.
The moment I did what he said, I clearly felt my anus open and actually felt Rajeev’s cock-head slide through my sphincter – my anal ring muscle, my backdoor. He immediately stopped pushing and I felt my anus open even more. Once his cock-head was in, Rajeev started short in-and-out strokes, and within a few moments, he slid into me up to the hilt.
I had done it! I had lost my anal cherry, to my dearest hubby! I was now a real-life anal slut! Deliberately relaxing, I slowly breathed deeply, and suddenly smelled piss on my breath – wow, now did that felt kinky! I suddenly I realised that I was now a piss slut too!
Rajeev was now slowly moving in my ass, asking me if I was okay. Yes – I told him – I was okay; nay, not just okay, I was ecstatic! My anal nerves felt every delightful bit of the movements, the opening, the entry, the slipperiness, the sliding, the filling, the stretching… Rajeev kept on slowly fucking my ass for a long time, then came in my ass, as he touched my button and sent me too into a strong orgasm! As my empty Sex went into contractions, I could feel every warm squirt of Rajeev’s semen pushing into my bowels.
At long last, as Rajeev slowly popped out of my ass, I enjoyed the feel of slushy slippery greasy oozy mélange in my stretched bowels. I realised that I didn’t feel any pain whatsoever at any time during the whole process of getting my anus deflowered.

Needless to say, throughout our wedding night and through the following honeymoon, we constantly kept enjoying anal sex and drinking each other’s Golden Champagnes! Next day, we went to a 5-star beach resort near Goa for our fortnight-long honeymoon. With Rajeev’s consent and encouragement, wearing outrageously brief (for those days) bikinis, I swam and lounged around the pool, and on the hotel’s private beach, showing off my firm, plump body to all who cared to see. Every male present – and most females too, out of curiosity – ogled at me! I felt happy and contended inside, and thoroughly basked in the avid, horny, titillated male gaze on my naked curves!
Rajeev always tells me that in any erotic situation, my lack of any inhibitions literally radiates from me! He proudly told me the various obscene remarks he overheard from males lusting at my figure, especially my big ass. We had almost decided to invite those guys in our bed, but I started feeling a bit nauseous, so we shelved that! I later realised I had conceived our son on our honeymoon, not knowing that one day he’d grow into a handsome young man, and we would invite him into our marital bed to have frequent sex with us. However, before our son Aaditya was born, we didn’t know whether it would be a boy or a girl. Because of this rather unplanned but welcome pregnancy, we decided to postpone our plans for getting into the swinging scene by a couple of years.
How we got into swinging:
Soon after our son’s Aaditya’s second birthday, we had joined a civic swimming pool some distance from our house, where we met and became friends with Rajan and Ritu. We had invited them over for dinner, and we got along very well socially. A week later, Rajan invited Rajeev for a drink in a city bar. This was ‘82, and there were no cell phones around in those days.
As they were making conversation on a secluded table, Rajan made a general remark that wife-swapping was getting quite common those days. Rajeev showed keen interest, saying that he and I had discussed the idea, and found it quite interesting.
Rajan then ‘casually’ asked if we had ever been approached by any key-club or a hospitality-exchange club – euphemisms for wife-swapping clubs. The key clubs followed a routine where all husbands dropped their house keys or car keys in a jar, and the wives drew them as in bingo, and slept with the guy whose keys they got. If one drew an ‘own or known’ key, one simply drew again. The hospitality exchange couples simply ran a round robin game.
Rajeev, smelling a proposition, said he and I wouldn’t mind if such a club approached them, as we both had decided of our free will to have an open marriage right from the beginning! Rajan had not expected things to move that fast, so after a brief moment of silence, Rajan said he and Ritu were members of one such swap-club, and laid on an invitation for us to join. He explained that they were a small club of eight young couples, all heterosexuals. And if okay with us, to begin with, Rajan and Ritu would like to meet us for a swap. Rajeev happily consented and insisted on having the swap meet coming Saturday at our place, as our 14-month old son would be home and fast asleep.
Rajan asked my hubby the as this was our first time, would we like to do the swap in separate rooms? We had discussed this in our fantasies, so Rajeev said if they didn’t mind, we’d love to begin in the same room, then separate, and then come together in a foursome. Rajeev asked Rajan more questions, then came home excitedly and told me all about it. I was thrilled, and we were all set to go to bed with this lovely couple.
Rajan was quite my type, 5’10” and maturely good-looking with a lovely 8-incher, as I discovered that weekend. Creamy-fair Ritu at 5’6”, 165 lbs. with a voluptuous 44DD-34-50 figure was Rajeev’s wet dream!
On the evening of our initiation, Rajeev asked me to wear my Wedding Sari outfit. I remember I didn’t wear any panties or bra inside. I had waxed and shaved, and I wore dark, sultry makeup. I had worn my Wedding Sari below my navel, and my lush bra-less milk-laden tits (I was still breastfeeding our son) were shamelessly bouncing in my bridal Choli – it had become obscenely tight by then – most unlike a demure Indian bride.
As our first swinging mates arrived at our place (and in our life) at 10 pm after dinner, Rajan embraced and kissed me on my lips and Ritu embraced and kissed Rajeev the same way – this was part of their ritual. We sat down in our living room – me next to Rajeev, and Rajan next to Ritu, and opened a bottle of red wine. Our two-year old son was fast asleep in his room. As we finished the bottle, Rajan and Ritu stood up, and in anticipation, we stood up too.
Looking at Rajeev, Ritu slipped the Palloo of her Sari off her shoulder – the Indian woman’s ageless gesture of sexual availability / proposition – and Rajan put his arm round Ritu’s shoulder and opened her Indian blouse and front-opening bra. Thus baring Ritu’s lovely 44DD boobs, he laid a rather original line, “Take my wife, Rajeev, and enjoy her charms! I have opened her breast; you open the rest!”
Emulating bare-breasted Ritu, I then dropped my Palloo off my shoulder and Rajeev too opened my Choli from behind, baring my taut, milk-laden breasts to Rajan, and saying, “You too have a good time with my wife, Rajan! And do taste her milk!”
Both husbands now ushered us wives to our respective mates. Rajan stepped forward and kissed me, kneading my breasts. From the corner of my eye, I saw Rajeev smooch Ritu as he kneaded her large firm buttocks. I was expecting this, as Rajeev had been very eager to feel Ritu’s big ass. Then Rajeev turned Ritu around and kissed her neck from behind, palming her open, jutting boobs and pressing his erection into her sumptuous ass, winking at me from behind her as he blew a silent kiss to me.
I distinctly remember searching my heart for any jealousy. I found none, and I felt very close to my husband as I gave myself to another man in front of him with his full endorsement, and watched him make love to another woman as I watched.
As Rajeev was unravelling Ritu’s Sari, I picked up my Palloo and walked off with Rajan into our bedroom, dressed as a half-naked bride a second time in my life, and started my joyous initiation into open extramarital sex with this hot guy Rajan. Rajan asked me if he should close the door to our bedroom, but I asked him to leave it open – though we couldn’t see Rajeev and Ritu from our bed.
In our bedroom, I did a brief dance and strip for Rajan, and he was delighted with my striptease routine. Then I slowly rode on Rajan’s dark 8” dong, feeding him my milk-laden udders. When Rajan came in me, Rajeev was still leisurely fucking Ritu on the living room sofa on all fours holding on to her thick derrière After resting, we got up and quietly watched their fucking for a while from the doorway. All through this, our son slept soundly in the only other bedroom we had at that time.
So, that was the very first time I saw my husband have sex with another woman, and I felt excited, instead of feeling the usual jealousies! Then I led Rajan back to our bed, sat in front of him and slowly kissed and sucked his flaccid cock back into another raging erection. By that time, Rajeev and Ritu were through, and came into our bedroom, looking dishevelled and very well-fucked. I noticed that Ritu in the buff looked so much like me, and had a rather small cunt.
Smiling at us, Rajeev said, “So, how are you two getting along? Can we join the party?” I had my mouth around Rajan’s pole, still slowly deep-throating him, as Rajan replied, “Saroj is the best cocksucker I have ever come across, Rajeev!” and Rajeev heaped praises on a blushing Ritu, “Yes, and Ritu has a lovely rich figure – as a woman should be!”
I felt so thrilled by having my husband watch me indulgently as I sucked another man’s cock. With my throat stuffed fully, I winked at sexy, naked Ritu, who smiled and waved at me very pleasantly. Ritu too sucked Rajeev to a quick erection, as I asked Rajan to take me doggy-style, and Ritu and I had one more round of being fucked on all fours by our new partners next to each other on our marital bed. The moment our swap-dates left that night, we did a hot 69, savouring the tastes and flavours of our first ‘extramarital sex’!
Two weeks after our debut into an open marriage, the group set up a weekend (3-night) swap party in a no-questions-asked resort nearby. We were introduced by Ritu and Rajan to five other couples as new members – two couples couldn’t make it. We met heavy-titted, dusky Shyama and her plump hubby Kishore, a slim couple Anita and hubby Amit, huge pink Basabi and dark Indraneel, elegant Parveen and handsome Javed, heavy bottomed Poornima and heavy-built Abhijit, plush and hourglass-figured Smriti and muscular Jayant, and long-necked Simrita with her husband Richard. Rajeev recognised Basabi as his senior in IIT Mumbai, and they briefly kissed. As she blushed, Rajeev informed me that many of his classmates used to lust after juicy Basabi.
We would be swapping in separate rooms, paired by their rather ingenious round robin system that brought about a well-ordered swap for eight couples in eight successive parties, but did that randomly, with no double swap – meaning one never got her hubby’s swap-date’s husband as one’s swap-date. This way, we quickly swapped with all remaining seven couples. So on that weekend, each of us would sleep with three successive new partners, though the older members would mostly be doing rematches. In fact, Parveen who drew Rajan and Poornima who drew Amit decided to get together for a foursome. I wondered if they’d get into anal sex…
On that Friday evening in the luxury resort, I was teamed with fine-looking Javed. Spending a night with a complete stranger in that hotel room brought back the memories of my stints as a prostitute. That really turned me on, and I acted so brazen and brassy that Javed later told me that Rajeev was lucky to have a horny slut like me as his wife, and added that he liked my big ass. I asked Javed if any of the members indulged in anal sex, and he said none of the couples was into anal sex. I wanted to take him in my ass and told him so, but since we didn’t have any K-Y, I assured that him that whenever we would come together again, he could take me anally. He was so thrilled! In the morning, I had an erotic bath with him.
That night, Rajeev got his college-wet-dream Basabi with massive tits and a fat ass. Rajeev discovered that she had big nipples, a huge pink hairy cunt and a very large clitoris. They had a good energetic fuck, and Basabi experienced for the first time the pleasures of having her anus tongued, as Rajeev worshipped her large fair-skinned buttocks. The two grads were fucking like rabbits the whole night.
Saturday night found me in bed with plump Kishore. He was a surprisingly good fuck, and kept me busy and horny for many hours! And Rajeev got into bed with heavy bottomed Poornima. Quite predictably, he was worshipping her huge buttocks the whole night. Later, Poornima told me over lunch that no one had ever paid so much attention to her huge ass, much less worshipping it. She was pleased that Rajeev made her recognise the sexiness of her great big butt!
On Sunday night, I was with dark-skinned Indraneel, and he was so much like my brother Shekhar – even his cock was so alike! I was shivering with my secret memories of incest with my brother, and Indraneel was thrilled to find me so horny. Rajeev slept with stately Parveen. She was rather cold to begin with, but when Rajeev licked her to a shuddering orgasm, she was like putty in his hands. He was the first person to tongue her pretty anus, and even shaved her pretty cunt with his razor. Rajeev later told me Parveen was physically the most glamorous woman he had ever had.
Within our group, we could directly double-date other couples for a swap, so over the next few months, we did that many times. Frequently, two couples would go away for a weekend getaway to a hotel to nearby holiday places and each wife would check in as the other man’s wife, and spend the whole weekend with her swap-date enjoying a virtual new honeymoon – foreplays, baths, being naked in bed, mutual massages, sex… A popular game was a simplified form of strip poker. Our swap-club had located many places with two interconnected rooms.
I’d always practice my strip routines in the hotel rooms either in front of my swap-date or in front of the couple and my husband; as the two men would slowly strip the other woman or indulge in foreplay with her as they watched me do a striptease.
If we didn’t get interconnected rooms, then the two couples would keep each other’s room keys with them, and all would be free to walk in on each other any time – this idea was mooted by Rajeev and proved very popular. I always felt elated when I was with another man in a hotel room and my husband walked in (or his wife, or both) with his key and found us in various ‘compromising’ situations.
Rajeev has come upon me without my Sari in front of the other guy, being kissed by the other husband, getting my bra opened, being embraced by the other guy and having my big buttocks kneaded, me sucking the other guy’s cock, having a shower with him, getting fucked on the bed… Once I was kneeling in the hotel’s swanky bathroom and my guy was pissing in my mouth, and Rajeev walked in as I was swallowing, and he too pissed all over my face and tits. It’s equally good fun to walk in on my hubby having sex with his swap-date.
We had our first ‘holiday exchange’ with hourglass-figured Smriti and brawny Jayant in a 5-star seaside resort North of Mumbai. To me, it was like having a honeymoon with another guy, very exciting and full of good sex. Rajeev also had a great time with 46-32-48 Smriti. When Jayant and I went into their room, Rajeev was shaving naked Smriti’s big plump cunt on the bed. Next day I was being leisurely fucked on all fours by Jayant when Smriti walked in to borrow some condoms, and playfully spanked my shaking derrière. Smriti has been a great friend since, and whenever we meet others for sex; she often helps me out by babysitting our son – often overnight – in her house, which is nearby. We too reciprocate. Our son Aaditya is a year older to her son, and the kids are good friends.
Our group slowly graduated to more than two couples swinging together in group-scenes. Major swinging events were weekend swinging parties for the whole group. In those years, swinging made our sex-life quite lively, but never quite compensated our yearning for our ‘still-secret-from-each-other’ bisexuality. As individuals, in our hearts, we were still not fully satisfied with our sex-lives, as both of us had kept our bisexuality and incestuous past secret from each other.

Till then, I had never had two males entering my two lower holes at the same time, as till then one female with two males was still a no-no in our modest swap-club. So, stepping out further as a swinging couple, we started replying individuals’ ads in ‘The Bombayite’, meeting individual heterosexual males, females and couples, and started bringing them into our marital bed. We found this more thrilling than swinging with our rather modest wife-swapping group.
My first front-&-back sex was with Khalid from Ahmedabad, a frequent business visitor to Mumbai. One of my fantasies – which I had revealed to Rajeev – was that I was a prostitute, and was escorted to a hotel to a stranger ‘customer’ by Rajeev, my husband-pimp, then was stripped and shared by the two men, behaving like a well-trained, obedient no-holes-barred whore all along. With this in mind, we decided to answer Khalid’s classified ad looking for swinging couples. As I wanted to enact my fantasy, we answered Khalid’s ad in ‘The Bombayite’ as a ‘friendly couple’, implying that Rajeev was a single man with ‘girlfriend’ (read ‘whore’).
Khalid sent us his picture and phone number, and Rajeev first went and checked him out when he visited Mumbai next. Khalid was 28, 5’7” and 190 lbs. Over a beer, Rajeev told him that I was a freelance stripper from Delhi and his ‘casual’ girlfriend. Rajeev added that I was plump with a big ass and liked anal sex, and wished to be filled back-and-front together for the first time. Well-built, good-looking Khalid said he liked plump women, and enjoyed anal sex. Answering Rajeev’s query, he said he was 8”, well-shaped and thicker than average. Rajeev requested Khalid to shave his pubes.
Khalid asked if I allowed kissing, and Rajeev replied that unlike regular prostitutes, I loved to be kissed. He also asked how much he’d have to pay me, and Rajeev declined, saying he ‘took care of me’ whenever he ‘invited’ me to Mumbai. When Khalid insisted, Rajeev said Khalid could pick up the hotel’s tab where we would meet. He told Khalid not to ask me personal questions when we met, as ‘I belonged to a decent family’ – later, we had a good laugh at this when he came back and told me what transpired. The men fixed a time and place for the next evening. We use the same hotel even now.
On the previous night, we worked out our roles. For my first double-plugging date, I’d wear a new red sequined bra-n-panties set over a brief red lace one, high black stiletto sandals, a very short sleeveless black silken party sheath, and over it a decent embroidered full front-opening Kurta – which is a women’s shirt-like calf-length dress – and matching loose bell-bottomed pants – all easy to take off. I was showing considerable cleavage, with rather brassy makeup which I put on while in the car. With so many layers of clothing, I was looking even fatter.
Khalid had already checked in at the secluded hotel, which later became our favourite. We went up in the elevator, with Rajeev squeezing my bottom and calling me a whore on the way up. Khalid opened the door for us. Once we were in, he shook hands with Rajeev, and Rajeev introduced me as Lola (a name whores and strippers often take in India) from Delhi. Khalid looked me up and down, as Rajeev told him to enjoy me any way he wanted. I really felt like a whore then, and enjoyed the impolite attention I was getting. Khalid kissed me hard and impertinently pawed me all over quite thoroughly, as Rajeev looked on amusedly. I extracted myself from Khalid’s arms, shamelessly took off my pants and the Kurta, and wore my stilettos again – this left all of my arms and legs exposed.
On Rajeev’s prior instructions – I didn’t know this – Khalid buzzed for the waiter to order some snacks as he poured out some Scotch whiskey for us. I suddenly realised the waiters would see me half-naked, and was quite thrilled by that fact!
When the waiter came, I was sitting close to Khalid. The guy had a good look at my cleavage, naked arms, and midriff, and especially stared at my fat bare legs, as I smoked unconcernedly. Khalid had put his arm around me and was kneading my breasts and caressing my fat bare thighs right in front of the waiters. In India, though the ordinary Sari leaves one’s midriff bare, women simply don’t bare their whole thighs to strangers, so this was a rare treat for the poor waiters.
I looked at Rajeev to see his reaction, and he winked at me, implying that this was all going according to plan.
I was enjoying the ogling I was getting from the various waiters who served us. They figured that I was there to be fucked by both men, since Rajeev made no move to go, as a pimp would.
Khalid and Rajeev kept ordering various things, and we chatted indifferently for an hour as about 5 different waiters came and went in ones and twos, serving various orders one by one, all ogling at my full figure more and more brazenly. Between times, I asked Rajeev by sign if I should strip completely before the next waiter came in, but he quietly indicated not to do that – he later said we would cross such milestones one at a time.
Once we had privacy, Rajeev set up a collection of naughty Bollywood dance numbers on my old mini personal stereo, and I got up to dance and strip (Bollywood is Mumbai’s movie-making industry, equivalent of Hollywood). I did a real lewd, obscene dance and strip show for Khalid, which our swap-club folks would have never approved. BBW-loving Khalid obviously liked what he saw! When I was down to my red lace panties, I pulled Khalid onto his feet, and started undressing him. He kissed me and pawed me all over quite candidly – one hand on my tits and another on my butt, pressing me onto his hard-on, as a proud and delighted Rajeev watched. I finally kneeled in front of Khalid, and as I took off his briefs, his fat 8” pole jumped to attention.
I gave him just one stroke of a deep-throat, which left him throbbing and hankering for more. Finally, I took off my flimsy panties, and presented Khalid my two pleasure-holes. Then, both men put on condoms, Rajeev asked Khalid to lie down on the bed, and asked me to climb on his condom-clad cock, taking him deep into my slippery cunt. Rajeev then expertly lubricated my ass and efficiently went into my backdoor. For the first time in my life, I was impaled on two virile cocks – the scrumptious sensations were beyond compare! Rajeev directed the movements, and I started tumbling from orgasm to orgasm.
Eventually Rajeev came in my ass, as he asked Khalid to hold his climax. He withdrew from my ass, asking me to get off Khalid’s fat cock and reinsert it in my ass. I did just that, impaling my ass this time on that healthy fat pole, thicker than Rajeev’s. It felt great to have my fully dilated anal lips easily stretch a bit further to accommodate that extra-fat sausage.
Rajeev stood besides the bed and watched his slut wife getting sodomised by a man other than himself for the first time in our lives, as Khalid bounced me up and down and mashed my boobs. I climaxed very strongly, just as Khalid jetted his load in my ass. After I drifted down to earth, with my tacit approval, Rajeev asked Khalid to hold his bladder for a while. Next, we all moved to the bathroom where I went down on my knees and cleansed Rajeev’s and Khalid cocks with soap as they both had been in my bowels, and invited Khalid to piss on me. Khalid was intrigued, and as he started pissing on my boobs, I scandalised him further by drinking a mouthful of his pungent urine. Then Rajeev expertly sprayed my face and body with his piss too!
And just as Rajeev finished pissing in my mouth, he proudly revealed to Khalid that I was not a whore, but actually was his wife. Khalid immediately got very apologetic, but we said we had enjoyed every minute. Khalid called Rajeev a very lucky man. So that was the first time someone other than my husband had urinated on and in me. We then had a bath together, relaxed and had a smoke, said our goodnights and were soon headed home. We have met Khalid a few times since. He’s a good, steady assfucker.
Next individual male we met for sex was Aadil, 19, 5’9”, 150 lbs, a very cute, good-looking, healthy boy, with a fair, hairless skin, a very feminine face, a well-built muscular physique, and with a beautiful slim 8” cock. This guy would just not go down! I drank his delicious piss in bed, and then slept spoon fashion with him after Rajeev put a pillow under his bubble-butt to bring his cock in line with my asshole. On that night, Aadil kept his hard cock inside my cosy asshole for almost two hours, just giving a slow stroke every minute or two to remain hard. Rajeev laid in a 69 with me without bodily contact. I’ll tell you more about Aadil later!
How We Discovered Each Other’s Bisexuality:
The day Rajeev had proposed to Shobhna, he had shut out his gay life and had thrown away Gautam’s entire wardrobe. I too had bottled up my lesbian cravings when I met him. Though we swung and swapped, threesomed and group-groped for almost 3 years after we started swinging. Like absolute idiots, we both successfully kept our parallel homosexual lives concealed from each other for 5 years after marriage!
It so happened that just before we booked our new house, I accidentally discovered Rajeev’s homosexual affair with a very attractive ultra-feminine male prostitute named Faiyaz, with an utterly feminine cover-girl face…
I was upset for a moment, not because my husband was having a gay affair, but because he had kept me in the dark. But then I suddenly realised that I was actually relieved – as then I could also bring out my lesbian tastes. And I was intrigued too – I had always secretly wanted to see my husband make love to other men.
So I sat down with Rajeev, and we talked long into the night – we always do this kind of unravelling of our problems in total nudity, and have a good fuck afterwards.
My husband willingly admitted to his bisexuality, and honestly said that since both of us were bisexual, we should integrate our bisexuality into our sex-lives as a couple; and that would make our married life so much richer! And I thought – “Yes, wouldn’t it?”
So he knew I was a bisexual too! He kissed an embarrassed me, and quietly told me that he had been aware of my lesbian affairs for some years, and in fact he was happy when he discovered that I was bisexual too.
That was bit of a defining moment.
We both took off our clothes and got into bed. And as he slowly massaged my anal lips, Rajeev revealed to me how he had always silently approved of my lesbian affairs, but was not very sure how I’d react to the homosexual in him. In the past, the frustrated lesbian in me has sometimes overreacted by denouncing male homosexuality – “bloody homos” I always used to call them, while always secretly craving for a randy woman in my arms! I was so fucking clever, and what stupid assholes I was being!
From that fateful day of revelations, I have virtually stopped having the usual marital arguments with Rajeev on trivial matters. There is no need to get upset now, as there really is no discontent. We both truly have everything in life we have ever wanted.
In the years before that day, our sex-life together, which was really hot and kinky to begin with, was getting rather monotonous. Five years into our marriage, – when our son started going to a nearby whole-day playschool – we both were literally getting the seven-year itch. Cleverly concealing from each other, we were separately getting drawn into homosexual attractions. I had time on hand, and I had started meeting one or two lesbians on the sly when Rajeev was not around. And Rajeev was quietly replying and giving ads for himself in ‘The Bombayite’ again, and sleeping with gay men and transvestites in various hotels! Looking back, I could see that Rajeev would always leave me alone with my lesbian pals too easily, leaving the house on one pretext or another for long stretches.
As we got talking about our bisexualities, Rajeev told me all about his bisexual incestuous past and I too decided to tell all about my own similar past. I also confessed to Rajeev that I had lied to him that a boyfriend had taken my cherry, and the truth was that my very own elder brother Shekhar had taken my oral and genital virginities!
These confessions cleared up my own guilt and anxieties, and brought us a lot closer. It also dawned upon me how and why Rajeev was so good at fucking my ass, and had instructed me so well in giving deep-throat… So I asked him, and he described in detail how he and Gautam had developed their deep-throating techniques on each other, and how he had learned giving painless anal sex while he regularly fucked Deepak’s ass.
Now I truly began to appreciate how lucky I was to have someone like Rajeev as my life-partner. When Rajeev said he was always fantasizing about us carrying on jointly as a both-ways bisexual couple, I started wondering why I was being such a hypocrite. And why was I being so stupid with him, pretending to be straight? We simply had felt incomplete, unfulfilled and bottled-up by not opening our bisexual and incestuous pasts to each other! I told Rajeev I had always wanted to see him make out with men, and Rajeev was more than keen to witness the true cunt-lapping lesbian in me. Rajeev also revealed that he also had been having gay sex on a regular basis with super-cute yet muscular Aadil, and had actually given his own anal virginity to Aadil to deflower! He too was often fucking Aadil in the ass, and the two guys were into mutual deep-throating too. God in Heaven! I wanted to be in bed with my husband and another bi-guy in what the porn industry calls a ‘Bi-MMF scene’!
When I revealed to Rajeev how I had spent a wanton incestuous night with my brother Shekhar just a day before our wedding, he suggested that we invite him to India to enjoy a truly incestuous vacation with us; and I accepted with alacrity!
And early that morning, as Rajeev was slowly fucking me, he said that when our son Aaditya grew up, I should invite him too to have sex with me regularly. I was so thrilled with that I actually pissed around his cock in bed. We decided right then that Aaditya’s 18th birthday would be the perfect occasion to invite him to fuck his own mother. Rajeev added ponderingly that in future our son would hopefully marry into another incestuous family…
A few days later, I called up my brother in the U.S. to tell him about the recent developments, and Rajeev invited him to India to join us in bed. That became a reality only a year later as he wasn’t able to get away till then. I’ll narrate in following pages how I resumed my incestuous relationship with my brother!
So, on than fateful night of breaking through our remaining inhibitions, I gave Rajeev my wholehearted consent to start this new chapter of bisexuality and incest in our sex-life. I had no ideas on how exactly we would kick that off, but my lovable engineer hubby had all the answers and plans worked out!
I remember we were in bed almost continuously for two whole days talking, listening, discussing, fantasizing, planning, and fucking like eager teenagers! I had asked one of our swap-group couples to baby-sit our son in their house, whose kids were our son’s classmates and good friends. Alone in the house, we both talked in detail, and were happy to have accepted each other’s bisexualities and incestuous inclinations. We decided to start enjoying a rich bisexual sex-life together, and to search quietly for real incestuous couples too, and weave incestuous role-playing and fantasies into our sex-life with our slowly growing circle.
We also analysed our feelings: We were never possessive. We didn’t feel jealous or insecure even when we saw our spouse freely sharing his / her bodies with others. And we both knew we wouldn’t feel upset, repulsed, threatened or possessive if one of us had sex with someone else with the spouse being away from the scene, as we would naturally tell each other all about it beforehand or even later. So, what was the point in either of us sleeping around sneakily with separate gay lovers? Rajeev was bisexual, I was bisexual; and between us, we truly covered almost the whole spectrum of pleasurable and safe sexual deviations, we both were extremely creative and innovative, and together we could enjoy an even more colourful sex-life! I think that was the point where we finally discovered our true bond. Life does take strange turns, doesn’t it?
Till then we as a swinging couple had not been able to initiate bisexual sex, both-ways pissing games or incest fantasies with anyone, but Rajeev said that in his experience, bisexuals were generally much more open to kinky propositions. He pointed out how I (a bisexual) was so open to sharing my pee-love and exhibitionistic traits with my individual male mates. That certainly was true – our rather mild heterosexual wife-swap club would never accept such kinky behaviour.
To tell the truth, when we used to swing in our swap-club, I had always had a hard time keeping my lesbian desires in check. Often other swinging wives would nonchalantly undress, change, and touch up their makeup, etc., in bathrooms or other rooms with me around. They’d gossip about sex and men, bitching as most women do. They’d even completely strip, take a shower or sometimes even take a leak in front of me. Some would even ask me to scrub their backs for them, and I’d be dying to make a lesbian move, or taste their piss. Shows how little straights understand same-sex attraction!
During our swap group-meets, lesbian foreplay was sometimes suggested by the husbands. I had to act aloof and happily play along but not appear genuinely interested in women. I’d be sweetly kissing, smooching, hugging and fondling naked women, even sucking their breasts and having mine sucked by them. We would occasionally fondle each other’s cunts, with others howling with scandalised amusement. Sometimes the husbands watching lesbians on porno videos would then encourage us reluctant women to enact the scenes and do a 69. Rajeev too would join in the demand. And, trembling with secret excitement, with a fragrant cunt in my face, I’d silently orgasm on my reluctant female lover’s lips. And then I’d be in bed being fucked by someone’s husband, and my attention would always wander to some naked and sexually excited and exciting woman being licked or fucked by a man in other rooms, or sometimes right next to me in bed! So near yet so far!
So, that’s how we husband and wife discovered and approved of each other’s bisexuality, and decided to invite our past bisexual mates into our bed one by one, and I suggested we start with Rajeev’s former chum Gautam.
Gautam is a 5’7”, 165 lbs., 40B-34-44 Adonis, all femininely soft and round and much like a curvy middle-aged Indian woman. He’s got very beautiful large eyes with long eyelashes, high thin natural eyebrows, and very angular features for his soft physique – a long slim neck with a normal Adam’s apple, a long slender aristocratic nose, a lovely dimpled smile showing his perfect white teeth, and the most perfectly-shaped pink lips I have ever seen on ANY man or woman. And he has this rich semi-feminine voice! Gautam has got a full head of thick hair, yet hardly any facial or body hair, no male pattern baldness, and a fairly small head – a perfect recipe for his latter-day transsexuality.
During all the intervening years, Gautam and his wife were in touch with us socially, but Rajeev had never told him about our marriage being an open one. We had not even shown him our sexy bedroom.
Gautam had just got divorced after a long separation and he was very lonesome. So, once we decided to invite Gautam into our bed, Rajeev immediately invited him over for drinks and an overnight stay. Sitting with Gautam in our ordinary living room, Rajeev made light drinks for the three of us, and, we both told him about our open marriage, and the new bisexual turn our marriage had taken. Rajeev was taken aback, and I could see that he was fully erect all along, and I could see that Gautam figured out that he’d now be spending the night in our bed, but being such a gentleman, he didn’t show any reaction. When Rajeev asked him about his present sex-life, Gautam confessed that secretly he had again started indulging in transvestism and gay sex. Rajeev then formally invited Gautam to be our first bisexual partner. We escorted Gautam into our erotic bedroom and Rajeev showed him around. Gautam was especially fascinated with the amorousness of our pole-dancing setup – circular table with the pole in the centre and couches around in a semicircle, and the huge bed with a mirror behind it.
Rajeev ushered Gautam to the semicircular sofa and without a word – as I watched utterly fascinated – started French-kissing him like a lover. Gautam responded ardently, as they forgot all about my presence and, still fully clothed, their hands automatically wandered to each other’s genitalia – each grab and grope scaled a new height of gay passion and male arousal. That was the very first time I saw my own dear husband kiss another man! It was a beautiful sight, and I found it a far more intense turn-on than watching my husband make out with another woman! Their long, lingering, ardent, very wet kiss reluctantly broken, Rajeev remarked affectionately to Gautam that it was the very first time that the two of them had a third person with them for sex – me. I was quite thrilled!
Reluctantly, I moved into my greenroom to change into “something sexy for a dance-show to welcome him”, adding that I’d take almost an hour to do my makeover.
When Rajeev was alone with Gautam, he talked to him in detail, telling him all about us, our kinky sex-life, our newly opened bisexual and incestuous secrets, and the kind of rich sexual relationships three of us could enjoy from then on – bisexuality, transvestism, urination, ‘incest’, etc. And Rajeev invited Gautam to our marital bed to commit ‘divine incest’ with his Rakhee sister – me. (‘Rakhee’ is a coloured thread a sister ceremonially ties on her brother’s wrist. Tying it on another man’s wrist proclaims him as her brother, and therefore excludes any sexual relationship. This ceremony is conducted on a particular day around August every year.)
Both men were still fully dressed. Rajeev pushed Gautam into my arms to give the first incestuous kiss to his ‘sister’, and I too fervently kissed back my cute ‘brother’ as Rajeev started undressing Gautam and me as we smooched (as one kisses one’s lover, a third lover stripping both of us feels very kinky). Then Gautam stripped Rajeev, as I appreciated Gautam’s naked feminine body and face.
Soon we three were in bed together naked, and I as his ‘Saroj Didi’ (sister) started this lovely ‘incestuous’ relationship with my sweet ‘brother’ Gautam! I remember we started the pissing fun with Gautam. Rajeev and I put our wide open mouths very close to each other – half kissing, half open – and Gautam alternated his urine-stream between our swallowing mouths. Then Rajeev and I fed him our piss one by one. Gautam said it was the first time he had tasted a woman’s urine, and he couldn’t have enough of it!
That night, Gautam asked us to help develop his feminine side and said he was planning to start on hormones, and later wanted to be a full-time transsexual. We were thrilled, and felt very close to him. We promised him our full support, encouragement, social protection and an everlasting sex-life with both of us without any reservations.
Soon, Gautam became the first man with whom I saw my husband making gay love. I still remember those soul-stirring moments when I watched and witnessed my own dear husband make open homosexual love to Gautam in our own bed!
Since that time, Rajeev and Gautam are lovers again after a gap of eight years, and I’m an integral part of their loving relationship as well. Neither of us ever have any emotional attachment with any of our extramarital lovers. However, with Gautam, we both share a very special love-bond.
Fleshy Gautam is now an almost-perfect pre-op transsexual with virtually no facial hair and quite outstanding (no pun intended) breasts with hormones but yet without implants! I must explain here that many plump Indian males have noticeable breasts, and Gautam’s hormone beauties look quite average in tight vests and loose T-shirts, the normal mode of dress in hot India. Nonetheless, when Gautam bares his chest, they unmistakably look like breasts with their high nipples – not like male chest fat.
Making out with Gautam feels as if I have another husband and a girlfriend rolled in one, and as if Rajeev too has another wife and a ‘top’ boyfriend too. All three of us just love this three-way arrangement and always find it extremely satisfying sexually. Very often, Gautam comes to our apartment to stay overnight. Luckily, for me, Gautam too happens to be an ass-man like Rajeev. Gautam is a mild diabetic, so whenever his blood-sugar goes too high, he cannot get a hard-on. He says he has come to enjoy being a passive bisexual transvestite to offset his frequent impotence, yet indulge in satisfying sex. Of late, Gautam has been using Viagra to offset his erectile problems.
On my part, I have found that I’m heavily turned on by transvestites and transsexuals. Gautam does not have a real sister, so right from the time of my marriage to Rajeev, I accepted him as my ‘Rakhee’ brother, and started calling him Gautam Bhaiya (Brother); and he accepted me as a surrogate sister and started calling me Saroj Didi (sister). From then on, Gautam has diligently been visiting us on Rakhee day every year.
So seven years later, when Rajeev and I invited Gautam into our bed, we turned our nonsexual ‘brother-sister’ relationship into a kinky, ‘incestuous’ one. Incest with a ‘sister’ used to be Gautam’s as well as our pet fantasy! In his young age, Gautam had twice enjoyed oral sex with his father’s sister, so he too has always been quite comfortable with the idea of incest. We still call each other Bhaiya and Didi, even more so in bed, and our ‘incestuous secret’ endlessly electrifies all three of us!
Since the time Gautam and I redefined our ‘Rakhee’ relationship with incest, Gautam’s visits on the Rakhee day have taken a new dimension. Obviously, the ceremony is no more conducted in the living room, nor is the Rakhee tied on the wrist any more! I conduct the ceremony in our marital bed, and tie the Rakhee on my cute incestuous brother’s penis! Gautam gets his mandatory Rakhee sweet-goodie by pulling out and eating from my vagina a syrupy Rasgulla (a firm and round ping-pong-ball sized spongy ball of sweetened milk-protein), which I insert into me beforehand. Delicious ‘incest’ follows, usually with me on top with the Rakhee string’s decoration rubbing against my clitoris, and we finish with me finally swallowing my brother’s semen. Lot of urine is also gulped down by everyone. Rajeev loves to watch the depraved ceremony.
Whenever Gautam visits us nowadays, he and Rajeev kiss and smooch like long-lost lovers at the door itself. When I’m with them in bed, their stories about their kinky escapades in their bachelor days never end. It always thrills me to see my husband kiss my cute ‘brother’. On our first night with him, Gautam was very shy with me, but I won him over and now he’s my best ‘brother’ and friend! Gautam and my husband are again very close as gay lovers, and Gautam now takes Rajeev (and me too) anally. During his sexual separation from Rajeev, Gautam had got his plump ass deflowered by his own homosexual mates – so now Rajeev also enjoys fucking Gautam’s large soft womanly ass.

Bisexual Shamolie and I went on lesbianising on the sly even after passing out of college, till she went abroad, got married, and then got divorced. Now, for the last five years, Shamolie is back in Mumbai, divorced and single, and back in my bed. She was the first woman with whom I made real and full-blown lesbian love in front of Rajeev – although he had often seen me smooching and fondling other straight women in our original swap club.
In the hostel, Shamolie and I did every possible lesbian thing – the favourite being a 69 including oral-anal kissing, and mutual pube-shaving. Shamolie is a tall, dusky, aristocratic woman with a very well preserved 5’8” 140 lbs. 38D-26-38 hourglass figure, even in her early forties. Our favourite lezzy acts are still the same and now sexy lingerie, fancy vibrators, dildo play, strap-on romp and anal insertions have been added to our lesbian repertoire. Now that we have both had babies, we have added fist-fucking to our lesbian repertoire too.
As I said, Shamolie was the first woman with whom I had proper lesbian sex in front of Rajeev – although he had often seen me casually smooching and fondling other straight women in our original swap club. In the hostel, Shamolie and I had done every possible lesbian thing – our favourites were 69s, breastfeeding, massages, mutual depilation and pube-shaving.
To an extent, Shamolie is to me what Gautam is to Rajeev, yet somehow I can never get as emotionally close to anyone as Rajeev is close to Gautam. Plus, Shamolie is rather snobbish. For as much we have tried to bring Gautam and Shamolie together, they have somehow never clicked sexually, emotionally or socially, though sexually they get along well. They’d have made an excellent couple!
Here is the story of our attempts to bring them together: After the ‘bisexual’ ice was broken between Rajeev and me (and we had already invited Gautam in our ‘bisexual’ bed), I told Shamolie about the new chapter in our marriage, and hesitantly asked if she’d agree to make love to me with Rajeev around. To my surprise, Shamolie readily agreed – saying that she had wanted to fuck Rajeev for a long time – and we fixed a date.
I had dressed up in a low-tied chiffon Sari and a deep cut blouse, with stilettos. Shamolie had worn a tailored business suit. Shamolie came in and I welcomed her with a deep wet kiss as Rajeev watched. Then she wet-kissed Rajeev on his mouth, telling him that she always wanted to fuck Rajeev! We trooped into our bedroom, and I started kissing and stripping Shamolie as Rajeev watched.
Down to her lingerie, Shamolie moved to Rajeev, undressed him and gave him a long, light suck-n-lick as I watched the lovely spectacle of my husband being serviced by this aristocratic beauty. Soon, I pulled her up onto our round table and started stripping her lingerie off. Soon we two hot lesbians were naked, and we got into a practiced 69, as Rajeev watched intently. Having cum once, we moved to our big bed and I asked Rajeev to lie down. I impaled myself on his pole and Shamolie sat down on his face, giving him her well-trimmed wet cunt to eat. Rajeev ended up taking Shamolie doggy-style as she 69ed with me.
We decided to make this an even bisexual act next time, and invited Gautam to join us. Gautam decided that he’d be dressed normally as a man. This would be the first time any of us would be in a bi-foursome, and this would give each of us a chance to enjoy sex with persons of both sexes in a group. We looked forward to that!
Four of us began our next date with long ceremonious bisexual kisses, disrobing and bisexual mate-swaps. We methodically broke all sexual inhibitions, and especially indulged in every possible intimate act with a same-sex mate, as two of the opposite sex watched. Shamolie had never seen men making out, and Rajeev and I felt proud to show her. Shamolie was mesmerised by scenes of men hornily kissing each other and sucking cock, and was transfixed by the sight of an erect penis entering a male anus as Gautam and Rajeev indulged in sodomy with gay abandon right in front of her. Later that evening, she decided to lose her anal cherry, and first Gautam and then Rajeev sodomised her.
Gautam, Rajeev and I wanted to enjoy a proper bisexual piss-drinking event, so I planned the next party with my lesbian lover and gynaecologist Dr. Ujwala. She readily agreed, and we met on a hot Sunday afternoon. Pragmatic and uninhibited Ujwala is my best friend, confidante and advisor. She’s 4’11”, 160 lbs., 38-32-50, very fair, chirpy, grey-eyed, very pretty, and not at all conscious of her prettiness.
Ujwala was separated from her husband a year before we met and she has not remarried, as there is some legal tangle. She lives together with a male medical specialist Dr. Prafful. He happens to be Gautam’s primary doctor helping with his desire to become a transsexual. Though Prafful is an excellent family friend, he has avoided entering into a sexual relationship with us, as Gautam is his patient. He knows that Ujwala is bisexual and my lover.
Ujwala and I got into lesbian sex much before Rajeev and I discovered each other’s bisexuality. Couple of years after we started swinging, I had gone to my gynaecologist Dr. Ujwala’s clinic for a routine examination. I was the last patient for the day, and after a long wait, I was lying naked on Ujwala’s simple gyno chair with my legs high and wide in stirrups, feeling very horny for some reason. On that day, I had preferred to remain naked, as it was quite pointless to change into a gown if one was going to have one’s breasts and genitalia examined.
Dr. Ujwala had finished palpating my breasts and was examining my genitalia, when I felt so excited by her ministrations that I blurted out, “I wish someone was eating me just now!” Completely unfazed, Ujwala promptly replied quite ingenuously with her usual cheerful smile, “Do you want me to, Saroj?” and I remember saying, “Only if you’ll let me return the favour!” Obviously ready to play, Ujwala said matter-of-factly, “Okay, I’ll just lock up the front door and join you in a moment!” as if a request for oral sex was a mundane thing between a doctor and patient!
So, leaving me naked and spread-eagled on her gyno chair, Ujwala stepped out into the reception area and closed down the clinic. She returned into the room, making eye contact and smiling brightly, coolly took off all her clothes. She had a lovely, lush body with nice pink-nippled breasts and absolutely huge, massive, rotund buttocks.
Before I could spread my arms and invite her for a smooch, she promptly sat down in front of me and ate me most expertly, bringing me to a throbbing orgasm. Shuddering, I stepped down from the gyno chair and asked Ujwala to climb in.
Ujwala said, “Saroj, I badly need to piss first!” Suddenly, I desperately wanted to taste a woman’s urine for the first time in my life! So throwing prudence to the winds, I hurriedly asked her, “Ujwala, if you don’t mind, will you piss in my mouth? I’ll drink it all.”
Ujwala looked at me for a moment, first with surprise, then with delight and anticipation, and smiled cheerfully! Sort of emulating me, my gynaecologist Dr. Ujwala said brightly, “Okay, but only if you’ll let me return the favour!” And I suddenly realised that I was going to have my kinky wish fulfilled. I couldn’t believe my luck!
We then affectionately smooched for a long time, my first genuine lesbian kiss after my marriage! Ujwala silently asked me with her eyes how I wanted her piss, and I motioned her into the gynaecological chair.
Soon, Ujwala settled in her gyno chair and exposed her lovely large pink shaved vulva to my gaze. I fixed my mouth to her lovely big Sex, and licking her intensely, I motioned her to start urinating, and was soon swallowing her delicious spicy piss. Once she was empty, I concentrated on bringing her to a long, hot climax.
Soon, it was my turn to get into the chair again and return the treat. Ujwala had obviously done this before, and she happily swallowed my pee. We again kissed for a long time, enjoying the lovely pissy aftertastes and tangs.
Promising to get together again soon, we reluctantly parted as we both were getting late – my toddler son would be getting fretful by then!
This was the first time I had had sex with someone and kept it a secret from my husband. Later, Ujwala narrated to me her delightful lesbian experiences in her college hostel; but after her marriage, she had not tried to find a lesbian partner, and had just left it to chance that some bi/gay female would come forth and make advances. I was glad I had made those advances, and Ujwala became my first lesbian lover after marriage.
Ujwala was the first woman in my life to piss in my mouth, and I too was the first woman in her life to urinate in her mouth. In her college days, she used to drink her boyfriend’s piss but never tried it with her husband. Dr. Ujwala is our family doctor and medico-sexual adviser too. She regularly gives me vaginal examinations with her speculum and her petite hand. She also draws our friends’ and our blood samples and sends them for HIV and other tests. In fact, Ujwala was the first person to insert a hand into my bowels.
After we husband and wife opened the bisexual doors in our lives, I told my husband about my affair with our family doctor Ujwala, and with a knowing smile, he said he had been aware of that for a long time…

For our first bisexual pee-party on that Sunday afternoon, Rajeev and I suggested to Gautam that he indulge in cross-dressing in front of Ujwala, and Gautam promptly agreed. Ujwala too discussed this with her boyfriend Dr. Prafful – who is handling Gautam’s transsexualism – and he approved of the plans.
On that hot Sunday morning, Gautam carefully put on a swanky pink sheer cotton Sari outfit with a well-cut sheer white cotton sleeveless blouse without a bra – his cupcake tits looked quite prominent in that blouse stitched especially for him by his gay mate Jaffer – a skilled dressmaker working for Mumbai’s “Bollywood” movie industry.
Gautam would be meeting a stranger woman for the first time in drag, and he was quite thrilled about it. Rajeev was in a white cotton Kurta-Pyjama and I was in an almost-sheer white cotton Salwar-Kurta with a pink bra-n-panties set showing through it – perfect for pissing games.
(The Salwar-Kurta is a dress native to the Punjab province in north India. In the last century, it has become very popular all over India. A Salwar is a very loose pleated pyjama that gets very narrow at the ankles. It’s tied high on the waist with a string. The accompanying Kurta is a close-fitting (but not tight) shirt top – half- or full-sleeved, or sleeveless – often with hooks at either front or back from the neck to the waist, flowing down well below the knees. The Salwar-Kurta is directly worn over brassieres and panties. It’s a common, decent dress, usually made from cotton fabric, synthetics or silk, as Indian silk is very weak and needs a lining, and is usually embroidered, or made from a colourfully printed cloth. The Salwar-Kurta cannot camouflage a big ass as well as a Sari, but are a close second! A Chunni – just a long scarf – often accompanies a Salwar-Kurta; and is draped over the Kurta in various ways over one’s shoulders and breasts.) Ujwala came in wearing a sky-blue cotton Sari too. She brought 5” platforms with her and changed into them. First, Rajeev, then I and lastly Gautam kissed Ujwala, as she profusely complimented him on his feminine perfection. Rajeev was blushing like a young bride!
None of were wearing any panties or underwear – only Ujwala had a bra on. In fact, both Ujwala’s and my Salwars had been opened at the crotch so we could lift our Kurtas and pee standing up! We all had been drinking a lot of water for a long time and all four bladders were at bursting point.
We all trooped into our bathroom and began with me lying on the floor and Ujwala standing over me. Rajeev and Gautam sat on my either side with their cheeks touching and mouths open in anticipation of Ujwala urine. As soon as she began, both men swallowed quickly, the straightened up and licky-smooched each other as Ujwala poured the rest of her bladder on my boobs and into my face, as she watched the men kiss passionately. It was such an unusual, kinky and earthy scene! Then Rajeev lay down and I stood up, and we all repeated the raunch. Next Ujwala lay down and Rajeev stood up.
Lastly, Rajeev stripped the piss-wet Sari from a giggling Gautam and undid his blouse and petticoat too. Wet-faced Ujwala sat down in front of the naked, wet girlie-feminine Sheena and held his lovely pink hairless cock as he pissed, and sprayed herself thoroughly, as Rajeev and I licked Gautam’s feminine hips and buttock-globes. We all took off our remaining clothes, and came together in a naked, pissy-wet, bisexual tangle on the bathroom floor for more piss-sex games. Later we showered and continued our bi-play on our big bed. Ujwala was enraptured with Gautam and they made love like two lesbians as we husband-and-wife watched.

So, after having added bisexuality and incestuous role-playing into our sex-lives, we now have no limits. Both of us, along with Gautam, have been celebrating this total sexual freedom together for the last decade. According to us, bisexual group-sex is the most enjoyable form of sex! We both have invited many of our past bisexual lovers to join us in our marital bed. Also, we separately sleep with pure gays and pure lesbians, with full consent, knowledge and encouragement of the spouse. Obviously, we swap notes later! So far, our bisexual sex-life has been very deeply satisfying! My only regret is that why didn’t I open up with my wonderfully broadminded husband right from the time I met him!
On the whole, we have ended up with more bisexual men than with bisexual women. There is no dearth of individual bisexual or gay males in Mumbai. However, we generally keep away from Mumbai’s well-organised gay male circles, as they generally are rather wild, very clannish and dangerously promiscuous.
The straight and gay individuals, and straight couples scene has been quite good so far. However, it takes good planning to conceal our bisexuality from our hetero mates, especially from our swinging club, just as it takes good planning to conceal our urine-love, transsexual love and incest-love from those averse to it. Therefore, we have been keeping a detailed sexual diary about every encounter and every participant right from the beginning, manually first, then on the computer since we got one in ‘88. I know this sounds ominous but it helps a lot. In fact, while writing this story, I have relied heavily on our voluminous diary.
Although we are civilised enough to never make homosexual advances on anyone, or even make any same-sex person uncomfortable by looking at him or her with sexual intent; we have lost one or two good contacts just because they came to know that one or both of us (especially Rajeev) were bisexual.
My lesbianism, though detested by straight females, is generally accepted by straight males, but straights from both sexes always seem to see a gay male as a ‘threat’! Most people are such homophobic hypocrites!
In ‘85, a truly bisexual woman Rakhsheen (32, 5’5”, 32-24-48, 150 lbs.) and her understanding straight husband Pervez joined our swap-club, and Rakhsheen and I started giving the ‘straights’ some good lezzy shows. Like me, Rakhsheen is quite anal too. ‘Holiday exchanges’ with Rakhsheen and Pervez are great fun with lots of sizzling girl-girl action with the men watching us lesbian sluts. Though Pervez isn’t bisexual, he lets Rajeev deep-throat him and cums on his face as we lesbians watch. Rakhsheen always urinates on or in Rajeev or me, and always gets her big flaring hips and heavy buttocks worshipped by Rajeev.
As usual, we keep each other’s room keys with us, so all are free to walk in on each other. Rakhsheen and I once walked in on my husband merrily deep-throating Pervez. Pervez came all over my hubby’s happy face as we watched, and Rakhsheen and I licked off her husband’s cum from my husband’s face. She then said to my husband, “I love you, you cocksucking homo!” All of us were in a mood to party, and Rakhsheen said, “Hey guys, you guys are going to stop at oral or what? I’d love to see some gay anal action too!” So my husband promptly offered his big hairless bubble-butt to Pervez to sodomise, and we both closely watched the gay men play. Pervez in fact quite liked his first male ass.
With this couple, our favourite is the wife-swap anal. However, the original group of eight couples has never been into kinky sex. The husbands sometimes demand ‘lesbian’ shows, but male homosexuality is still taboo. Anal sex is their limit, and I’m one of the two anal sluts in the group. With the exception of two couples, the others always insist on evenly balanced parties – everybody must come with their spouse. One cannot change people!
Today, we both cherish our bisexuality and are proud of it. Since the time we discovered and endorsed each other’s bisexuality, and opened our doors and bed to people of all sexual orientations, we have actually enjoyed a much happier and fuller sex-life, as now there are absolutely no secrets to be kept between us.

Kinds of partners we like:
I’m turned on by sexy young girls with sharp features, large prominent breasts on average bodies, and full hips sloping from slim waists. I love to adore and lick the tender undersides of bountiful breast-flesh as it swells out from slim rib-cages. Although like my husband, I too like females with full bodies and large rotund bottoms, I’m quite happy with slim teenager girls with 32” butts too, as I have more room to eat them. However, Rajeev always fancies the ‘30-plus in age and 40-plus in panties!’
I admire mature dark-skinned men with intelligent looks. Penis size and shape, and staying power are not very important to me, though I do like large cocks – I feel better stuffed in my large entrances.
Rajeev drools over tall elegant fair-skinned middle-aged women with large bountiful derrières. He really is an ass-man – real ‘broad-minded’, he says! He asserts that even Bill Clinton loves a large womanly ass – look at Monica Lewinsky’s generous posterior, he says! Rajeev’s ideal of feminine sex-appeal is a generous pair of absolutely spherical buttocks below a moderately narrow waist! In fact, we both get turned on by the way shapely well-rounded heavy bottoms (male and female) fill traditional tight faded blue jeans.
Rajeev doesn’t fully relish sex with slender, slim girls with boyish little butts. He says he may as well sleep with a similarly built pretty boy, and in the bargain, have his mouth and asshole feel full too! For both active and passive gay sex, Rajeev gets turned on by dainty, cute, young boys, and soft-bodied, feminine-faced males with absolutely hairless fair girlie skins.
We have often seen that many Indians, especially women, who are otherwise good-looking and glamorous when dressed, become very self-conscious, diffident and negative the moment they get fully naked!
Over the years, both of us have found many ideal physical types of men and women each for ourselves. Looking back, I think our tastes have got fixated by the physical appearance of the first individual of each sex with whom we each had our first sexual experience. Many of our lovers confirm this phenomenon.
The accord we have with fellow swingers:
From all our fellow swingers, we ask for – and give in return – these promises: He/she should be very clean, and free of any infectious diseases. He/she should maintain complete confidentiality about our relationship. Strictly, with our prior permission, he/she may disclose our relationship only to a person whom he/she wishes to introduce to us as another prospective swinger. He/she should not force any sexual act on anyone.

Some sexually relevant details about us:
Rajeev and I are clean, healthy, active, and supple – especially with regular yoga and exercises – and we take great care of our health. Rajeev is a vegetarian but I eat everything. We relish high-fibre, low-calorie, and low-cholesterol food; and have healthy, glowing skins. None of us has ever had pimples, acne or skin problems – maybe partly due to our constantly-satisfied libidos. Our healthy eating habits keep us free from any digestion or bowel problems too, so we both have healthy attractive-looking anuses, and we are always ready to receive anal penetrations without any discomfort. Rajeev has had a vasectomy; and I have also had my tubes tied after my childbirth, so nowadays we can both fully enjoy our sex-lives without worrying about pregnancies. None of us has ever had any STDs, and I have never had any gynaecological problems. We religiously do medical check-ups including HIV tests every six months and have never had any serious health worries.
We occasionally travel to major cities, and go to Europe every year or so for work. We have never been to the U.S. so far.
As I said, we have been married for 18 years. Ours was a love-match, then not so common in India. We both lost both our parents before marriage, and I lost my only sister in an accident before marriage. I have one brother – with whom I enjoy regular incest with my husband’s participation. Rajeev has a brother and sister but they didn’t approve of our marriage. As a result, we have drifted away from our immediate family relations except with my brother, and thus our life is free from nosy relatives, family obligations, religiosity, irrelevant ceremonies, etc.; otherwise common in India.
We have a healthy, handsome 17 years old son named Aaditya, a honeymoon child. I breastfed Aaditya wholly till I dried up after more than 2 years. He was never bottle-fed. During wet-nursing, my then 36C breasts had grown to 44DD, and there used to be so much milk that even Rajeev used to have an erotic feed after the baby. My breasts have become moderately saggy because of so much breastfeeding.
These days, our son happily lives and studies in a residential school at a nearby hill-station. Nowadays, he comes home only on vacations and long holidays. When he’s home, we spend time with him and put off our sex-partying and almost all extramarital sex, ache’s more important than our liberated sex-life. We openly answer all his questions about sex, and as enlightened, responsible parents, we are guiding him through his adolescent sexuality.
However, he’s still not an adult, so when he’s home, our big adult walk-in wardrobe containing all my sexy garments, our pornographic books and videos, our own XXX-rated photos and videos, letters, magazines, sex-toys, accessories, special cosmetics, etc., is firmly locked, ache’s not yet mentally or legally ready for that kind of sex-education by us. Aaditya isn’t overly curious either. He knows that we will always be open with him about everything sexual when time comes. Of his own free will, our son has told us that he’s having sex with some of his boyfriends in his school, and has had oral sex with some girls too. We believe that this is normal and healthy at his age. Aaditya is 5’ 10” tall, and I know for certain that he has a lovely 10” monster in his pants.
Between my husband and me, we have recently taken a final decision to introduce him to incest with us on his 18th birthday and we have been planning specific details for his first ‘Adult’ Birthday Party. Aaditya has been eyeing – even making occasional passes at – my voluptuous assets since puberty, so I know that our planned incestuous seduction won’t be something we will be imposing.
We occasionally drink alcohol socially. Rajeev likes vodka and margarita, and I love red wines and liqueurs, sometimes whiskeys when I’m in a naughty mood. Rajeev never exceeds his two peg limit, but just occasionally, I like to get slightly tipsy with neat vodka or whiskey on the rocks, though mostly only while partying at our own apartment. Rajeev is a not really a smoker, but we both love to moderately drink and smoke during sex. I started to smoke during sex after our son was weaned off. We don’t indulge in any kind of drugs ever – not even marijuana! Who needs drugs when you can constantly have such variegated erotic fun!
Socially, we are well-mannered and refined but not snobbish or aristocratic. Rajeev has a terrific sense of humour – quite British. Our English friends love his sense of humour! I’m just a bit of a general flirt, but Rajeev is always a perfect gentleman in any non-sexual situation. We are not the club-disco-pub-party types, though many of our adult friends are of that sort.
We never mix business with pleasure, and never try to seduce anyone socially, as Indian social mores frown upon such seductions in social settings. For us to proposition someone for sex, sexual intentions must be mutually confirmed beforehand – mainly through references from our present lovers, or sometimes through candid adult mails, and re-confirmed explicitly over the telephone when we fix up our first engagement. We have rarely broken this rule.
Essentially, we are just an upper-middle class Indian couple, certainly not part of the Mumbai’s Page-3 glitterati or the bitchy high-society party circuits. Socially, we are not at all status-conscious, nor fashion-conscious, nor do we put on a synthetic social style. In fact, instead of going to hotels, etc. we usually prefer the privacy and comfort of our own home and bed for having sex with friends, even with new ones (though most swinging Indians invariably meet in hotels). Sometimes, our mates invite us to their hotels or rarely to their homes. However, we usually meet individual male strangers for the first time in our favourite hotel about four miles away.
We have never faced any problems like stalking or scandals because of our swinging at home. In any case, we are too specialised in our professions to be affected by sex-scandals. Plus, this is today’s Mumbai – even the neighbours don’t care about who comes and goes, and who fucks whom! Nobody even notices if I have another man staying overnight with me when Rajeev is away.
Our bed-mates range from ordinary schoolteachers to business magnates. Everyone gets the same lavish Indian social hospitality from us. We love to play good sociable hosts, and mix easily with all types. We enjoy keeping our discreet adult parties going well into the night, and we like to host people overnight, as we don’t like to say good-nights after good sex.
Both of us really love bright lights during sex, though some people insist on dim lights. A few even want total darkness, and that turns us off.
Extramarital sex for us is playful and uninhibited fun and games rather than romantic, clandestine, sentimental, adulterous love-triangles. Rajeev and I have always shared a deep bond of trust and love, and sex with others never intrudes into our marital harmony. We have come to believe that much of marital discord one sees all around is essentially a product of sexual mistrust, possessiveness, and an unnecessary struggle for control, beginning with insistence on monogamy.
Beyond our swinging mates, we don’t socialise much with neighbours, clients or acquaintances. However, during the 17 years we have been swinging – bisexually for 14 years – we have made many excellent and genuine friends among couples as well as among individuals of every sexual orientation. So nowadays, we mainly socialise with people from our slowly widening sex-circle itself. Many couples and individuals have become close family friends. Some visit quite often, and we don’t always have sex on every of their visits. Often, when our son is at home, we get together as ordinary families. This way our son also gets good wholesome company with their kids. Sometimes, no sex is possible at such times, but often the family or families lodge overnight, and the parents quietly come over from the guest bedroom into our bed for a few hours of quiet but rich swapping and group-sex. On occasions, one of the spouses (or single parents) with their kids too stay overnight and socialise with our son, and we quietly enjoy threesomes after the kids go to bed. So, for us, relaxing and socialising with good family friends, and satisfying group-sex often go hand-in-hand.
We have a sex-kitty (we call it Bunny-Bank) where we systematically put 5% of our generous incomes, and spend it to please ourselves sexually. This way we have good, rich fun and keep from going overboard. We save most of the Bunny-Bank contributions for our foreign trips, and spend them on exotic lingerie, sex-accessories, wacky cosmetics, consumables, toys, original hard-core pornography, etc. However, good hospitality is part of our social life, and we don’t dip into our sex-kitty to entertain our friends socially.

Our sexuality, sexual interests, and sex-acts we relish:
Rajeev is exactly the kind of sexually imaginative husband I had always dreamed of, and he always says I’m his ‘dream-slut’! Both Rajeev’s and my major sexual interests have always matched perfectly. They include active and passive bisexuality (full oral, anal, genital sex with both sexes); bathroom sex including passive and active pissing games; role-playing – often submission and domination roles (we both enjoy both type roles), incestuous roles; kinky porn; keeping our ‘bedroom’ diaries and writing memoirs like this one.
The exhibitionist in me have always loved dressing up outlandishly and provocatively for sex, and I have always loved dancing and stripping erotically; so much so, that I don’t fully enjoy sex without sexy attire and foxy makeup. I had learnt Odissi – a sensuous classical Indian dance-form – for 10 years before marriage, and now I use that training to develop my erotic dancing and stripteases – especially belly-dancing (the movements are very similar).
Just before marriage, with Rajeev’s encouragement, I formally learned makeup techniques, and a few years later did another advanced makeover course. I learnt exotic makeover techniques meant for advertising and fashion shows, and now I use these skills to add shades of the exotic and the kinky to my (and others’) sex-appeal.
As I said, I’m very much an exhibitionist (though never in public), and Rajeev genuinely loves my unabashed exhibitionism. As a voyeur himself, he loves to watch me dancing and stripping for others and having sex with them. He gets turned on by the whole spectacle of others watching me dance, flaunt, strut and strip. Boisterously he eggs me on, passing lewd remarks on my charms and my sluttishness, and then enjoys watching others have sex with ‘available’ me, and enjoys fucking me afterwards! Both of us also love to perform sexually in front of invited ‘spectators’. I enjoy getting fucked or sodomised on all fours, or blatantly urinating or eagerly drinking or bathing in piss, especially when others are watching.
Rajeev especially loves watching me dance and strip in front of all-male groups – more the better. He especially loves the part where, dressed for sex, I emerge in front of my ‘admirers’, and they pull me into their arms, smooch and strip me, and paw and knead my plump charms. He likes to invite, and likes to watch me tempt and invite other men to feel me up, strip me, paw me, use me, cum on me, piss on me, enter me and cum in me, and especially loves to see a number of men service me one after the other. And like most men, he loves to see me in lewd action with other women too.
Similarly, I too get turned on by seeing Rajeev kiss, strip and make love to other women, and especially love to see Rajeev making out with other men and boys. Here, I’m an exception – a woman who gets turned on by watching her husband kiss other males, strip and fondle them, suck cock, butt-fuck them and get butt-fucked too. Rajeev also likes to shave his body and get into full drag, but only with select friends, and I enjoy seeing him remove his body hair, help him get into drag, makeup, lingerie, and love watching him make out with other males, drag queens or transsexuals.
We love to talk dirty during sex. In fact, my dirty dancing and dirty pillow talk was the basis of Rajeev’s and my mutual attraction right on our first date. We both believe in shedding off our decorum and graciousness with our clothes, and enjoy being absolutely brazen and shameless for sex. We both really love using raunchy, explicit, graphically erotic language during sex, but we don’t get down to the level of screaming, or shouting cheap profanities.
Over the years, we have found that openly sharing our bodies with others has definitely made the love bond between us much stronger. Enjoying sex with others – as my dear husband watches us – turns me on very deeply – and vice-versa too. Even when he’s not present, I’m mentally taking notes for my husband, and my excitement doesn’t end till he has debriefed me in detail. This debriefing itself always turns into a long session of sizzling sex.
Rajeev’s favourite position to enter either my Sex or my backdoor is to have me on all fours, doggy-style, as he holds onto my broad haunches. After I get on my hands and knees sideways in front of our big bedroom mirror for a hot fuck or a leisurely sodomy, Rajeev often pours lots of oil over my broad buttocks, enjoying their oily-shiny sex-appeal and loves to spank my oily flanks as he thrusts into me under bright lights. We both love to watch my big glistening, gleaming derrière shake and rebound in the mirror.
Rajeev is a very talented sodomiser, and he has this ‘anally perfect’ shape. Once my favourite intruder gets into my relaxed backdoor, my anal rim can close over its thinner base very comfortably without its catch slipping away! On our wedding night, Rajeev deflowered my last and only virginity so deliciously! Since then, I have witnessed many males and females voluntarily give their anal virginity to my talented sodomiser husband, and they have all felt relaxed and delighted with his anal deflowering! And no less than a dozen males have had their first assfuck in my ever-accommodating rectum. “Cum in from the backdoor!” I always say!
Homosexually, Rajeev especially loves active and passive anal sex with fair-complexioned, boyish/girlish-faced, hairless, soft-figured, very feminine, effeminate, swishy-wispy-limp males, also with transvestites and transsexuals. I too have also come to enjoy sex with those of his womanly boyfriends who are bisexual. We both like credibly feminine transvestites, not those who dress and look like a caricature of a female, and behave like comedians in drag. Those types really turn us off!
Obviously, I’m excluded from my husband’s gays-only parties, just as he’s excluded from my purely lesbian parties, but we have no problem with that.
In our minds, the so-called sexual perversions are just stimulating variations. In our value-system, the real perversions are violence, hatred, lying, bigotry and the desire to hurt others. Pain and real violence turn us off sexually too! We don’t mind describing our unusual sexual tastes as kinks, deviations, perversions, decadence, depravities, etc., as that way they sound naughtier. Many Indian couples do indulge in a few sexual kinks but remain ‘faithful’. Many swinging-swapping Indian couples we have come across are quite content with ‘normal’ sex with miscellaneous partners. Therefore, as swinging couples go, our active involvement in so many kinks is highly unusual. Nevertheless, it’s real, and over the years, combining swinging with bisexuality and kinks has constantly kept our sex-life as stimulating in our middle-age as it was in our youth.
In reality, we enjoy both ends of the spectrum – Simple wife-swapping with our conventional couple mates, and high-voltage kinky sex with those who relish that – and we enjoy every shade and degree of depravity in between these two limits. To introduce old mates to new kinks is always so satisfying to everyone!
We have always kept ourselves very well-informed about all the intricate medical dos and don’ts of Safe-Sex. Hence, even in these times of the AIDS scare, we enjoy lots of rich yet safe extramarital sex. We don’t indulge in any medically unsafe practice, like indulging in anal sex without condoms and without water-based lubricants like K-Y jelly, or carelessly infecting the vagina or the throat from the rectum, or performing oral sex with a sore throat, or letting semen go into the eyes (it’s harmless but hurts like hell), etc.
Though both of us lost our virginities at 14, we don’t like to have sex with under-age minors (below 18) or with animals, or with physically challenged persons, as we don’t like the ethics or the feelings of any kind of one-way lust. To get turned on, we absolutely must see naked lust for us in our mates’ eyes. This is the reason why we are no good at phone-sex with people we have not slept with.
The idea of sex with unhygienic, coarse, ill-educated, narrow-minded people, or with subordinate people like maidservants, delivery boys, chauffeurs, etc., turns us off, and we find indiscriminate promiscuity self-degrading. We don’t befriend selfish, ill-behaved, eager-for-a-quick-release people. However, planned safe-sex – even incestuous safe-sex – between mutually consenting, fully mature, fully independent individuals is perfectly fine with us. For us, more partners, more bisexual, the merrier!
After having consented to have sex with men, women or couples, if we don’t feel very comfortable with them sexually, or if we are or become unsure of their health or cleanliness, then depending on the circumstances, we stop at nudity / foreplay / mutual masturbation / oral sex / exhibition / dildo-show / non-swap same-bed fucking, etc. And if we do fuck, then we always keep to safe practices, taking care that the partners don’t feel rejected or snubbed.
Because of our cautious and clinical approach, none of us, or our partners, has ever experienced pain, injuries, bleeding or infections. Some people say that we are too clinical, but kinky sex outside marriage cannot be enjoyed safely without being level-headed and clinical!
Unlike many, we don’t put great premium on penis size, vaginal tightness, erection, stamina and depth of penetration. We aim at sustained and varied erotic pleasures for our partners and us, continuing for many satisfying hours – that’s all! In fact, people who think sex only means a lusty high-energy fuck with a big cock turn us off!
To be very specific – I enjoy kissing, licking and smooching men and women all over their bodies, French-kissing everyone mouth-to-mouth, fondling and smooching breasts, sucking nipples, lapping and tonguing labia and clitorises, buttocks of course, and kissing, sucking and deep-throating cocks, for long hours. I love having my nipples chewed, my breasts handled roughly and my heavy buttocks kissed, fondled, squeezed, kneaded, licked, lapped and slapped all over. I enjoy having my shaven Sex licked by men and women, taking cocks of all shapes and sizes up my big cunt and accommodating asshole, giving and receiving deep anal tongue-kisses from lovers of either sex, giving and taking finger-fucking and dildo-fucking in cunt and ass. In addition, I can take most women’s, and with a little preparation, Rajeev’s and some other men’s whole hand right up to the wrist into my elastic vagina. I enjoy (and am well-experienced in) getting stuffed simultaneously in any two or all three of my fuck-holes – I call the latter a ‘Triple Banana Split’! I also love being tied down in all sorts of postures with soft ropes and fucked, and relish having my big buttock-globes smeared with oil and then spanked noisily but not violently.
Above all, I’m a complete exhibitionist, and love to strip and have sex in front of people with whom we have agreed to have a sexual relationship. Larger the group, more excited I feel. One thing I really revel in is being in a gang-bang, where I’m (usually) on all fours, and one after the other, a series of men fuck my cunt, mouth or asshole (sometimes two, or all three holes simultaneously), till all available semen has been poured into or onto me.
We both believe that proper oral sex with a man is a deep-throat up to the root, not merely licking the sides and sucking on the knob. We both know how to relax our throats and let the cock go right into our gullets, without getting any vomiting reflex. Unlike some, we don’t put condoms on the cocks we suck. We have learned to breathe on the slow out-strokes, so we can deep-throat for long stretches. Rajeev taught me how to take it right in and how to do it right! Whenever Rajeev or I deep-throat, the men go berserk with excitement. Some even start frantic thrusting. Then I often have to come up for air, but Rajeev with can really hold his breath for a long time. The guys are always so appreciative of our deep-throating! For many, it’s their very first deep-throat! Needless to say, Rajeev himself loves to be properly deep-throated too! He himself has patiently taught me how to do it effortlessly, and I can proudly say I have learnt the technique quite well.
Similarly, we have learnt to relax our anal muscles completely, so we can receive pretty fat cocks in our assholes without any pain or bruising.
I have been receiving cock in my throat (not just mouth) and asshole right from the time I got married to Rajeev. I was no virgin at marriage, as I had already sucked and fucked quite a few men, but Rajeev was the first man to put his cock into my asshole. In fact, my virgin asshole was my wedding present to him on our wedding night! He was also the first man to put his cock beyond my throat – he taught me how to on the same night.
Before our son was born, I couldn’t take even a female gynaecologist’s small hand inside my Sex, as it was quite painful, but right after the childbirth and before my vagina could get back to normal, Rajeev introduced me to the joys of having a fist in my vagina. So nowadays, I don’t need any special preparation for vaginal fisting, besides being very horny and well lubricated. Yet my Sex isn’t at all slack or loose, thanks to the special pelvic Kegel exercises I have been doing virtually all my life. These are quite simple – just contracting those muscles that stop the urine flow. There is an equivalent exercise in yoga too.
Rajeev is equally uninhibited about kissing men and women all over, and on their mouths too, and deep-throating cocks. All his male lovers tell me he’s the very best (often the one and only) deep-throater they have ever come across, and I can tell you most impartially that Rajeev is the very best cunt-lapper I have enjoyed – ‘Body-licker’ would be a better description! Rajeev loves lapping hairless cunts and assholes, fucking mouths, cunts and assholes, having his cock sucked by men and women, and giving and receiving finger-fucking and anal kisses with lovers of either sex. He too enjoys both his mouth and asshole being stuffed at the same time, and loves to fuck when he’s receiving cock orally, anally, or both ways. Compared to mine, Rajeev’s asshole is a bit less well-dilated. Unlike mine, Rajeev’s nipples are extremely tender, and he cannot stand having them even mildly pinched. Though he’s not a tit-man, he loves to fuck large-bosomed women between the breasts whenever he’s with such women. My breasts are average, as I said.
Unlike most Indians, both of us don’t have any inhibitions, hesitation or shame about taking off our clothes – all of them – or walking in completely naked in front of total strangers, even if they are and remain fully dressed. In this respect, we are more like the urban Westerners than average Indians are.
I thoroughly enjoy decking-up as a dancer, or in sexy lingerie (still quite uncommon in India), doing a complete striptease and displaying my figure and privates, especially to newcomers to our sex-life, and both of us just love the whole effect my wanton shamelessness has on our new and old lovers. I love being an exhibitionist, and Rajeev loves me dancing-n-stripping, showing off my assets, offering my bare body and flaunting my vivid sexuality to others – this is one of the profound bonds we husband and wife share!
Those people who see me in everyday clothes – before or after sex – are stunned by my total transformation from a housewife into a blatant sex-slut. Our friends often talk of me having a split personality as a Gemini, but I know that it’s nothing of that sort. Both my husband and I love to massage our lovers, and be massaged – especially breast-to-body massages and the Bangkok-style body-to-body massages – and I love giving my special brand of buttocks-to-body massage to my lovers. We encourage our women lovers to do it to us too. And our spacious bathroom is ideal for pissing good fun and also for sexy-slippery fun with lots of oil!
Both of us can get into all sorts of odd fuck-postures due to daily yoga practice. We both enjoy threesomes (especially being in the middle), foursomes, group-sex, mixed-group orgies and most of all bisexual group-sex. We both also relish being naked and fucking in front of fully clothed passive spectators, and we are not ashamed of our average looks and figures.
Both of us love to have semen, vaginal juices and fresh urine splashed and smeared all over our faces, bodies and into our mouths. Unlike many hygiene-freaks, both of us relish the natural odours of fresh – not stale – sweat, especially in armpits and crotches, and love the smells and tastes of fresh fuck-juices and fresh urine; but not stale body-odour, bad breath, stale urine, dirty genitals or smelly anuses. If Rajeev or I ever take a friend’s semen or urine in our mouth, we swallow it – why take something into one’s mouth if one is going to spit it out disgustedly the next moment? Medically, it does not make much sense to spit out foreign fluids without swallowing once you have taken them into your mouth, as the mouth is a lot more sensitive to infections than the highly acidic stomach! We both like to orally lick-n-suck cocks clean right after they have come out of a cunt, but not if they have come out of an asshole, as that’s medically unsafe, and stinks too!
Both of us don’t mind making love (including oral) to women during their periods, provided they are clean and fresh. Unlike many women, I really love having sex before and during my periods, usually with Rajeev or with someone who does not mind. It certainly reduces my slight pre-menstrual heaviness, and Rajeev loves my bloated breasts.
We don’t like to kiss clouds of perfume and lick layers of deodorants. And we don’t enjoy sex with those who insist on fastidious cleanliness at all times, even during sex – like those who reach for the tissue just before oral sex, or those who dislike even a smear of wetness on their skins, or the ones who start wiping and washing even before they breathe out after a climax. Once we start with clean bodies, good sex always gets dirty, and we love it that way. Some people in Mumbai put perfume in their crotches when they come to fuck! One cunt Rajeev went to lick was replete with a lime-flavoured vaginal deodorant! Later, with his typical dry sense of humour, he was lamenting with a straight face that the flavour was not cherry! So usually, I keep my bidet and a plain douche bag ready for such company.
However, we don’t kiss and tongue-fuck assholes unless they are freshly and thoroughly soap-washed. So, if we are confronted with people with not-so-clean anal lips, we first have an erotic bath with them, and then tongue their assholes, often in our lovely bathroom itself. If our dates don’t smell fresh and natural, then instead of evading this and that, we first invite them for a sexy bath with us, and then make love open-handedly. In our great polluted and sweltering city of Mumbai, many people themselves don’t feel very fresh when they travel down to meet us, often directly from work, and ask to be excused for a shower. So, instead of waiting for them, we happily join them in the bathroom and give them an erotic wash. To those who want to go home first for a wash, we promptly offer them our bathroom.
I also love to put the measuring tape to all our lovers, and record their vital statistics in our diary – just good clean fun. Many men get size-conscious, and all women remark that they are too fat! Human nature is same everywhere, I suppose. Penis size and shape, and staying power are not very important to me. I prefer long-drawn-out, leisurely sex, but occasionally, I like surprise or short-notice quickies too. Occasionally, I also like to be lustily fucked at a vigorous pace (usually by multiple males) till I’m worn out.
During lesbian love-making, I love kissing my woman’s soft lips, inhaling her natural womanly smells, burying my face in her hair (I love long thick hair), sucking her warm satiny breasts, having my hands roam on her feminine figure, feeling her soft breasts against mine. I also love feeling her feminine hands caressing my curves, feeling her smooth lips on my nipples and on my (usually) hairless mound, feeling her smooth feminine face against mine, on my breasts and especially on my inner thighs. I love kissing and licking her squirming juicy vulva, sucking and tonguing her love-button and her tender anal lips – some women (and a few men too) have such pretty assholes, just like rosebuds!
And I especially love mutual shaving sessions followed by lesbian fooling around in bed. I call our games “playing bitches”! But in my heart, my most thrilling moments with any new lesbian lover are when I first kiss her with sexual intent, first nuzzle her feminine hair and neck, first open her clothes to slowly unveil her assets and set my eyes on her bare breasts, her thighs, her vulva, her buttocks, and her anus! I feel thrilled when she too takes off my clothes and exposes my womanliness to her gaze and touch.
Rajeev knows this and cooperates very well, either by leaving me alone with my new girlfriend in those first exciting moments of ‘revelation’. Or if he’s supposed to be around, then he watches us lesbians quietly. He says he loves to watch me during those moments.
Rajeev loves getting a joint blow-job from a bi-man and me. The guy and I alternately suck Rajeev’s cock and smooch each other; feels real depraved – me asking a guy to share in sucking my husband’s cock – Rajeev and I see this as a celebration of our bisexualities. At times, I sit in the guy’s lap facing him with his cock inside me, and Rajeev stands in the middle, fucking the guy’s mouth as I kiss my sexy husband’s ass.
Rajeev equally loves to be passive with males, and I really get turned on by watching my husband getting it on with other males. As I said, I’m an exceptional wife who gets turned on by watching her husband kiss, embrace, fondle and, strip other males, suck cock, and get butt-fucked by other males.
And I do love him shaving off his body hair, getting into drag, makeup, lingerie – I help him all along – and watch him making out with other males, drag queens or transsexuals.
With a passive bi-man, Rajeev’s favourite ‘bi-MMF’ setting is to fuck his ass as the guy fucks my big Sex or my welcoming ass, or as the guy is in a 69 with me. I like the last as I can see my husband’s cock fornicating in a male ass. Or my homo-loving hubby takes the guy’s ass with the guy on his back, and I sit on the guy’s face, getting my hairless holes licked, and smooch my darling sodomising husband as I play with the bottom-guy’s cock.
With an active bi-man, Rajeev’s favourite ‘bi-MMF’ setting is to be in the middle of a bi-threesome. For that, my ass-loving hubby lies on his back, as the guy takes his ass, and I sit on my hubby’s face, getting my holes tongued or urinating in his eager mouth, as I smooch my own husband’s sodomiser and play with my hubby’s cock. When Rajeev deep-throats guys, I love to watch him closely, as he alternately sucks cock and smooches me. This feels really wicked and debauched – me closely watching my darling husband deep-throat other men’s erections, also closely watching guys urinate in my husband’s welcoming mouth.
As I said, Rajeev and I see all this as a celebration of our bisexualities. There, we said it as it is!

My adult wardrobe and my sex-toys:
In my everyday life, I dress quite conventionally. I usually wear a Salwar-Kurta-Chunni or Saris, sometimes maxi-skirts or midi-skirts. I sometimes wear Western business suits too – and I do like to do a strip from a dressy suit. At home, I usually wear jeans and T-shirts. But for sex, I like to take an entirely different visage!
For our adult get-togethers, I love to wear sexy, revealing Western dresses or lingerie outfits with foxy party makeovers, or provocative dancing outfits if I’m going to do a striptease. With my sumptuous figure, I look ‘Available’ rather than glamorous in my provocative dresses – but that’s the whole idea anyway – I’m ‘Available’, with a capital A!
Rajeev and I have never believed in the old-fashioned cliché that what is hidden is more alluring. That’s a sentimental, romantic, poetic concept, but we are not sentimental, romantic or poetic when it comes to sex. In my mind, my sexy outfits and accessories are just a means to enhance my sex-appeal and to openly flaunt my ‘Availability’! I believe that my real sex-appeal lies in letting my dress, makeover, body-language and conduct say unequivocally, “I’m proud to be sexy! Cum and get it on with me – I’m Available!” I do love the label of ‘Available”!
In all our swinging situations, sex is invariably agreed upon explicitly by prior mutual consent. Hence, we believe that it’s perfectly okay to meet our partners with my breasts being bra-less, or to let my derrière show through transparent clothing; or to let my outfits make a veiled display of my nipples, butt-cleavage, shaved pubes, even my Sex or my anal lips, etc., to heighten our own and our mates’ anticipation of ‘things to cum!’ We don’t believe that merely showing my cleavage or my bare navel to people, whom we are specifically meeting for a sexual encounter by prior consent, is a sign of sexual invitation. Today, even in a non-sexual situation its quite passé for any urban Indian woman to wear a deep décolletage and to display her navel. Now and then, I meet our partners topless, or even completely bare-ass naked.
Rajeev also likes to let his arousal show by not hiding the big bulge in his pants. Often, he too meets our mates just wearing sexy underwear. Being a poor male, Rajeev does not have much choice of lingerie. He just dresses smartly yet quite conventionally for going out for sex, though inside, he wears jazzy bikini briefs or some outrageous undies I have got for him from England – string pouches, real leather briefs with a studded belt, leopard-skin prints, metallic-shiny materials, sequined stuff, fishnet briefs, and a few designer pieces.
For partying before actual copulation, especially when we go out, I wear tight minis with tank-tops, hot-pants with halter-tops, strategically heavily torn worn-out jeans with scissored T-shirts worn bra-less – thus showing a lot of skin, clinging party-sheaths with side slits and outrageous necklines and plunging backs, brief tops with pedal-pushers, Capri’s , leotards, stretchy hipsters… The hipsters’ waist sits pretty low on my oversize hips, and I pull the waistline further down for comfort, so most of the flaring slopes of my big hips are exposed, and a wicked amount of my butt-cleavage is displayed!
Obviously, when I go out for our dates dressed like that, I wear a Salwar-Kurta or a long robe over them in public to hide my sizzling outfits inside. One really innovative dress I have invented to meet our first-timers is my sheer red one-piece swimsuit-like teddy with very high legs and a very low back, worn over my black Lycra hipster – no bra or panties! This leaves very large portions of my luscious upper hips exposed while covering everything else. It looks very provocative and it’s easy to do a lively dance in them!
I conceal my unattractive feet in alluring stilettos, sexy platforms, or high shiny boots. However, in front of well-known friends, I wear strappy high-heel sandals that are more comfortable. Rajeev does not mind me looking taller than he does. When I go bra-less, my big nipples look very conspicuous, especially when they get hard. Whenever I’m going to open my brassieres myself, say during a strip performance, I prefer front-opening styles; but when my bra is likely to be opened by someone else, I prefer the usual rear-hooked styles, as rear-hooks being opened feel more erotic.
With dresses that would cling and mould over my derrière, I wear my favourite panties that have thick seams at the legs, so the seams go right across my bulging ass-cheeks, and raise eye-catching panty-lines in the dresses! Both Rajeev and I love that seductive touch.
As with all professional strippers, I always put together my striptease ensemble in such a way that I can take everything off all by myself without being clumsy or graceless. Sari outfits, side-hooked party sheaths, skirts, bikini-type outfits, nighties, corsets, sleeveless tee-shirts, Basques (corsets with integral brassieres), bustier-girdles, loose flaring pants, etc., are all easy to take off, and look erotic too. However, I try and avoid pants, tight jeans, Salwar-Kurta, tank-tops, blouses with tight sleeves, pedal-pushers – anything one has to pull off, or wriggle out of, or take off over one’s head, or over one’s dancing shoes. Nevertheless, on the spur of the moment, I can do a smooth striptease out of anything I’m wearing. Rajeev loves me looking like a slut, and I love unveiling and displaying my big body to our lovers.
However, I take care not to look sluttish in public, nor when we socially meet any of our non-sexual acquaintances! Sometimes when a little ‘modesty’ is called for, I go bra-less with thin see-thru chiffon Saris worn below the navel, and sleeveless Indian blouses with halter-fronts, plunging necklines and crisscrossing G-strings at the wide-open back. With some shy individual women, both straight and bi, and some very modest couples, I too dress up modestly in everyday clothes – but just a bit sexily, as they’d find my outlandish outfits too threatening, and not open up easily, or not come back again. But with the rest of the crowd, I wear any sexy revealing thing – the kinkier I look, the more they love it! When we go to our favourite hotel for sex with new individual males, I usually carry some ensemble from my sexy lingerie collection and change into it in the bathroom after the foreplay, and then make a sensational appearance. When I’m receiving adult guests at our home, then I directly dress up in erotic outfits or in a very short see-thru nightie with sexy lingerie showing through. To meet absolute newcomers at the door, I throw a robe over my shoulders, or add an opaque gown over my lingerie – sometimes not even that. And for an erotic appointment with close friends like Gautam or Shamolie, etc., I love to open the door absolutely stark naked.
Usually we indulge in piss-play when everyone is completely naked. I obviously try and avoid getting my swanky outfits wet with urine. But when taking fully-clothed Golden Showers is on the cards, or if I’m planning to wet myself for my spectators, I wear my faded blue denim jeans with thin cotton tops, or snug translucent cotton pants – basically any material which darkens nicely or becomes see-through when wet, and is easy to machine-wash. I really do enjoy getting fully drenched in hot urine when I’m wearing clothes, and equally enjoy pissing my pants (or whatever) as people watch. I especially enjoy inviting guys to piss into my cleavage when I’m wearing a blouse or a top, or down my back into my butt-cleavage through the loosened waist of my jeans.
Whenever one or both of us visit Europe, we regularly buy lots of really brassy, sexy Western lingerie and accessories, and now Gautam’s transsexual collection has got added to mine – except size-specific items, the rest fit both of us.
To list, my adult wardrobe includes Sexy French bras that push my boobs together; half-bras that leave my nipples almost open; underwired bras to push out my saggy breasts; transparent bras and panties; bras with nipple cut-outs, lots of G-strings… With my figure, the back string disappears completely between my fat buttocks. I have a few tangas, open-crotch panties, side-tying G-string bikinis; waist-cinching bustier-girdles, hourglass corsets, girdles, Basques, teddies – some in glossy wet-look or metallic vinyl; garter belts and suspenders, all sorts of stockings including fishnets, fencenets, bra-panties-garter sets; frilly money-bands (leg-garters) that European prostitutes wear on one thigh… I have many transparent nighties of differing lengths – long, short, scanty; a tight hip-hugging miniskirt in shimmering sequins, another in red wet-look vinyl; strapless tank-tops in Lycra, couple of feather-boas as dancing accessories, etc., etc. I have a tight stretchy glistening mirror-shiny metallic-gold party sheath that I usually wear without anything underneath – looks really sluttish!
In addition, my transsexual ‘brother’ Gautam and I share a collection of up to 6” high pencil-heel stilettos (we have same size feet); some regular wigs, some really wicked coloured ones (blonde, blue, violet, pink…); advanced makeup aids like pan-sticks to give us that uniform showgirl-type facial complexion, large false eyelashes, mascara, shimmering and glittering eye-shadows… Besides, I have many sets of artificial glue-on nails, body glitter and stick-on body-sequins, coloured contact lenses, kinky smear-proof lipsticks – pink, red, purple, burgundy, sinful black, kinky blue, violet, green, metallic silver, metallic gold, wet-look ones, crystalline ones, etc.
I’m fond of heavy costume jewellery, and love to round out my fuck-wear with a nice load from my collection. I own a big assortment of heavy Western and Indian ornaments, including a complete set of dancer’s body-ornaments in heavy alloy silver. This ancient design from the Indian Maurya period contains all sorts of things including lots of chains, etc. to embellish my breasts, heavy hips, big buttocks, and vulva specifically! This set is designed for wearing on bare body in place of clothes, and it makes me look like a dancer right out of Khajuraho, the ancient Indian temple of sex. Nothing is very expensive but they are all quite showy on my big frame! Gautam loves to wear these too, along with my Saris and petticoats.
Transsexual Gautam has got a few smart Indian blouses and Western party dresses tailored for him. As I mentioned earlier, One of Gautam’s lovers Jaffer is a dress-designer for Indian ‘Bollywood’ movies.

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