
An Irish Family 3

This story is from the view point of James, Katie’s new boyfriend from Uni. She has decided to take him home to meet her family.

Katie drove through the country side, navigating the narrow winding lanes with the confidence only possessed by a local. She had spent her whole life until the last year on this remote windswept part of the Atlantic coast.
I had grown up in the middle of the hustle and bustle of London which couldn’t be more different weather beaten, craggy isolated wilderness. With is towering mountains instead of high rises and exposed rock rising out of the thin soil instead of weeds forcing their way through tarmac. It was a beautiful unspoiled portion of the world barely touched by the hand of man. every turn in the road gave way to a different view, whether it was the 12 Bens looming in the distance or the craggy coast opening out into the gray churning mass of the Atlantic broken only by small spots of land, small islands, most no more than a large rock sticking out of the water, that litter the coast of Island.

“Enjoying the view?” Katie asked.
I shook myself out of my reverie and turn to look at her. She was a gorgeous brunet, slender and toned with straight shoulder length hair and delicate features. Her face was lightly freckled and she had the most striking green eyes which always sparkled with a hint of mischief. “Yeah, it’s beautiful, I can’t believe you grew up here.”

“True, it does lack a few of the amenities of a city though. It can get a bit boring sometimes.”

“I suppose that’s why you are so close with your family” I commented, I knew her brother and sister had visited her quite a few times after she had moved to unit, although since we had started dating they hadn’t visited, I assumed Katie hadn’t wanted to introduce me to her family until we were more secure in our relationship.

“Yeah, they are all dying to meet you.”

“Well only another…” I glanced at the Satnav “3 minutes”

“Are you nervous?”

I smiled back at her “If they are all as perfect as you then I have nothing to be nervous about.” I then laughed as she mimed being sick at the soppy words.

“Keep up with that rubbish and I’ll leave you out in the middle of the bog”

“That’s fine I’ll become ‘James of the bog’. Living off the land, hunting, fishing, building shelters….other country things.”

Katie snorted “closest you’ve come to a bog is a big puddle in Phoenix park. Oh we are here!”

We were coming up to a turning off the road, on the stone wall by the road was a girl with deep blue hair. She jumped off the wall as we arrived showing her petite athletic frame in a tight black strappy top and tight red jeans. “KATIEEEE” she squealed as we turned off the road and pulled up next to her.

Katie wound down the window “Hey Ciara!”
“ohm you must be James, Katie has told us soooo little about you, your her mystery city man” Ciara said leaning down to rest her elbows on the window giving me a quick glance down her top “Stop that she is Katie’s sister!” i thought to myself, I forced myself to look up and meet her eyes. If Katie’s eyes had a spark of mischief then Ciara’s eyes had a roaring inferno. She jumped in the back seat of the car and lent forward so her head was between ours I caught a whiff of a deep flowery perfume. Then the questions started. As Katie drove down the track I was bombarded with question from the back seat, “What are you studying?”, “What is London like?” “Do you Like Ireland”. I tried gamely to keep up with the flow of questions but she barely gave me time to finish one answer before she asked another, often completely unrelated, question. “Has Katie told you about the party?” she asked the glint in her eye gleaming.

“Party, no. What party?” I glanced over at Katie who blushed.

“It’s a bit of a baptism of fire…for both of us. All my family will be there. There will be singing dancing, music….and everyone has to perform.”

Shit, perform, in front of Katie’s entire family, shit, what can I do? I have no skills. “Perform what?”

“A skill talent, whatever, most of us sing or dance” Ciara chipped in from the back seat grinning maliciously.

“And you didn’t tell me because…?”

“I didn’t want you not to come” Katie was blushing furiously now and shooting Ciara dirty looks.

“Don’t look at me like that sis, he was going to find out soon anyway. I just gave him some time to prepare”

Katie pulled up next to a house and we all piled out of the car. Katie tried to give Ciara a light shove but Ciara slipped between her arms and it ended up as a hug with Ciara resting her head on Katie’s chest and her arms wrapped around her back. Wait is Ciara squeezing Katie’s ass? I couldn’t quite see because Katie was facing toward me but it looked like… Katie pushed her sister away. Maybe I imagined it, why would she be grabbing her sister’s ass, it is a nice ass mmmmmmm



“Grab your stuff stop standing there staring into space!”

We bustled into the house and were greeted by Katie’s parents, the meeting was brief as they were heading over to the hay barn to set up for the party. Katie took me to her room so we could unpack.

The next few hours went by in a blur off faces as Katie dragged me round all the houses introducing me to her family. As soon as we left each house I immediately forgot all the names I had just been told.

Much sooner that I would have liked the sky was starting to darken and I was walking arm in arm with Katie towards a large wooden barn. The large doors were wide open and light and music was spilling out.

Suddenly I felt another arm slip around my free arm. I turned to see Ciara’s face grinning up at me “Hey James, nervous about your performance?”

“Yeah, I don’t have any talents”

“That’s not what I hear” Ciara grinned and leaned round me to give Katie a very obvious wink making me turn a deep red Is Ciara just messing with me or has Katie been discussing our sex life with Ciara. More importantly why does that turn me on? Snap out of it you idiot yes she is cute but she is Katie sister.

“Stop messing with him Ciara, I’m sure he has enough to think about without hearing about the PowerPoint presentation I gave you about our sex life”

I looked round at Katie and raised an eyebrow “Why of all the ways to say you talked about our sex life would you pick a PowerPoint presentation?”

“Because I give a damn good PowerPoint presentation!”

“That’s not all she is damn good at” Ciara gave another exaggerated wink.

“God your hopeless” Katie sighed and dragged us both into the barn. “KEVIN!!” Katie suddenly screamed as we entered the barn and suddenly ran off to embrace a tall well-built guy with short brown hair and green eyes just like Katie’s.

“That’s Kevin our cousin, I thought he was going to stay in Manchester over the holidays. I wonder how come he’s back” Ciara had to lean into my ear to be heard over the music and I got another breath of her flowery aroma. She seemed to pause close up to me for slightly too long to be natural but then she pulled away and I thought I must have imagined it.

Katie was skipping back towards us holding on to a slightly bemused Kevin “James right?” he held out a hand which I took “Nice to meet you at last, Katie has told me so much about you”

“Ahh so you got the PowerPoint presentation too did you?” I said. The girls both laughed loudly while Kevin looked baffled.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll explain later.” Katie said “Now let’s go get some drinks”

Again the next few hours passed bewilderingly quickly as everyone who I had been introduced to came back over and said hi while I tried to avoid admitting I had forgotten their names. Ciara noticed that I had been struggling and started whispering me names in my ear as people came over, which I thought was nice especially as it gave me more whiffs of her enchanting perfume. However, it turned out that actually it was just an excuse to tease me more by feeding me deliberately wrong names every so often.

I was saved when Katie pulled me out onto the dance area. She pulled me close to her body and we started swaying with the music. “Thanks” I whispered in her ear.

“I thought you looked like you needed saving from my family, especially Ciara”

“I feel like I’ll need saving from Ciara a lot”

“You probably will” Katie smiled and kissed me lightly.

Throughout the conversation I was breathing in Katie’s scent while being pressed against her body and it was making it quite hard to focus on where I was putting my feet.

“Oh I have to go, I’m up first.” Katie pulled away and stepped up onto the stage with Kevin following along behind. Kevin sat down on a chair and picked up a violin from the corner of the stage. Calling it a stage may be a bit of an exaggeration, it was some hay bales with wooden boards on top, it didn’t look exactly stable.

Kevin started to play as the speakers were turned off leaving the violin as the only sound in the suddenly quite barn. He played a slow haunting tune that echoed the dark rugged landscape outside. Then Katie started to sing. Her voice rang pure and clear through the barn. She sang in Irish, which I don’t know, but even so I could feel the story flowing like water down a stream. I was entranced in her beauty as the music swirled round me. I was spellbound then suddenly the mood changed, the tempo lifted everyone cheered and moved to the dance area. Ciara pushed me forward and took my hands as everyone started to dance to the upbeat jig.

I was now pressed close to Ciara but the sound of Katie’s voice singing out over the crowd of her family immunised me to her allure, well mostly. I was still very aware of her breasts when she pressed close against me, and I was very aware when her hands grazed over my crotch seemly by accident. Other than that I was completely immune….honest.

As the song finished Ciara pulled away “My turn next” she hopped up onto the stage as Katie climbed down.

“Have fun dancing?” Katie asked

“Yeah, Ciara didn’t even tease me once”

“She must be saving up for something big” Katie smiled as she stepped up beside me wrapping her arm round my back. “She’s good you’ll want to watch” she turned us towards the stage.

Kevin started playing again.

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