
An incest birthday chapter 11

Was on strike for a while. If someone keeps stealing my stories and reposting them under a different title I’m gonna stop writing. As usual comments and PM’s are appreciated.

It’s been three months since the day we left the cabin, and just like I thought, things did get interesting. Both families hit it off so well at the cabin we decided to keep hanging out at each others houses at few times. Dad did manage to get that promotion and he and Jim started to become the best of friends. The fact that their kids were dating each other seemed to sit really well for them, since both sets of parents liked us. A few times dad walked in on Rita and I laying together talking about Chris and Stephanie, and a few times when we slept together, but with as often as we’ve been to Jim’s house and as often as they’ve been here, I think he’d rather Rita and I sleep in the same bed than with Jim’s kids. He liked the game room in the cabin so much that he turned our little spare room into a game room with the same types of game machines at the cabin. He spends a lot of time in that room now, and ironically so does mom and Aunt Lisa. He also put a little weightlifting section in the basement, which I’m starting to use more often. Stephanie and I have been dating each other, and Rita has been dating Chris, but we are still completely devoted to each other like we said we would be, and that won’t ever change.

Ever since the last day at the cabin, whenever dad wasn’t home, we had free reign over the house. Sex would be happening as soon as dad was out the door. Mom or Aunt Lisa would catch us having sex and either leave, sit down and watch, or join in, but I’ve yet to have sex with them alone again. We even developed a system of code so when we get around someone who doesn’t know our situation, we can communicate what we wanna say without actually saying it. For both Rita and my rooms we developed a colored tape system we use for our door; green means come in were alone and nothings happening, red means there’s some type of sex act happening with another person, blue means more than one person is in, but nothing’s happening, yellow means were waiting for someone to come in, and no tape at all means no one is in the room. We also gave ourselves numbers to know whose in the room during sex, I’m 1, Rita’s 2, mom is 3, and Aunt Lisa is 4, so if I was having sex with Rita there would be red tape on the door with numbers 1 and 2. We sometimes even combine tape, like we would have red on the door when two of us were having sex, and yellow if we wanted anyone to join in with us, its a pretty great system, and dad is completely oblivious to it, he doesn’t even notice it. We have a knock where you knock seven times fast and three times slow, in case were in the living room having sex and the front door starts to open, if we hear the secret knock, we keep going, if we don’t, we high tail it outta there. Our last system is the talk system, where if were sitting at the table eating and we want to know each others moods, we’ll say “I feel like exercising (I’m horny), “I’m gonna go listen to some music (feel like relaxing, but sex isn’t off the table), or “I’m gonna go lay down, or sleep (not really in the mood for sex). Only me and the three women know the system, and it works perfectly.

I haven’t done anything with Stephanie except kiss, play with her titties, finger her a few times, and get a handjob from her. From what Rita says that’s all she and Chris have done too. I never needed to push her since I always had Rita, and Stephanie seemed content with where we were, so it was fine for us. Some days I could tell we all wanted to do a lot more than we were doing, but the women said they didn’t wanna feel like sluts and wanted to wait, I wasn’t sure about Stephanie but we knew the real reason for Rita. None of us have even been on a date with each other yet, we could never get away from our families, but we do manage to talk and text each other a lot. We don’t necessarily have a problem with how things are, but over the course of three months Rita and I have grown a liking to both Stephanie and Chris, and we can tell they have for us too, which is why we finally made time for a double date today. Despite how most people feel about double dates, we are all pretty excited about it, even the parents. I just know they’re gonna ask bug us about it, but hey, what can you do.

When I woke up Rita was already gone from the bed, since she got up and went somewhere with mom, so I had to get myself up. By the time I made it downstairs to breakfast everyone was just sitting down to eat, so I went over and kiss mom and Rita on the cheek (platonic) and sat down to eat.

“So today’s the big date huh? What are you guys gonna do?”

“We decided on a movie, go out to eat and bowling since none of us have been in a while,” I said.

“We might go to the mall too since there’s a big clearance in all the stores,” Rita jumped in.

“What? We didn’t agree to go to the mall!”

“You guys didn’t, but me and Stephanie did. This only happens every once in a while and were going.”

“Come on, that’s not fair! You guys are gonna shop all day and were gonna have to carry all the bags!”

“What do you expect, were women, we like to shop, plus if did tell you we’d still be going anyway.”

“She’s got you there son, never come between women and shopping,” dad laughed sipping his coffee.

We’d been duped. Who would have thought Stephanie and Rita, as jealous as they are of each other would agree to this together. I looked at Rita, who was smiling back me, and I knew I was beaten.

“Oh honey it’s not gonna be that bad, besides they might make it up to you later,” mom smirked.

It took me a second before I caught on to what mom was saying and looked over at Rita who was still smiling at me as she crept her foot up my leg. I guess I could deal with it for a couple hours if the result is great sex. I cheered up and went back to eating my breakfast.

“Wait what do you mean “make it up to them?” I hope you’re not talking about what I think you are,” dad blurted out.

“No I meant maybe they’ll pay for the movie or something, jeez your so paranoid,” mom said, then looked at us and gave us a wink without dad seeing.

“Oh, ok. Chris is an ok kid but I don’t want anyone feeling up my little girl. You keep an eye on him Randy and make sure he doesn’t try anything.”

“I’m on it dad,” I said, suddenly feeling all big-brotherly. If only he knew what was really going on.

It was at that moment her foot made contact with my cock. I don’t know how but she got it inside my shorts and was tickling my cock with her toes, all the while looking like nothing out of the ordinary is happening, I smiled without looking up and mouthed “later” at my food, which I know she saw because she moved her foot. All was quiet through the rest of breakfast until dad got up to leave for work.

“Ok everyone, its time for me to go. See you later honey, and you two be good on your date. Oh and Randy before you leave cut the grass and trim the hedges, its starting to look like a forest out there.”

“Sure thing dad, see ya,” I said as I patted him on the back.

He kissed mom and Rita kissed him on the cheek as he left out the door and off to work. I finished eating and went upstairs to change into some cleaning clothes, I had to get started right then so I wouldn’t still be working when Stephanie and Chris showed up. I took the lawnmower and hedge clippers to the front and sat the clippers on the porch, at which point I noticed Rita looking at me through the window smiling. I smiled back as she kissed the window and disappeared behind the curtain. I snapped back to reality and got the mower going and started cutting the grass.

I wasn’t out there for five minutes before the heat became so unbearable I had to take off my shirt. As I threw it on the porch I saw Rita back in the window biting her finger, so I flexed for her as I mowed the lawn giving her a show. After over two months its amazing we still feel this strongly about each other. I finally finish cutting the grass and take the lawnmower back behind the house and come back to another empty window, so I go right into trimming the hedges. I cut the one in front of the window Rita was in first since it was bigger and started on the littler one when my phone rang, it was Stephanie.

“Hey you.”

“Hey you, you ready for our double date today?”

“Not yet, I’m trimming the hedges.”

“Were gonna be there in an hour, you better get ready.”

“I’ll be ready by the time you get here, it doesn’t take me long to get ready.”

“Good. We finally get to get away from the parents and I plan on taking full advantage of it.”

“Oh really? What do you plan on doing?”

“(giggles) You’ll just have to wait and find out.”

“Oh come on, give me a hint.”

“Nope, you’ll have to be patient. You’ll find out soon enough. Uugh oww!”

“What was that?”

“Oh um I just got in the tub, I made the water a little too hot I guess.”

“In the tub huh? Wanna send me a pic?”

“You’ll be ok. It won’t take us long to get there.”

“(sigh) Ok fine, I’ll see you when you get here.”

“Ok, see you soon sweetie, bye.”


I hung up the phone grinning trying to figure out what she had planned, but wasn’t having any luck. I finished the hedges just after I hung up from Stephanie and went to take the clippers back around the house when I saw Rita looking out the window with a semi pissed-off/jealous look and disappeared behind the curtain again. She must have seen me on the phone and knew it was Stephanie I was talking to. Crap I’m gonna have to fix this, but after I take a shower because working out there made me work up a sweat, and a little stink.

I took a five minute shower and dried off and dressed in khaki shorts and a white tee and went to find Rita. I found her sitting on the couch watching Dr. Phil, she hates him, so I know she was just sitting there angry waiting for me to come down so she could ignore me, which is what she did.

“Come on Rita, talk to me, whats wrong?”

“Who were you talking to on the phone?”

“We both know who I was talking to.”

“Why do you have to sound like you’re in love with her all the time?”

“We have to keep up the act remember? I go through the same thing with you and Chris. I mean yeah I like her just as you like Chris, but I’m not in love with her, I’m in love with you.”

She sighed and made the sad face I hate seeing on her. “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t be jealous but I can’t help it, I hate sharing you,” she said looking down.

“You don’t have to apologize, were twins remember, everything you hate I hate too. We won’t like it, but you’re gonna mess around with Chris, and I’m gonna mess around with Stephanie, so the least we can do is enjoy it. Its not gonna change anything between us, you’re still mine and I’m still yours,” I said lifting up her chin with my hand.

She took my face in both her hands and kissed me full on the lips, slowly easing her tongue into my mouth. I leaned back and let her fall on top of me as we kissed, her hair covering both our faces. I let my hands roam down her body until I came to her skirt and dipped them under it, only to find out she wasn’t wearing any panties.

“I thought you’d like that,” she giggled breaking the kiss.

“Well I know you’ll love this,” I said sitting her up against the couch and dipping my face into the pussy I’ve come to know and love.

“Oh baby, yes, eat my pussy! Oh Randy, right there, oh god yes!”

Over the last two months I had to have eaten her pussy a hundred times and I never get tired of it, just as well as her sucking me off. I guess when you love someone as much as we love each other its hard to keep your hands off them. I pulled the hood back from her clit and tickled it with my nose as I licked around every crevice of her pussy I could reach.

“Oh my god Randy I love you so much, you’re so good to me, oh I love you!”

I reached under her shirt and pinched her nipples and tongue fucked her pussy. She squeezed my head between her thick, luscious thighs but I could tell she wasn’t ready to come yet, so I stuck two fingers in her pussy and got them nice and wet and put them in her mouth, which she sucked eagerly. While she was busy doing that I continued pinching her nipple and licked from her clit straight down to her ass. I licked circles around her asshole and jabbed at it, each getting a different response, but a good one nonetheless. I pulled my fingers from her mouth and stuck one in her ass and went back to sucking her clit, now she was really excited.

“Oh my god, just like that baby, just like that. I’m gonna cum, oh god I’m gonna cum!”

I began pumping my finger in and out of her ass faster and faster while I pulled and sucked on her clit harder and harder as she pushed my face into her pussy with both hands. Her straining and holding back finally gave away when her legs clamped shut around my head and she screamed loud enough for God himself to hear.

“Oh god, I’m cumming! I’m fucking cumming! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

The only good thing about being caught in Rita’s leg vicegrip (besides being caught between Rita’s legs) is that when she squirts, it comes out like a water fountain, and I can drink easy without a problem. When she finished juicing I kept licking her until she pushed my head away, which she literally had to push my head away. The silence around the room was broken when out of nowhere I heard “you’re a dam fool!” and realized Dr. Phil was still on tv. I was looking for the remote to cut the tv off when it just shut off out of nowhere. I look around and finally see mom leaning against the wall with the remote in her hand.

“You two don’t waste any time do you? The second your father’s out the door you’re on each other.”

I said nothing, and Rita was still catching her breath. I just looked at her with hunger in my eyes, I wanted to eat more pussy, and mom’s pussy tasted just as good as Rita’s. I walked over to her, picked her up off the ground making her giggle at what’s coming, and plopped her down on the couch next to Rita. I lifted her dress up to her hips to reveal that she too wasn’t wearing any panties. I wasted no time burying my face in her pussy and licked her up just as I did Rita not too long ago.

“Oh baby, eat mommy’s pussy! Suck on mommy’s juicy pussy!”

I held on to her legs and looked her in the eyes as I spread her lips with my tongue and lick up any moisture I could find. She sucked in her breath and pulled Rita into a kiss while they played with each others tits. By now I notice my cock is aching for release from my pants and I use a hand to unbutton my pants to get some relief. Rita notices what I’m doing and slips off the couch next to me.

“Let me help you with that, turn over so I can take care of you.”

I turned over like she said as she pulled my pants and boxers down in one pull and lay my head back on the couch. I watched mom get up and swing one of her massive thighs around my head and sit her pussy directly on my face. I wasn’t done eating her and I know she wasn’t done being eaten so I picked up where I left off. Just as I started eating mom again I felt Rita suck my entire cock into her mouth. If I hadn’t built up a tolerance to her I would have come right there. I can feel me sliding into her throat again and again as she hums on my cock sending vibrations through my entire body, which in the end only adds to mom’s pleasure. Once her clit pokes out from under its hood I use my tongue to dance all over it, knocking it in every direction before sucking it between my lips.

“Oh honey! You love eating pussy don’t you? You can eat mine anytime, just don’t stop!”

She started really grinding my head into the couch, rubbing her pussy on every part of my face.

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