
An alien intervention (rewrote)

An 18 year old boy gets help from aliens with life sex and bullies

An Alien intervention

Copyright 2015

This book is entirely fiction. Any names, dates, or places are completely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any way or form without the written consent of the author.

An unplanned alien meeting.

It all started when I was seventeen. I was the five foot six inch non-descript, plain looking, weakling, nerd. I was constantly the butt of everyone’s jokes and bullying.

I remember standing outside behind my home on the edge of town one early summer evening watching the stars. As I stood staring upwards I suddenly saw a star start to move. It was zig-zaging across the sky and seemed to be getting closer to me. For some strange reason I wasn’t fearful, just curious. What would be moving across the sky like that? I knew it couldn’t be a star because stars don’t move like that.

I stood there mesmerized until a brilliant blue light suddenly dropped and was floating about ten feet above the ground and twenty feet in front of me. It was probably forty feet across and twenty five feet high. Oh wow I thought, a flying saucer, I’m seeing a flying saucer!

Then I heard or felt the voice in my head. “Do not be afraid, we are not here to harm you. We are here to help you, you have been chosen.”
“Who wants to help me, chosen for what, who are you, where are you from, you aint the devil trying to trick me are you?” I was starting to get more than a little worried by now with all the strangeness going on. The light in front of me, the strange voice/thoughts in my head, all this weirdness was beginning to scare me. I was ready to turn and run the other direction when suddenly I couldn’t move. It was as if I was glued to the ground.

“Relax; no we are not trying to trick you. We are Nurocks from another galaxy that you earth people have not even discovered yet. We have chosen you because you can mentally hear us and we can mentally hear you. We have come to help you. You are being mentally abused and injured by others of your kind. Now relax we are going to bring you into our home and make you so your people will no longer be able to mistreat and abuse you.”

Suddenly I was standing in a pure white, completely barren room with several tall alien entities standing around me. They all looked like normal adults except some of them would sometimes open a third eye that was located in the center of their forehead. They all had long silver colored hair and were wearing what looked like skin tight coveralls that were dark blue. Their arms were long. Their hands hung right next to their knees.

“Come, (one of them thought to me and pointed with its human looking hand,) come to this room over here. We will make some needed adjustments so you are no longer fearful of others. We will make you so you can be strong if you want or bigger if you want. We will make your brain work better so you are much smarter.”

Time was standing still and my heart was trying to jump out of my chest as they took me into another room and laid me back on a table looking devise and then everything went black for what seemed like just a few seconds. As I began to see, feel, and hear again I realized I was waking up as if I had fallen asleep. I later figured out that I had been in there over three hours.

“What happened, where am I? I groaned” Then it all came flooding back to me where I was at.

“Good you are waking again (I felt someone say,) Come; try to set up for us. We think you will do much better now.”

I managed to set up with the help of two alien entities As I sat there I managed to collect my thoughts and stop weaving back and forth like a drunk. “What did you do to me, why do I feel so different?”

“We rearranged your body chemistry and changed some of the connections and electrical pathways in your brain and body. Let us show you what you can do now.”

They took me to another area and demonstrated to me how I could lift a hundred pounds as if it was a feather just by thinking I was strong. They showed me how I could make various parts of my body bigger or smaller. They showed me how I could hit a thick board and easily break it. They gave me a high school text book and showed me how I could read it and instantly understand it.

Then came an even bigger shock, they explained how I could read and hear the thoughts of others, and how I could make others change their minds or think differently. How if I had to, I could make someone fearful or do something they wouldn’t normally do as long as it didn’t endanger their lives. They explained that I would have to practice those things with earth people because it wouldn’t work with their minds, only earthlings minds could be affected that way.

“We will take you back and leave you where you were when we arrived. No one will notice you were gone and everything will be just as it was before. We will be watching you and see how you are doing though,” one of them told me.

Suddenly I was standing back where I was before this weird “dream” took place. I watched the light move away from me and suddenly streak up into the sky in the blink of an eye to again look like a star. I stood rooted to the spot dumfounded and wondering if this was real or if it was only a dream.

“Try it” I herd in my head and then I saw a large rock begin to glow at the edge of the yard. I had fought and sweated for three long days getting that rock dug out of the middle of the yard and rolled over to where it was. I went over and then doing as they had shown me I easily picked the boulder up and carried it across the yard and tossed it into the field behind the house. Damn, this could be all right, I might be able to do something now besides run and hide from all those high school ass holes I thought to myself.

I only had about three weeks of school left but I could definitely use all the help I could get dealing with the bullies.

Getting the upper hand on some bullies.

The next day I could hardly wait to get to school for once. There were several bullies that I was going to take care of, both male and female.

As I stepped onto the school grounds it didn’t take long before the enemy appeared in front of me. A boy almost half again bigger than I was stepped in front of me blocking my way. Ten feet away two girls were laughing pointing and watching. “Where you think you’re going nerd? I think you need to go the long way around.”

I paused a second and read his mind then I mentally told him that he should be careful and he should be afraid of me. Loudly I spoke up, “I’m going in this way today Bill. You might want to— phew you smell like you just shit your pants.” As I spoke I mentally made him lose control of his bowls. His face turned a bright red then white. Oh fuck he stuttered and took off running. I looked at the giggling girls and made them start to pee their pants. They shrieked and headed for the bathroom. Today is going to be fun I thought to myself as I went in and found my seat in my first period class.

During the day as I sat in my different classes I worked on reading people’s minds and listening to the teacher. Most of the boys were thinking of being anywhere but in class and preferably with a certain girl. The girls were thinking of which of the boys they thought was hot looking and how they could dress to tease them. Suddenly I noticed out of the corner of my eye that one of the girls named Susie was watching me.

Susie was a shy but pretty auburn haired girl my age. She was like me, shy and somewhat of a nerd. She had slender shapely legs, pretty dimples, and a very nice looking pair of tits. She was five foot four inches tall and probably weighed 120 lbs. soaking wet. She didn’t dress to show off her body she seemed to try to hide it behind bulky, drab, non-descript, clothing. All her dresses and skirts were worn to almost cover her knees. All of the other girls wore their hem line at least three inches above the knee or more.

Even by just looking across the room at her I started to get an uprising. I gently eased into her mind, what I read shocked me. She was thinking of how she wanted to get to know me but was afraid of what the other girls would say if they found out. She would even go to bed with me if I’d only ask her. She wanted me bad.

I gently stroked Susie’s body mentally and felt her start to squirm and become aroused. She wanted to let me get into her pants. She slowly spread her legs, and then lifted the hem of her dress half way up her thighs at my mental suggestion. Again I mentally touched her body and told her she wanted to meet me outside after the final bell.

The school day was finally over and I had pretty much figured out who was my enemy and who would like to be my friend. Some were afraid of being laughed at if they were caught talking to me. It had taken a lot of time but I went through a lot of minds and had changed a lot of attitudes.

I paused just inside the doors and scanned Susie’s mind again. She was scared, nervous, and hot, she wanted to be with me in the worst way. Her hormones were running wild and she was almost dripping wet between her legs as she ran different scenarios’ through her head. I saw her quiver and grind her legs together as I stepped out the door.

“Hi Susie what’s happening? Care to walk for a while?” I cheerfully ask as I walked up and stroked her upper thighs with my mind again. She whimpered as we started to walk towards an area I knew well. There was an old closed, boarded up, and empty store with a tiny apartment that we could duck into and not be seen. As we walked we talked about school and what was going on. She followed alongside me like she already knew where we were going and why. I knew that no one else was aware of this place and I was the only one that had a key. We turned down an alley then ducked around a corner and in behind a big brick building. I pulled the key from my pocket and quickly unlocked and opened a door.

“How did you know about this place, why do you have a key?” she whispered. “Are you sure no one knows about this?”

“They better not know about it, my folks own it and no one has a key but my family. Dad knows I like to come here to be alone once in a while. He gave me the key and told me to check on the place from time to time. Normally I just go in the front door but I figured it would be better if we came in the back way today.”

As we were talking and I was showing her around I would mentally touch her breasts or pussy. Cripes she was hot! We stepped into a clean and a sort of tidy little apartment that I used as a hide away from the world. As I closed the door I put my arms around her, began to kiss her, and then mentally nudged her to take her top off.

“Go ahead you’ll enjoy it,” I mentally shoved her again as she hesitated. Silently she flipped her blouse off over her head and shrugged out of her bra tossing the garments onto a chair. “Ohhhh nice, very nice” I whispered in awe as I reached for her perky melon sized tits.

She emitted a whimper and a groan as my fingers seized her hardening and erect nipples. As I rolled her nipples between my fingers they hardened more and stood out from her dark puffy engorged areola. As I fondled her wonderful smooth soft silky tits I shoved her mentally to drop her skirt and panties. As I pushed my way into her mind it was slamming around and roaring with feelings, desires, and wanting me to fuck her, it was almost unbearable to be in there. It was like being caught in the middle of a raging fire storm of lust.

“Oh fuck! Feel me, touch me, fuck me, and make me come” she cried out as her legs began to quiver and give out. I lifted her up and carried her into the tiny bedroom and sat her on the bed. She flopped back and I was instantly on top of her with my body grinding against hers. We hurriedly struggled to remove my clothes so we would both be completely naked.

I gently lowered myself down on top of her and ground my manhood against her lust inflamed pussy as we lay and kissed for what seemed like forever. Slowly I licked and nibbled from her ear to her throat then down around her left breast. Slowly and teasingly I ran my tongue around her deep dark areola several times before suddenly sucking her nipple into my mouth. Oh shit she jerked and cried out as I began to suck, tongue, and pull her nipple away from her chest with my lips. As I worked at her left breast with my mouth I was busy massaging her right breast with my hand and I was in her mind to see what she liked and disliked and what excited her most.

Slowly as I stroked her cunt with my dick I kept working down to where the head was just above her entrance. She was going crazy, moaning, grunting, whimpering, tossing her head from side to side, grasping the sheets and thrusting her pussy mound up to my dick.

“In me, please put it in me, I want to feel it inside me. Oh god, go slow I’m a virgin. Please don’t hurt me” she was whimpering, moaning, begging, and squirming around under me.

Ever so slowly I worked my way down from her pale creamy breasts to her smooth quivering, twitching stomach kissing, licking and teasing her silky soft and tender skin with my tongue. Slowly and softly I slid my tongue across her clean shaven pubic area and then down across her equally clean shaven outer lips. I started to lick her entire slit from back to front and roll her clit with my tongue. She was going ballistic by this time. Each time I would touch her clit she would gasp and slam her hips up into my face.

I moved up and began to kiss her mouth, neck and tits as I aligned my cock with her entrance. I had purposely kept my cock small and short so as not to scare her. Slowly I started to ease my cock inside her as she lay quivering underneath me.

“Oh shit, stop, go slow, fuck me, hurry put it all the way in.” Her thoughts were still thrashing around like the ocean in a hurricane. Slowly I entered her until I encountered her barrier. I looked into her beautiful hazel colored eyes and mentally quashed most of the pain as I suddenly thrust into her as deep as I could go. She grunted and gave a moan as I broke through and slammed into her pussy.

Oh crap, that wasn’t as bad as I expected she whispered as I held her close and not moving. We lay still for a couple of minutes before she started to move and squirm under me. “I think I’m ready now, it doesn’t hurt that much anymore. Oh crap I can feel you up inside me. That feels kind of weird but good at the same time. Just go slow at first,” she whispered hoarsely.

Slowly I began an in and out motion with my short 6 inch cock that was a bit bigger around than a quarter. As I worked in and out I began making longer strokes and began to grow my cock as well. Slowly I lengthened myself just enough to where I would bump her cervix and make her groan with each bump. Then I began to make it bigger around. With the enlargements she was soon bouncing, moaning, grunting, and groaning. “Let me know if it’s too big” I grunted as I was thrusting in and out.

I don’t know if she realized I was getting bigger around and longer or that I could control the size of it. I didn’t want to freak her out by adjusting the size to fast. I wanted to save that little surprise for later. Right now I was going to let her get used to me at about seven inches long and as big around as a silver dollar.

We were both grunting moaning and sweating. Our breathing was raspy and gasping as I sawed in and out of her engorged, grasping, tight pussy. Suddenly I couldn’t hold back any longer. I felt the fire start deep in my gut and spread out and up through my dick. “Oh fuck I’m coming I groaned as I slammed into her and flooded her insides with my cum. As the second shot hit her cervix she screamed, stiffened up, and started convulsing with an orgasm of her own.

Slowly I let myself become soft and shrink. As I felt myself slip out of her little love hole I rolled off to the side of her onto the bed. We both groaned and lay there catching our breath. “Oh fuck I’ve never felt anything like that. It felt like you kept getting bigger and bigger” she whispered.

“Want to know a little secret? I did, and I could have gotten bigger and longer if I wanted to but I didn’t want to hurt you or scare you.” By now I was in her mind calming her and helping her accept what all I was telling her.

“What would your mom say if she knew what we just did?” I asked her to change the subject for a minute.

“I don’t think she’d be mad or anything. I get the feeling she knows it will happen and when it does she just hopes my first time will be with someone that’s not going to hurt me. She put me on the pill over two years ago and had “the talk” with me then. She said she knew it would happen some day and she didn’t want me to end up pregnant.

What do you mean you could’ve gotten bigger and longer if you wanted to?” She suddenly realized what I had said moments earlier.

“Ok you got me, let he explain and please listen to everything I have to say and don’t freak out on me.

I know you believe in flying saucers just like I do only you haven’t ever seen one up close. I saw one up close yesterday and was taken inside it. Yes they’re kind, friendly and mean us no harm. They did something to me so I can get into someone’s mind and make them do what I want them to do. But I only do that if I need to. I can be really strong. I can make myself bigger and taller, or smaller. I can make my arms or legs bigger or smaller. I can make my ahhh, “equipment” bigger or smaller, longer or shorter.

You know Bill; he’s been a bully for the last six years. This morning he was going to make me go the long way around to get into the school. I made him scared of me and made him crap his pants. Ella and Karen were standing there laughing at me so I made them pee their pants.

By now Susie was looking at me with her eyes huge. “Did you make me come here and have sex with you? Do you know everything I’m thinking? Can you do those things to me?” She sounded like she was going to panic.

Relax Susie, no I didn’t make you do this. I looked at just enough of your mind to know you weren’t like the others. You liked me but you were afraid of what everyone else would say if you started to hang around with me and talk to me. I just helped you get over being afraid because I like you.

No, I promise I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to. That wouldn’t be fair to either one of us. I want you to like me because you want to like me not because I want you to like me.”

Susie snuggled up tight beside me, “just how big and long can you make your “equipment” if I might ask. You felt pretty big to me a little bit ago.”

“I don’t know I haven’t tried it to see. You want to try it out and see what I can do? Shall we stick it back in and see how big it’ll get?” By now I was touching her and sliding my fingers over her naked body again. She would shudder and moan from time to time.

Suddenly she threw her left leg over me as she sat up. She reached down and took my semi hard cock and lined it up with her hole. She gasped as she sat down taking me inside her again. “Oh fuck that feels unbelievable” she moaned as my cock slid up inside her. I concentrated and kept it small around but let it get longer. “Tell me when to stop” I whispered. As I grew longer I felt her shudder and jerk. I felt it come up tight against her cervix. I then began to increase the diameter and she was squirming and gasping again.

Oh, oh, stop, no more, almost too big” she groaned through gritted teeth. I let it shrink a tiny bit and she began to lift her hips and slam back down again. My god this girl was a sex maniac in disguise, she was going completely berserk riding my dick, slamming herself up and down then rolling her hips from side to side. It felt like I had my dick stuck in a garden hose she was so tight.

I couldn’t hold back any longer, I felt it begin in my balls and come boiling up and out. She screamed as I douched her insides with what felt like a gallon of hot cum. She fell forward on top of me with a high pitched squeal, she was shaking and convulsing as she lay on top of me gasping for breath and trying to breathe. Her hips would give a jerk and thrust from time to time as she was shaking and shuddering.

“Oh shit, I’ve never ever felt anything like that. Oh crap take it out it’s to big now, it hurts” she was finally able to moan. I made myself slowly shrink and deflate. As it slipped out of her, her hips gave a jerk and our combined juices ran out of her and down across both of us.

Susie rolled off to my side and lay on the bed still having mini orgasms from time to time. “Oh crap, if I tell mom about this and how good it feels I bet she’ll want me to share. Dad left us when I was two years old and I don’t think mom’s been with anyone since. She’s only thirty eight now, I don’t know what she does but I hear her moaning sometimes at night in her bedroom after she goes to bed.

“Are you sure you’d want to tell her? She might want to kill me and ground you forever. Worse yet she might come looking for me with the cops or a baseball bat. I don’t want to go to jail and I sure don’t want her beating the crap out of me with a baseball bat.” (I was sure I could prevent those problems but I didn’t want to have to.)

“Don’t worry the worst that could happen, would be the sharing. I’m not sure I want to share you with anyone right now” Susie sighed as she cuddled her naked body next to mine.

“I suppose we should get going though. Mom will be wondering where I am.”

Susie and I finally crawled off the bed cleaned each other up and found our clothing where we had thrown it when we got naked. We had just taken each other’s virginity and had some great mind blowing sex. Now it was time to leave our hide-a-way and face the real world again.

Susie learns more about me.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this place and don’t tell anyone, even your mom, about my abilities,” I begged her as we stepped out the door we had stepped through an hour before. “We don’t want to have to explain why we’re back here and I don’t want to have to explain my abilities to anyone else. I would be the freak of the school if I tried to explain it. The guys with the big butterfly net and the funny looking little white coat would be looking for me.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not telling anyone about this. I want to keep that gorgeous “equipment” for myself. If I have to, I might tell mom what happened but I’ll keep some of the details to myself. This is too good to be true.”

We both snuck around the corner and out onto the sidewalk. “Walk with me for a little ways,” she asked? “Sometimes three or four girls wait and tease me when I get almost home. I hate the teasing and name calling.”

“I know what you mean I get so embarrassed when they start in on me. Sometimes I want to hit them with a club. Before now they would have taken it away from me and beat me with it. If we run into them be sure to keep a straight face and don’t bust out laughing. I’ll take care of them for you.”

We walked slowly in the direction of her house. Suddenly two blocks from her place she stopped. “Oh crap there they are all four of them. They seem to manage to give me shit two or three times a week. I’m so sick of them I could scream. First they’ll start with their smart assed remarks then one of them will try to knock my books out of my hands then the pushing and shoving will start.”

“Not today it won’t just relax and stay calm. I’ll take care of them. Just don’t be surprised at what happens,” I said as I gently and hesitantly slipped my arm around Susie’s waist. As we walked toward them I was busy looking into their minds, I wanted to have some idea what they had planned. I wanted to have some idea what I was dealing with and how far they were willing to go with their childish game. Everyone stopped when we were within ten feet of each other.

The boldest one Karen, started in, “Hey Suzie coozie, what ya doin out here on our sidewalk? Who’s the dork with ya? Ya screwed him yet? Bet you have, you been screwing everything in town haven’t you, ya little whore. Ya touch my boyfriend and I’ll cut your tits off and stuff them up you’re stretched out cunt you little bitch.”

Suddenly she let out a shriek and whirled around to look behind her then squealed again and whirled back to face us. For some reason her companions found this hilarious and began to laugh hysterically.

“Who grabbed my ass,” she demanded in an angry, outraged voice. By now her face was starting to turn red from anger or embarrassment or both. “Which one of you slapped my ass,” she demanded glaring at Susie and me.

“We’re too far away from you to do anything like that. Ask your friends there, if they can quit laughing at you long enough to answer. Besides we don’t go around grabbing and hitting people, that’s not nice.” All the time I was talking to her I was mentally making her feel more embarrassed and foolish. Then for an after effect I made her feel a hand slide up under her skirt and start to rub her pussy. I wouldn’t let her move I made her stand there and spread her legs apart. Her eyes got huge as the non-existent hand continued to rub and fondle her pussy through her panties I aroused her more and more. As her hysterical friends stood there laughing at her she shuddered with a massive orgasm and dropped to her knees as she grabbed her crotch.

“Oh fuck, what’s happening, I think I just had an orgasm” she moaned loudly. “Shit it feels like someone has their hand in my pants finger fucking me. Oh fuck, my clit, I’m gonna come again!” She began to pant and jerk her hips with one hand in her crotch and her other hand grabbing and mauling her tits. “Ooooh fuck I’m coming again,” she whimpered as another even bigger orgasm slammed into her.

As Karen was kneeling quivering jerking and recovering from her latest orgasm I placed the thought into the mind of all four of the bullies that they would never do anything or say anything degrading to either Susie or me again, they would be too afraid to.

“Let’s go Susie I don’t think these four want to play anymore. I think they’ve learned their lesson.” I put my arm around Susie’s waist and escorted her past the four bullies standing there with their mouth hanging open and their eyes wide in astonishment and fear. We strolled down the sidewalk towards her house as if nothing had happened.

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