An Accidental Woman
An Accidental Woman
Sex Story Author: | curiouscoupleinraleigh |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Although we are able now to do the procedure without severing many of the nerves in the penis, thus allowing |
Sex Story Category: | Bi-sexual |
Sex Story Tags: | Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Body modification, Coercion, Cum Swallowing, Female / Girl, Fiction, First Time, Hardcore, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Teen, Transgendered, Transsexual, Transvestite, Written By Women, Young |
Both my parents died when I was 13 in a car accident. With no family and no where to go, I became a ward of the state, and once I turned 18, I was turned lose, with little to no prospects and only a college scholarship and the money that was placed in trust when I became and orphan. Life had not been that great. I had learned to be alone, to not trust people, and was extremely awkward socially. The other guys at the home told stories about the girls they had fucked or messed around with, but somehow, even though I deeply wanted to get with girls, I never knew what to say. All that changed when I started college.
I didn’t tell people about my past. I was a decent looking guy, skinny, but compared to the other guys around I would say I was above average. My estimation had to have been somewhat correct, because on the first night in the dorms, I met Angela. We hit it off right away, kind of. We started talking because during one of the “reveals” she told the group that she was an orphan. I didn’t share my past with the group, but after it broke up, I went up to her, the first time I had ever done that, and started talking to her. She seemed to be slightly annoyed, but when I broke down and told her about my past, she asked if we could go get coffee.
She went to her room and then met me downstairs. We made small talk about how hot it was, and then laughed at ourselves for going to get coffee. Once in Starbucks, we ordered our drinks, and talked about our majors, basic stuff, and then she finally asked me if I was really an orphan.
“Yeah. Parents died when I was 13, and I lived at ___________________ since then. I got out two months ago and came here because I had no where else to go.”
She started telling about her mother, about how she barely remembered her, and how all she had ever known was the orphanage. Like my parents, her mother had died in a car accident when she was 5, and without any other family, the state took over. She started talking about the people she met there, the friends she had not made, etc., but all I could do was look at her. She was beautiful. She wasn’t the typical skinny little thing. She had curves, but she was clearly not the kind of girl that is slutting it around town. She dressed nice, but not whorish, but even so, you could tell she had one hot body. She had shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, and a chest that was very hard not to stare at. They made her body look bigger than it was, but it only took a few seconds to see her waist and know that it was all boobs. Her legs were extremely toned, although I couldn’t see them sitting there. After a while I picked up on the conversation again, just in time to hear her question.
“So do you have anyone?”
“Nope. Just met my roommate today. That’s it.”
“Yeah same here. I didn’t even say a word to mine. Saw her for like two minutes.”
“So we are basically the same. Even look a little alike. Although I’d say you are much better looking than me.”
We laughed at that, but it was hard not to notice the similarities. We both had brown hair and green eyes. We were about the same height, I was average for a guy, she was a little above average. We made more small talk about what we wanted out of school, what we might want to do in the future, and when the coffee ran out, she looked at me and smiled.
“Hey I don’t want to go back to my room. Its depressing, too much like the past 13 years, do you want to drive around? I have a car.”
We made our way to the bus stop without talking, and then after a short ride to the freshman lot, we found her beat up truck and she opened the door. I got in and we drove around the town for a bit. We stopped at a light, and she looked at me.
“Hey. Have you ever gotten drunk?”
“No. Never had a drink. You?”
“No, but this is college. A place for firsts.”
We devised a plan for her to try to by some beer, and after two failed attempts, she got lucky and walked out with a twelve pack of Bud Light. We found a parking place near the back of an abandoned parking lot and started drinking. We both commented on how the beer tasted (both thought it wasn’t that good), but after the first beer, we didn’t mind the taste. We talked, more and more about nothing, but we both seemed to be having a great time. Eventually the beer got the best of us, and as we both leaned in to get another beer, our faces came too close and I kissed her. She didn’t resist. In fact, she kissed back. Her hand came down on my thigh and without thinking, I reached up with my right hand and grabbed her chest. She recoiled instantly. I knew I had screwed it up.
She sat back against the seat and didn’t say anything. I was horrified. I closed my eyes, and just wanted to fade away into nothing, but my thoughts were broken by her hand back on my thigh. She looked at me and gave me a half smile.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’ve just never even kissed a guy until tonight.”
“Neither have I. I mean kissing a girl.”
She smiled at my nervousness, and without warning, she crossed her arms at the base of her shirt, grabbed the bottom and brought her shirt over her head. Before me was a beautiful woman sitting in her truck in her bra. It was a basic white bra, but her cleavage was amazing. Then she leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for a while, me not daring to raise my hand to her chest, but I didn’t have to. After a few minutes, she grabbed my hand and put it on her chest, pushed my fingers so I would grab it, and as soon as she forced me to squeeze her, she took her hand back. My hand took over and as I kissed her, I felt her breath quicken, and she began rubbing my jeans. I knew she was searching for my cock. I had never been more scared then I was at that moment. We remained that way for a while. I had managed to get under her bra to pull out her hefty tits and she had managed to rub me to a full on hard on barely contained in my pants. With no warning, she pulled away from me and threw her back against the seat, her tits giggling with the force, panting heavy, and saying “god” over and over.
She looked at me and smiled. “I’m sorry for starting all that. I really shouldn’t have.”
“Why are you sorry. God that was amazing.”
“Well I don’t want to give you the wrong idea, and I’m really no tease. Really.”
“its fine really. Do you want to drink some more or do you want to head back.”
“I don’t think I can drink anymore. I’m drunk, but I cant drive. Do you mind driving?”
Now I had never driven before in my life and had no idea where I was going. We got out and switched positions, and I watched as she barely made it around the back of the truck. When she got in, she looked at me and laughed.
“I’m so sorry I teased you. I left you in such a bad state.”
“Its ok. Ill take care of it when I get back.”
“Really? You really need to that bad? I’m so sorry I gave you blue balls.”
“Its fine really.”
It was like she wasn’t listening to me. “Do you want me to help you out?”
“What do you mean?” I was shocked. I didn’t know what she was asking, but she didn’t respond. I was pissed that I clearly lost my chance, but now that it was done, I had to concentrate on driving. She clearly wasn’t going to be a big help. Her head had found the window and it looked as if her eyes were closed.
It took me a few minutes to get use to driving. I used way too much gas at one point and we shot forward. I over compensated and slammed on the breaks trying to stop, but I got use to it. I circled around the same block a few times trying to get use to the driving, and suddenly, as I came to a stop sign for the third time, she woke from her semi-sleep. Without warning, she undid her seat belt and put her head in my lap. She unzipped and unbuttoned me and reached in and grabbed my no only semi hard cock. She put the head of my dick in her mouth and then pulled it out.
“Slide the bench back and drive.” Nothing else. No more words. She just leaned back down and put my dick back in her mouth. I listened and didn’t hesitate. I hit the gas and took off, forcing my dick deep into her mouth to the point where she gagged a little. As I drove she started to get her rhythm. I drove as slow as I could without attracting attention, trying to steal a look at her as she sucked me as much as possible. I was rock hard. She could no longer take all of me, but it didn’t bother me, and it clearly didn’t bother her. I drove with one hand and rubber her left tit with the other. It was the greatest night of my life, and that’s when it happened. I felt the tightness all of a sudden, and knew I couldn’t control it. I didn’t have time to warn her before it happened. I exploded into her mouth. I had jacked off in the bathroom many times, and each time I had to push my dick down so the shots would not go over the toilet, and that is what I thought about as I shot stream after stream into her mouth. I imagined the volume of cum in her mouth and wondered how in the world she was able to still move up and down on my cock. I started to soften, but it didn’t stop her movement. Even though my cum had stopped I still felt the wonderful sensation of her mouth on my cock. She seemed to want to stay down there all night, but I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to have her stop or I would wreck the truck. I pulled at her hair to lift up, and she got the hint.
She panted as she lifted off of me and leaned hard against the window and seemed to close her eyes right away. Her breath was still heavy, and as I concentrated on putting my wet dick back in my pants, I heard the impact. Then nothing.
I opened my eyes and didn’t know where I was. I couldn’t see well, and when I tried to rub my eyes, I noticed my hands where bound to the bed I was on. I struggled and heard an alarm go off. It made me even more panicked. I noticed for the first time that I must be in a hospital. I saw the IVs, the television on the wall, but for the life of me I didn’t know why I was there. The alarm continued to go off over my head and for the first time I felt the sever pain between my legs. I was sore and although I could tell I was numb there was the deep sense of pain. All of a sudden nurses came rushing into the room, and behind them two men in suites.
A tall blond nurse rubbed my head and told me to relax.
“Your awake. You’ve had a hard night and day. Be still. We will give you something to relax you.”
I saw one of the nurses take the IV and inject something in it. It almost no time, my body felt completely relaxed. She told me that I might feel a little sick and tired, but it would help.
“Where am I?” I felt the grogginess.
“Your in the hospital. You were in a very bad car accident last night. Is there someone we can call?”
“No one.”
“You need to tell someone. Maybe call your parents. You don’t have to worry about getting in trouble. They will understand.”
“No I don’t have anyone. No parents.” The drug was taking its toll. Things blurred and then I fell off to sleep.
When I woke again, I didn’t struggle, and in the room was the same nurse that had been there before.
“Give me a second. I will get the doctor.”
She came back in the a man in a suite.
“Mr. Williams. I am Doctor Spencer. Do you know where you are?”
“A hospital right?”
“And do you know why you’re here?”
“Car accident.”
“Good.” The pain was less but still there.
“What happened to me? Am I ok?”
“You did not suffer many injuries in the car accident. The impact was on the passenger side and as far as we can tell you merely suffered a concussion and a few cuts and bruises.”
“Why do I hurt so bad? Why are my arms bound?”
“Mr. Williams. I don’t really know how to tell you this. Are you sure there is no one you can call?”
“I don’t have any family.”
“Close friend? Do you have an attorney?”
“Why would I need a lawyer?”
“Well do you mind if the hospital attorney comes in?”
“Tell me what is going on? Where is Angela?”
“You are referring to the young lady you were with?”
“Yes. Where is she? Is she suing me or something?”
“Mr. Williams, Miss Tyler passed away about an hour ago.”
I felt a wave or terror wash over me, and as I sat there two more suits walked into the room and one put a digital recorder on the bedside table.
“Mr. Williams, I will get right to it.” It was one of the suits talking. The Doctor had stood and was facing the wall. “Last night when you were taken in, the hospital was crowded and you were placed in the only place we had a bed. This morning, you underwent three separate procedures that was intended for another patient. The mistake was only discovered when the patient that was intended for the surgeries was discovered and by that time it was too late.”
“What did you fuckers do to me?”
They looked at each other and remained silent. Then the doctor finally turned around. “You had a sexual reassignment procedure as well as two other minor plastic surgeries.”
“I had what? In English please. I was crying at this point.”
“You want the full story? Do you want to know all the details or do you want to rest?”
“Fucking tell me, and get these damn restraints off me.”
“Ok Mr. Williams. You deserve the whole story. The sexual reassignment surgery removes the penis and makes a vagina out of the scrotum and skin from the shaft of the penis.
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