Amazonian Womb Worms (Womb Feeders Chapter 4-7)
Amazonian Womb Worms (Womb Feeders Chapter 4-7)
Sex Story Author: | bl_overman |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Utero... boscis. Yeah, the Amazonas Priapus Uteroboscis, or the Amazonian penis-shaped womb feeder... That's what I'll call it when I |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Body modification, Extreme, Female solo, Horror, Mind Control, Science-Fiction |
Chapter 4 — Hysteroscopy
After getting off the phone with Claire, my core spasms from womb worm flipping inside of me. My heart is jackhammering in my chest and I’m hyperventilating while I hurry to get dressed. Even though I’m freaking out and having a panic attack over the fact that there’s a giant, parasitic worm nesting in my uterus, that feeling of euphoria that I felt before the shocking discovery begins to gradually overtake me again.
In a matter of minutes, calmness washes over me, and my heart rate slows almost instantly. As I’m shimmying into my shorts, I start feeling good all over. While sit on the toilet to relieve my bladder, my body starts to feel flushed. And, by the time I finish gathering my luggage by the door, that blissful high hits me hard and fast out of nowhere, like ten shots of tequila back-to-back on an empty stomach.
By the time I come face to face with Derek, Casey and Kody in the hallway, I’m feeling super chill and only the tiniest bit worried about my situation, which helps me to pretend that nothing is wrong.
It’s a four-minute drive from our luxury hotel to Hospital Regional de Loreto. The ER isn’t super busy, but there are quite a few people already waiting when we walk in.
Despite how high with pleasure I feel, I sit in the corner of the waiting room for an hour and forty-five minutes bouncing my legs nervously. The resurgence of nervousness is brought on from the fact that the womb worm has been twisting around inside of me every ten to thirty minutes since we got here. It’s like the parasite is growing anxious because it knows its life is in danger…
Five more minutes pass, then the door to the waiting room opens. A short, very pretty, brown-skinned woman looks at her clipboard. “Lena Anderson? The doctor will see you now,” she says in a strong Peruvian accent.
“Finally…” I whisper as I rise, flinching when I feel the large thing slither quicky in a circle.
Why is it so active now? I wonder as I follow the nurse. Is it out of menstrual lining to feed off of or something?
The nurse leads me back to a dingy room. Not long after I hop up on the exam table, a woman of about forty-years-old enters the room. “American?” she asks.
“Si, I respond. “Tu hablas inglés?”
“Yes, I speak English.” She eyes the chart. “On your form, I see that you wrote a large worm of about one foot in length crawled into your vagina and forced its way into your uterus while you were in the Amazon Rainforest?” She looks over her glasses at me with an arched brow, a faint glimmer of concern in her eyes.
I nod rapidly. “That’s right. Its skin looks like raw chicken and its almost a foot long. Its body is unsegmented and round, maybe an inch wide, and it has a head that looks like the tip of man’s penis…”
Her eyes go wide, and her reaction is concerning. “And you’re sure something that large made its way into your uterus?”
“Positive. While I was trying to pull it out, it, like, oozed slime and it kind of stretched its self out until its upper half got skinny. Then the worm’s tail expanded and walled off my vagina and used its anchored back end to drive itself in…”
“I see…”
“Something tells me that you’ve ever heard of anything that happening to anyone?”
She shakes her head. “We’ve had many come through here with all sorts of parasites. But nothing matching that de***********ion–nothing that… large. And while we have had cases of women with leeches in their vaginas, I’ve never heard anything about something burrowing into a woman’s uterus…”
“Are you sure it wasn’t a leech.”
“Where were you exactly?”
“Somewhere southwest of Benjamin Constant?”
Her lips curl into her mouth. “Okay.” She opens a cabinet and pulls out a white gown with blue polka dots. “Let me get an endoscope. Please change into this in the meantime and lay down for me when you are done.”
I nod, and when she leaves, I quicky strip, eyeing the milky slime strings dangling from my pussy like snot that are dripping onto the slimy coting smeared across the crotch of my panties. After slipping on the gown, I hop up on the table. Ten seconds later, the door opens.
The doctor walks in without a word, an endoscope that’s in a plastic bag in one hand and a laptop under her other arm. She sets the items on the stand beside me. After opening the laptop and typing in her password, she heads over to the sink. She washes and dries her hands, puts on gloves, then grabs a jar from the counter.
“Is that lubricant?” I ask after she unscrews the lid and sets it down.”
“Um. You’re probably not going to need to use that. This worm parasite is constantly oozing a slimy secretion down into my vagina, so I’m lubricated constantly…”
“Oh… Okay then.” She closes the lid and removes the endoscope from the bag.
After plugging the USB into the computer, she clicks on an icon and the endoscope’s view of the floor shows up on the screen.
“Spread your legs for me please.”
I do as instructed.
The doctor hikes up the gown and makes a humph sound as she uncoils the devices slender tube. “You were not lying about your situation down here…”
“It’s been like that since it crawled into me. And whenever I–uh… climax, more gushes out then the worm slithers down into my cervix.”
“I see… Alright, I’m going to put the endoscope in now. Just relax.”
She clicks on the light at the end of the probe. Her gloved hand then parts my labia before she slips the narrow tube into me nice and slow. It feels good for some reason, and I can’t help but Kegel from the sensation. The thought of something this skinny going into me reminds me of when I first pull the worm out by the tail and I saw its proboscis sticking out of me…
Eventually, my reddened cervix comes into view, and there is a stream of clear liquid running out of it like syrup.
“It looks like some inflammation there… And it is a bit more dilated that it should be. I’m going to insert the camera into your cervix now. This might feel a bit uncomfortable, but please try and relax the best you can.”
“Kay,” I say quietly.
Minor discomfort radiates from cervical hole as she pushes the camera in, but it doesn’t hurt. My heart races as she slowly shoves it into my tightness. As it enters my uterus, the worm appears on screen. It’s coiled up with its tail nestled up against the top of my womb between my fallopian tubes. The cluster of wormy appendages it used to have are gone and the area looks like a chunk of its flesh was ripped off, but there are still a small cluster of pink protrusions pressed against my organ. And coming out of those wormlike growths are thick, pink tendrils that are rooted under my flesh with branched hairlike fibers webbed under the first layer of skin. It looks like the creature’s skinny veins that have become one with my organ…
Its tail is anchored in me…
I feel it writhe inside of me as I watch it press its head against a patch of something red and chunky that I imagine is my shedding uterine lining. The red tubular mouth leaves the worm’s phallic shaped head and prods the red mass, then its proboscis emerges and presses against it as tendrils branch out across the red chunks. The worm’s mouth tube and its proboscis pulsate as it feeds. Then it’s head throbs as pulses work down its shaft to its tail…
“Ay Dios mío…” the doctor gasps. “That is most definitely not a leech… or a slug… I have never seen anything like this…”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t say that…”
“Are you on your period?”
“Yes. It started yesterday.”
“The worm… it appears to be feeding off of your endometrium. When your lining is done shedding, there’s a chance the worm could resort to feeding off of you directly…” She angles the camera back toward my fallopian tubes. “And it almost looks like it has rooted those tail fibers into your flesh to secure itself… This is incredible… horrible for you, but incredible…”
“Yeah, when it slipped out of my hand and slithered all the way into my vagina, the tail puffed up and went from mushy to firm, then it latched on around the opening and I couldn’t push it off no matter how hard I pushed or scaped it…”
When the endoscope bumps against the womb worm, the creature writhes violently, and it thrashes so hard that I feel it bulging inside of me. On screen, we watch as it sucks its proboscis tendrils back into the main tube before slamming its head against the camera. As the doctor reels the camera back, the proboscis fires out of the worm’s mouth tube and covers the lens. As she pulls the device out of my cervix, the worm’s head narrows and pushes into the hole after it. I feel pressure deep in my cervix as I watch the things head bulge as it pushes its way out. As the camera leaves my cervix, the pressure on the other end of my cervical canal fades and I feel the thing thrashing around.
The worm’s violent movements make me jump and twitch, so I sit up and hold my belly as it bulges against it. “Do you think you can get it out?” I groan. “Maybe suck it out with an abortion vacuum machine or something?”
The woman shrugs. Then she shakes her head slowly as she meets my gaze. “It’s too large and hard for vacuum aspiration. And, because of the way the worm’s tail appears to be fused to your uterus, surgery might be the only way to safely remove it from you. I can schedule an emergency procedure with our OB-GYN surgeon tonight. Tomorrow morning at the latest.”
“Is there any way I can get that done in the next–” I look at the clock, “hour? Hour and a half? I have to catch a plane back to the states?”
“I’m sorry. I don’t think we can perform a surgery like that in that amount of time. If you do not feel like you can bare the parasite any longer, I recommend staying and catching a later flight to remedy this. If you do not feel as if your life is in immediate danger and you can harbor it inside of you, then I think you will be alright to seek medical attention when you get back to the US.”
“I think I can bare it. It doesn’t hurt. If I’m being honest, panic aside, I’ve been feeling really good since the womb worm has been in me. Like, I’ve been happier and sort of energized, and I keep getting aroused every six hours or so. And, before I knew this thing was in me, I would–you know–masturbate. And the last time I did, I reached climax and the worm push its head through my cervix and the proboscis flailed around in my vagina and latched onto my fingers…”
“Hmm. It could be releasing endorphins of some kind to make you want to engage in intercourse… That could be how it moves from host to host after it reaches its final stage. Or it could be how it transfers its eggs or spawn into an intermediary host…”
“That makes sense…” I look at the clock. “Crap… I should probably get going to the airport now since there’s nothing that we can do right now… Thank you so much for taking a look at me.”
She nods. “I’ll let you get dressed. I’ll be back with some antibiotics for you. There’s no telling what bacteria are living on or in that parasite.”
“I appreciate that. Thanks.”
“Also, would you mind showing me on a map where you encountered this uterine worm?”
“Uh, yeah… I can maybe point out the general area.”
After I show the doctor about where we were when I contracted this giant parasite, we exchange email addresses then I head out to the waiting room where my friends are all fast asleep, except for Derek.
“Lena!” he says loudly, jarring the others awake. “Everything okay? You look kind of freaked out.”
I force a smile then nod. “Yeah… Everything is fine. She just gave me some medication to take. Things should be back to normal in no time!”
“That’s great!” Derek says with a smile.
“So glad you’re okay,” Claire says, giving me a hug.
“And look at that, you got done early, now you don’t have to worry about reimbursing us for replacement plane tickets,” Kody says with a smug grin.
“You can be such a dick sometimes…” Derek says to him.
“I would have just bought everyone else a ticket for home and I would’ve gotten you one for Iraq or something, Kody,” I say, smirking back.
“Ooh… harsh, Lena-Beana,” Kody says through gritted teeth. “That jungle crotch rash has sure made you real mean…”
I shove him as we walk into the hallway.
Chapter 5 — DIY Removal
During the hour and a half flight to Lima, Peru, everyone falls asleep, except me. The image of that foot-long worm’s tail rooted in my uterus as it fed on my shedding menstrual lining keeps me up. That and the fact that it’s been super active in my womb since take off. Despite how bad I’m freaking out over it all, I still feel weirdly calm and high from whatever this parasite is secreting into me.
I wonder if the womb worm is pumping hormones in me through its tail roots or if there’s something in the slime being absorbed by my uterus… Or maybe it’s both.
Considering I first started feeling drugged when its head first burrowed into my cervix, I come to the conclusion it’s the slime that has the hormonal secretions. Because I’m pretty sure the mouth proboscis produced something to numb my cervix and trigger cervical dilation, otherwise it would’ve hurt like hell when it first burrowed in. I definitely know that the tail tendrils inject anesthetic because of what it did to my finger, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t secrete anything else.
Though, it wasn’t until the night following the invasion of my womb that I started feeling super drugged and horny, so there’s got to be something else secreted by its tail roots…
I shiver at the thought of it.
As we’re walking off the plane into the Jorge Chavez International, an overwhelming horniness overtakes me, so I drop off my bags with the gang then hurry right to the bathroom to masturbate. I spend ten long minutes in there fingering my gushy vagina, oozing globs and strings of slime into the toilet until my climax strikes.
When my pussy starts contracting, when I feel the cervical pressure building as the thing wiggles down into my vagina, I don’t stop fingering. And I don’t stop when I feel the proboscis lashing my fingers like a snake tongue, but I do slow down and rub the soft tube with gentle curls of my finger, I do push deeper and caress the worm’s throbbing head like it’s a giant internal clitoris shaped like a cock’s tip. I tease it more and more because the pulsing in my cervix actually feels really good now. I keep teasing its firm, smooth head gently until it wriggles violently back into my womb during the next orgasm. It’s like I’m in such a dreamy haze from this womb worm’s hormones that I don’t care this massive parasite is in me anymore…
This thing is biochemically seducing me into feeling like it’s just a part of me–like its normal for a cock-shaped organ to bulge out of my uterus and through my cervix after an intense orgasm…
During the remainder of the two-hour layover, I spend the entire time googling wormlike creatures in search of anything that looks like my womb parasite.
When I google “penis worm,” I come across a picture of Priapulus caudatus, a marine invertebrate that has a tail-like appendage with wormy protrusions that looks almost identical to the tail of my womb worm. But though both their bodies are unsegmented, the P. caudatus’s shaft looks nothing like what crawled in me.
When I search proboscis worms, I come across an ocean ribbon worm called Gorgonorhynchus repens that has the same exact proboscis–white and heavily branched–though it’s smaller and way less sturdy looking than the one my parasite has. The tubular mouth tentacle is where the similarities end.
During my research into slime producing creatures, I come across the hagfish, which produces a similar, voluminous goo that seems much thicker than what my womb worm excretes.
As I’m looking into other worm and snakelike creatures from the Amazon, I come across a Huffington Post article about a rare Amazonian “penis snake” called Atretochoana eiselti. It’s a Caecillian–a blind limbless amphibian–and its head looks sort of like the head of a penis, but it’s not the same as the womb worm’s, mainly because it has a wide mouth and not a circular hole like the thing in me. It also has nostrils, unlike my parasite. The shafts of their bodies, however, do looks very similar–fleshy, tubular and veiny like a horse cock. The penis snake is more purple though, my invader is more peach-ish-pink.
The only thing I find online that looks like the womb worm’s head is the cap of the Phallus impudicus–the common stinkhorn mushroom. It’s freaky how similar the mushroom’s cap looks like it, minus the fungus’s lack of smoothness.
In the layover’s final minutes, I sit there trying to come up with a scientific name for the thing, because I’m a biologist, after all.
Priapus is the Greek fertility god depicted with a massive cock, which is why the ocean penis worm is named Priapulus. And it feeds in the womb, so utero- has to be in the name. The boscis in proboscis comes from the Greek bosko, which means to feed… So… the worm’s scientific name should be…
I ponder it for a second.
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