
All the Girls at My Place

Watch Mike work the neighborhood into trusting his house and pool as a safe place for their teens to gather.

By Stifflittlepoints

My wife and I lived in a beautiful home overlooking one of America’s most scenic valleys. Her father had given us the place, him being one of the wealthier people in this country. To be honest, he could afford it twenty times over.

My wife had been, and still was, his little angel, so when she asked to be allowed to live a life of luxury, he made it possible for both of us to do anything and go anywhere we chose-whenever we chose. Neither of us had to work another day of our lives. Needless to say, this arrangement suited me just fine.

As time passed, my wife, Kimberly, started taking trips to parts of the world that, quite frankly, held no interest to me. Don’t get me wrong, our relationship was great. When we were together, we were inseparable. It’s just that she preferred to keep on the move, where I preferred to stay home for much of the year. I loved the area in which we lived, and enjoyed being in a place where I knew the people around me and they knew me.

To most of the world, that was the only reason for my being a “home-body”, but there was more to it than that. You see, I was blessed with having very trusting neighbors, all of which had one or more beautiful daughters whose ages ranged from 15-18, and all were in high school. All of them were accustomed to having complete access to our impressive pool, sauna and tanning rooms that I had insisted be built into our home.

Being located in the warmer climates, only a month or two were unsuited to swimming and sun-bathing, so these young virginal girls were a constant fixture at my house nearly year round.

Now before I go any further, let me assure you that I am not and never have been a sexual predator. I will openly admit that young girls that age arouse and excite me greatly though. But the fact is, I was too concerned about the penalties that would befall me if I acted on my fantasies to even consider making those dreams a reality. In fact, even though I was extremely aroused at the sight of them from day #1, it was almost 6 months before I was even convinced that I would be safe in openly gawking at the girls while they were over for a swim.

I had been active in campaigning for various bond measures which kept the neighborhood’s property values high and the taxes low. As a result of this, my neighbors were grateful to have me in their midst and accepted me as a friend nearly from the very beginning. When it became known that I opened my pool and such to the kids of the area, they all believed it was just another way of making this a livable place to reside, which was the idea when I had originally decided to adopt the policy. At the time, these same girls I now drool over, are simply the temptations they are for me today.

It wasn’t long before I had become friends with all of these young ladies, and began to spend most of my time fantasizing about seeing them naked. However, I did not consider “touching” any of them, sexually, as an option. BUT gawking, and later masturbating while thinking about their nubile young bodies, was most certainly an option, and one which I used quite often.

After the first season of warm weather came to a close, I was determined to find a way to exploit the situation enough to at least get to see my guests in the nude, once the next warm weather hit again. I used the off season to install hidden video cameras in the poolside dressing rooms, which could all be monitored from a room secretly constructed behind a wall in my den. I also installed two-way mirrors in all the bathrooms of the house, knowing that they too were often used by these little vixens.

The last thing I did was to have a small screening room built, which I hoped would keep them coming over even during the off season to watch my hand picked movies. Except for the screening room, I was careful to make sure I did all the work myself, and only when I would not be observed. That way no explanations would be needed about what improvements I was doing to these areas.

The first hot day came and with it came the first group of girls, asking if they could use the pool again this year. I invited them in and told them to make themselves completely at home. I joined them by sitting under a large umbrella with a pitcher of ice tea, and gawked at them for the entire afternoon. This was only possible because of the darkly shaded sunglasses I wore. They effectively hid the fact that I was staring at their budding titties, and tight, virginal pussies.

I began to worry about what the parents of these young cuties might think of my open door policy, and so the next weekend, I threw a party for the whole neighborhood, giving the grand tour to all the parents. Later, after a fine Hawaiian “luau” and barbecue, I invited them all to sit by the pool, after sending the children home. Once the children were safely at their homes and the adults settled comfortably poolside, I used my speaking skills to present the proposal of the continued use of my home by the neighborhood ‘children’, (being sure to use this term, knowing full well that there were no boys living nearby), and invited them to ask questions, voice any concerns, make suggestions and generally comment on any aspect of the plan.

Only a few minor concerns of safety were raised before the comments all turned to praise and thanks. Most, in fact, told me that if I were willing to go to this much trouble, and as long as the offer stood, they weren’t going to allow their children to play anywhere else. I even got promises from a few, to supply films that they owned, that I could show in my new screening room.

One thing I didn’t mention to them, but made sure that they were all very aware of, were the fully furnished guest rooms in the basement of my home. They were led past them three different times while being shown the things available to their kids. But never once did I bring them up or comment on them at all. At the conclusion of the party that night, I was happy to learn that the purpose of this strategy had been successful.

Five or six parents asked if it would be possible, if those guest rooms were rarely used, to put their child up for a night or two if they were called out of town on business or whatever. I claimed that I hadn’t given it any thought, but would be happy to work something out for anyone who was put in such a position. They all left singing their praises of my generosity, trusting me implicitly.

The next morning, I awoke at about 8:00 A.M. to the sound of the doorbell. Groggily, I walked down the stairs, just throwing on a robe, not noticing that it was my old one that should really have been given to the Salvation Army. The dated robe didn’t fall much below my waist, and my cock, being approximately 8″ long, swung so that the tip showed just below the bottom.

I opened the door to find two girls looking up at me asking if they could come and go swimming. A little surprised at first, I soon recovered, and told them to make themselves at home while I got dressed, but to be careful, adding that if there was anything they needed, just to find me and I’d try my best to get it or help them with it, whatever it may be.

Now fully awake, I looked them over more closely. They were sisters from right next door. They were a year apart in age, and both in high school. Both stood about 5’5″ and had blonde hair pulled back and tied with pink ribbons. They were dressed in lightweight sun dresses and clutched a towel which they had their swimsuits rolled up in. I began to feel the stirrings in my cock that led to my coming up with this plan which brought young girls such as these to my door.

My cock began to swell and stiffen. As the girls passed by me into the house, the older one noticed my naked tool starting to lift the bottom of my robe and show itself. I watched her inspecting eyes widen with surprise. I then realized my exposure and quickly turned and covered myself up while muttering my apologies. The older one giggled quietly and glanced up with a twinkle in her eye as she pushed past me towards the changing rooms.

I hurried upstairs to put some swim trunks on as well, not that I planned to go swimming, but to blend into the scene as much as possible. Then I quickly ducked into my little room to monitor the activity in the dressing rooms. I clicked on the sound and just for fun, pressed RECORD on the unit. The same girl followed her sister into the room and was telling her what she had seen.

“Jami,” she began, “Mr. Johnson didn’t have anything on under his robe, and I saw his pric . . . uhhh . . . cock!”

“You did?” asked Jami. “What exactly did you see? What did it look like?” She was excited by this secret bit of nastiness.

Emma being the older girl, said, “He saw me looking and covered it up really quick, but it was real long, like the ones we saw in that book, but not quite as hard, like those were.”

As she began to get undressed, Jami said, “I knew that those pictures weren’t real, cause if boy’s penis’ were like that, you’d be able to see them through their pants all the time in school.”

“I’m not so sure, because his was moving, and looked like it was being held down by his robe,” said the older girl.

The girls were now completely naked and I could see their young bodies very well. Both were cute as could be, pouty little mouths and innocence written all over their faces. Jami had “apple-like” titties, but Emma was well on her way to filling out her bathing suit top with each tit being slightly larger than her sisters, topped with pink little nipples. I am happy to report both had shaved their sweet little pussies and had adorable bubble butts.

That’s when I got the treat of my life. Jami moved directly in front of her sister and said, “How about a little rub-a-dub-dub like in the shower at home?” Not waiting for Emma to agree, Jami held onto her sister’s shoulders and standing on her tip-toes, moved her developing titties, right into her sister’s breasts. Emma looked slightly downward and Jami moved her lips right into hers and right in front of me, they were actively rubbing their tits against each other and passionately kissing. Next, they both dropped their hands and cupped each other’s ass cheeks. For the next couple of minutes, I kept verifying that the record function was on my mini-cameras and I quickly wanked on my cock while watching them.

Emma finally broke their embrace, saying that if they were any longer, ‘Mr. Johnson would find out’. Immediately afterwards, they pulled on their bikini bottoms and secured their now stiff nipples into their tops.

Not wanting to be caught, I turned off the equipment and exited the darkened room. In my den, I used a magic marker to write out a little sign to hang on the front door which read, “Come on in and make yourself at home. I’m around back if you have any questions -Sam Johnson.” I hung it on the door knob, and went out back with a pitcher of iced tea and a small cooler of Cokes.

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