
All for Mr. Redman Chapter 3

Amanda makes her case, Barbara makes thing interesting and Peter… well he is so amazing. You might want to read the first two in this series so you have the background.

All For Mr. Redman Chapter 3

I sat there stunned and thought about everything between me and Amanda. She didn’t do relationships with guys. I mean she liked having sex but other than that it was a brush off. She had always been there for me since we became roommates and after that first time when we made love it became something we did. She had always been a kind of aggressive lover, but never rough with me.

Something pushed her over the edge and it had to be jealousy over Peter. That fact she had just sexually attacked me like a crazed woman, was really rough with me and was now breaking down and crying had my head spinning. Her telling me she loved me, yes that was a shock.

She was laying on her bed, curled up crying in our shared dorm room and she looked like she was really hurting emotionally. I was hurting physically having never been used like that before. Part of me was mad as hell and wanted to destroy her for this.

I quelled my anger and breathed deeply calming myself. I’m not the type to loose my temper. My friends all view me as the calmest person they have ever met. I stood up and went and looked out the window at the trees and sky. I calmed down and turned and went back and sat on the bed.

Amanda had buried her head in her pillow.

I decided that we either talk this out now or I have to move. I already knew no one would ever hear about this from me. I was not going to destroy her. I did enjoy most of it, it was when she turned and scared the hell out of me that I was upset. I was seeing remorse, regret, she was in hell. I had never seen her like this.

I gently reached out and caressed her hair and she slowly stopped sobbing. She finally turned her head and looked up at me. She said “I don’t… you must hate me.”

I inclined my head and said “That’s a really strong word. Just tell me why, what happened?”

Amanda slowly and haltingly told me that she always thought, from the moment we met, that I was one of the sweetest people she had ever known. She was so happy we became friends and when we became lovers she was in heaven. She went on to explain that at some point she fell in love with me. She didn’t say anything but knew how she was feeling. She said that I seemed oblivious to it but did so many kind and loving things and she just felt more and more. When she heard about my “Hot older guy” she got scared. She knew I never bailed on the girls, for any reason, and that I had told Christine I knew him and trusted him. She said she just knew deep inside that it must mean something. She said she waited up until 3am and when I didn’t come home she cried. When I told her about my time with him she said she felt happy for me but it also made her really jealous. She wanted to be the person I had that evening with. She said more about how sorry she was and how she was jealous but now all she felt was humiliation and shame for acting so fucked up as she put it.

I told her that she needs to know that I have no idea what is going to happen with Peter, Mr. Redman, but that it was serious. I told her that she knew I could not have a romantic relationship with a girl, we had talked about that. I said at least I know now why you asked me that a few times, but you always agreed with me. We talked for a long time, trying to sort things out. After about three hours we knew we would be alright. I had forgiven her and had to look at the whole, not just one incident. I knew inside though that our friendship had changed. I was sad. I was kind of upset because I didn’t see the signals. I thought laughingly only boys are supposed to be that dumb.

I got fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I kept checking my cell phone but Peter had not called or texted me. He said he would only be a couple of hours. It was now three in the afternoon. I admit that my mind started to wander to why he had not called. I tried to distract myself with books, the net, a dumb movie, and nothing was working.

Amanda had gone out for a workout and a run to clear her head. I decided it was petty torment time and created a crime scene using her stuffed animals, yellow tape, and some string. I was happy with the result. By 6pm I had made a multiple murder scene. The motive was that her Panda had, with a few other animals, eaten the Unicorns Lucky Charms. The clues left by the Unicorn indictaed his rage. It was pretty good. The ketchup made a nice touch. Horatio from C.S.I. Miami would have been proud. I realized I was acting pretty neurotic. Made me wonder what the hell was in that bowl of Lucky Charms I had… the inspiration for my petty torment.

I laid down to sleep and just as I was nodding of my cell phone rang. The conversation went like this:


Peter: “Oh my God Sachiko I am so sorry.”

Me: “Is this the part where I tell you I’m buying you a watch?” chuckling.

Peter: “No, they just would not let me leave. I had to go to the Botanical Gardens with my Aunt and Uncle and I didn’t have my cell phone with me and your number was on it and the paper at home.”

Me: “I think that’s the equivalent of my dog ate my homework in the dating world Mr. Redman, oh Science Teacher.” I was giggling.

Peter: He was laughing “Oh shit. Yeah, yeah I am going to have to agree.”

Me: “Are you home now?”

Peter: “No, I’m just driving onto the Campus”

Me: “This isn’t your cell number. Wait, your what?”

Peter: Laughing still “I said I’m just driving onto the Campus. Barb is with me, I made her come here first and give me her cell to use. You have my cell memorized?”

Me: Busted “Yeah you got me, I’m a savant with phone numbers. How did you get my cell if you have not been home?”

Peter: “Barb’s an Alumnist and has friend’s in good places.”

Me: Sitting up fast “How long before you get here?”

Peter: “I’m parking right now, outside, visitor parking.”

Me: “Oh my god” I jumped up and looked out the window. Yup there he was and barb was getting out with him. “I will be right down, but should I change? I’m in jeans.”

Peter: “Take those off right now! I’ll be up in a minute. Giggidy.”

Me: “Did you just go Quagmire on me?”

Peter: He was laughing “Oh Yeah.” He did that really well “ Seriously though jeans are great, just come on down.”

Lets see, waited for hours for a guy I was falling for hard. Do I make him wait? Hell no, I don’t do petty games. I picked up his gym bag to return it and dug out my clothes from the previous night to toss them on my bed. Guess who had his cell phone… me. Oh, I suck.

I hurried downstairs and said “I’m really sorry, I didn’t realize I grabbed it. You have the same blackberry as me and I didn’t realize.” He busted a gut laughing. He looked at Barb and said “I am so off the hook.”

Barb thought this was hilarious as well. We all got into the car and headed over to Barb’s place.

She went inside to change quickly.

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