
All Female Apartment Complex

What happens when a horny young guy inherits an apartment complex

I am the owner of a big apartment complex in a very warm part of the country. My parents left it to me. I had an idea a while back. After I got rid of all of the tenants (because I didn’t renew their leases unless they were young single females), I made it into an extended stay hotel for women. No men allowed past the lobby.

Of course, that’s not what the tenants are told. They are told that I am allowed to live there because the owner has a soft spot for me because I am legally blind and pretty much blind as a bat. My picture is also posted around the complex along with an explanation of my condition and my special relationship with the owner.

And that’s why the rent is also insanely cheap. The owner wants to give young women a way to save up their money or not go into debt any more than they already are just because they want to have a nice safe place to live.

There is a very large pool that rivals a lot of the resorts in the area. Most of the girls go without swimsuits because it’s an all-female complex. I don’t count because I am supposedly legally blind.

The first day that I chose to make my appearance was on a particularly warm day and just about every tenant was out by the pool. I had my baggy t-shirt and very out-of-date trunks on as I walked out with my white cane out. I called out to the life guard, “Hey, is Greta there? I need help to my chair. I don’t want to fall into the pool.”

Greta said, “I can’t leave my post. The other guard is away for a few minutes.” And she called to a couple of girls that were sitting near to where I was standing, “Rita, Susie, would you two just help Danny to his chair?”

Susie spoke up for the both of them, “Sure thing.” And before I know it, they introduced themselves and took my arms. I folded up my cane and started walking with them occasionally going too far requiring that they correct my steps. I kept my chin up as I walked seemingly oblivious to what was going on around me.

After I sat down, I pulled out my iPhone and thank the girls for helping me.

“Anything for you, Danny,” Rita said. “Danny, I think you are going to be hot like that. Everyone else has their swimsuits off.”

I started blushing. I asked, “Is that why it got so quiet when I came out?”

They started giggling and Rita said, “Probably. Can we help you take your shirt off, Danny?”

I said, “Yes, to be honest, I already am getting hot.” I lifted my arms immediately as if I didn’t know where they were.

As they took off my shirt, I saw Susie give Rita a look.

Susie said, “It looks like you work out – a lot.”

I replied, “Yeah, I guess I do. It gives me something to do and I like the idea of being strong in other ways. I don’t feel like I am as helpless that way.”

Rita said, “Danny, would you mind if we sat with you.”

I said, “I would actually like that.”

Susie, “We need to get our stuff. We will be back in a couple of minutes.”

Susie came back with her towel, Kindle and a bottle of lotion. Rita came back with her towel, a paperback book and a drink.

Susie said, “Everyone is looking at you funny, Danny. I think it’s because you are wearing those trunks. I really think you should take them off.”

I acted all embarrassed and said, “I don’t think I could. I never did anything like that before.”

Rita said, “You don’t want to be the only one not naked. Do you? You will stick out.” They started laughing, trying to do it as silent as they could, so I wouldn’t know.

I said, “Oh, okay. I trust you girls.” Pretending that I didn’t know exactly what direction I was facing, I asked for help, as I faced the pool. They bent down and sat on their heels. They pulled down my sorry-looking trunks to my ankles and told me to lift one leg at a time. I acted like I was falling over and Susie caught me. I fell right into her beautiful body.

Up to now, I managed to keep from getting an erection. However, being in Susie’s arms, feeling her warm naked body next to mine, knowing that Rita was getting an eyeful because she was at cock-level and knowing that everyone was staring at me, I let go of Susie and revealed what I had below my equator. I heard them gasped. I guess they liked what they saw. I profusely apologized to Susie and Rita.

I said, “I am so sorry. I think I should stay in my apartment from now on,” hoping that they would try to talk me out of leaving or putting my clothes back on.

Susie said, “Don’t you dare, Danny. First, we are the ones who talked you into disrobing. Second, everyone else is naked. So, please, don’t go. Just sit back in your chair and relax.”

I did as they asked and I purposefully tried to maintain my erection. As we talked, I saw the girls through my dark glasses watch my cock move and twitch. It was extremely difficult not to smile.

After 10-15 minutes, I wanted to see if I could get further, so I said, “I am getting sleepy. Mind if I lie back and try to take a little nap? Don’t worry about waking me. It’s very difficult to wake me. I sleep like a rock.”

Rita nonchalantly said, “Go ahead, Danny. We have our books. We can just read until you wake up.” She then motioned for some other friends to come over — quietly. Amber, Britney and Chloe came over, trying not to laugh.

I lay back, closed my eyes and acted like I fell asleep. I still had a major erection. It was pretty easy to keep it up. I just thought about what these girls were thinking as they were pondering what they could do with a cock like mine I was hoping that I read these girls and the situation correctly.

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