Alice gets Hitched
Alice gets Hitched
Sex Story Author: | billdj |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I should think that two hundred pounds should be enough to help you overlook her family condition.” “I’m not |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Hardcore, Male/Teen Female, Pregnant, Young |
[b]Alice Gets Hitched 7 by Will Buster
As can be imagined, a pregnant, used mistress can be rather difficult to palm off. Difficult, that is, unless a large dowry accompanies the lusty little vixen. Alice was no exception to this social rule so prevalent in late Georgian England.
Alice’s belly was now thick with healthy child from the almost constant amorous attentions of Lord Elton. The baron of Kingston manor had thoroughly enjoyed both of Alice’s tight, responsive holes for months now but keeping true to his promise, it was time to purchase respectability for the young wench who wasn’t yet fourteen.
John Mcnare was nobody’s fool. He was the son of a modestly well to do merchant. However, it was his sire’s belief that the young man would be more successful if he set up his own business before inheriting the father’s holdings. For this reason, the two hundred pound dowry that would accompany Alice was quite an enticement, over and above the young girl’s exciting charms.
John wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He’d been traveling through Lord Elton’s neighborhood, looking for new customers in his newly developed silk goods business when he’d heard about the tender lass and her not so unusual predicament. However John was a hard bargainer and when he went to see Lord Elton it was with a design to line his pockets with even more wealth.
Lord Jim shook the merchant’s hand. Inwardly the baron disguised a contempt for this trade person. Outwardly he was the soul of gentility and excellent manners. “Be so kind as to try some of my Madera, young man. And please be seated!”
John was a robust twenty years old and although he was dressed simply, his clothes were well cared for and clean. His long, brown hair was well combed and his sharp gray eyes missed nothing. He sipped appreciatively from the wine glass and began the negotiations in a mild, Scot brogue. “I hear tell, your grace, that there be a young lass that ye be interested in proffering to wife. Mayhap I may be of service to ye, provided the dowry be adequate and the young lassie sound of mind and body.”
James grinned, “She be sound enough, though she be five months along. I think she will bear many young ones when she is properly wived. I take it you heard about the lass in town?”
John smacked his lips. “Aye, to be sure! My dear father has been after me for some time to wive profitably as I needs must increase my business to his satisfaction. My sire be a hard man but there’s not a fairer man that walks God’s green earth, I dare say.”
James was wondering where this was all going. So he relaxed back in his chair and watched the younger man with wariness. The silence in the study was broken only by the grandfathers ticking and the Scotsman’s impertinent voice.
“Could I see the lassie now?”
James raised his eyebrows and nodded. “I see you are brisk for business mister Mcnare.”
With that he rang a bell and once the butler was told to bring the wench, Alice soon appeared in the study. She obediently curtsied in front of the two men.
Alice said nothing but she looked with interest at the stranger that sat across from her loving lord. Her belly stuck out from the dress she was wearing, testifying to her acquaintance with the pleasures of lust. Her face flushed as she noticed the young man noticing her. James motioned for her to approach. “This is John McNair, my dear. He’s interested in you so why don’t you sit on his lap and let him become a little better acquainted with you.”
A moment later, Alice slid onto the young Scot and looked up into his kindly gray eyes. His hands were moving over her hips, swelling belly and then her small breasts. She moved her face up and quickly captured his mouth with her open kiss. She’d already been told by her lord to act wanton and forward if any man showed genuine interest in her obviously attractive charms. Her tongue darted against his and he gasped softly at the pleasure that his young body was receiving. She looked so young and innocent and yet her bulging belly and salacious kiss told him that this girlish woman knew the ways of carnal copulation. Alice was a carnal whore and they both knew it.
After a few minutes, James finally said, “I think that you’ve received a good enough sample mister Mcnare. It should be obvious to you that she finds you attractive and she’s very affectionate by nature and comportment.”
Reluctantly the Scot released the young vixen although she continued to sit on his lap. Her body weight and warmth was having an effect on him but somehow he regained his composure.
The young Scot cleared his throat and re-assumed his business like tone.” So, what are you offering for dowry Sir James?”
“Well I promised the lass a good marriage and I’ve read your letter of reference that you tendered to my butler this morning.
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