
Alice Deflowered 1

Lord elton ravishes a lovely Young innocent. The Alice series begins.

Alice Deflowered by Will Buster

Lord Elton liked young girls. Not too young of course. After all he wasn’t a pervert or anything like that. However, he’d heard of many marriages where the girl was only thirteen or fourteen. For that reason the nobleman basically drew the line at twelve. If the girl wasn’t at least twelve it just wouldn’t do and the closer to 13 the better. After all he was a gentleman and a pier of the realm. He was not an uncivilized barbarian.

An honest appraisal of the situation was that lord Elton couldn’t resist tight young pussy or the even tighter little anal cavity that these zesty youngsters inevitably possessed. Elton craved the youth and inner fire of these budding virgins as they became addicted to the steamy delights of unbridled bed sport. Fortunately he retained the services of a very discrete butler by the name of Billings. Apart from the substantial raise Lord Elton had given him for procuring the highest quality in very young virgin sluts, the mid aged nobleman arranged for Billings to marry a pretty busty wench by the name of Karen. As a result Billings was very grateful and effective at supplying Lord James Elton the young, unsullied flesh that he required.

Most of the year, Elton’s two sons were away at school learning to become future crooked politicians. After mastering Latin and the rudiments of a strong classical education, Jared and Gavin would academically proceed to the law when they reached college age which was just about to occur. Gavin was the younger by a year but if anything he was more intelligent and scholastically productive than Jared and that was saying something, because Jared was almost a straight A student.

Lord James was very proud of his two boys. They were the most important people in his life since his wife of twenty years had passed away two years previous. Now he was free to play with the naughty, nubile serving wenches and willing tenant daughters to his heart’s content. After all, he needed a great deal of comfort in order to find relief from his grief over his beloved Leticia’s demise.


Billings not only had to procure the little darlings for his Lord but he also had to explain to the girls what their unique duties were and at the same time arrange suitable compensation for the family from which the sexy little slut was obtained. It usually involved an arranged marriage because sooner or later, the little angelic tart would become increased with child and in order to protect everyone’s reputations, the little sweet would be married off to a parson’s son or a black smith’s boy. Obviously, these clapped up deals were conducted with the utmost secrecy when the negotiations with the marriage prospects were in full sway. The marriage partners for these little soiled angels were selected from at least a county away if not further. He’d even been able to get a girl by the name of Larissa hitched to a soldier who soon was stationed in India. Being able to find a husband for one of Elton’s former mistresses to be settled at such a vast distance away was the perfect solution to the sticky wicket of Lord Jim’s carnal escapades. Lord Elton knew that money talked and Billings added his gentle charm and perfect discretion to the carefully contrived mixture. This is why the Lord of Portland or James Elton as he was usually known, was so grateful to his urbane and ingenious butler.


It was late May, with the rich flowering spring verdure adding color and aromatic perfume in the warm countryside of Essex county. May Day was past and the local fair was in full swing with peasants, tenants and merchants doing brisk business. Elton was doing business also, but of a quite different kind. Billings had just engaged young Alice Cooper to entertain the discriminating aristocrat that very evening. When Lord Jim heard the timid knock at the door, he knew precisely what to expect.

Except when he opened his bed room door, his gaze was hit by the unexpected. His mouth opened of its own accord when he looked into the soft eyes of the stunning girlish waif that stood trembling in the doorway. She was perhaps four and a half feet tall, being a bit undersized for her twelve years and nine months of age.

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