Sex Story Author: | commshep12 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | It was very deliberate on his part. “Lean over towards the Gammorean, and we’ll show you what comes next.” Both |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Blowjob, Coercion, Domination/submission, Fan fiction, First Time, Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Science-Fiction, Young |
Note: This is not my story, I found it a few years ago on a site that I can’t locate again and don’t even know if it still exists, just thought Star Wars fans would like to read what I thought was a great story, so credit is given to the original artist.
Chapter 1: A Betrayal and Passing Jabba’s Guards
Anakin Skywalker hated the sand. He always had.
And here, on the surface on Tattoine, he saw something that caused him more anger than he’d ever felt before. Only his Jedi training was keeping his temper in check…barely.
It wasn’t the face of the man standing before him that caused his blood to boil. It was all he represented. The lives he’d taken with that aura about him. That cold arrogance.
And his hand. Anger on his own behalf also fueled his rage. He was having a hard time controlling it. Padme may say diplomacy is the best path, but he knew the real truth behind Dooku.
The man, no, this monster was a villain. And villains did exist.
Dooku had led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands and would lead to his own as well as his new Padawan if he was not careful. Dooku must not be allowed to stop Ahsoka, or Jabba’s son from reaching the palace.
He wouldn’t let Dooku beat him again. Not this time.
Dooku gave a calm smile amongst the darkness as he flippantly whipped his crimson lightsaber blade around, cutting a pattern in the chilling desert air. The nights of Tattoine were a stark contrast to the blazing heat experience during the day.
Anakin felt especially cold right now and it had absolutely nothing to do with the weather. Dooku was playing at something.
Why hadn’t he struck at him yet?
“You’ve become quite powerful Jedi. Why don’t we put this nonsense behind us and work together?” Dooku spoke over the whipping of the sand, the hum of his lightsaber suddenly coming to a halt. He had deactivated his saber. But why?
Anakin was itching to strike him down. The lack of noise from Dooku’s sword had been replaced by sizzling on the back of his neck. A burning sensation.
An itch to do the very un-Jedi like thing to do against this particular Sith Lord.
And yet he could hear Obi-Wan’s voice telling him to hold his ground, to stay loyal to the Jedi and to the Republic. So he did. He tried to disguise the unease in his voice; it came out as guarded caution.
“I’d never join you Dooku, you want to destroy this Republic. You know how this will end.” Anakin couldn’t stop the last part coming out as a throaty growl.
“Nonsense. We’re working for the same side. Here… prove it to you…” On the same side? What games was he playing at now? It’s a feeble one for a man like Dooku, Anakin thought.
Dooku slid his hand into his robes and Anakin immediately brought down his lightsaber with a sharp yet short chopping motion, pointing it at The Count. A clear threat, despite the fact he didn’t advance his position at all. He didn’t need to, he was a Jedi.
He could clear the distance in no time, If need be.
“Don’t you dare try any tricks…” He was dealing with a Sith Lord after all.
“Don’t be so hasty, boy. I have something to show you.” Dooku pulled out a small silver disk, somewhat like a transmission device. Yet the blinking lights suggested it had been modified. Anakin’s sharp mechanical eye could tell that even through the desert storm.
The answer was both a transmission and recording device. Dooku threw it down onto the sand. As it slid across the ground it seemed to sprout legs and move about, typical CIS technology. Then it began to play.
A robed figure appeared flickering in the desert air. It was… some sort of recording of someone who looked a lot like the Supreme Chancellor. Except wearing very heavy robes over his head.
“They must not be allowed to deliver Jabba’s son at any cost, Lord Tyrannus. Be sure to kill the Padawan.” The transmission echoed.
And echoed. Anakin felt the sounds within him had stopped, and suddenly all noises around him swept into focus. As if he wasn’t even there anymore.
On the same side? On the same side? His mind was swirling.
There was another noise coming from somewhere. His dulled senses seemed to register it, barely. It was from…Dooku. Dooku was saying something. Why was he saying something?
“…is all the same. So what do you say?” He was proposing something. Anakin didn’t know what was going on anymore. Palpatine ordering him to stop? Working with Dooku? Was…no, was Palpatine the Sith Lord they were looking for all this time?
Or was he just enlisting the help of Dooku? Was this a holo fabrication? Yet the voice… he knew his machines, and that was hardly synthetic. Its pitch was too perfect.
He heard his voice, yet he didn’t remember telling his mouth to speak.
“… Tell me more. But it doesn’t mean I believe you.” Anakin tried to regain control over his swirling thoughts, haphazardly spinning out of control just like the sandstorm. And his world, He needed to know…at any cost.
As long as Dooku was preoccupied, Ahsoka would be fine to make it to Jabba’s Palace on her own.
He had faith in his new apprentice.
“Gma fo varo naako, grosha!” What? Huttese, she knew a little, basic language. The Jedi Order taught her this much, to help her with any future missions.
But she didn’t understand all of what the droid just said. She couldn’t even hear the tone, since it was a droid.
She really hoped it was a yes. She was desperate at this stage.
Her patience, or lack thereof, was soon rewarded with the screeching of the massive stronghold doors opening to Jabba’s Palace. She was running through before it had even finished. This was very normal considering the size of the door.
What did they try and fit through those doors, a rancor?
Even when they came slamming down behind her, and a white twi’lek with red eyes and a disturbingly lingering expression began to walk up to her, she did not start to feel cornered in the least.
She may have if she wasn’t so urgent to reach her goal. If she’d had any understanding of what that lingering appraisal meant. But at her young age she had no idea of the implication of mating.
She did understand the idea behind slavery, however, and how a Twi’lek may want to have a nice Togruta pet for his master. She firmly bared her teeth and growled at him.
“Look, I’m here with Jabba’s son. See? Not a slave!” Ahsoka pulled off her backpack and thrust out the huttlet, perhaps her first mistake, as the Twi’lek snatched the cooing huttling away from her.
Bib Fortuna, Jabba the Hutt’s major domo, hated being snapped at. And this… small Jedi thing that Dooku, the Separatist leader had spoken of, was insulting him.
All knew to obey Jabba’s most trusted minion, or slave. But he saw opportunity, at the stupidity of the youngling, and had snatched it. Literally.
“Goro no flasa greek! Emot’fa solu, Jabba!” Bib hissed out to Ahsoka’s utter confusion. Only at that moment did Ahsoka realize three Gammorean thugs coming up behind the Twi’lek.
She sensed through the Force that she’d made somewhat of a mistake. But she wouldn’t be dissuaded from her goal.
Jabba had to know it was the Jedi who rescued his son, and the Separatists were behind the whole thing.
Confident, she tried her mind trick, tentatively reaching out a hand and waving it at the gloating Twi’lek, and she tried to say it in the best Huttese that she could muster, or what Huttese she knew.
Mind tricks are always more effective in the creature’s language, or at least that’s what Master Yoda had told her.
“You will give me back Jabba’s son, and take me before him.” Ahsoka waited with a cocky air, she knew she was good at mind tricking. She’d been scolded by the Jedi Masters in charge of her early training, for being a bit too liberal with its use.
But her mistake was trying it in what little Huttese she knew.
Ahsoka’s pronunciation was awful, and the mind trick could not be put through to someone who didn’t understand her suggestions.
Instead, Bib Fortuna sensed in retrospect she was trying to use some sort of Jedi trickery, and grabbed her outstretched hand, dragging her forward.
It caught her so off-guard and the Togruta youngling was so tired that she didn’t begin to put up any resistance until Bib had already turned her around and put her arm behind her back.
And Bib was quite skilled at this sort of thing. This wasn’t the first young girl he had caught like this. He handed the huttling tucked under his other arm to one of the Gammorean, and shouted something in Huttese that she couldn’t understand.
Really, she was so dumbfounded that she didn’t even register them taking Jabba’s son off.
Ahsoka was stunned that this unnamed Twi’lek had been able to get the best of her, Master Skywalker’s Padawan. She may call him “Fly Guy”, but she’d already garnered a massive admiration for her master.
And now she was caught, here, rather embarrassingly by this thuggish Twi’lek and his two Gammorean cronies! And the Twi’lek must have some sort of weapon, because she felt it pressing against her back rather pointedly.
Feels like a lightsaber, but it can’t be! Dooku has another assassin like that lady? Ahsoka started to panic. The Gammoreans were also reaching down their pants for something, searching around.
She hoped they didn’t find it soon. A really dangerous place to keep a weapon, though. Don’t they have any sense of safety, Ahsoka thought.
When she was just debating reaching out with the Force, Bib grabbed her wrist and pushed her whole arm upwards in a sharp movement.
Her whole world exploded into pain and she gasped out, baring her still-forming fangs. She couldn’t think of any good way out of this mess.
But the Force had to provide her with something! Master Obi-Wan said it does!
Ahsoka screwed up her eyes as she tried to endure the pain now shooting up her fragile arm. She was skilled with a lightsaber, but not naturally strong.
Bib Fortuna smiled with his sharp fangs, staring down wide-eyed at his young prey. This Togrutan brat was going to be easily manipulatable, just with a few pointed words.
He took care to remove her lightsaber from her belt and tossed it far away at this point, one of the many cleaning droids picking it up and putting it in a disposal compartment. Ahsoka felt an extra pang of dread at this point running down her neck, she was always told she was naked without her lightsaber. Bib could feel the young Padawan’s panic. He enjoyed it.
He’d have her pleasuring him like all the rest of the slaves. It was the best part of getting to stop anyone who wanted to speak to Jabba.
He could force her, but he didn’t want that. He had grander plans than having his way with her right here. He wanted her to be the next assassin to Jabba. A Jedi assassin, young and malleable. He’d have to make her his, without forcing her too much.
“You want to see Jabba, but you are too young to pay the price. Those who come to see Jabba must prove themselves. You’d make a poor fighter.” Bib scoffed and pushed her arm further, causing Ahsoka to squirm and cry out. “But maybe something else.” “ I’ll do anything you want me to, just let me go so I can see Jabba!” She spat out the last part, she was unbelievably angry. And having a hard time controlling it.
“But you are too young, I don’t think you could handle this either. I don’t think you’d do anything.” The Gammorean guards were laughing and still touching themselves. Her small waist was still squirming and pushing against the Twi’lek’s lightsaber.
“I AM old enough, why does everyone keep saying that? I’m, a Jedi!” Self-sacrifice was part of the mission, if need be.
What they are asking me might hurt someone. But at this point the greater good may take priority, Ahsoka thought.
Would the Jedi want her to do something illegal to avert the war from spreading further? She had no idea what they may ask of her.
“ I’ll do what it takes, Let me see Jabba, PLEASE! The Jedi aren’t to blame here! Whatever you want, take it!” “Oh, is that so?” Bib pretended to muse. He knew well what Jedi were like. Dooku had briefed Jabba on what Jedi could do, and he’d been listening in.
He knew this youngling was coming to see Jabba while the Master was kept occupied. That’s when he sensed opportunity.
Ahsoka was getting furious. More so than she’d ever been in her life.
She may have even drawn upon the dark side, but her thoughts were extinguished at that moment as the Twi’lek reached around and grabbed her developing breasts.
Her wide blue eyes shot open! What the Force was he doing? She struggled wildly but he had a firm grip on her arm. Curse it to Sith!
“You can please me like a woman of your race would, if you can. Then you can see Jabba and say whatever you like, for as long as you want.” Ahsoka was confused, please him like a woman? What on Coruscant did that mean?
And what was worse is that his finger was pushing at the edge of her tight wrap-around top, slowly sliding it forcefully down.
And she didn’t wear any undergarments underneath it. They were purely kept in there by the tight confines of her top.
“This isn’t any good, at this rate…” Ahsoka strained to break Bib’s grip, but just ended up hurting her arm even more. Her feet dug against the dirt ground, she couldn’t do anything in this position!
The older younglings had always laughed at her when she said she didn’t need to wear a bra, because it restricted her movements. It made her feel even more sheepish, like a kid.
But now it was just plain embarrassing. This Twi’lek was going to expose her in front of these Gammoreans!
Wait, could this be his intention? Ahsoka thought. She didn’t understand why they’d find that fascinating, but at the same time the Jedi taught the need to cover up there.
She always thought it was movement related, but by the stares of the Gammorean guards leering at her half-covered chest perhaps there was something else to it.
She suddenly felt a little bit more powerful, in control of the situation.
“Fine, I’ll show you I’m an adult and a real Jedi I’ll do whatever it takes.” She acted haughty, but too many clones fought and died for her to get Jabba’s son back. Ahsoka then took a gamble.
“Pull down my top if you want to see them.” She watched, her glow in the dark, azure eyes looking slyly back and forth to gauge their reaction.
Well. It was music to Bib’s ears. He pulled down her top as her young breasts were liberated from their confines and she immediately flushed despite herself. The cold air touched her breasts, along with their unusual gazes.
Ahsoka’s breasts were not large but were nicely formed, budding with time still to grow. Her nipples were small and dark, but had white markings flecked around them. The same as her face stripes and those on her montrals.
And now her still forming breasts were exposed to the three men standing before her. Her nipples though, jutted out due to the cold hallway air. It was the first time she’d shown anyone her breasts, ever.
And they seemed to enjoy it. Bib’s hand took no time to slide around her smooth and youthful stomach and upwards. She instinctively wriggled at the tickling sensation of someone else’s hands on her body.
“Heeey, stop that!” Ahsoka shouted against her will. The outburst eliciting a harsh and boisterous laugh at the young girl.
Ahsoka swore she turned a deeper shade of red right to the tips of her montrals. Was it something she said? Ahsoka bit her lip. She felt she’d made herself look like a child again.
But what had she said or done?
“Young Jedi, I just wanted to touch your breasts. Or are you too young to let me do such things to you?” Bib faked disappointment, slipping his hands down her slender stomach.
It caused her to writhe and push her waist against the Twi’lek’s lightsaber again. But she wouldn’t have any of it this time!
She took a deep breath and grabbed the much older Twi’lek’s hand, forcing him to cup her young breasts.
“You’ll touch them all you like, and then I get to see Jabba!” Ahsoka’s voice was demanding, impatient. She forced his hand to stroke them forcefully.
“If you say so…” Bib Fortuna smiled broadly with fanged teeth, and enthusiastically cupped the young Padawan’s breasts.
She had fallen right into his trap, willingly, and with little resistance, Bib thought. And now he began to play unhindered with her teenage body, squeezing one of her perked nipples between two of his rough fingers.
Ahsoka squirmed from the sensitive zone being stroked, a virgin area for her to be touched by anyone else. She hated it because she didn’t have any control over it.
“Is…is this normal? All this wriggling?” Ahsoka spoke under her breath, not half expecting an answer. She continued to bump against the Twi’lek’s lightsaber, which she noticed was mysteriously radiating heat.
Why is it giving off heat if it’s not active? Ahsoka worried to herself now.
It was hard not to catch her breath from the strange air of excitement in the air now, with all this petting against her will. And she tried not to wriggle away from it, because otherwise she’d look like a child. She was curious to see what would happen next.
Still, they seem to be getting excited by it, Ahsoka thought as she found what was going on very interesting. She couldn’t understand what had got them so enthralled by her exposed chest.
Bib continued to cup and squeeze her small teenage breasts, running his rough hands across her skin. The sensation felt very alien to Ahsoka.
She had never let anyone touch her like this, and she found she enjoyed having their attention more than anything else. They were taking her seriously, not treating her like a stupid youngling. Not once did their eyes avert from her slender shaking form.
Her tiny dark nipples were beginning to become stiff, and she continued to encourage Bib’s hands to stroke her supple breasts so they’d get even more excited. They were barely formed compared to the other females in the order, yet they seemed to enjoy it so much.
The Gammoreans were panting heavily as they continued to move their hands around inside of their furred loincloths. She still couldn’t figure it out, but it seemed to be a sign of approval.
“But the faster they do it, the harder they’re breathing”, Ahsoka noticed with amazement reflected in her wide blue eyes. “At this rate I could get them to do anything for me, let alone take me to Jabba.” How much could she get out of them?
They seemed to like it when Ahsoka appeared like she was enjoying it too, so she moved around and let out the best imitation of a grunting noise like they were.
It came out high pitched and a little funny, but it seemed to rouse them even further. Perhaps a little too far, but she didn’t know that yet.
She found the entire thing very interesting. But then she liked people, and studying people. Master Koon had always thought so and encouraged it.
“If you’re trying to excite them, you should do this…” Bib Fortuna suddenly grabbed Ahsoka’s hand to her surprise; she felt her hand slipping over her naked barely developed breasts.
He was suddenly forcing her to stroke her breasts herself. But Ahsoka didn’t like being forced around just like that!
“Hey, stop that!” Ahsoka spat out and struggled against his forced movement, but Bib wouldn’t let go of her small hand with his own. The Twi’lek continued to force the small alien girl to stroke her small breasts, squeezing them forcefully.
She found herself breathing harder, mostly because of the yelling at the older man and something else she didn’t quite understand. The Twi’lek soon explained himself in deliberately slow, disrespectful tones.
“Well, I just thought you may not be old enough to do it yourself, so you may need a hand.” Bib sounded condescending and a little chiding, waiting for her to become flushed, He wasn’t disappointed. The Gammoreans were getting even more aroused by the display of defiance.
But Ahsoka was resolved that she was going to do this herself if need be.
“I am not a youngling! Let…let me do it.” Ahsoka conceded as she felt the electricity in the air heighten, hoping what she was doing was right with the Jedi Code. It felt right, and it was pleasing others.
Isn’t pleasing others what the Jedi are all about?
And to let her do it, the Twi’lek even let go of her arm as she felt her muscles suddenly relax, and then all eyes were on her bare chest.
Ahsoka was surprised, and her blue eyes darted around. She didn’t expect the Twi’lek to actually let go just like that.
And now she was being watched, and she felt excited. This was her chance to prove herself, not only to them but to her master and the Jedi Order.
Ahsoka filled herself with drive and enthusiasm as she raised her slender fingertips to her budding breasts, but was at a loss of what to do with them. Her mind rushed back to the Twi’lek’s hands, as she tried nervously to imitate them.
It was a little awkward, since she was doing it herself, she didn’t know exactly how they wanted it done. It was the first time she’d ever done something like this. At first she tried pushing them together, as they jiggled for a little bit and came to rest. That seemed to get their attention, Ahsoka thought.
Soon she was fingering her nipples and stroking her other breast, still not quite sure what the craze was, but feeling an unexpected rise in her own body heat. She touched her budding breasts with more vigor as the guards touched themselves. She must be naturally good at it, Ahsoka thought proudly to herself, because they were certainly reacting as she grabbed her breasts fiercely and touched the hardening nubs on the end.
As she ran circles around one of her small white flecked areolas, the Gammoreans seemed to react as if they’d been shocked; they began furiously stroke themselves again.
For some reason she was tingling a little bit from touching herself as the Gammoreans watched on in a fever, and even the Twi’lek behind her seemed to be enjoying it. She could feel his heavy breathing behind her.
And after a while of touching herself, the ends of her montrals deepening a shade, the guards suddenly began pulling off their loincloths to her amazement.
Ahsoka was stunned by their sudden move to undress, and then realized they had something massive and stiff within their pants. They had been touching that thing, and she could smell the musky scent released from here.
Wait, that was what has been pushing against me this entire time! Ahsoka realized in utter surprise. She knew about male organs, but not that they could become something big and hard like that.
And between her legs felt like it was tingling too, and she felt an excited sensation that she couldn’t explain. She was discovering a lot of new things today.
And she was more perplexed as the Twi’lek grabbed her once again, wrapping his arms around her waist and slipping one of his large hands between her thighs.
The Twi’lek’s hand pushed beneath her skirt, and moved lower to push against her soft white underwear, massaging her down there in another untouched place.
This time Ahsoka tried her best not to squirm, but it was hard. She now felt the Twi’lek’s had thing-now she knew what it was- pressing against the small of her back. Its heat was intense! She was burning up herself.
“Ahhh… what are you doing? I don’t understand…” She panted out now, cautious but excited to be trying this new thing, her dark lips parted along with her small sharp teeth.
She felt the Twi’lek’s hand rubbing between her legs, she felt heat from the friction, but it was a different sort of heat. Ahsoka clenched her thighs around his hand and let out a squeaking, squealing noise; it just seemed to egg the guards on.
The Gammoreans had come up and were now grabbing their rock hard members and stroking off to her naked body.
The Twi’lek’s fingers worked slowly on her, teasing her unspoiled folds. His fingers suddenly made small circles around somewhere and she felt a sharp zing move up her spine, causing her to gasp out loud.
She was now sandwiched between the Twi’lek’s hard cock against the small of her back and his hand’ and the Gammoreans who grunted and moved forward to stroke right near her.
In Jabba’s hallway this strange sight was free for anyone to see, Ahsoka though, and these things being done to her. She could smell a strange musky smell coming from them.
Those monstrous things in front of her, big and veined, were engorged and the source of the smells. Some were coming from her, her sharp Togrutan senses figured out. But why?
What she did know is that it was hard to think about anything while the Twi’lek major domo was touching between her legs with his hand, and when he rubbed her soft spot down there she let out a soft cry of pleasure.
She was certainly going red, or at least redder, in the face for many different reasons. And she was touching her breasts against her will, wanting to egg them on. They were certainly paying attention to her, Ahsoka felt thrilled with her accomplishment.
Suddenly there was a change of pace, and Bib was ordering around again. This time she wanted to see where this was going.
“Pull down my pants, now.” Bib forcefully ordered Ahsoka to do it, and she obeyed, sliding her petite fingers around his waist and hooking her thumbs under his pants, pulling them down.
She was sure he wanted to expose himself like the Gammoreans did, and she felt a strange warm yet hard pressure against her back. Where this was going, she had no idea. Her blue eyes staring around questioningly. Bib had suddenly withdrawn her hand from between her legs, where it was quite damp and sticky now. She could feel the damp cloth clinging to her skin.
“Hah, little Jedi! You’re closer to a woman than I thought.” Ahsoka opened her mouth defiantly to bite back, but was completely thrown by what happened next.
Something jumped from the tip of the thing the guard was rubbing and she could see a jet of thick pearl-colored fluid fly through the air. It suddenly splashed all over her exposed breasts, slapping into her cheek, and coating one of her hands.
The Gammorean seemed to shudder as it pumped spurts of the glob-like liquid onto her bare chest, it was sticky and burning hot. And now she was covered in it!
The strange white cream was touching the tips of her dark lips and she could suddenly taste it as she opened her mouth. Ahsoka noticed it was thick and salty, not too unpleasant.
The guard shuddered once more and moved back, as it dripped and oozed down her exposed chest and chin. There was enough of her breasts that some of it slid with a tickling sensation down her cleavage.
“You’ve made him do that. You’ve made him a very happy man.” The Twi’lek spoke up from behind her with a thankful tone, and Ahsoka felt as confused as she was pleased and fascinated. All men do that? Of all species?
She felt like she was opening up to a whole new dimension of things she never knew about. Things that had been kept from her. Bib was moving his hand away from her skirt, and shockingly to herself, she felt a small spike of disappointment.
She didn’t have time to think about it though, as the other Gammorean could smell her becoming aroused from Bib’s caressing and smell of his companion’s seed. It rushed forward, before Ahsoka could realize it; he grabbed her skirt forcefully.
Ahsoka was jolted by the sudden movement, but the Twi’lek kept her firmly held against his throbbing thing as she was helpless to stop whatever was about to happen.
She tried to strain her head to look down, since her montrals could not sense what was going on, and felt thick fingers pushing under her dampened underwear. There was a tearing sound of fabric and suddenly they were gone, and she felt a cool breeze between her damp legs.
He’d torn them completely off! Ahsoka was wondering if at this rate she wouldn’t have any clothes left, and would be forced to stand before Jabba completely naked.
Her skirt was now hiked completely up and her orange buttocks were completely exposed, not to mention her young pussy. There was air rushing down there, and she felt how damp she had really gotten by all this.
Her ass, breasts and pussy were all exposed in this hallway for the three to see, and there was this white seed all over her. What was going on?
But she didn’t have long to think about it as something was pressing between her legs.
The guard was now sliding a thick finger up her wet thigh and pushing against her dampened lips down there.
“What are you planning to do? Hey, stop that! He…hey! Really, stop that!” She tried weakly to resist, her body was in a worn out state and was being wracked by the confusion and electricity of what was going on.
If she wasn’t lubricated, the guard wouldn’t have gotten anywhere, even so he barely managed to get the very tip of his finger pressed into her pussy. But for the virgin Ahsoka, that was a lot.
It felt as if something much larger was pushing inside of her as she clenched her breasts, unable to move because she was being held. She screamed out as her small ass was pushed wildly against the Twi’lek’s exposed shaft.
No, nothing should be stuck in there either! Ahsoka had a dread thought for a split second. For her lack of knowledge, Ahsoka had drawn a correct conclusion about how sex happened.
Her small athletic and small ass clenched instinctively and he pressed against her. It was driving Bid crazy.
“…Don’t you worry, I won’t be doing any of that just yet.” Bib laughed with great amusement, his sharp teeth bared as the Gammorean began to stick his thick finger inside of her dampened pussy lips.
She cried out lightly with a bit of pain, as it failed to slip inside of her. It was simply too large, and she was resisting it too much. It was moved slightly within her and she clenched around the invading green finger.
“Don’t try and resist it, let yourself go or it will hurt, see?” Bib egged her further, giving tones of great experience.
It made sense, if she seized up she’d only hurt herself. Master Koon had told her that during training. And she’d come this far, she wanted to see how far she could go.
Ahsoka strained to remember her Jedi training, focusing on every part of her body and willing herself to remain calm. It was so hard because of the guard’s massive finger trying to push into her folds.
But suddenly those muscles that Ahsoka had never thought or really known about began to loosen a little bit more around the guard’s insistent finger.
The guard grunted and pushed his finger further, as Ahsoka felt it penetrate her dampened depths. Her small cunt was extremely tight, especially for such a large Gammorean finger.
But the young Padawan had relaxed enough that it pushed a little bit more inside. Ahsoka squirmed and squeezed at this movement, clenching around his finger as it probed what insides it could reach. As he began to move it back and forth, it made a squishing wet smacking sound. The guard had a look of utter delight on his face as it was still stroking himself with his free hand while he recklessly pushed his finger around inside the young girl’s orange lips.
Ahsoka decided on a whim to go with it, focusing on the Force, and relaxing every part of her body. Suddenly the Gammorean was surprised as his finger slipped inside of the young girl’s cunt; squishing around inside her extremely tight depths.
She didn’t know what the wetness and the smacking sounds meant coming from her body, but she didn’t have long to think about it as the guard thrust his thick finger deeper inside of her from a different angle. It penetrated right into her depths, making her sharply cry out. Her red ass was shaking and her montrals were hot and her blue eyes dilated.
She was enjoying her body being appreciated in this way, even if she didn’t understand it, as she wriggled her waist with the Gammorean’s finger goading it to push further. She knew that’s what he wanted, and that’s what she wanted as well.
“Good, you dirty little Padawan. Show us how much of a woman you really are.” Bib Fortuna rewarded and teased her, though Ahsoka didn’t know what he meant, though she was sweating now, and there was that salty white liquid all over her body.
But she was just starting to get into it, quite excited by it and marveling at this strange experience. It wasn’t comfortable, but it wasn’t uncomfortable either. But the longer the guard did it, the more she enjoyed it and the less it hurt.
Her youthful ass was pushing with need against the Twi’lek’s firmly rigid shaft, though what she was yearning for now she didn’t quite know. Her mind was in a deep haze and it felt like it would explode any moment now…
…But right at that moment when she was about to cry out from not being able to take it anymore, the Gammorean pulled out his finger and she suddenly felt her insides relax. She felt disappointed, and she didn’t know why; why did they stop?
“Why did you stop?” Ahsoka was surprised to hear her voice had such a dismayed tone in it, as the Twi’lek had even let go of her.
“We’re going to really make you into a woman. But you’re going to have to relax and take it.” Bib Fortuna said with a false kindness and a condescending tone, yet sounded of great experience. He spoke as if explaining this to a child.
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